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Hi, Jarhead from Atlantica online here.
It's been a long time since I found myself addicted to an MMORPG. Now when I say a long time, I mean about seven four years give or take. Somehow they all boil down to the same old grind with that same old combat system. They may have their little bells and whistles but nothing major. Or they cost the sort of money that those of us on a tight budget simply can not afford.
After having my ship date for boot camp pushed back a few months I decided to start up another MMORPG to have something to play in my spare time. So I started on the search I believed to be futile when I came back to and saw a beta key give away for Atlantica Online. I thought "what the heck, let's see what this is".
I have never been a turn based combat system kind of guy. In fact truth be told I've always hated them. I don't mean, I hated most but like a few. I mean I even hated the Final Fantasy series. However the idea of an online MMORPG using it struck me as innovative and worth a try. After viewing some of the videos of the PvP, I was convinced I must.
So after installation and I was present with a nice login screen with a large three party vs. three party battle unfolding in the background, a nice touch. I logged in and start creating my first character. I decided on a swordsman at the time and headed off. The turoial was intuitive enough, it teaches you all you need to know about the combat system, how to operate it. However it was during this time that I discovered what must be one of the nicest, yet simplest, features I've ever seen in an MMORPG. Auto-Walk. As is done in many games, you have an arrow pointing to where your next quest destination is. However unlike many there is also a button you can press which will automatically set your character on a path to it. So no more getting lost searching for that next NPC or that new mob of monsters.
But I digress, I was impressed by the combat system. It seemed the sort of thing that every game strives for. Simple to jump into, but tough to master. In Atlantica you have your main character and then an assortment of mercenaries you may hire. Some it is as simple as hiring with gold, however others require finishing quests. You may have up to eight mercenaries on the battlefield with you at one time for a total of nine characters, spread about a 3x3 grid. You then must decide how to set up your formation, usually with melle characters in the front, ranged in the middle and the weaker spell casters (and possibly your main character, as if he/she dies you lose) in the back. This leads to many many possibilities and a wide variation of formations amongst players.
Before long I was introduced to the market. Atlantica uses a free market system with fixed prices for many items to keep inflation in check. You may post (almost) any items you wish up for sale at whatever price you deem fit. Others can then view the items for sale and shop to their hearts content.
And so before long I had a five character formation of a swordsman, a viking (who has the ability to freeze opponents), two gunners (whom actually use rifles), and a Shaman for healing. I was out and about questing, slaying evil villians and cleansing the ruins of the yellow river. It was at about this time that I realized the entire map is based on the real world. Every city is a real city and every dungeon is based on a real world location, such as the city of Mohenjo-daro, Bran Castle, or even the Tower of Babyl. This was quite a nice and unique feature and one that made me feel right at home. Every town is also able to be owned by guilds.
You may start a guild at level 20 with 50,000 gold. Your guild may only have four members when first created, however through leveling the guild via guild quests (which also can net the player EXP and enchant stones, used for upgrading items) the guild can level up and eventually have up to forty members. Guilds may even band into nations later and wage war.
Guild quests also reward the guild with guild points which can be used to bid on a town. Each town can be owned and operated by a guild. Buildings can be built, wandering NPCs convinced to move to the town and Town Quests performed to increase the towns operation. Constructing buildings allows for the town to increase their town stats (Culture, Industry, Commerce, Health, and Security) as those stats increase, the satisfaction rating of the town will increase and fewer residents will leave and more wandering NPCs will be drawn to move to the town. The benefit of increasing the population is that the residents must pay taxes, which can net the guild large amounts of gold every day.
The buildings are constructed through crafting skills. Atlantica has an extremely large amount of crafting skills. Part of what drew me to it. I'm the sort of person that detests MMORPGs that have nothing but combat. From time to time you need something else to do to occupy your time. Atlantica has a wide variety of skills from weapon and armor crafting, to crafting buildings, crystals, stationary, even actions. The economy is designed so that everything is supplied by the players, almost everything is craftable. There are no NPC run stores that sell equipment, all equipment is supplied by drops and by crafting. After acquired the materials to craft an item, you set the amount you want to make and are given a set workload. You fill this workload by killing monsters (the fastest way) or by using autocraft, where similar to sitting down to heal in many games (which you can also do in Atlantica) you charactrs stops, and starts automatically crafting the item at a slow rate. Once the item is finished, armor and weapons that have been crafted have a slight chance of having a bonus on them, anywhere from +1 to +5.
However where Atlantica really shines is its PvP system. It's obvious to anyone who looks that the combat is made for PvP. There is a free league where several times a day anyone may join and fight others. Players are awarded coin shards upon winning which can be exhanged for gold and gain battle points which can be exchanged for special items in Rome. Fame is also obtained which allows for special titles. The league is broken up into divisions where those who are more skilled in PvP may move up the divisions quicker and eventually be fighting higher level players due to their skill in PvP. The problem is that sometimes you are pitted against those you simply have no chance against, however it is still in a beta and is expected to be fixed. Competitions are also held from time to time for large rewards.
In fact the sheer amount of events that are held has blown me away. In the short time that open beta has been open there have been many events, even the ability to battle the developers of Atlantica.
With decent graphics, an amazing combat system and so much to do, items to craft, monsters to fight, towns to own, players to battle and even treasures to find (one of my favorite activities) Atlantica has had me hooked and will for quite some time I am sure. I would definitely suggest it to anyone who enjoys MMORPGs, even if you dislike turn based games as I did.
So sign up for an account and hit me up, my character's name is Jarhead and let me know ifyou joined because my review. Feel free to register me as your referrer too when creating your character.
Hehe, did i see the world famous Dustystrike there in one pic?...But a really detailed and quite insight review of the game, anyone who's thinking of maybe trying the game out definetly read the review!
Well they must be desperate for players..It seems people are leaving or not playing as fast as they can recruit them.Why play a game where they don't listen to the community anyways?.Really the game is not all cracked up what it should be or could be.And the OP sounds more like a Atlantica. Dev in desperation (figure of speech).Search the forum there plenty of the same topic.
Some people rob you at gun point..Others will rob you at "Ball Point Pen"
Don't listen to there community?last time i checked we asked for a server we got one, we got stamina regeneration, auto-walk which weren't even suppose t obe there, if it's not that cracked up tell me one more turn based game that is?
--Just went through all your posts and looks like you hated the game ever since cb2 and have been on these forums bashing the game ever since?why go on to a games forums you hate?
I agree, the review reeks of desperation. Anyone who talks about the good of a game without any bad is just full of lies, to say it blunt.
This game is different than typical grinds, but still lame. ust because it's not a grind doesn't mean it's automatically a good game. There is still a bar to making games interesting and fun, and this isn't captivating. It's just different. It's not even groundbreaking in terms of turn based games.
It's different, but still lame.
Just because it's not a grind doesn't mean it's automatically a good game. There is still a bar to making games interesting and fun, and this isn't captivating. It's just different. It's not even groundbreaking in terms of turn based games.
And maybe just that little different is just what people have been looking for? and whats the main reason people ignore free games?the grind and when the grind goes away comes a nice game you actually enjoy, you play flyff and talk about grind is kinda ironic and what do you mean by groundbreaking?wanna give me an example as what you think of as a "Groundbreaking" turn-based game?and it has to be free right, or are you comparing a free game to a pay to play game?
I agree, the review reeks of desperation. Anyone who talks about the good of a game without any bad is just full of lies, to say it blunt.
This game is different than typical grinds, but still lame. ust because it's not a grind doesn't mean it's automatically a good game. There is still a bar to making games interesting and fun, and this isn't captivating. It's just different. It's not even groundbreaking in terms of turn based games.
I have no want to be a part of the staff of any game. I've done that sort of thing before, not my cup of tea. As was stated early on in my review, I am already lined up to shit out to bootcamp. So why would I suddenly want to be a game developer.
I actually honestly love this game. It does have its faults, however in comparison to most games, especially other F2P games, this one is right on up there. If you like turn based games, then it's definitely the one for you. Even if not, you'll probably enjoy it, as I have.
It's different, but still lame.
Just because it's not a grind doesn't mean it's automatically a good game. There is still a bar to making games interesting and fun, and this isn't captivating. It's just different. It's not even groundbreaking in terms of turn based games.
And maybe just that little different is just what people have been looking for? and whats the main reason people ignore free games?the grind and when the grind goes away comes a nice game you actually enjoy, you play flyff and talk about grind is kinda ironic and what do you mean by groundbreaking?wanna give me an example as what you think of as a "Groundbreaking" turn-based game?and it has to be free right, or are you comparing a free game to a pay to play game?
I've played plenty of games longer than flyff in terms of hours. It just happens to be the only one running on a system that I ran xfire on continually and tracked hours. I've probably put in double or triple in wow, and double or triple into counterstrike, as well as at least double in Eve, and equal hours into SCO. I play games a lot.
I played Flyff not for the grind, but for the people. It was an international game and I made a lot of friends from other countries such as Italy, Korea, Israel (and expanded my linguistics quite a bit). However, I did play, I got somewhat far, and then when the grind was truly bad, I left. Same with wow, sco, etc. I'm not comparing free or pay to play. That doesn't matter at all. I'm talking something interesting. Like I said above, flyff had a value opposed to the grind that made it interesting and fun. Beyond that, was the game quite a bit of a wasteful grind? Absolutely. Do I hate cash shops and the ideas? Absolutely.
A groundbreaking game, or just something fun? How about ogre battle. Want to stick to computers only? How about final fantasy tactics online.
This game may be what people look for. However, it'd be a pretty safe bet that overall, it's not. There are fantastic turn based games out there, and some new, and some classics.
Well i get your point, and i mainly talk to my friends/guild for atleast a good 40 mins of the maybe 2 hours i play a day, and we have a variety of people in our guild,korean, canadian, american, indian so we always ahve something to talk about in any aspect--and the interaction in the game like pvp anyone no matter where you are and actually you can bet your friends money in game on who wins makes it more interesting
Final fantasy well you know it and i know the game has it's flaws(worst auction house ever), and well you really can't compare a p2p game with a f2p game as you have take in consideration that free games have a budget to keep and develpment is kinda limited.
I would say well it brings something new to the plate and is free so i would consider this as a nice game and reallly not something you can bash about right?afterall we are the one's begging for something new
Well i get your point, and i mainly talk to my friends/guild for atleast a good 40 mins of the maybe 2 hours i play a day, and we have a variety of people in our guild,korean, canadian, american, indian so we always ahve something to talk about in any aspect--and the interaction in the game like pvp anyone no matter where you are and actually you can bet your friends money in game on who wins makes it more interesting
Final fantasy well you know it and i know the game has it's flaws(worst auction house ever), and well you really can't compare a p2p game with a f2p game as you have take in consideration that free games have a budget to keep and develpment is kinda limited.
I would say well it brings something new to the plate and is free so i would consider this as a nice game and reallly not something you can bash about right?afterall we are the one's begging for something new
I wasn't talking final fantasy online. I said final fantasy tactics online, aka That is the turn based strategy one. Mainly because people took an awesome product and made it free/online. Free is fine, but as I said, it doesn't make things quality automatically. It's gotta be something decent, and for you it's the people but that doesn't make it a good game. Likewise I'd never recommend flyff to anyone.
If you find the game fun, then that's reason enough to play it. I don't think Atlantica Online is without its faults, but I think it's highly polished for a F2P game. It doesn't have massive scale pvp, which I love, but I think the gameplay is different and fun enough to keep me playing so far. I never run out of stamina, and apart from the occasional bugs and problems, I don't really have any complaints.
Atlantica Online
Don't listen to there community?last time i checked we asked for a server we got one, we got stamina regeneration, auto-walk which weren't even suppose t obe there, if it's not that cracked up tell me one more turn based game that is?
--Just went through all your posts and looks like you hated the game ever since cb2 and have been on these forums bashing the game ever since?why go on to a games forums you hate?
It just that i am one of those who refuse to return because of the Stamina..What a joke Stamina regeneration 1 stamina point per 10 minutes lets join a social club, since they want to push group play and pvp.Never said that the game was all that bad if you read those posts right.
Then you have people coming in here ,giving pros to the game with no cons.So really who is being a hypocrit here?
You make it sound like Atlantica has no flaws and must be the very best game you ever played.Where have i read that before?.. haha.. To really be honest this game is more for a CASUAL GAMER, it is not made for a HARDCORE Gamer.And i am happy that you found your lost city of atlantica.and as for the community you must abeen not there when the stamina system was introduced all hell broke loose.
Last but not least shall we talk about the Item mall?How about the items are timed and it dont matter if you play or not you will lose the item..Ouch do i see sweat coming from your forehead?The fact that they even state that you cant buy stamina pills forces you to waste timer on many cash shop licenses and items, which is a sneaky ploy to make you buy more cash shop item, stamina is infact a dark hidden scam..Have a good day and enjoy your game.
Some people rob you at gun point..Others will rob you at "Ball Point Pen"
Well you only loose one stamina for 3-4 fights in a party so that's more than 400 battles in a 24 hour period which i think is quite good, but well im not gonna argue with is kinda a scam in the item mall but i really don't think alot of people would even care about buying stamina pills from there and well, stamina is only one thing look at all the other free games and tell me which one has less problems than atlanitca?
haha, wow is this guy seriously complaining about stamina? Wow typical CB2 crybaby. Im lvl 62 and have run out of stamina twice, and that was between lvls 20-30. and yes i'm a hardcore gamer. infact i have multiple lvl 80+s in my guild and they have yet to have troubles with stamina. The only people I could see it affecting are botters and gold farmers. you must be one of them lol. not to mention theres tons of quests which reward you with stamina, of course you play FLYFF which means your idea of playing a game is grind grind grind and then grind some more. QQ more.
I have to agree with the complainers that this game is not for a hardcore gamer.
It at least isn't for the traditional hardcore gamer, namely the ones who are known to love skill based games and heavy strategy games.
I guess you could argue that this game takes strategy, which I would agree with. However, I am inclined to say that this game is more like a game of Checkers as opposed to being an all out strategy game like Go.
While it was interesting for a while, falling into the inevitable routine of paying for items from the shop and hammering my way through mobs and players up the tiers and levels just leaves me wondering why I'm doing it. As soon as I fall into a pattern that unerringly lets me win, there's a problem.
No challenge is no fun for me. And sadly, that's what this game results in.
Is it a solid game? Yes, Is it polished pretty well? Yes
Do I enjoy it? No, But that's just me. Obviously there's people out there that see some kind of challenge and fun in this though, so like all games, everyone should give it a try, even if they're like me and get bored of it, at least they are making an informed decision.
"The knowledge of the theory of logic has no tendency whatever to make men good reasoners." - Thomas B. Macaulay
"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge." - Daniel J. Boorstin
clearly you people didn't play the game very long...Ive seen lvl 30s stomp lvl 45s based purely on skill and strategy. also bosses at higher lvls take tons of skill and strategy. you obviously have no idea what you're talking about. this is one of the most skill based mmos ive ever played. you even compared it to checkers. though it is more like chess(a game of skill and strategy) and then said it wasnt for hardcore gamers because they like skill and strategy, have you even tried fighting people with skill in free league? have you even made it past bran castle? or are you basing your assumptions with how easy the game is in the noob area? this game is based mainly on strategy and sir are a hypocrit.
Yes, I have, and that is my opinion. Their might be people out there with more skill to apply to the game then it really requires, but when the average player can figure out how to beat a boss, then it's not as technical as what you just tried making it out to be.
I am not a hypocrite for anything I said. I said that to me the game was easy, which is true. Trampling my way to 80 shouldn't be as easy as the time I had.
Perhaps you didn't read my commentary before on the Eve forum, but I had a bit of a speal on actual player skill. I'm not going to repeat something that long, suffice to say there's a lot of brackets for the amount of skill an individual player might have, and not to sound cocky, but I'm in a higher one than this game.
Even if this game is like Chess, it's still not Go. I don't want to have to argue it all the way out to make you understand, but I'm not going to take hostility either from someone wanting to defend their little bubble from honesty.
"The knowledge of the theory of logic has no tendency whatever to make men good reasoners." - Thomas B. Macaulay
"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge." - Daniel J. Boorstin