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15 year old proclaims WAR dead; Mythic closes doors
By Gaming News
Tuesday September 30 6:08 AM ET
FAIRFAX, Virginia - High school sophomore Ben Goldstein of Norwalk, Connecticut called WAR the "worst game eva" on his Facebook page today. In his blog, an artfully designed page with a black background and red text in Copperplate Gothic Light font, Mr. Goldstein said in part:
zOmG!!!! iVe bEeN pLaYiNg 4 aLmOsT 4 hRs eVrE dAy 4 a wEeK aNd iM oNlY lVl 27! wTf?!?!?! wHeN dO tHeY eXpEcT mE tO cUt mYsElF aNd pUt oN mY eYeLiNeR??? sOmE oF uS hAvE lIvEs lOlZ!! pLuS tEh cHaT sYsTeM sUcKs!!! hOw aM i sPoSeD to hAvE tEh sYbEr sEkS wItH mIdDlE aGeD mEn oN mY sEkSy wItCh eLf aNd gEt fAt lOoTz 4 fReE?? tHeRes nOt eVn a /fLiRt eMoTe!! pLuS eVrE tImE i aLt tAb oUt tO lImEwIrE tO ad dAsHbOaRd cOnFeSsIoNaL sOnGs tO mY pLaYlIsT tEh gAmE cRaShEs!!!!! ePiC fAiL mYtHiC gG kThXbAi
Gaming News managed to arrange a sit down interview with Mark Jacobs, Mythic's General Manager who was writing something when I came in. It appeared to be a list of personal items with names beside them.
Gaming News: Mark, thanks for taking the time to talk to us today. Tell me, where were you when you heard the news?
Mark Jacobs: Well I was in a development meeting, we were finally nailing down a list of content for our first big patch when one of the people we pay to monitor the internet for chatter about WAR came rushing in. She handed me a printout of Ben's blog and I read it. Then I read it again, I couldn't believe it, it was over.
GN: What happened next?
MJ: I tried to go back to the meeting, I guess I was in denial, but Ben's words kept echoing through my mind. I tried to put on a brave face but they could all tell something was wrong so I told them to talk half a day and sent them home. I mean the game has been out for almost two weeks, what's the point of putting out a patch now? I have been working on this letter to my wife ever since. Do you think a few hours at the bottom of a lake will smudge the ink?
GN: I uh, I'm not real sure...What do you have to say to the loyal fans of this game?
MJ: Ha! Fans? What fans? Have you been reading the forums? Upwards of 3% of people who actually play the game post there and like half the posts are negative! How could we possibly keep the game going when people obviously hate it so much?
GN: But you set a new record by shipping 1.5 million copies to stores.
MJ: So? We only made like thirty million dollars. How long do you think we could continue on a pittance like that? Plus if they don't sell the stores can send them back. What do you think would happen if a year from now every single independent retailer and chain store rounded up the few hundred thousand copies that didn't sell and sent them back? They paid like ten bucks each for those! I can't risk the shareholders' money like that. Do you want a tire pump?
GN: thank you. Going back to the forum issue, do you think it hurt the game to not have official forums?
MJ: Oh definitely! I had no idea there were so many game programmers out there. It would have been much easier for them to fix the game if we had one central place for them to post their ideas. I think the players have to share in the responsibility here though. Not nearly enough of them put "@ Mark" or "Mark read this" in their post titles or sent me PMs. How were we supposed to find the legitimate solutions to all the games problems? Do you know anyone who needs a desk name plate that says "General Manager"?
GN: No, I don't think I do....Thanks for your time Mark!
Our European desk contacted GOA but the declined our request for an interview, instead releasing the following statement:
While we certainly feel bad about what has happened today and we send our best wishes to our partners in America we will not let this minor bump in the road stop GOA from providing the level of service our company is know for and our customers have come to expect.
In order to fulfill our contractual obligation to meet or exceed the level of service provided by Mythic we will keep the European servers for WAR up and running. Granted there will be no central database for people to log into but judging from peoples inability to create accounts or access the game during the head start we don't think anyone will notice a decline in service.
Mr. Goldstein has since cross posted his blog to his MySpace page where it currently has almost two dozen views, five comments and thirteen kudos.
Credit goes to ISawDivinity for original post.
Mne eto nado kak zuby v zadnitse.
Have to admit, this made me laugh a lot. I hope to god some moron doesn't quote this for a reply, it always happens though.
Originally posted by javac
well i'm 35 and have a PhD in science, and then 10 years experience in bioinformatics... you?
HAHAHAHA! awesome
Playing: Nothing
Looking forward to: Nothing
epic thread!
great post OP, you owe me a new keyboard though, since it is now covered with projectile soda
Hehe nice one.
Quite funny, although the OP story can be applied to all of us who browse this forum, not just the 15 y/o brat
You win the Internets.
Wanna bet most people don't get it/don't recognize themselves?
Lol the title was enough to make me lol.
If only SW:TOR could be this epic...
lol..I had to read it twice!!!!
Wow no one has mistaken this for being serious yet. I'm surprised.
Mne eto nado kak zuby v zadnitse.
i was reading the "quote" and i was like is this a was lol
Mark in a development meeting having anything to do with content -- now that's funny.
All I have to say is.... LMFAO!!!!
awesome post! you made my day!
however, imo something went wrong with the copy/pasting so the text is a bit scrambled.. plz fix it
To the origonal poster. you only got to level 27? lol you can't comment on the game because you havent even give it a chance!
*waits for a retard to take this seriously*
great post
MMO wish list:
-Changeable worlds
-Solid non level based game
-Sharks with lasers attached to their heads
I hereby nominate this thread “Legendary”
Lol i always play a female character to get what i want
Its a pain tho when they wanna cam
Excellent; funny and original. I'm gonna have some of my friends and family read this. Thanks!
Does this count as taking it seriously? >__>
by the way, do people still talk LiKe ThIs NoWaDaYz? I haven't been keeping up on the lingo.
nope war is dying a swift but painfull death
Does this count as taking it seriously? >__>
by the way, do people still talk LiKe ThIs NoWaDaYz? I haven't been keeping up on the lingo.
i hope not cause i have looked silly on several occasions on these forums so far but that would beat them all.
This was a waste of bits on the VN boards when you posted it there.
WAR fans can continue to mock "whiners" but in the end, paying customers want to get some sense of two way communication between themselves and the developers. Criticism is important, even if it's not constructive. Otherwise, you will keep hearing garbage like the last Dev Q&A chat. A sample of how they lobbed out a few softball questions on some of the biggest complaints of the game:
"Question: Gate28 (gate28): Your new chat system is amazing, but it has a single drawback. Will we be able to share items though links in chat sometime in the future?
Answer: That is definitely a feature that we feel would be a positive addition to the game."
I don't go to the VN Board actually. This is a repost from WHA, I gave credit to the OP as well.
Mne eto nado kak zuby v zadnitse.