I have to dissagree. Guild housing, giuld system with prestige, evil and good alliances. New class system, more areas, more ways to travel, better graphics, removal of duels , new storyline, new loot system, different raid system I think. Alot more man.
originally posted by hauj0bb Wrong, I'm in EQ2 closed beta atm, and while the game is decent, it is the very same concept of EQlive. If you're expecting a change from the grind-grind-grind style of play, forget about EQ2. if you like to solo, or maybe you're a casual gamer and don't like to waste time trying to find groups, good luck with this game. It's very very group driven. Personally, EQ1 died in my eyes a long while ago after playing for 5 years. I don't want to play the same game again, in new light. Just a polished version of EQ1, that's all it is.
i know quite a few people in the beta, and they all say it is awesome, and not like EQL. i could point out at least 20 ways it is completely different. probably more if i worked at it. pretty much all thats the "same" is the story, which is one of the reasons people are playing it, it continues the story of EQL. if you friggin hate it so much and your in beta (if your actually even in it) then give it to someone who isnt going to whine about it, and quit posting here. if you hated it so much you wouldnt be in EQ2 forums.
I could not disagree more hauj0bb. It is Very different from EQLive. Other than the names of the zones and the races they have changed just about everything in one way or another. There are some similarities, but LOTS of folks I saw were soloing or just duoing. I haven't heard many people talk about having full 6 person groups much less the 60 person raids we were forced into at the upper levels of EQLive.
I guess everyone will have to see for themselves. For sure SOE can't please everyone, but I think they have done a pretty good job on this one!
I'd be carefull, Hauj0bb, they will track you down, and come to your house if you dare to question that Everquest 2 might not be the pinnacle of humankind's achievements. And they will do bodily harm to you.
They don't want to hear that it's not perfect, and any possible evidence to the contrary will be ignored, or shouted down with chants of 'it's beta', 'the devs have a secret bug, and lag free build that will be the one they use at release(just like Horizons! Oh, wait... nevermind)' or my favorite, 'You're just making stuff up to bash the game and hurt my feelings!, I'm gonna tell mom on you!'.
While it is a good way to boost you post count, all you will get is death threats, lunatic ravings, and tinfoil conspiracy theories for your efforts. Any attempts at a rational discourse will fail. If they actually discussed the problems with the game, they'd have to admit to themselves that there is the potential that it might not be everything they've built it up to be. And then what would they have?
And for the love of god, don't dare tell them you don't think it should be released on Nov 15th. I still shudder at the horror.
I'd be carefull, Hauj0bb, they will track you down, and come to your house if you dare to question that Everquest 2 might not be the pinnacle of humankind's achievements. And they will do bodily harm to you. They don't want to hear that it's not perfect, and any possible evidence to the contrary will be ignored, or shouted down with chants of 'it's beta', 'the devs have a secret bug, and lag free build that will be the one they use at release(just like Horizons! Oh, wait... nevermind)' or my favorite, 'You're just making stuff up to bash the game and hurt my feelings!, I'm gonna tell mom on you!'. While it is a good way to boost you post count, all you will get is death threats, lunatic ravings, and tinfoil conspiracy theories for your efforts. Any attempts at a rational discourse will fail. If they actually discussed the problems with the game, they'd have to admit to themselves that there is the potential that it might not be everything they've built it up to be. And then what would they have? And for the love of god, don't dare tell them you don't think it should be released on Nov 15th. I still shudder at the horror.
Actually, everyone of the beta testers claiming it is like EQL are completely wrong....I mean, it has the combat wheel and better graphics!!
I just don't understand. If you hate the game so much why are you beta testing (assuming you are) and why hang out on this forum? There is nothing wrong with CONSTRUCTIVE critiques, but you seem to enjoy being sarcastic and negative in angry, aggressive sounding ways . . . that is what people react to here.
I got all pumped up for Lineage2 then after playing it for a while I begain to lose intrest...then I started just running around PKing Farmers...got to the point I could pass a famer without killing them.
I hope this game has more Content, Can't wait to see.
And by the way NOV15th isn't the release date, its an estimated Release there is no real reslease date as of yet...And if your in Beta then post the problems you have with the game so that they get fixed, Improve the game instead of trash it, i mean come on...thats what a beta is for.
For sure you won't be disappointed on content! There is more stuff to do in EQ2 than can even imagine. Pretty interesting quests on every corner, and a wide variety of mobs in each of the zones I saw on my brief tour. Even if you get bored easily, it will take you years to run out of content.
1. To betatest a game dopesn't require you to like it. In fact, I think someone that didn't care about the game would make for a better betatester in many ways.
2. I HAVE NEVER SAID I HATED THE DAMNED GAME, YOU THICK LUMPS. I HAVE SAID MORE THAN ONCE THAT I, IN FACT DO LIKE IT. Did that get through this time??? If neccesary I can make it flash, or put it in any number of colors. Or maybe some people are just dead set on believing what they want, regardless of the facts. Anyway, I like the game, but it still has plenty of problems, besides the lag, and crashes. However, burying my head in the sand and ignoring it's problems will not make them go away. But posting those problems here would do no good, thus my /bugging things in game, and posting them on the beta frums. Maybe they'll get fixed, maybe they won't, but you lose in the end if they don't. Or maybe I can just make a post about how my friend is on beta, and I watched them play, and there were no problems at all, and it will magically make it so.
3. There's no room for constructive critisism of the game here. If any sort of flaw, or dissenting opinion is mentioned the fanbois come screaming from the woodwork with their torches and pitchforks at the ready. Hell, I even have posted some, in my opinion, cool little tidbits, and answered peoples questions, and still people have gone all gung ho, and gotten on my ass about that. I tried the constructive thing before, and all I got for the effort is some angsty fanboi telling me he hoped I burned, simply for presenting an arguement against the game coming out on Nov 15th. So, yeah, I am aggressive. If people are going to form a lynch mob every time someone says they have a problem with the game, or didn't like it, then I'm going to point and laugh at them, same as I do to the WoW fanbois.
Some people would say the graphics. I think they look good, but I don't really put them too high on the list, personally. I like WoW's graphics as much as I do EQ2's, though for different reasons. And there are things I dislike about both, as well. Really as long as the graphics in a game aren't as asstastic as Shadowbanes, then I'm ok.
Quests, as Minxx pointed out. A metric f**kton of quests. Some are just the standard fed-ex, or kill X number of Y mob type quests that we're all used to. Some, like the Heritage quests for the items from EQLive are pretty cool, though buggy, or not working properly at the moment. Or the Betrayal quest to switch cities. Some of the other quests, like the access quests are pretty cool. A couple of the class quests are pretty funny, like the Fighter one in Freeport. I've been doing quests like crazy the last week or two, finding broken spots. Kind of frustrating, but pretty still pretty cool.
Low level raid content. See my post about the dragon in the Commonlands, and it's counterpart in Antonica. Lot of 'named' mobs as well, which drop some nice loot. There is plenty to do, though, its still a bit light on solo content.
Mob AI, while basically the same as ever, is presented in a slightly better way, which makes it seem cooler. Mobs yelling to attack a particular player. Usually the poor healer.
There's other things as well, but I think you get the point.
However, there are plenty of bad points to be found in the above as well. Lot's, and lots of quests means lots of broken quests. Lot's. Broken quests make baby Jebus weep. Especially if it's an important quest that is neccesary for advancement.
Mob pathing suffers from some... problems, which leads to some big problems.
Named mobs that are strictly for quests, and drop no loot, but are instakilled by players thinking there will be loot, thus preventing people trying to do the quest from being able to advance it.
Not to mention that there are still plenty of the 'bad' things from EQ that have been carried over to EQ2, like camping, and so on. While you can't KS a mob due to the locked encounters, players have taken to leapfrogging encounters, following a group to where a boss mobs or whatever is, then attacking while the group they followed is engaged with the mobs just before it. Or people using the locked encounter system to grief people by attacking a named, or quest mob, and then running it to the guards.
There is other stuff on both sides as well, but I don't feel like getting the post deleted. And god knwos Neochrome will be here with the rest of the NDAPD soon enough.
A few months ago, i was eagerly awaiting wow. Little did i know that i would soon be sucked in entirely by eq2, so much so to make wow entirely undesirable.
Why does everyone think that SoE is such a greedy company that doesnt do anything good. I think they have done a good job on all of their games. The customer service is great, the live chat and they reply to you very fast. You usually only have to wait a few hours if you email them. They have made so many games and most of them being popular, the graphics on all of them are very good, and EQI was awesome, even tho they didnt make it to begin with. They have made some good expansions.
So why does everyone think that SoE is such a bad company? Cause they have to name and it is a huge company or something? I think people need to open their eyes and see that SoE isnt such a bloodsucking fiend.
Originally posted by 9216544 The customer service is great, the live chat and they reply to you very fast. You usually only have to wait a few hours if you email them.
Ok well for instance. A few days ago I sent them an email regarding drivers, that was at about 1 am, so of course they were closed. I received an email back from them at about 11 am that same day. They dont start reading emails until probly 8 am, so It took them 3 hours. I personally do not think that it bad. They also have the live support or what ever, and that is so nice cause you actually get to chat with a CSR rep. I have found them to be a very good company in customer support.
Originally posted by sliver A few months ago, i was eagerly awaiting wow. Little did i know that i would soon be sucked in entirely by eq2, so much so to make wow entirely undesirable.
Why? In my opinion both games have their pluses and minuses.
And I've found their support to be lacking. I can think of 1 occasion were I got anything more than a 'Sorry, can't help you' reply, be it EQ, or SWG. And I'm not talking about stupid crap like, 'I jumped into the Hole from outside Paineel, can you summon my corpse?' I'm talking about actual bugs, like the many time in SWG where I bought things from a vendor, but was unable to take them from the vendor after purchasing them. Every other CS interaction has basically been them telling me 'to bad' Moreso in SWG than EQ, but still.
And that doesn't even cover the more infamous CS botches they've made, like Mystere.
I have to dissagree. Guild housing, giuld system with prestige, evil and good alliances. New class system, more areas, more ways to travel, better graphics, removal of duels , new storyline, new loot system, different raid system I think. Alot more man.
originally posted by hauj0bb Wrong, I'm in EQ2 closed beta atm, and while the game is decent, it is the very same concept of EQlive. If you're expecting a change from the grind-grind-grind style of play, forget about EQ2. if you like to solo, or maybe you're a casual gamer and don't like to waste time trying to find groups, good luck with this game. It's very very group driven. Personally, EQ1 died in my eyes a long while ago after playing for 5 years. I don't want to play the same game again, in new light. Just a polished version of EQ1, that's all it is.
i know quite a few people in the beta, and they all say it is awesome, and not like EQL. i could point out at least 20 ways it is completely different. probably more if i worked at it. pretty much all thats the "same" is the story, which is one of the reasons people are playing it, it continues the story of EQL. if you friggin hate it so much and your in beta (if your actually even in it) then give it to someone who isnt going to whine about it, and quit posting here. if you hated it so much you wouldnt be in EQ2 forums.
I could not disagree more hauj0bb. It is Very different from EQLive. Other than the names of the zones and the races they have changed just about everything in one way or another. There are some similarities, but LOTS of folks I saw were soloing or just duoing. I haven't heard many people talk about having full 6 person groups much less the 60 person raids we were forced into at the upper levels of EQLive.
I guess everyone will have to see for themselves. For sure SOE can't please everyone, but I think they have done a pretty good job on this one!
Im starting to think these EQ2 bashers are lieing about being in beta, they just want to have an excuse to bash like they have actually played it.
I'm not whining about it, I'm personally just not impressed with the game.
It's not a worthy successor to EQlive.
I'd be carefull, Hauj0bb, they will track you down, and come to your house if you dare to question that Everquest 2 might not be the pinnacle of humankind's achievements. And they will do bodily harm to you.
They don't want to hear that it's not perfect, and any possible evidence to the contrary will be ignored, or shouted down with chants of 'it's beta', 'the devs have a secret bug, and lag free build that will be the one they use at release(just like Horizons! Oh, wait... nevermind)' or my favorite, 'You're just making stuff up to bash the game and hurt my feelings!, I'm gonna tell mom on you!'.
While it is a good way to boost you post count, all you will get is death threats, lunatic ravings, and tinfoil conspiracy theories for your efforts. Any attempts at a rational discourse will fail. If they actually discussed the problems with the game, they'd have to admit to themselves that there is the potential that it might not be everything they've built it up to be. And then what would they have?
And for the love of god, don't dare tell them you don't think it should be released on Nov 15th. I still shudder at the horror.
Actually, everyone of the beta testers claiming it is like EQL are completely wrong....I mean, it has the combat wheel and better graphics!!
I just don't understand. If you hate the game so much why are you beta testing (assuming you are) and why hang out on this forum? There is nothing wrong with CONSTRUCTIVE critiques, but you seem to enjoy being sarcastic and negative in angry, aggressive sounding ways . . . that is what people react to here.
I got all pumped up for Lineage2 then after playing it for a while I begain to lose intrest...then I started just running around PKing Farmers...got to the point I could pass a famer without killing them.
I hope this game has more Content, Can't wait to see.
And by the way NOV15th isn't the release date, its an estimated Release there is no real reslease date as of yet...And if your in Beta then post the problems you have with the game so that they get fixed, Improve the game instead of trash it, i mean come on...thats what a beta is for.
1. To betatest a game dopesn't require you to like it. In fact, I think someone that didn't care about the game would make for a better betatester in many ways.
2. I HAVE NEVER SAID I HATED THE DAMNED GAME, YOU THICK LUMPS. I HAVE SAID MORE THAN ONCE THAT I, IN FACT DO LIKE IT. Did that get through this time??? If neccesary I can make it flash, or put it in any number of colors. Or maybe some people are just dead set on believing what they want, regardless of the facts. Anyway, I like the game, but it still has plenty of problems, besides the lag, and crashes. However, burying my head in the sand and ignoring it's problems will not make them go away. But posting those problems here would do no good, thus my /bugging things in game, and posting them on the beta frums. Maybe they'll get fixed, maybe they won't, but you lose in the end if they don't. Or maybe I can just make a post about how my friend is on beta, and I watched them play, and there were no problems at all, and it will magically make it so.
3. There's no room for constructive critisism of the game here. If any sort of flaw, or dissenting opinion is mentioned the fanbois come screaming from the woodwork with their torches and pitchforks at the ready. Hell, I even have posted some, in my opinion, cool little tidbits, and answered peoples questions, and still people have gone all gung ho, and gotten on my ass about that. I tried the constructive thing before, and all I got for the effort is some angsty fanboi telling me he hoped I burned, simply for presenting an arguement against the game coming out on Nov 15th. So, yeah, I am aggressive. If people are going to form a lynch mob every time someone says they have a problem with the game, or didn't like it, then I'm going to point and laugh at them, same as I do to the WoW fanbois.
Good points for Thoom!
Some people would say the graphics. I think they look good, but I don't really put them too high on the list, personally. I like WoW's graphics as much as I do EQ2's, though for different reasons. And there are things I dislike about both, as well. Really as long as the graphics in a game aren't as asstastic as Shadowbanes, then I'm ok.
Quests, as Minxx pointed out. A metric f**kton of quests. Some are just the standard fed-ex, or kill X number of Y mob type quests that we're all used to. Some, like the Heritage quests for the items from EQLive are pretty cool, though buggy, or not working properly at the moment. Or the Betrayal quest to switch cities. Some of the other quests, like the access quests are pretty cool. A couple of the class quests are pretty funny, like the Fighter one in Freeport. I've been doing quests like crazy the last week or two, finding broken spots. Kind of frustrating, but pretty still pretty cool.
Low level raid content. See my post about the dragon in the Commonlands, and it's counterpart in Antonica.
Lot of 'named' mobs as well, which drop some nice loot. There is plenty to do, though, its still a bit light on solo content.
Mob AI, while basically the same as ever, is presented in a slightly better way, which makes it seem cooler. Mobs yelling to attack a particular player. Usually the poor healer.
There's other things as well, but I think you get the point.
However, there are plenty of bad points to be found in the above as well. Lot's, and lots of quests means lots of broken quests. Lot's. Broken quests make baby Jebus weep. Especially if it's an important quest that is neccesary for advancement.
Mob pathing suffers from some... problems, which leads to some big problems.
Named mobs that are strictly for quests, and drop no loot, but are instakilled by players thinking there will be loot, thus preventing people trying to do the quest from being able to advance it.
Not to mention that there are still plenty of the 'bad' things from EQ that have been carried over to EQ2, like camping, and so on. While you can't KS a mob due to the locked encounters, players have taken to leapfrogging encounters, following a group to where a boss mobs or whatever is, then attacking while the group they followed is engaged with the mobs just before it. Or people using the locked encounter system to grief people by attacking a named, or quest mob, and then running it to the guards.
There is other stuff on both sides as well, but I don't feel like getting the post deleted. And god knwos Neochrome will be here with the rest of the NDAPD soon enough.
A few months ago, i was eagerly awaiting wow. Little did i know that i would soon be sucked in entirely by eq2, so much so to make wow entirely undesirable.
Why does everyone think that SoE is such a greedy company that doesnt do anything good. I think they have done a good job on all of their games. The customer service is great, the live chat and they reply to you very fast. You usually only have to wait a few hours if you email them. They have made so many games and most of them being popular, the graphics on all of them are very good, and EQI was awesome, even tho they didnt make it to begin with. They have made some good expansions.
So why does everyone think that SoE is such a bad company? Cause they have to name and it is a huge company or something? I think people need to open their eyes and see that SoE isnt such a bloodsucking fiend.
Pass whatever it is you have in that pipe, Sir.
Ok well for instance. A few days ago I sent them an email regarding drivers, that was at about 1 am, so of course they were closed. I received an email back from them at about 11 am that same day. They dont start reading emails until probly 8 am, so It took them 3 hours. I personally do not think that it bad. They also have the live support or what ever, and that is so nice cause you actually get to chat with a CSR rep. I have found them to be a very good company in customer support.
Why? In my opinion both games have their pluses and minuses.
∙name: EViLD0G
∙clan: [EXE]
∙playing: WoW, EQ, SIMS, AC, AC2, DAoC, FFXI, AW, RS
∙planning: WoW, EQ2, GW, DnL
And I've found their support to be lacking. I can think of 1 occasion were I got anything more than a 'Sorry, can't help you' reply, be it EQ, or SWG. And I'm not talking about stupid crap like, 'I jumped into the Hole from outside Paineel, can you summon my corpse?' I'm talking about actual bugs, like the many time in SWG where I bought things from a vendor, but was unable to take them from the vendor after purchasing them. Every other CS interaction has basically been them telling me 'to bad' Moreso in SWG than EQ, but still.
And that doesn't even cover the more infamous CS botches they've made, like Mystere.