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Ok now before any of you runescape fans flame me let me give an explanation about myself...
On RuneScape I was lvl 100 p2p cb and 95 f2p. My total was almost 1500 i think... 3 skills above 80, 1 above 90.
I had quit once before for about a month but I came back and it was fun... for a while. It just became a huge grindfest and was so ****ing boring. Sure there was people to talk to while I trained but most of them couldn't spell words I'd learned how to spell in second grade right.
Then JaGEx were retarded and starting adding updates for kids... by kids I mean the 7 year olds who got Wilderness and Free Trade taken away.
I'll give more details about that later
RuneScape for a browser game was insanely good... but... with the new HD it's no longer a browser game if you go into fullscreen. There's a program that opens up everytime you use it and closes before it closes. Very subtle.
The few GOOD friends I did make I have added on MSN and YIM. I can say only about 5-6 of the hundreds of thousands of people I played with became very good friends of mine.
Let's get back to the Free Trade-Wilderness-RWT conspiracy.
This is the cycle me and a few other people came up with...
1. Kids go in the wilderness with deir ub3r addy armor lololol to pwn nubs.
2. A pure owns them and gets their stuff.
3. The kids cry and whine to JaGEx saying "HAXX0R HE UNDER MY LVL AND KILL ME 2 HIT"
With all the spam bye bye Customer Support.
4. They then *yes this does happen I know 3 people in real life who did it" steal their parent's credit card and buy gold or armor off a RWT site.
5. The RWTer may give them the items but most likely steals the credit card.
Bye Free Trade.
6. If the kids do get the items they go back in the wild, die and repeat.
Good Fight Wild.
Oh yea. Let's not forget the censor. Say Poof on RuneScape someone?
Wow, dude, when'd you get here? Around here people have been saying stuff like that since that stuff got taken out. Not flaming your post or anything, just saying you're a bit late on the subject.
I lost all my dignity a long time ago.
Thank you WeezleZhar for your most appreciated story. Unfortuanately, I also suffered the same fate as you did. I had lots of friends in runescape.Good friends. I have been playing that game since 2002 when I was friends with Meili. She documented alot of runescape's history on her website too. I tried looking at old pictures of runescape, and memories flashback to me. One thing I can remember is..when I just got off tutorial island(R.I.P. tutorial island, we have you in our hearts) I went to varrock and entered the manhole/sewers, and a rich guy in full rune gave me full black armor, but me, being stupid back then got killed and lost it.
It's just such a stupid game, for little kids.
It's known as a "starter mmo" for people new to online games... By people I mean 5 year olds.
I think "5 year olds" is too extreme. I would agree with (13 or 14 year olds). As I have observed over long periods of time. It is not only kids who cause havoc in the society of runescape, but 15-18 year old self centered teenagers who try to be the kings of hell in the game. One thing I can say is that If there is one place where" EMO "people act like slavedrivers, that is Runescape. This is re-inforced also by many facts that these people go on runescape to look cool, to bully kids and "rock on". It makes me sad that a game once made of wholesome adults who have a big heart, made up of cursed teenagers and naive kids who try to copy them. Well, that's just my observations. Im quite lucky to be sitting on my bed working on some tangible stuff, rather than joining the hell that's going on in runescape.