Intel has recently launched a Massive Multiplayer Online (MMO) game called Silicon Commander. Created to promote their vPro and Centrino Pro technology, the game is targeted to IT professionals especially the decision makers and managers. The game simulates the general job of an IT manager - protecting and managing PCs under his/her control.
I just heard rumors of a new coming Intel MMO title. Does anyone know which one that is? Its supposed to be a Sci-Fi.
I think they should just focus on developing the 8-core whilst the quantum atom is not yet made.
Or they should focus on making true Quad cores ( not 2 x Dual Core ) and better memory management in their CPU's ( like AMD has been doing for ages now, and yes Intel IS faster then AMD, not sayin that they arent ... ).
However I believe that stuff is indeed comming with Nehalem.
If you are interested in subscription or PCU numbers for MMORPG's, check out my site : Favorite MMORPG's : DAoC pre ToA-NF, SWG Pre CU-NGE, EVE Online
I just heard rumors of a new coming Intel MMO title. Does anyone know which one that is? Its supposed to be a Sci-Fi.
I think they should just focus on developing the 8-core whilst the quantum atom is not yet made.
Or they should focus on making true Quad cores ( not 2 x Dual Core ) and better memory management in their CPU's ( like AMD has been doing for ages now, and yes Intel IS faster then AMD, not sayin that they arent ... ).
However I believe that stuff is indeed comming with Nehalem.
You do know there isn't a concensus on what a "true" quad core is dont you? Hate fake people.
Silicion Commander is interesting.... not the one I heard about though. The one I heard about is supposed to be a full 3D adventure/sci-fi MMO, showing off their coming Larabee chip, taking the graphics to a new height. It is supposed to be under development by a nordic developer (can hope its not funcom...). Should be very interesting to see what they can offer.
I hope this is more reliable than the McDonalds funded MMO I heard about yesterday.
Got a link at all?
I wonder where people hear these rumors.
They make them up. It's where most rumors start.
Creator of ELTank and Nostalgia
Intel Unleashed Their Own MMO Game
Date November 24, 2007 by Chapree
Intel Silicon Commander
Intel has recently launched a Massive Multiplayer Online (MMO) game called Silicon Commander. Created to promote their vPro and Centrino Pro technology, the game is targeted to IT professionals especially the decision makers and managers. The game simulates the general job of an IT manager - protecting and managing PCs under his/her control.
I'm gonna roll a Hamburglar!!
I think they should just focus on developing the 8-core whilst the quantum atom is not yet made.
I think they should just focus on developing the 8-core whilst the quantum atom is not yet made.
yeah they realy should... omg are they really on 8-core now?
I think they should just focus on developing the 8-core whilst the quantum atom is not yet made.
Or they should focus on making true Quad cores ( not 2 x Dual Core ) and better memory management in their CPU's ( like AMD has been doing for ages now, and yes Intel IS faster then AMD, not sayin that they arent ... ).
However I believe that stuff is indeed comming with Nehalem.
If you are interested in subscription or PCU numbers for MMORPG's, check out my site :
Favorite MMORPG's : DAoC pre ToA-NF, SWG Pre CU-NGE, EVE Online
I think they should just focus on developing the 8-core whilst the quantum atom is not yet made.
Or they should focus on making true Quad cores ( not 2 x Dual Core ) and better memory management in their CPU's ( like AMD has been doing for ages now, and yes Intel IS faster then AMD, not sayin that they arent ... ).
However I believe that stuff is indeed comming with Nehalem.
You do know there isn't a concensus on what a "true" quad core is dont you? Hate fake people.
Silicion Commander is interesting.... not the one I heard about though. The one I heard about is supposed to be a full 3D adventure/sci-fi MMO, showing off their coming Larabee chip, taking the graphics to a new height. It is supposed to be under development by a nordic developer (can hope its not funcom...). Should be very interesting to see what they can offer.
doubt it.
Intel owns Project Offset now:
Project Offset is a graphical engine, and a singleplayer FPS game, but its not an MMO.