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Alright so I've decided to give WoW another shot.
I want to start fresh and reroll completly.
What's the most populated realm?
What class is in the highest demand for endgame?
Or are there any new servers recently opened? Or in the near future?
Where am i and who am i?
Can't speak for the US servers, but the best thing to do is to look at a couple by rolling a random character in the human area for alliance or Orc for Horde and see how many people are around in the starter areas to give you an idea.
As for end game popularity, with the expansion coming out soon that could change drastically but i would guess that you should be pretty safe with a mage, hunter or warrior as tanks and DPS are always in demand for one thing or another.
The only advice i would give from a personal perspective though is to roll somthing that you know you are going to enjoy because as much as it is nice to be wanted in end game, it will get real old real fast if you don't enjoy playing the character. I speak from the perspective of a Rogue main player as they have a chequered history of being wanted for end game stuff, but i have always found it a fun character to play regardless of that and that is what kept me coming back for more.
Whatever you do have a good time.
It must be Thursday, i never could get the hang of Thursdays.
There are about 100 servers that are near full. There hasn't been a new server in awhile... there may be some new ones open when Wraith launches in Novermber, but i doubt it. Pick a server in your timezone and then if you want pvp or pve.. not much else will matter.
What class is most desired for endgame? that is tough. You can't go wrong being a tank or healer no matter which class you chose. Hunters and Rogues are probably the least desired since they are so popular. On my server (Fenris) Restro shaman were the most in demand. (because there weren't many of them).
i doubt there will be any new servers, blizzard this week are upgrading the servers increasing the max capacity like they did prior to TBC. Since TBC theres only been a handful of new servers for that reason.
Might be good to go to and check the pop levels on the servers.. its not offical and not 100% correct but its a good guide.
I play a hunter in endgame and from my perspective healing classes are always needed. Roll a druid, priest, shaman etc. If your guild doesn't need healing a shadow priest or elemantal shaman are great dps as well.
But if you really want to be picked up easily in PUGs, play a tank class (Druid/Paladin/Warrior or Death Knight when wotlk comes out) and be good at tanking.
Population matters little if it sucks roll randomly on different servers and see what comes of it.
DAoC SWG COH/COV WOW and waiting on AOC and WAR
Just ask this question in the official Wow Forums.
Not on, For Europe PvP Al'Akir for example is a kicking server. Mostly not locked (except in winter).
For alliance eu server i would recomend silvermoon alliance is packed.As for most desired class i would say pala thare great tanks and healers.For dps locks seem to have high demand also.
Tanks and healers will always be the most sought after classes in endgame. In my personal experience, playing both a raiding tank, healer, and dps with 4 different classes, tanks are the most scarce. Tanking is tough, don't let people tell you otherwise. The payoff is: you will constantly be getting loot and an invite to raid (if you are skilled). I fought tooth and nail as a hunter and rogue to get the gear i needed. It did not matter that I was topping the damage meters. In my first two weeks of hitting 70 on my warrior, I had two kara epics. It doesn't sound like much compared to tier 6 and sunwell gear, but a tank needs to start somewhere.
The bad side for me is I got burned out from tanking much quicker then any other role. I am not the best candadite for a raider: I like to play a game when I want to play it and not on a schedule. This, ofcourse, causes much problems for the rest of the raid.
Healing is similiar to tanking in that you will get gear quickly and be sought after, but I found that there were many more geared and skilled healers then tanks.
But like somebody said earlier, choose the class you will like the most. If you really want to be an endgame raider or a top pvper, then you will find a way with any class.