I actually wish Mr. Hickman actually read these forums. He kinda fudged the truth a little bit in the talk about the upper tier rvr gear. I was actually one of the first to unlock the full set in t2, boots, breastplate and gloves I think it was, you can find it on wardb. The set, for level 21 is absolutely pathetic. It has stats that chosen can not use and much lower stats than any green random drop item for that level. Not to mention comparing it to the gear that can be gotten from grinding pqs. For a game that is supposed to be all about the war they sure want to force you out of the war so you can be competitive which is a sad sad thing and the only bad thing about war in general.
Are the sets nice? meh, the best part of the sets is that they give you a tome unlock and a title, other than that pure vendor trash.
Now, the RVR gear USED to be on par with the PVE gear but that is no longer the case. What happened was Mythic did a kneejerk reaction to a problem. This being that at the end of t1 players at rank 11 were running to t2 keeps to buy gear meant for t2 and using it in t1. This Mythic promised to fix. By fixing it was an all around nerf to all the rvr gear through all the tiers (at least that I have seen 1,2, and 3) Rank 28 renown rank 28 here I have enough renown to buy rank 35 gear. Desperately needs a fix if therei s going to be any longevity to this game.
hmm is there actually anyone that would aim to collect a set of tier1 items when the leveling speed is so fast and easy most wont even bother to look at t3 stuff ?
if your bored, visit my blog at: http://craylon.wordpress.com/ dealing with the look of mmos with the nvidia 3d vision glasses
I agree with guillermo197 regarding over valuated scenarios. Ok, a lot of times I like them, they are fun, ... but they get insanely lot xp so I ended many times doing scenarios also only for xp (even if I would prefer doing questing), because I wanted next level much faster.
Basically, he just explianed why pugs in scenarios suck so bad. People complain about order always getting rolled. Well im here to tell you, on ironrock, its dead even, cause destruction are a bunch of selfish bastards who only care about their kill count and cant work together.
In mourkains temple(spelling is prob wrong), if we dont have a group of players who are guilded, or in my case, a group of me and 4 friends on skype, we lose. Because what you have is people running in by themselves, just randomly killing people. Noone even attempts to try to work together to klill the guy with the artifact. And the reason is, u get no renown from taking the artifact, or from capturing the flag, or from capping a spot. Now if people stopped and realized that the winner of the scenario gets 600 friggin renown, at least in tier 2, and thats more than u get from killing the whole damn time, they might try to be a team player.
But regardless, people will never be team players unless they think they are getting rewarded. So i say make the objectives give renown bonuses. When you cap something give a bonus to that player.
And as far as open field RVR, there has got to be an xp bonus added into capturing BOs. The renown bonus is nice, but the xp i shit. Im getting 8k-11k xp for a win in a scenario. I get only what i get from killing the guards even if i take ever friggin BO on the map. Also, there is no incentive to hold BOs as u dont get any renown for holding them or XP. What the hell were the devs thinking. it makes more sense to let the enemy turn the BOs, so in 15 mins, u have a chance to turn them. Sure, u get the contribution tot he campaign, but again, people are selfish, they want xp.
Simple fixes to the dead open field RVR:
add xp for defedning BOs and keeps
add renown for defending keeps and BOs
fix the god aweful chat system that is all white
Raise the drop rate of items, i may run 2 scenarios without seeing a single drop, and i almost never see them in open RVR, prob cause noone wants to group cause the renown is so much better solo.
I agree with what most poeple said here. PQs are a bit of failure. The first few were ok since they were new and I was able to find people to do them but later on they are all deserted...although I am on a low/low server. But thats the point they require a Full/Full server to even be possible. On top of that they are all the same. Kill 200 regular mobs. kill 50 champions. Kill 1+ heros. And these numbers just keep growing and growing. Not engaging at all. I'd like to comment on the graphics part though. I don't know I think the art direction and art is fairly bland. Most notable the lighting and particle effects. Tkae this WOW screenshot of fire from an old engine http://www.mmorpg.com/gamelist.cfm/game/15/view/screens/house/4/display/11706 Now WAR's version of fire http://www.mmorpg.com/gamelist.cfm/game/239/view/screens/house/6/display/8364 WOW simply blows it away. Granted that is fire from the new expansion but WOW is still not even close to as taxing as WAR and it's lighting/particle/shader system blow it out of the water. I think WAR graphics are passable but everything is so flat and dull and it still lags on my just built 2000$ PC.
Did you even read the interview.. PQ's are designed ...DESIGNED with group content in mind. He stated they know some of them can be and will be empty....and you admit you are on a new low/low server.
What do you want the PQs to be? Give us an example.
{ Mod Edit }
When did I say they shouldn't be group content? The problem is they are boring and they are a major part of all the PVE content. I would much rather have a keep capture/ dungeon crawl of some sort than the grind fest kill 1000s of mobs that PQs are now. And they should be just a cool diversion here and there not a major part of the PvE experience, similar to something like a WOW dungeon.
Ussually if I'm not RvRing or doing scenarios I just want to go and solo some PvE content. If I can get a group to do something all the better. The problem is that finsihing PQs seems to be taken into account when setting the XP curves and most of the PVE content is PQs. Its almost like Mythic expected you to do all the PQs all the time and finish off all your influnce all the time for all 3 match ups. So now I'm forced to solo kill 100s of mobs over and over and over if I can't get a group.
Another thing i thought of today is the complaint of how bad the RVR gear is, especially the set pieces. I agree, and whats crazy is that in beta(started in aug of 07)u used to get the best loot in the game from RVR. Hell people frequently dropped purple loot in teir 1 RVR.
Also, the RVR gear you got took a little more effort, but it was purple in tier 1, and it was a whole set, not just a few pieces. there was also alot more gold and blue bags from PQs. Maybe 1 in 30 drop a gold bag in tier 2, and an 1 in 15 drop a blue. Used to be they all droped a blue in tier 2.
Also, there was no useless white rewards, esp not from tier 2 quests. But back then, the PVE quests didnt give as much xp, and the RVR quests gave like 4k even in tier 1, lol.
Anyway, i just dont understand why in an RVR game, the best RVR gear is not a reward for rank. Why its a random chance drop is beyond me, and on top of that, it sucks. Yeah some of teh bonuses are very nice, like raising an abilty by 2 lvls, but i have done almost nothing but RVR on all 3 of my toons(20, 18, 15) and havent gotten a single piece excpet the purchased renown reward from tier 2. I guess the fact that keeps rarley turn has something to do with it. but still. What good is it if noone sees it.
Grinding out those renown ranks, which starts to take much longer in tier 2, should be worth something on its own. I personally have grown to hate PQs, they take far to long to max out for being so low. I can understand grinding for hours on end at the max lvl, but not at this lvl.
All this complaining and i actually like the game.....just imagine what the people on the fence feel.
Well the funny thing is that at the moment almost the entire playerbase is camping inside warcamps like mindless zombies waiting for their next scenario to pop-up! After chapter 6 all PQ's are deserted. Hardly anyone is doing them anymore. RvR lakes are deserted. Hardly anyone botheres to do any largescale RvR, because there isn't any incentive. Regular quests are hardly being done anymore. Especially from end Tier2 and up. Because the XP rewards of these quests are the exact same as the Rank1 and Rank10 quests. So questing becomes a boring, unfeasable grind. So what you got at the moment isn't Warhammer Online, but Scenarios Online.
I would love to hear someone from Mythic about what they going to do about this? I hardly think they intended for people to perma camp warcamps and doing scenarios only! Day after day after day! As that's what is basically going on right now. The XP and Renown you get through Scenarios is just insane, compared to the rest of the game. Cheers
Have to agree here, very definitely needs a look at the rewards for scenarios vs the rewards for open world RVR...the whole idea behind Warhammer...Realm vs Realm is trademarked if I recall. Scenario dwelling is not. :P
I was hoping for some large epic battles out in the game world not....being cooped up in a game instance.. running flags all day.
I personally want more of an incentive to engage in RvR that goes way beyond trivial crap like gaining exp, renown points or loot. Why is everyone so bloody obsessed with gaining levels? What about actually having a decent reason to fight over an objective. Everyone is so utterly obsessed with "leveling up their toon" that no-one gives a shit about the actual war in Warhammer. Who cares if I get more or less exp for doing something? The little rewards we get are just side effects of our actions. Everyone goes up levels anyway and it doesnt make the game more fun to play. All that happens is that you just gain access to the next area. I really dont think the whole level-chasing mentality is ever going to change in this game because essentially thats all this game seems to be about. Its all about rewards in the form of level progression. Everything in the game is just a themepark ride where everyone can watch their own character climb the inevitable ladder along with everyone else. It doesnt matter if you win or lose in this game because you will ALWAYS go up levels no matter what. Hopefully when the chat system gets fixed so everyone in their respective realm can talk to each other we might start seeing the RvR areas getting used more. Hopefully each realm might actually start acting more like a realm rather than a gibbering horde of narcisistic level grinding phat loot farmers.
Unfortunately..the mindthink that...the endgame is the only fun part..seems to be here to stay. Highly doubt the Mythic Devs can do anything about that.
That comes from other games that encourage that sort of thinking...and now its ingrained. "beat the game in 4 days" "beat the game in 24 hours"...etc. Game Devs might as well not spend all that time putting content in ..these sorts of players just bypass it in the great race to the end.
Thats how folks play today...not gonna change now.
U are absolutly right, i hate it, but your right. I for one havent done this in WAR. Ive got 3 characters im playing and have been taking my time. Got a good group of about 4 of us that havent guilded up and we are just playing whatever is needed at the time. We have been doing PQs, RVR, and regular quests, been alot of fun. But with only 4 of us, were getting to the point that PQs cant be finished due to lord bosses, or just having to kill to many champs and running out of time.
Maybe we'll get lucky and find a guild who enjoys this too. I will say this, right now the order owns both keeps in the chaos pairing and im looking forward to getting home tonight and trying to rally enouhg people together to take it back........its doubtful i can pull enough out of from scenario grinding, but capturing keeps is alot of fun, even if it dosnt award that much xp and renown compared to scenarios.
Graphics ..one, two hunderds of players? This will never happen. They should have up'ed the graphics. Lol then telling PLAYERS that DONT like the way the game looks.. instead of saying ANYTHING else to at least TELL you what OTHER great things War has.. he just says .. then LEAVE! Go play another MMO..
Sorry Jeff your NOT World of Warcraft that can afford to tell players if you dont like it leave. Servers are getting less and less. Its a nice game just dont have the .. thing to keep you in it.. RVR dont just read about .. log on to the HIGHEST server and go look for your self. EMPTY. NO one NO ONE talk in the game even on the highest pop server. Just log in at see for your self. I really wish it was like in beta. RVR was PACKED scenariors were a after thought .. man it was a blast. no RVR is like 4-8 people just empty..
Graphics ..one, two hunderds of players? This will never happen. They should have up'ed the graphics. Lol then telling PLAYERS that DONT like the way the game looks.. instead of saying ANYTHING else to at least TELL you what OTHER great things War has.. he just says .. then LEAVE! Go play another MMO.. Sorry Jeff your NOT World of Warcraft that can afford to tell players if you dont like it leave. Servers are getting less and less. Its a nice game just dont have the .. thing to keep you in it.. RVR dont just read about .. log on to the HIGHEST server and go look for your self. EMPTY. NO one NO ONE talk in the game even on the highest pop server. Just log in at see for your self. I really wish it was like in beta. RVR was PACKED scenariors were a after thought .. man it was a blast. no RVR is like 4-8 people just empty..
And I think it was how Mythic assumed things were going: RvR anywhere (they say WAR is everywhere), with the occasional scenario for fun. Today, however, Warhammer reminds me so much of running the same BGs over and over and over again in WoW. This makes me so sad, because Warhammer has so much to offer. Yet all players care about is getting max RP/XP per minute. Then again Mythic should have forseen it. And take proper action. Thus as making RvR and PQs equally rewarding. Every sphere (PQ, scenario, RvR, questing) should be EQUALLY rewarding.
I personally want more of an incentive to engage in RvR that goes way beyond trivial crap like gaining exp, renown points or loot. Why is everyone so bloody obsessed with gaining levels? What about actually having a decent reason to fight over an objective. Everyone is so utterly obsessed with "leveling up their toon" that no-one gives a shit about the actual war in Warhammer. Who cares if I get more or less exp for doing something? The little rewards we get are just side effects of our actions. Everyone goes up levels anyway and it doesnt make the game more fun to play. All that happens is that you just gain access to the next area. I really dont think the whole level-chasing mentality is ever going to change in this game because essentially thats all this game seems to be about. Its all about rewards in the form of level progression. Everything in the game is just a themepark ride where everyone can watch their own character climb the inevitable ladder along with everyone else. It doesnt matter if you win or lose in this game because you will ALWAYS go up levels no matter what. Hopefully when the chat system gets fixed so everyone in their respective realm can talk to each other we might start seeing the RvR areas getting used more. Hopefully each realm might actually start acting more like a realm rather than a gibbering horde of narcisistic level grinding phat loot farmers.
Unfortunately..the mindthink that...the endgame is the only fun part..seems to be here to stay. Highly doubt the Mythic Devs can do anything about that.
That comes from other games that encourage that sort of thinking...and now its ingrained. "beat the game in 4 days" "beat the game in 24 hours"...etc. Game Devs might as well not spend all that time putting content in ..these sorts of players just bypass it in the great race to the end.
Thats how folks play today...not gonna change now.
Yeah you're right actually. The devs really shouldnt have wasted their time putting all of that content into the game because its ALL A LOAD OF BORING SHIT! I've killed a billion dull unimpressive mobs with zero AI before in every other mmo and it was the same in all of them too. Get a crappy meaningless quest, grind the numbers up by repeating the same action over and over again and then move onto the next crappy quest. Its all been done before and WAR doesnt make it any more interesting......in fact if anything its more boring.
Fighting with other players however IS fun because they dont repeat the same actions all the time. I wish Mythic had ditched the whole EQ/WoW-style questing bollocks and simply integrated npcs into the open RvR maps (ie the ENTIRE game should be open RvR). The only "quests" should be ones to conquer other areas that open up when certain control points have been taken.
Instead Mythic has tried to cater to everyones style of play and has ended up being average at all of them when instead they could have made an awesome pure RvR game which is what Warhammer is meant to be about.
The reason beta was so fun was because through most of it, the lvl was capped, so when you got to a certain lvl cap, there was no point in grinding scenarios, so people went for the open RVR. And at 40, i got a feeling that will happen again, unfortunatly, a lot of people wont make it to 40, cause they dont want to go through the grind of lvling through scenarios to get there.
I like to mix it up with scenarios, PQs, and questing, mixin in open field RVR when its going on, but i have a tight group of friends i play with so we are able to knock this stuff out together. If i was solo, id hate it right about now. people play way to selfishly. Noone heals, tanks dont guard anyone, its rediculous. WOW ruined MMOs. And i liked wow. But, people still have the mind set that they have to get to max lvl as fast as possible to have fun, and thats not true. Rush to 20, get your mount, then start sieging keeps was my plan, and thankfully, my server does have some RVR action. the keeps flip pretty regularly in tier 2 at least. But its nothing like beta where all we did was fight over keeps.
Im going to stick it out till 40, because i know how much fun the game can be. I hope other will too.
He didn't mention the biggest problem WAR got, namely a poor chat system. No one chats in the game. I've played whole sessions without seeing even 1 player say anything. What the hell is that? Game lacks alteast a tier-wide chat. Don't think a server-wide chat is a good idea, but each tier should be able to chat with eachother.
It brings a shitload to the feel of being in a community, which I don't feel like when I play WAR now. Game feels like a singleplayer game with a lot of bots running around. The guild I'm in saves the community feel a little, but it's still too little. Chatting with random people builds community's, and building community's is one of the things we, as humans, do best and actually thrive in. So what if you risk another Barrens chat? That's what ignore is for(and don't limit the ignore list to like 30 ignores or some other idiot number ffs...and if you do, make sure it's big enough. 500 should be a good start).
I never understood the logic with the chat system Mythic went for. Stinks of poor planning and stupid ideas, both in execution and looks.
Edit: While Mythic got a little sense and added regional chat I still find it too little, and maybe too late. Tier wide chat is highly needed, so the entire faction can co-ordinate defenses for rvr and chat with another.
The worst thing about the chat, is that it was nerfed right before the headstart, with no announcement or communication about why it was done, and still there has been no word from the devs on why they made this decision or if they are ever going to fix it. For how open and community oriented the devs have been on most things, they have been totally private regarding tier-wide chat. The first preview weekend had chat and felt alive, and it was the funnest time I had ever had playing an mmo. It was my new favorite game ever at that point. Without chat, with the nerfed rewards, dead open rvr, it has dropped considerably. How can just a few weeks of "fixes" totally ruin a game? It's insane.
I know exactly what happened. They got worried about what numbers would do and tried to rebalance things to handle the numbers. But with so little time left, they should have focused on technical issues and not changed the game balance. The rebalancing was sloppy. Besides, it's very hard to balance for numbers that aren't there. You will have to rebalance it later anyway, so wait until you have numbers before you go in with a scalpel cutting things that have been a certain way for so long during beta, without any hard information that you are cutting in the right place.
Give me tier wide chat and I'll think about extending my account, otherwise I think I'm bust. I really believe in this game too, it's just not right for a brand new mmo with the numbers WAR has to feel so freaking DEAD.
EDIT: Props to mythic, they added regional chat! Yesterdays patch notes: "We're pleased to announce the addition of a new regional chat system. This item has been one of our most requested features, and you can find the details below."
Going to play again for a few days and see if anything else has changed. Thanks Mythic for listening!
I actually wish Mr. Hickman actually read these forums. He kinda fudged the truth a little bit in the talk about the upper tier rvr gear. I was actually one of the first to unlock the full set in t2, boots, breastplate and gloves I think it was, you can find it on wardb. The set, for level 21 is absolutely pathetic. It has stats that chosen can not use and much lower stats than any green random drop item for that level. Not to mention comparing it to the gear that can be gotten from grinding pqs. For a game that is supposed to be all about the war they sure want to force you out of the war so you can be competitive which is a sad sad thing and the only bad thing about war in general.
Are the sets nice? meh, the best part of the sets is that they give you a tome unlock and a title, other than that pure vendor trash.
Now, the RVR gear USED to be on par with the PVE gear but that is no longer the case. What happened was Mythic did a kneejerk reaction to a problem. This being that at the end of t1 players at rank 11 were running to t2 keeps to buy gear meant for t2 and using it in t1. This Mythic promised to fix. By fixing it was an all around nerf to all the rvr gear through all the tiers (at least that I have seen 1,2, and 3) Rank 28 renown rank 28 here I have enough renown to buy rank 35 gear. Desperately needs a fix if therei s going to be any longevity to this game.
hmm is there actually anyone that would aim to collect a set of tier1 items when the leveling speed is so fast and easy most wont even bother to look at t3 stuff ?
if your bored, visit my blog at:
http://craylon.wordpress.com/ dealing with the look of mmos with the nvidia 3d vision glasses
I agree with guillermo197 regarding over valuated scenarios. Ok, a lot of times I like them, they are fun, ... but they get insanely lot xp so I ended many times doing scenarios also only for xp (even if I would prefer doing questing), because I wanted next level much faster.
Basically, he just explianed why pugs in scenarios suck so bad. People complain about order always getting rolled. Well im here to tell you, on ironrock, its dead even, cause destruction are a bunch of selfish bastards who only care about their kill count and cant work together.
In mourkains temple(spelling is prob wrong), if we dont have a group of players who are guilded, or in my case, a group of me and 4 friends on skype, we lose. Because what you have is people running in by themselves, just randomly killing people. Noone even attempts to try to work together to klill the guy with the artifact. And the reason is, u get no renown from taking the artifact, or from capturing the flag, or from capping a spot. Now if people stopped and realized that the winner of the scenario gets 600 friggin renown, at least in tier 2, and thats more than u get from killing the whole damn time, they might try to be a team player.
But regardless, people will never be team players unless they think they are getting rewarded. So i say make the objectives give renown bonuses. When you cap something give a bonus to that player.
And as far as open field RVR, there has got to be an xp bonus added into capturing BOs. The renown bonus is nice, but the xp i shit. Im getting 8k-11k xp for a win in a scenario. I get only what i get from killing the guards even if i take ever friggin BO on the map. Also, there is no incentive to hold BOs as u dont get any renown for holding them or XP. What the hell were the devs thinking. it makes more sense to let the enemy turn the BOs, so in 15 mins, u have a chance to turn them. Sure, u get the contribution tot he campaign, but again, people are selfish, they want xp.
Simple fixes to the dead open field RVR:
add xp for defedning BOs and keeps
add renown for defending keeps and BOs
fix the god aweful chat system that is all white
Raise the drop rate of items, i may run 2 scenarios without seeing a single drop, and i almost never see them in open RVR, prob cause noone wants to group cause the renown is so much better solo.
Did you even read the interview.. PQ's are designed ...DESIGNED with group content in mind. He stated they know some of them can be and will be empty....and you admit you are on a new low/low server.
What do you want the PQs to be? Give us an example.
{ Mod Edit }
When did I say they shouldn't be group content? The problem is they are boring and they are a major part of all the PVE content. I would much rather have a keep capture/ dungeon crawl of some sort than the grind fest kill 1000s of mobs that PQs are now. And they should be just a cool diversion here and there not a major part of the PvE experience, similar to something like a WOW dungeon.
Ussually if I'm not RvRing or doing scenarios I just want to go and solo some PvE content. If I can get a group to do something all the better. The problem is that finsihing PQs seems to be taken into account when setting the XP curves and most of the PVE content is PQs. Its almost like Mythic expected you to do all the PQs all the time and finish off all your influnce all the time for all 3 match ups. So now I'm forced to solo kill 100s of mobs over and over and over if I can't get a group.
Good interview, good answers.
Playing: Xbox360.
Played: NC, WoW, EvE, WAR, LOTRO.
Waiting: Dust 514, SW:TOR, Infinity:TQFE, et al.
Another thing i thought of today is the complaint of how bad the RVR gear is, especially the set pieces. I agree, and whats crazy is that in beta(started in aug of 07)u used to get the best loot in the game from RVR. Hell people frequently dropped purple loot in teir 1 RVR.
Also, the RVR gear you got took a little more effort, but it was purple in tier 1, and it was a whole set, not just a few pieces. there was also alot more gold and blue bags from PQs. Maybe 1 in 30 drop a gold bag in tier 2, and an 1 in 15 drop a blue. Used to be they all droped a blue in tier 2.
Also, there was no useless white rewards, esp not from tier 2 quests. But back then, the PVE quests didnt give as much xp, and the RVR quests gave like 4k even in tier 1, lol.
Anyway, i just dont understand why in an RVR game, the best RVR gear is not a reward for rank. Why its a random chance drop is beyond me, and on top of that, it sucks. Yeah some of teh bonuses are very nice, like raising an abilty by 2 lvls, but i have done almost nothing but RVR on all 3 of my toons(20, 18, 15) and havent gotten a single piece excpet the purchased renown reward from tier 2. I guess the fact that keeps rarley turn has something to do with it. but still. What good is it if noone sees it.
Grinding out those renown ranks, which starts to take much longer in tier 2, should be worth something on its own. I personally have grown to hate PQs, they take far to long to max out for being so low. I can understand grinding for hours on end at the max lvl, but not at this lvl.
All this complaining and i actually like the game.....just imagine what the people on the fence feel.
Have to agree here, very definitely needs a look at the rewards for scenarios vs the rewards for open world RVR...the whole idea behind Warhammer...Realm vs Realm is trademarked if I recall. Scenario dwelling is not. :P
I was hoping for some large epic battles out in the game world not....being cooped up in a game instance.. running flags all day.
Unfortunately..the mindthink that...the endgame is the only fun part..seems to be here to stay. Highly doubt the Mythic Devs can do anything about that.
That comes from other games that encourage that sort of thinking...and now its ingrained. "beat the game in 4 days" "beat the game in 24 hours"...etc. Game Devs might as well not spend all that time putting content in ..these sorts of players just bypass it in the great race to the end.
Thats how folks play today...not gonna change now.
******talking about the above post*******
U are absolutly right, i hate it, but your right. I for one havent done this in WAR. Ive got 3 characters im playing and have been taking my time. Got a good group of about 4 of us that havent guilded up and we are just playing whatever is needed at the time. We have been doing PQs, RVR, and regular quests, been alot of fun. But with only 4 of us, were getting to the point that PQs cant be finished due to lord bosses, or just having to kill to many champs and running out of time.
Maybe we'll get lucky and find a guild who enjoys this too. I will say this, right now the order owns both keeps in the chaos pairing and im looking forward to getting home tonight and trying to rally enouhg people together to take it back........its doubtful i can pull enough out of from scenario grinding, but capturing keeps is alot of fun, even if it dosnt award that much xp and renown compared to scenarios.
Lol if the Renown Set items are good or "powerfull" then i am Jesus. Sorry but 5 points from all stats ain't good.
Graphics ..one, two hunderds of players? This will never happen. They should have up'ed the graphics. Lol then telling PLAYERS that DONT like the way the game looks.. instead of saying ANYTHING else to at least TELL you what OTHER great things War has.. he just says .. then LEAVE! Go play another MMO..
Sorry Jeff your NOT World of Warcraft that can afford to tell players if you dont like it leave. Servers are getting less and less. Its a nice game just dont have the .. thing to keep you in it.. RVR dont just read about .. log on to the HIGHEST server and go look for your self. EMPTY. NO one NO ONE talk in the game even on the highest pop server. Just log in at see for your self. I really wish it was like in beta. RVR was PACKED scenariors were a after thought .. man it was a blast. no RVR is like 4-8 people just empty..
And I think it was how Mythic assumed things were going: RvR anywhere (they say WAR is everywhere), with the occasional scenario for fun. Today, however, Warhammer reminds me so much of running the same BGs over and over and over again in WoW. This makes me so sad, because Warhammer has so much to offer. Yet all players care about is getting max RP/XP per minute. Then again Mythic should have forseen it. And take proper action. Thus as making RvR and PQs equally rewarding. Every sphere (PQ, scenario, RvR, questing) should be EQUALLY rewarding.
Unfortunately..the mindthink that...the endgame is the only fun part..seems to be here to stay. Highly doubt the Mythic Devs can do anything about that.
That comes from other games that encourage that sort of thinking...and now its ingrained. "beat the game in 4 days" "beat the game in 24 hours"...etc. Game Devs might as well not spend all that time putting content in ..these sorts of players just bypass it in the great race to the end.
Thats how folks play today...not gonna change now.
Yeah you're right actually. The devs really shouldnt have wasted their time putting all of that content into the game because its ALL A LOAD OF BORING SHIT! I've killed a billion dull unimpressive mobs with zero AI before in every other mmo and it was the same in all of them too. Get a crappy meaningless quest, grind the numbers up by repeating the same action over and over again and then move onto the next crappy quest. Its all been done before and WAR doesnt make it any more interesting......in fact if anything its more boring.
Fighting with other players however IS fun because they dont repeat the same actions all the time. I wish Mythic had ditched the whole EQ/WoW-style questing bollocks and simply integrated npcs into the open RvR maps (ie the ENTIRE game should be open RvR). The only "quests" should be ones to conquer other areas that open up when certain control points have been taken.
Instead Mythic has tried to cater to everyones style of play and has ended up being average at all of them when instead they could have made an awesome pure RvR game which is what Warhammer is meant to be about.
The reason beta was so fun was because through most of it, the lvl was capped, so when you got to a certain lvl cap, there was no point in grinding scenarios, so people went for the open RVR. And at 40, i got a feeling that will happen again, unfortunatly, a lot of people wont make it to 40, cause they dont want to go through the grind of lvling through scenarios to get there.
I like to mix it up with scenarios, PQs, and questing, mixin in open field RVR when its going on, but i have a tight group of friends i play with so we are able to knock this stuff out together. If i was solo, id hate it right about now. people play way to selfishly. Noone heals, tanks dont guard anyone, its rediculous. WOW ruined MMOs. And i liked wow. But, people still have the mind set that they have to get to max lvl as fast as possible to have fun, and thats not true. Rush to 20, get your mount, then start sieging keeps was my plan, and thankfully, my server does have some RVR action. the keeps flip pretty regularly in tier 2 at least. But its nothing like beta where all we did was fight over keeps.
Im going to stick it out till 40, because i know how much fun the game can be. I hope other will too.
He didn't mention the biggest problem WAR got, namely a poor chat system. No one chats in the game. I've played whole sessions without seeing even 1 player say anything. What the hell is that? Game lacks alteast a tier-wide chat. Don't think a server-wide chat is a good idea, but each tier should be able to chat with eachother.
It brings a shitload to the feel of being in a community, which I don't feel like when I play WAR now. Game feels like a singleplayer game with a lot of bots running around. The guild I'm in saves the community feel a little, but it's still too little. Chatting with random people builds community's, and building community's is one of the things we, as humans, do best and actually thrive in. So what if you risk another Barrens chat? That's what ignore is for(and don't limit the ignore list to like 30 ignores or some other idiot number ffs...and if you do, make sure it's big enough. 500 should be a good start).
I never understood the logic with the chat system Mythic went for. Stinks of poor planning and stupid ideas, both in execution and looks.
Edit: While Mythic got a little sense and added regional chat I still find it too little, and maybe too late. Tier wide chat is highly needed, so the entire faction can co-ordinate defenses for rvr and chat with another.
Grammar nazi's. This one is for you.
The worst thing about the chat, is that it was nerfed right before the headstart, with no announcement or communication about why it was done, and still there has been no word from the devs on why they made this decision or if they are ever going to fix it. For how open and community oriented the devs have been on most things, they have been totally private regarding tier-wide chat. The first preview weekend had chat and felt alive, and it was the funnest time I had ever had playing an mmo. It was my new favorite game ever at that point. Without chat, with the nerfed rewards, dead open rvr, it has dropped considerably. How can just a few weeks of "fixes" totally ruin a game? It's insane.
I know exactly what happened. They got worried about what numbers would do and tried to rebalance things to handle the numbers. But with so little time left, they should have focused on technical issues and not changed the game balance. The rebalancing was sloppy. Besides, it's very hard to balance for numbers that aren't there. You will have to rebalance it later anyway, so wait until you have numbers before you go in with a scalpel cutting things that have been a certain way for so long during beta, without any hard information that you are cutting in the right place.
Give me tier wide chat and I'll think about extending my account, otherwise I think I'm bust. I really believe in this game too, it's just not right for a brand new mmo with the numbers WAR has to feel so freaking DEAD.
EDIT: Props to mythic, they added regional chat! Yesterdays patch notes: "We're pleased to announce the addition of a new regional chat system. This item has been one of our most requested features, and you can find the details below."
Going to play again for a few days and see if anything else has changed. Thanks Mythic for listening!