Vissuri Vis, Valcyn, checking in. Long live MVA! Over and out red leader.
[[ DEAD ]] - Funny - I deleted my account on the site using the cancel account button. Forum user is separate and still exists with no way of deleting it. Delete it admins. Do it, this ends now.
Bria server, KTD
Petar Stoilov (BH, Carbs), left the game not long after NGE hit.
Ofc I wait for a new Star Wars MMO, and I hope it will be SWTOR
Petar Stoilov <KTD>, Bounty Hunter
SWG veteran, Bria server
Kazara, a 2nd day vet , checking in.
Tarquinas....Nov 2003 - NGE
Cedd Checking in
Vissuri Vis, Valcyn, checking in. Long live MVA! Over and out red leader.
mobo emnon, starsider checking in
Noiro/Suvroc beta and day 1(2) vet from Lowca
Reporting. Day (2) Vet of Lowca, Flurry, and Bloodfin.
Tecmo Bowl.
Thalos Vipav
Master Pikeman/TKM
Wanderhome server.
Keeping my fingers crossed.
Thalos Vipav
Star Wars Galaxies: R.I.P.
Noxeven Hiryu/Nexium Hiryu
Master Fencer/Master Doctor
checking in
Terranah / Surelis of Lowca server, present and accounted for.
Syn'thetic - Master Ranger/Pistoleer
Pre-CU - Chilastra
"Do something right, no one remembers.
Do something wrong, no one forgets"
-from No One Remembers by In Strict Confidence
Prit Kolem, Master Commando, Lowca