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Party System

Nel-TuNel-Tu Member Posts: 42

I'm curious though, the party is only limited up to 3 person. So is there a level limit for every party? Example is I'm lvl 15 and my party mate is from lvl 10-20 - it does not have an effect. What if my party mate is around 30+ or 40+ will it even the experience gain?



  • SlappanSlappan Member Posts: 289

    I think there is no limit to the level gap between you and your partymates. The only difference is the bonus experience and battle experience you gain. I'm not 100% sure about this, but it's from what I observed from partying with different leveled people.

  • Nel-TuNel-Tu Member Posts: 42

    So, even if I'll just be leeching my character it will be alright? Even though I'm just in a town it is fine then? That is quite a relief since almost all players that I do now is on the highest lvl I've imagined.


  • mongerk357mongerk357 Member Posts: 5

    People do what you are saying. The leeching part.

    People just party up with high level players and either they just sit around doign auto craft and so or they join the fight. Irregadless of level, you gain exp.

    What is the difference then of actually being in he fight with just sitting around waiting for the party exp to show up? Well, if you actually join the battle, whatr happens is that both you and your partymate gains exp each turn either of you makes a damage on the opponent.

  • repapuparepapupa Member Posts: 47

    There's no difference if you have part members that are way higher than your level... there's no level gap in short... the only difference is the bonus exp you get...

    example you are level 15.. and upon killing monster the bonus exp you can give to your party member for example your party members is lvl 60.. the bonus exp that they can get from you  is very small compare to the bonus exp that they will give to you..

    so in short for faster leveling  just party up to the high levels in order for them to leech you

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