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Renown gear they changed it from what it was as you know..
The renown gear at one time was amazing and it was up to par with pve gear.. but the complainers killed it by saying it was too over powered and pvp gear shouldn't be good or better then pve gear..
So mythic went and nerfed the shit out of it..
Now heres the problem last night i went to IC main city and i checked to see how bad the gear actually is at top renown.. i am seriously pissed off how bad it really is..
The lvl 27 renown 24 gear is a tad bit worse then the lvl 40 renown rank 75 LEGENDARY gear. i seen a 2-3 stat increase on some stats and a few more set bonus nothing that makes you want to focus on high renown for that gear at all.. I am sorry when my lvl 25 to 30 green gear with no renown req can beat out the top PvP renown LEGENDARY gear there is something wrong.
I just looked at some of the gear, im only level 20/16, and it is not good. So your post is accurate and somewhat sad. they could have atleast made it the same'ish. you know, with different stats so you could concentrate on wounds or int or wutever....oh well. maybe they'll change it yet again.
Some of the top end gear is a bit fubar. I think Bright wizard gear has like strength on it for the top end set.
I expect them to be completely overhauled sometime soon, before a decent amount of people can get them. Even if you are rank 40. No one is rr50+
The itemization is currently out of whack for Renown gear. It's significantly inferior to the PvE gear, so currently if you want to be truly powerful in PvP, do the PvE PQs, get some good gear and then roll the PvP players who only have PvP gear. I expect that it will be brought up to par with the PvE gear again, as it used to be. Hopefully soon.
while Renown gear is not to good now, the situation now is a lot better. Because there was absolut no reason to do pve before , with renown items that outperformed pve items.
What is wrong with having no point to PVE in a PVP based game????? So now, in a PVP based game, you get the better gear through PVE??? Makes sense...
The whole point of this game was to allow people to specifically avoid PvE if they wanted to. Now they're being told they HAVE to do PQs or dungeons or whatever else because they can't get good gear otherwise. It's ironic.
What is wrong with having no point to PVE in a PVP based game????? So now, in a PVP based game, you get the better gear through PVE??? Makes sense...
Buzz, this game was always a PvE + PvP game, this is not the PvP game you seem to think it is.
Its not even a PVP game, its an RvR game. Fighting 1 on 1 would only be fair if you fought your class only.
There is a point to PVE anyway, its to unlock lore, gain titles, and have something else to do besides RVR. I just think its great that i dont have to pve grind in order to get good equipment or level.
As long as I don't have to raid for the high end gear, I'll be happy. Nothing pisses me off more than to try to find 20 to 40 competant people to spend 3+ hours in a spot to have a very miniscule chance at getting gear. While this goes on, you stand in the one spot for 30 minutes or more waiting for the next move, until (probably provoked by BOREDOM) you make the move against your raid target. No loot this time? It's cool! Cause you get the do the same, over and over and over and OVER again.
Just give me my damn PVP and let skill, not leet new shinies won by those with no life through countless repetetive PVE, dictate who's the better player.
Oh but you do. you can have crap equipment thru pvp or really good thru pve.. and by crap i mean serious crap. stats that don't work for your class. pve gear 10 levels lowers then your pvp gear that is insanly better.
there is alot of problems as people have said. in no way would you want to lvl on pvp and just use that gear.
You could just take an hour every couple levels and do 2-3 PQ's. It will get you good enough gear. No, you might not have all purple gear, but you will have 3-4 blue and the rest green and they would be superior to the renown.
I was dissapointed in this too. One of the main reasons to siege and hold a keep was so you could have access to renknown gear without having to go the major city. Now, that is pointless becuase I agree that the gear was nerfed. it had no baring on PVE really because you could still get great drops and quests rewards as well as awesome gear from PQs. I hope that Mythic changes it back.
Yes we all know what we can do with pq's, that is not the point in what this thread is about..
i am talking about LEGENDARY gear.. not epic.. not rare but LEGENDARY.. for renown rank of 75. thats alot of work to get to renown rank 75.its over 30k renown after RR30 from what i know. dunno how high it will be at around 50-80 but its taking huge jumps every renown lvl now.. so i am sure it will take along time to even get close to renown 75.. and when you get there you have gear that is worse then lvl 25 greens. But hey, go do pq's. don't worry about pointless legendary gear that is endgame renown gear, go get them greens!.
Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize that the endgame renown gear was all that important at this point. Ya know, with all the level 40's and rr70+ toons running around...
Umm..sorry to burst some bubbles.. But In RvR (scenarios included) when you kill someone and loot their bodies there are always drops (same loot table as PvE mobs) that fall with good items..
Now I think you are asking too much of Mythic to reward you better than the people who would rather go out and complete a quest for some items.. Its even for the most part and people can do whatever they want and progress the same..
I am still happy that PQ's have some of the best items in the tier, because they are called "Public" quests for a reason.. No silly people to talk to, no running all over the map.. Just join in and start bashing heads (what you supposedly do best)
I don't think anyone is looking for having the Renown gear being better than the PvE gear. Simply equal - both ways of leveling should be viable. I suggest PQ-blue reward quality loot to drop from Keep Lords, and green reward quality loot to drop from battlefield objective heroes, as well as a general buff to Renown gear so it's equivalent to PvE green drops. So you can sign up for instanced RvR to get decent loot, but to get the really good loot, like in PvE PQs, you will need to team up with others and conquer keeps and objectives in Open RvR. This should also promote more world RvR in tiers 1-3.
i am assuming, snce pve (or regular rank levels) only go up to 40, and RR goes up to 80, that theres gonna be a sweet stash of items for rr40-80, would make sense.
i didn't come to war to take an hour out of my pvp time to pve for gear didn't come for a gear grind came to have fun, the fact you state PQ gear is far superior to renown gear even at low level shows a bad trend to the flow of gear later in game. if PQ gave +1 willpower and +4 all resist more it would be 1 thing but renown in tier 1 is not close. i see a gear grind so i doubt i will bother with endgame as raiding pve seems to be where the gear will come from
I can't believe I read this entire thread.
You honestly think that if the gear is SO out of whack Mythic is just going to leave it that way?
That Guild Wars 2 login screen knocked up my wife. Must be the second coming!
I'm always aiming for the stuff that drops off the players. The early renown gear is just a minimum.
Check it out.. Go to IC and check out the rare,epic,legendary gear. its in the far south of IC, once you take a look you will see that your gear probably at your lvl is equal to rank 40 renown rank 75 legendary gear.
For people that say nobody is getting close to 40+ renown. sorry to say but there are alot of 40's already past 40/40. Hell iam 31/31 right now.