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As an old Vet of SWG im looking for all old Bloodfin Players that are planning on playing the New Star Wars MMO, if infact that is what it turns out to be. The guild be be made up of mostly players from The Alliance Guild <ALLY> of SWG. If you are iterested check out our site on guild portal.
Formally known as Stass Allie (Jedi) and Tallon Karrade
Now as Darth Talon
Alliance Guild - Bloodfin Server
lol Already? xD
Yep getting a head start
For me it's kinda hard to commit to an aliance since I know nothing about the game yet. But If you are interested in finding Bloodfin players wait a bit longer and some will begin to come out the wood work.
yeah I hear you... As long as it is SW i'll be happy, it can't be worse then the NGE was. Im im so bored with WoW, i can't see straight.
Once Bioware's official announcement of the game is made next week, I am sure Bioware and/or mmorpg. com will have a forum(s) available for you to set up more effective and active recruting. I do salute your enthusiasm...I am sure there there will be many of us checking those forums out.
***Just wanted to add that the site in my sig already has a dedicated Bioware forum for this upcoming game as well. I am sure it will see a spike in activity come the 21st of the month!!! /cheer
We got a few over at the other site I visit, and a dedicated BioWare MMO forum section.
I used to play on Bloodfin But Im not sure if the new SW MMO is what Im going to be looking for....considering that everyone goes for something similar to WOW its not going to have me running there and will be more than likely disappointed. But we will see on the 21st and see what they have in store for us...
Used to play on Bloodfin, was the founder of New Republic, ended up in FOAD/-FOAD until I quit the game.
Always was a Rebel, never a dirty Imperial
Good old FOAD..... Remember the days to well FOAD, ICE, ALLY all trying to stop AXIS and Dread. Many memories of battles in Semper Fi.
I loved FOAD, and hope that some of my old friends there migrate to the new game which I am sure they will. The only thing I miss about the game these days is playing it with them. But it finally got to the point where I just couldn't keep playing a game that I simply wasn't having any fun playing. The likes of Ash, Nefarious, Prin'cess Loor, Traga and others are just plain good people and great MMO players.
I need to wait and see how miserable a POS the Bioware game is going to be first...
I was on the Fin. Waiting to see what the game looks like and if my current kin on LOTRO is going to form an offshoot in the new game.