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The folks at Turbine have prepared a series of Dev Journals which take a class by class look at level advancement past level 50 in the Lord of the Rings Online's Mines of Moria expansion. Today we take a look at the Hunter.
Whether you play as a Hunter or alongside one, if you’ve made it to Moria, chances are you know what to expect from The Lord of the Rings Online’s #1 ranged damage dealing class: Big, single-target damage at range. Sought after utility skills for group travel and tracking. A splash of crowd control through skills and traps. Respectable damage in melee for soloing and finishing the fight.
Along comes Moria, with 10 more levels and the exciting possibilities offered with the advent of Trait Sets. Across the team we decided that each class would have three different sets, representing different aspects of the class that players could choose to specialize in or mix-and-match as they saw fit. Let me say that if playing with the possibilities here is even half as much fun as I had designing it, I think you’ll have a blast.
Read more here.
Sounds interesting.
The main reason many MMO players left LotRO was because of the lack of diversification within the character classes.
Call it timing, other games coming out or whatever, but there was yet another mass exodus after people hit level 50, did everything 15 times on mains and an alt or three, and got bored.
Sorry, but when you've been level 50 for 6-8 months, adding new epics or regions doesn't raise much excitement, especially when there's no experience for it and most of the quest rewards suck compared to what your level 50 already has equipped.
The marks and the coins offered some interesting diversions, though. It's exactly that kind of thinking out of the box that I'd like to see more of, TBH.
If what I read here is done correctly, Volume Two, Mines of Moria, should it indeed provides viable options thanks to "out of the box" thinking on Turbine's part --- unlike what has been the "cookie cutter" set up of Volume One, along with viable challenges to level 60 and eventually beyond, MoM could keep people like me (who have maxed the game) playing and maybe even bring players who left LotRO back to the fold.
I am still unclear on a very important piece to all this -- serious, measurable improvements to crafting in Volume Two. Turbine's initial concept on crafting was great and enticed a lot of people who had never taken up crafting in any MMO to give it a try in LotRO. But come on, boasting about "hundreds of new recipes" when, if fact, all Turbine did was give tailors 5-6 new skins for existing recipes and, using Tailoring as an example, giving new names such as Elf, Dwarf, etc. version as "new recipes!" is the lazy way to fein diversity. Not including crafting clubs until Book 14, and offering "one trick pony" items (level 47 crafted light or fire damage only weapons is a good example) is quite lame.
Here's hoping crafting will take a quantum leap and allow crafter to customize their creations in Volume Two.
I'm a lifetime founder and have been since release. So now I play for free and will play for free forever now (except for having to buy the retail expansions) until I die or Turbine shuts down the game servers. Even so, I'm concerned about whether or not the nearly 85 square miles of Mines of Moria will live up to it's hype or be yet another vast wasteland on the MMO landscape.
I actually haven't tried this game. Was it great?
Well I think it's great. You will too if:
* You're a Lord of the Rings/Tolkien fan.
* You're more about the journey, not the destination (power gamers beware).
* You enjoy leading edge technology (The Mines of Moria alone have over 85 square miles of explorable area; DX-10 has been in place for a while now and working fine, thank you).
* You know and enjoy a mature gaming environment and appreciate a wonderful community *AND* appreciate an MMO company that puts their heart and soul into supporting the game and its players.
The rest is arbitrary, really.
Are you a Casual player with a real life outside gaming? No problem. Remember, this game is about the journey, not the destination.
Like raiding? No problem. There are 6 player, 12 player and 24 player raids. You don't even have to be in a kinship (guild - but of course being in a good kinship helps) to find groups for them. Don't like raiding? No problem. You can progress and grow with or without doing Raids.
Like PvP? There's a form of it called PvMP which takes place in a specific "PvP" zone called The Ettenmoors. You can "roll" a level 50 "Creep" (playing the "evil" side -- Orc, Warg or Spider) at when your primary game character reaches level 10 in the main game and then you can also play in Ettenmoors with your level 45-50 main game characters too, if you wish, but PvMP is not required and totally optional as well.
Also of interest is that, due to the large following of the Lord of the Rings Lore, the player base is much more mature (kids bore more easily and there's lots of reading required). You may also consider important that Lord of the Rings Online has more actual female players subscribed than any other MMO as an added bonus.
LotRO is a great MMO. You can try it out for free. Check out the 14 day free trial at
I'm quite a big fan of Lord of the Rings movies, I fell in love with the movie the moment I've watched the 1st installment, until now I'd still watch this movie on my dvd, so this was the first time that I've read the LordoftheRings Online. I'd like to try it. So I hope I'll enjoy the game as much as I enjoyed watching the movie.
Well I think you'll love the game. Use the link I provided to play for free for 14 days and check it out!
Well I think it's great. You will too if:
* You're a Lord of the Rings/Tolkien fan.
* You're more about the journey, not the destination (power gamers beware).
* You enjoy leading edge technology (The Mines of Moria alone have over 85 square miles of explorable area; DX-10 has been in place for a while now and working fine, thank you).
* You know and enjoy a mature gaming environment and appreciate a wonderful community *AND* appreciate an MMO company that puts their heart and soul into supporting the game and its players.
The rest is arbitrary, really.
Are you a Casual player with a real life outside gaming? No problem. Remember, this game is about the journey, not the destination.
Like raiding? No problem. There are 6 player, 12 player and 24 player raids. You don't even have to be in a kinship (guild - but of course being in a good kinship helps) to find groups for them. Don't like raiding? No problem. You can progress and grow with or without doing Raids.
Like PvP? There's a form of it called PvMP which takes place in a specific "PvP" zone called The Ettenmoors. You can "roll" a level 50 "Creep" (playing the "evil" side -- Orc, Warg or Spider) at when your primary game character reaches level 10 in the main game and then you can also play in Ettenmoors with your level 45-50 main game characters too, if you wish, but PvMP is not required and totally optional as well.
Also of interest is that, due to the large following of the Lord of the Rings Lore, the player base is much more mature (kids bore more easily and there's lots of reading required). You may also consider important that Lord of the Rings Online has more actual female players subscribed than any other MMO as an added bonus.
LotRO is a great MMO. You can try it out for free. Check out the 14 day free trial at
That was so nice of you to tell me something about the game. Then I may be trying this game out sooner or later. m wah !
Well I think it's great. You will too if:
* You're a Lord of the Rings/Tolkien fan.
* You're more about the journey, not the destination (power gamers beware).
* You enjoy leading edge technology (The Mines of Moria alone have over 85 square miles of explorable area; DX-10 has been in place for a while now and working fine, thank you).
* You know and enjoy a mature gaming environment and appreciate a wonderful community *AND* appreciate an MMO company that puts their heart and soul into supporting the game and its players.
The rest is arbitrary, really.
Are you a Casual player with a real life outside gaming? No problem. Remember, this game is about the journey, not the destination.
Like raiding? No problem. There are 6 player, 12 player and 24 player raids. You don't even have to be in a kinship (guild - but of course being in a good kinship helps) to find groups for them. Don't like raiding? No problem. You can progress and grow with or without doing Raids.
Like PvP? There's a form of it called PvMP which takes place in a specific "PvP" zone called The Ettenmoors. You can "roll" a level 50 "Creep" (playing the "evil" side -- Orc, Warg or Spider) at when your primary game character reaches level 10 in the main game and then you can also play in Ettenmoors with your level 45-50 main game characters too, if you wish, but PvMP is not required and totally optional as well.
Also of interest is that, due to the large following of the Lord of the Rings Lore, the player base is much more mature (kids bore more easily and there's lots of reading required). You may also consider important that Lord of the Rings Online has more actual female players subscribed than any other MMO as an added bonus.
LotRO is a great MMO. You can try it out for free. Check out the 14 day free trial at
That was so nice of you to tell me something about the game. Then I may be trying this game out sooner or later. m wah !
You're more than welcome!
Just a query? I was quite curious if there are servers as well? I mean is it just a single server mmo or not? I do have plans to try it, so I'm hoping that I can actually enjoy it very well.
The American/Oceanic LotRO MMO (North & South America, the Pacific (includes Australia, New Zealand, etc.) currently has 11 game servers, most are well populated, with the Brandywine server being the most populated (however no server would be a bad choice IMO).
Codemasters runs LotRO in Europe, so if you live in Europe and choose to play on Codemasters servers, you can "Google" for the Codemasters' web site for details on what they have and what they offer.
Everything I've stated here and in this thread relates to Turbine's American/Oceanic game and servers. only, which is where I play and since I know little about other markets such as Europe or any others.
I have some friends from England who mail ordered the game from the U.S., purchased an American/Oceanic game subscription, and they play the American/Oceanic game = they say its cheaper than what Codemaster charges, but I don't really know if that's the case or not; I think it really depends on the value of the US Dollar versus the Euro.
It's also important to point out that each "market" has their own game "retail box," so if you purchase the game in Europe, the game will only work for the Codemaster servers, for example. Conversely, if you purchase the game in USA or Canada, your installed game will only work with American/Oceanic servers and so on.
I do know if you live in Europe and have a "normal" schedule, and want to play on American/Oceanic servers, and purchase the game from the US or Canada, you'll likely not find as many people in game on our servers since most will be at work or asleep when you log in due to the vast time difference. Of course, if you;re a night owl and/or have your days open to play MMOs, that doesn't matter.
For the American/Oceanic game, the server you chose depends mostly on which server your real life and/or in game friends are playing, I suppose. Should you want to change servers later, you can also move characters to another server whenever you wish (includes all equipment in your characters' inventories and what's in their bank). Changing your character(s) name(s) is another option Turbine offers. You can choose to do either or both later but each of these requires a fee you must pay in advance for Turbine to do this for you (best to avoid any of that if you can, IMO).
Oh and when you first start, even if it's only a 14 day trial, choose your in-game name(s) carefully. It's all explained in the game's EULA (End User Legal Agreement), but if you choose a name that's "not acceptable," Turbine will change it for you and without your consent, to something like "Renamexx" or the like. Unacceptable names, as explained in the EULA, are any name copying or resembling any character names in Tolkien's books, as well as any name copying or resembling a copyright. So if in doubt, leave it out and choose a new name. The character creation screen provides you with lots of help in choosing an appropriate name.
Assuming you will play your 14 day trial on the American/Oceanic servers, I would talk it over with any RL (real life) friends you have who might be willing to try the game out with you. If you do this ahead of time, you can all coordinate to choose the same game server to play your 14 day trial together and thereby possibly save yourselves the trouble (and the cost) of having to change servers later.
Remember, it may only be a 14 day trial, but later, if you do decide to pay for the game and the subscription and keep playing after the first two weeks, you'll be best prepared to keep going with your game without skipping a beat if you think it out and plan before even starting your free trial.
I can't believed that this was turned into a game, so how thus this game works? Can anyone give me some insights like what characters I can choose, will this be racial base, since The movie is composed of Elves, dwarfs, magicians, hobbit, humans, orcs and etc.
But I can say from what I've read that this is a great game.
Elves/Hobbits/Man/Dwarf(no female version of Dwarf race though).
Orcs/Tarkips/Spiders/Wargs for Creep Side (you can play as a monster and kill the ppl mentioned above for Sauron).
As the first bunch there are Hunters (ranged DPS), Champions (Aoe Damage, off-tank), Guardian (Tank), Lore-Master (Crowd Control), Burglar (Crowd Control I'd say), Minstrel (Healing), Captain (Buff, off-tank). There are also 2 new ones in the expansion -> Rune-keeper (Magical damage I think), Warden (no clue).
But all classes can solo happily, just some more easier than others and all have places in raids. So you can't really lose any which way you go.
I don't remember the restrictions on which race cannot play which classes, but there are only like 2 classes that have a certain race tied in for them.
You can also do a "Google" search "MMORPG LotRO" and do the same search for "Warcry," "Ten Ton Hammer," "Stratics," and half a dozen other MMO fan sites -- all have tons of information about Lord of the Rings Online. Also, click on my link above in this thread for Turbine's LotRO home page, where you can access an entire wiki (called the Lorebook) about the game, a very extensive Official Forum, video clips, screenshots and more.
LOTRO owns me like Sigfried owns Roy..while most are waiting for Nov 13 my wife and I are excited about Nov 18th when MoM releases. Every patch this game gets more fun to play.
Lord of the rings is a fine game, i played it for awhile, but something about this post sounded 3 of these people know eachother and there banter back and forth sounded like a third person watching one of those info mercials where bob tells clueless suzy about the swiffer sw eeper and her acting about not knowing about it is just so cheesey, idk maybe im just over paranoid of people plugging into my brain subliminally that i read stuff on forumns like that lol, but just read the posts above.
playing eq2 and two worlds
Its a thread hijack aswell for commercial purposes.
Lol. I thought the exact same thing. Especially when I read the "do they have servers?" part.