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I only have time to cover one briefly....
Jedi / Sith : Level of Customization
1) Race - Choose from at least 8 Species
2) Body Size - Tall, Short, Wide, or Narrow
3) Body Shape - Skinny, Fat, Muscle, or Average Build
4) Skin Color - Skin Color options. Light to Dark as well as Species correct colors
5) Sex - Male or Female
6) Face - Hair, Ears, Nose, Mouth, Eyes, Chin, Jaw, Cheeks
7) Clothing - Robes, Armor, Common, or Upscale
8) Lightsaber - One Hand, Two Hand, Double Blade, Dual Wield, Batons, Whip. Colors: Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Purple, Orange. Each color would have 3 settings : Dark, Normal, Light. The Blade width is adjustable: Wide, Normal, Thin. How Long? Long, Normal, Short. The hilt could also recieve massive customization: Color (metallic), Size, and Style
9) Force Powers - Lightning, Speed, Mind Trick, Telekinesis, Leap, Healing, Camouflage, Battlemind, Meditation, Battle-Meld, Malacia, Sever Force, Morichro, ect.
10) Skill Sets - The Seven Forms of Lightsaber Combat: ShII-Cho, Makashi, Soresu, Atanu, Shien, Niman, and Juyo. Each could be individual paths of study. Each has it's Advantages and Disadvantages. A combination of these styles could be used in many ways. Placing limits on how much can be learned will bring diversity to the ranks. Players can choose their skills.
All I have time for...feel free to add other Ideas. Thanks!
What about Teras Kasi style combat. Thats the one Darth Maul did I think. And I dont think a Jedi could ever be fat.
I am a huge fan of the Teras Kasi Master. I had one in SWG and loved him dearly. As far as TK skills are concerned, they are not one of the Seven Forms of LSC. I do think the TKM should have a place in the THE OLD REPUBLIC game...I see it more as a skill for non-force characters. However, if I had to add it into the mix, I would make it a Sith skill.
BTW..If I have the option, I will have a FAT, WOOKIE, Sith Lord!
Get a star wars d20 core rulebook, kotorO will be very similar. TKA are like monks in DnD, they will have a high ac and high saves and generate a type of mana.. like force or chi that happens everytime they hit something. using their chi they can give small party buffs or use it for finishing moves. they can use knucklers or wraps as well as batons and staffs with elemental damage. as well they will probably have stances based on elemental worship that will enable them to change their stats at will. They won't be able to wear armor. I think that Tka will be a prestige class to be added later because they are spread pretty thin in the stats department.
I really hope it's not another game that overly caters to Jedi.
So I started to walk into the water. I won't lie to you boys...I was terrified. But I pressed on, and as I made my way past the breakers, a strange calm came over me. I don't know if it was divine intervention or the kinship of all living things, but I tell you, Jerry, at that moment ... I was a marine biologist.
It's a game called Knights of the Old Republic Online. Who are the Knights of the Old Republic? Jedi.
So let's just use a little property called substitution and you will realize the game is called...
"Jedi Online."
...I certainly hope it doesn't deal with Jedi too much.
(Actually, I would completely support a "Use the Force or GTFO" MMO, if that's the way it's designed and balanced from the ground up instead of tacked over an entirely different style of Star Wars game like Galaxies. However, I doubt that's all of what KOTOR Online will end up being from previous encounters with the series.)
While I think it will be FAR deeper than the average WOW clone, I don't think it will be Pre CU.
However, I think that there will be advances on some of the stuff that made Pre CU great, which can't be helped since most of that Dev team are making it.
Where I think this game will break ground is in the realm of massive interactive story. Which has never been tried... Which is the natural endgame of what Bioware does best... Which could make this game groundbreaking in it's own right.
Let's face it, the biggest deficiency SWG ever had wasn't the combat or profession system... Which is what got continually revamped for the worse... It was the fact that you NEVER had any connection to the timeline or the story going on in the game, because other than the lame themeparks you never got any connection to it other than people in costume.
I guess I would love to be a mandolorian in PVP.
Actually, as far as we can guess right now, the game will be called "Star Wars: The Old Republic". People use the KOTOR Online name because KOTOR is a known title and people can relate to it easy for the time being while we wait for the official announcement.
Anyway, by that logic, The Old Republic would allow for a much broader focus, no?
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
I'd love to be a Mandalorian rather than a Jedi
This is true. And the game will probably end up being better that it doesn't shoehorn you into being a force wielder.
In any case I really just hope that in the end The Old Republic is a good game that I would want to play, no matter what direction it takes.
Teras Kasi is not really a part of Star Wars lore. The TK class in SWG came from a PS1 game called Masters of Teras kasi which was a horrible SW version of Moral Combat.
actually we dont know the name and nothing has been said about it being KOTOR to begin with, wait until tommorow if you want to be a smartass to someone
Teras Kasi is not really a part of Star Wars lore. The TK class in SWG came from a PS1 game called Masters of Teras kasi which was a horrible SW version of Moral Combat.
First appearance of TK was in the novel "Shadows of the Empire," which came out in 1996.
So I started to walk into the water. I won't lie to you boys...I was terrified. But I pressed on, and as I made my way past the breakers, a strange calm came over me. I don't know if it was divine intervention or the kinship of all living things, but I tell you, Jerry, at that moment ... I was a marine biologist.