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WAR has a whole lot of problems - big ones. It's a game touted as, well, WAR - but the world is really just a small, empty, boring lobby where people play around with broken PvE while they wait for group duels - I mean "scenarios" - to be ready.
Class balance is a joke (lol Bright Wizards), crafting is a joke, graphic optimization is a HUGE joke - the list goes on.
One thing trumps them all, though - the netcode. I've never seen such laughable netcode. Morale abilities don't fire off in mass combat, people warp and rubberband all over the place, etc., etc. How many times have you been pounding away at your morale ability only to see it reset to one second over and over and over and FREAKING OVER until you die and scream profanity in teamspeak?
This issue unifies everyone. It's the main reason I'm not subbing to this game.
uh, yeah, um, no. Get off the 56k.
Morale abilities share the global timer.
"Anyone posting on this forum is not an average user, and there for any opinions about the game are going to be overly critical compared to an average users opinions." - Me
"No, your wrong.." - Random user #123
"Hello person posting on a site specifically for MMO's in a thread on a sub forum specifically for a particular game talking about meta features and making comparisons to other titles in the genre, and their meta features.
How are you?" -Me
Thanks. I got off 56k about 7 years ago, like the rest of the world.
Too bad WAR hasn't joined us in the era of broadband. I've seen $10 shooters with better netcode than their game has.
Indeed. My machine works fine. Stop playing at 4800x9600 at max rez and drop it to something your machine can handle 640x480 sounds good.
Haven't noticed anything substancial on my side of the pond.
Im soo glad you told me that you arent subbing to this game.... LOL.
lets try that again...
No one cares which MMO's you are playing or have played. Nor does anyone care what your computer specs are.
The game hasn't even been out for 1 month yet. They are constantly updating/patching, which is good. This means they are actively trying to fix the problems we have. Senario queues too long? They made it so you can queue anyhwere? Still have problems? We can now queue for everything at once. (as examples). They are also constantly adjusting their code to reduce the issues you are haivng.
Mythic has done a bangup job fixing problems the players have. Blizzard takes their own sweet time, and thats providing they even fix certain problems.
I won't argue that certain aspects of WAR need to be fixed. However, what game doesn't have problems on release? WAR had the best release of any MMO I've played. It was relatively stable. Bug exist and are fixed.
In regards to your "netcode" issues. I really can't comment without knowing your system specs and/or what graphics loadout you're running. On Balanced, I have little to no issues with RvR combat.
AMD Phenom 9850 Quad Core 2.5ghrz, 4gb DDR2 RAM, GeForce 9600GT 512mb PCI-E
With that system, I'm fine.
Raquelis in various games
Played: Everything
Playing: Nioh 2, Civ6
Wants: The World
Anticipating: Everquest Next Crowfall, Pantheon, Elden Ring
Yeah, gotta say.. I haven't noticed ANY of what you're talking about, unless you're talking about the rubber-band effect that happens when players charge into a scenario before the match has begun...
*shrug* don't know what's happening with you, but this hasn't been my experience at all.
Jon Wood
Managing Editor
Some people, out of frustration, blow everything way out of proportion. Yes war has issues that will take time to fix what game out there doesn't? As many have said if the game is stressing you that much, perhaps you should quit before you have a coronary.
= |||||| =
|X| \*........*/ |X|
You wouldn't understand
An uninformed user with nothing to back up his clam, posts.
"Anyone posting on this forum is not an average user, and there for any opinions about the game are going to be overly critical compared to an average users opinions." - Me
"No, your wrong.." - Random user #123
"Hello person posting on a site specifically for MMO's in a thread on a sub forum specifically for a particular game talking about meta features and making comparisons to other titles in the genre, and their meta features.
How are you?" -Me
Yes, it's true Warhammer has its issues just as every game has at release. It all comes down to how much faith you have in the developers that they will fix them in a timely manner. No, this isn't fanboyism taking over, it's truth.
There are some dev teams that look at their game as just another job and take their sweet time about putting in the fixes needed to make the game go from 'Meh' to 'Wow!' such as Vanguard's team and then there are some that have a true passion about the game they've created and work their butts off to make it right. I believe Mythic has the passion, but the problems they have are large ones as you said. I do have faith that they love Warhammer enough to do their best to fix it as fast as possible. The biggest mistake they made was releasing it at the time they did. I don't believe the game was quite ready to be put on the market just yet and could have survived yet another push back in release date. For whatever reason, though (likely pressure from their investors which is oh so often the case), its here.
In the meantime, we as the customers have the choice to play or not play. It's completely up to us what we want to do. Mythic knows there are problems and are working on them every day. We know this because there are constant patches and fixes every time we log in. If you'd rather not subscribe at this time, that's your prerogative. However, I continue to choose to play because I don't think it's so bad that it makes the game unplayable. There are plenty of things I can do outside of the areas that give me problems with hitching, rubberbanding, and ungodly lag. I can still do PQ's, I can still quest, I can still do scenarios (though some run absolutely horribly for me so I just avoid those particular ones), and I can still partake in world RvR (which I wish more people would join in on).
I guess despite the game's issues, I'm still having fun in the world so it's worth it to me to pay for the subscription. It may not be for others and they may choose otherwise. Either way, you have to do what makes you happy.
No lag issues here.
Dunno what the hell you're on about to be honest.
I think theres a minority of players who are having such issues.. but dont assume this is bad coding. Many players are getting great results from mass battles. There is a particular issue you are suffering from and it could be client or server side. What you cannot do is assume that just because you are having problems that everyone else is too.
If you are running on high-res and your system hicups, it will need to catch up with the rest of the game. This can appear to be netcode/lag issues to the techno-inept.
Numerous things can attribute to real netcode issues, or give the appearance. Heavy loadout on your provider, inproperly configured firewalls. The list goes on. I'm not defending the bug, but for f-sake, the game is still new.
Edit: added some clarrification
Raquelis in various games
Played: Everything
Playing: Nioh 2, Civ6
Wants: The World
Anticipating: Everquest Next Crowfall, Pantheon, Elden Ring
So.. How old is your computer, OP?
Fine ! -1 least we won that
these are so little things I mean it happened to me a hell lot of time...did I threw my keyboard out of the window ? no ! so you should calm down and enjoy what is not broken...or like we give a shit
Originally Posted by Xridnasa:
What's a "grocery store"? Is that like McDonald's?
Originally Posted by sidimazz:
Kind of, just without the rapist.
I've never had any of the poster's problems...sometimes if i'm lagging my abilities might not fire off when I like but they've always fired off. I'm constantly tossing people off cliffs or into cliffs or into corners to trap them *shrug*
To be honest i call this thread on big smelly troll post. I'm not saying there arent' some minor balance and stability issues but for the most part this game is in fantastic shape .. the few minority voices that have issues are usually the same 20 posters under different names. Some of which have never played and just like to repeat the information.
bTW i played in Open RvR a good 15 vs 20 match last night not counting the Keep NPC's and everything worked fine for us with no rubber banding and plenty of morale abilities going off
So you have a sniffer set up? You've monitored the packets and you have analyzed them to show us the proof of what you are saying correct? If not i can do that just let me know.
Let me add. I've experienced 0 lag.. 0 rubberbanding in 50v50 rvr or scenarios.
Make a difference!
Game runs fine for me on 1920 x 1600, no gripes here.
I think you have a slight case of "Don't blame the player, blame the game."
If it isn't working great on your comp there MUST be something wrong with the game, the code, or Mythic.
This just isn't the truth, update your drivers and clean your computer up.
Its funny how you think your an expert on this but haven't produced a better game. Huh, makes sense. Oh well, take the rest of whiners with you. Theres no place for it.
Class Imbalance, lmao.This game has the closest I ever seen.
Crafting, yes becuase crafting was what WARs biggest focus , its just a little extra retard. Man do people have to complain about everything?
Empty boring lobby. Sigh, is this guy for real? Maybe if you douche bags on this forum who complain about that group together and pick a server maybe that will solve your problem. When I play theres always people around. Maybe playing 22 hours a day you can't find someone all the time. Theres a world outside your mommys basement.
Since they insult the game can we not insult them? Sounds fair to me.
Enjoy : )
Play on a full server it wont be empty and boring. The game is by far small as well. I don't feel the PvE is broken, what do you think is broken about it?
Classes, each has a spesific job, some can take more damage, some can deal more damage but are squishy. Nobody is going to be a super bad ass trying to do everything themself. It takes teamwork win in this game.1v1 they are not balanced A Witch Hunter will take down any mage but would I go head to head with a tank I think not, thats not my job so why even try.
Now crafting why is it a joke? They only put in crafting that is useful, none of that oh I made a pair of pants but they are crap compared to the stuff I can get in a dungeon or some other way. Potions and Talismans are totally useful and there is no set recipie.
Yeah Ive had the morale do that to me a few times but I m not screaming about that. Im usually pissed about how you can shoot fireballs through walls and how healers most of the time rather dps than heal. There is the warping here and there but its nothing to big to me.
SO the game has its bugs what game didn't at launch. The game is fun an I haven't ran into a bug that made me want to quit so im happy.
I agree with the OP. They need to upgrade their code/servers. There is a lot of lag at prime time a good bit of the time. PvE problems where I'll have my bar from my last attack stay up and not let me fire off any more, while the enemy continues to attack me, and similar happening in RvR, though it's to everyone, as I never die during it. I've also had the morale problem stated above, where I'll just keep clicking it, and it'll keep counting down from 1, until it finally fires off too little too late.
My computer is brand new, i have high speed internet, etc. I also have problems with morale abilities needing to press them sometimes 5 times just to get it to work.
I'm not going to cancel over it, but the OP is correct and I hate to see blind fanbois attempt to cram retorts down his throat about how he need to get off 56k, needs a new computer, needs blah blah blah...
Honestly, when you tell people stuff like that you just make yourself sound like an asshole. But then again, maybe you are.
I dont think the morale thing has anything to do with lag at all.
It just seems like a bug. It only happens to me in scenarios. /shrug
I'm sure it'll get fixed, I along with a lot of others I'm sure, have reported it as a bug in-game.
I live to fight, and fight to live.
It may have helped if he had posted his specs, and typed something that didn’t read like a huge QQ post that’s sole purpose was to trash the game with out giving ANY sort of facts or supporting details the first time.
9 times out of 10 on this site, people simply do not know how to post like a human. This post read NOTHING like a request for help, or a query if anyone else was having this issue, it was entirely, as it was written, a flame/troll/hate post.
"Anyone posting on this forum is not an average user, and there for any opinions about the game are going to be overly critical compared to an average users opinions." - Me
"No, your wrong.." - Random user #123
"Hello person posting on a site specifically for MMO's in a thread on a sub forum specifically for a particular game talking about meta features and making comparisons to other titles in the genre, and their meta features.
How are you?" -Me