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I quit Eve because it was not's like voyage to the bottom of the sea. Is this game rue to physics? Can you crew your ships? Can you walk around in your ship?
Iv'e tried to get answers to these questions on the forum to no avail but I did acertain some things like :
Why did the devs let everyone be Jedi Knights? Isn't that like letting everyone be president?
What would you consider the 1 thing they should change or improve?
I'm not sure I can answer your questions but I will try.
True to physics? Well I'm not sure how you mean that. If you mean do the ships fly like they would in "real life" then I'd say no. I played a few space sims in the 90's that had physics models that were more realistic. aka when you use thrust in a certain direction you go in that direction until there is counter thrust etc
That's not what you saw in Star Wars films and I'd guess its easier to say its the typical wing commander / privateer type flight system.
There are multi player ships where multiple people can be on your ship. There are ships that have areas you can walk around in.
There are ships where someone can be a "gunner" and this used to be the easiest way to gain space xp. Have a high tier pilot take you on missions and you'd get good xp by being a gunner.
The space game was relatively untouched by the NGE at least when I played... in fact many people I knew who stayed just went into space full time.
I'm not sure how it is currently...
Sounds right to me...
There are alot of space vids on YouTube that you can have a look at that will show you how the space game looks. Just search "swg space"
Sounds right to me...
There are alot of space vids on YouTube that you can have a look at that will show you how the space game looks. Just search "swg space"
I agree as well. I play EVE. I like the mechanics there for different reasons. The mechanics in JTL I also liked and enjoyed. The space resource mining IMO is more fun and interactive than EVE's. While individual missions in SWG are standard go here and kill 'X" or escort "y" there is one mission that stands apart and I felt was the most fun I have had in a space flight sim(PVE based). The Corvet mission. To get MP you have to complete it. I thoroughly enjoyed doing it, repeatedly. It was always fun waiting for the spawn and others would show up and everyone would quikly put forth a strategy to defeat it. I made several friends that way.
If you do try SWG and the JTL, I recommend you keep with it to play that mission.
Obraik do you know if that mission is available on a trial account?. If so I might do a 14 day trial just to do that mission again. Since space loot can be sold for cash in any starport I'm sure I can afford what is needed to do it.
"Suddenly, thousands of Trekies whose heads are full of facts of things like the stardate when the Cardassians farted on Deep Space nine are irrlelevant." - hardcoremoviecritic
Fighter dynamics in Jump to Lightspeed, now just part of the game, are excellent in my experience. I loved dogfighting in that game, either solo, or in squadrons when the game had a higher population. Having voicechat for group, space pvp kicked ass.
Also, I've manned guns in multi-person ships for pvp and pve. It was a total trip. You can also walk around in multiplayer ships with combat capabilities. I also used to host yacht parties on my space yacht. These are huge, with multiple floors and a lift tube (elevator). You can also decorate them to your own preference.
One of the redeeming qualities of this game was that many of the poorly thought out changes did not impact space.
One of the things to keep in mind is that JTL's feel is supposed to be that of the movies, not a realistic physics engine.
It's supposed to be like the movies, and in the movies, reality is replaced by artifice. Few SF themed films get moving in space right, because the context is not familiar to most of the audience. I mean, there is no sound in space, at all. You need atmosphere to transmit sound, and there's no atmosphere. JTL has all the appropriate sound effects that you've heard in the movies. You blast an asteroid mining, and while the chunks will float off, it's accompanied by sounds you'd never hear in reality.
So, a lot of mimicking of atmospheric flight is done to give it a "realistic" feel for the audience. Lucas modeled his dogfighting on footage from the Battle of Britain.
As a result, space fighting in SWG is as authentic as it is in Star Wars. Not very for non atmospheric flight.
Many have complained about JTL's motions but I always enjoyed it, I thought it was a pretty good approximation of the sort of experience you'd have in the movies. Well, except for my YT-1300 which didn't move at all like the Millenium Falcon did in Ep V in the asteroid field. Man, it was a bitch to accelarate that tub up to full speed, and none of this turning on a dime stuff that Solo was able to get out of the Falcon.
Also, my Firespray (think Boba Fett's Slave 1) didn't have the same sort of feel I imagined it would have under the control of Jango or Boba.
I did have great fun in my X Wing, my TIE fighter, and in some of the neutral ships. The Kimogilla, in particular, is a flying tank and a great way for junior pilots to get XP in the gunner's seat.
CH, Jedi, Commando, Smuggler, BH, Scout, Doctor, Chef, BE...yeah, lots of SWG time invested.
Once a denizen of Ahazi
Well, Han does mention making significant modifications to his YT-1300 (the Falcon). Just like you can't have the strength of Darth Vader on the ground, you can't have the performance of the Falcon for your YT. That's my guess of an explanation anyway
mmmm realistic space ships... thats a new one
However if u have the money in this game.... and u really will need alot, space combat is aboutt he coolest thing left about the game and it wasnt effected by the NGE so yeh its very good twitch based and strategic based on what components u build in etc etc
Save a Tree.... Eat a Beaver
The jump to lightspeed space sim part of this game is the best thing going for swg in my opinion, its releatively untouched by the nge. The best part about JTL is that you get to customise your ship from ship paint/deco to the weapons and engine.
Ship wise you have a choice of fighters, (some of which can have a gunner) small craft like the YT-1300 freighter that have a pilot, 2 gunners and a person for ops, also gunboats that need a crew of 8+ to fully operate.
Control here is twitch based and more similar to x-wing/tie fighter than it is to EVE
If your considering swg for space then get the trial and make a toon on starsider as thats the best server for space they have a great pilot community.
I think that the physics used seem to be like atmospheric flight. You cannot fire a thruster and immediately go down, for instance. The game does seem to say true to the movies, however, as most space flight depicted did not show what might actually be possible in space.
Akevv Ostone
No Longer SWG Free