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So let's share some of our cool names! Some of mine are the same names I used in WOW and some are inspired by favourite characters from elsewhere. I will share 4 of them
Goblin Shaman - Gankyspanky
Fire Wizard - Hot luvin'
Melmoth - of course from Melmoth the Wanderer, my fave gothic horror novel
Smelldog - an old childhood insult, now used to name my Gobbo Squig herder
Black Orc - Smiggly Wiggly
Zealot - Valtrex
Friedrich the priest of Sigmar.
Come 20 his last name is going to be Nietzsche obviously.
Why oh why can't Warrior Priests wear decent moustache?
WP - Sun Wukong
(only some will get this)
My Black Orc - Vizzledrix
Contrary to most MMO I like in WAR how people choose names that fits the game.
So far I didn't see Ipawn or names like that.
My Squid Herder : Zwrit
You're not going to be happy with me then. lol
Starhawk - Zealot
Gingivitis - Black Orc
Enigma - Chosen
Sector - WE
Zealot - Evera
Black Orc - Gorgash
Those are my two favorites so far.
I live to fight, and fight to live.
Witch hunter - Witchfinder
Dwarf Engineer - Clockwork
Shadow warrior - Eldric
Warrior priest - Templar
That's it for now.
My witch is Devila...Doh! terrible, I know.
I suck at naming things. I tend to call my main characters Scriar. At the moment I have a Shaman called Scriar, a marauder erm also called Scriar. And an orc (not sure what class he is havent played him much) called Unix, no idea why it just popped in my head I was trying to see if there were actually people on the destruction side at the time ;p
destruction - Karak Vlag - Squig Herder - Swine
Order - Karak Orrud - Warrior Priest - Redemptor
Squig Herder - Gobsnot
Witch Hunter - Matthew
Ragu Rumdinkerton (wanted Ragu Pastabaron but the game disallowed)
Bryan Acre
Sally Mcheal
My black orcs name is Kiblsnbits
You're not going to be happy with me then. lol
Starhawk - Zealot
Gingivitis - Black Orc
Enigma - Chosen
Sector - WE
not so bad, even much better than I pawn, LTXXX...
My favorite is my dwarf iron breaker, named, Battle Axe
Hmm, lets see
Magus - Morlek
Squig - Rash
Chosen - Booly
Marauder - Ganner
Zealot = SeeLot
Elf WHite Lion - Jenocide
Dwarf Ironbreaker - Bulldoser
Human BW - Bhalrog
Black Orc - Meatball
Sorceress - Margana
Black orc - Golom
Marauder - Sharadur
Choosen - Mordokar
Squid herder - Squitwart
Warrior Priest= the real king of the field, can do whatever he whant..tank heal dmg....i play him because i got a pala in WOW and i love this hybrid thing...but WP is even moore enjoiable..k noew lvl28..dont now how it is in higher lvl, but for now, nopw fear and run in destro zerg:)
Cant find the edit thing...WP is the king of the field..because he has the decision..and the might...IF WELL PLAYED..and hes dificult to play!
Warrior Priest - Sato Lightwarden
Destruction Rules!
on Anlec open RvR server
CHaos Chosen - Jagerwulf
Black Orc - Ripsheadsoff
Gobby shaman - Daevileye
Witch Elf - Ghiestblade
more to come one day!