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EQ has always been laggy for me, no matter what video card I had or modem speed or what ever. I hated it.
is this game like that ? I liked WOW it was never laggy. Although WOW got boring , after a year.
I've noticed in the scenarios I'll be beating on some healer/caster then poof he disappears and is half way across the map running away, and i have no hope of catching up again. because some developer decided crowd control was awesome so you are rooted/slowed almost constantly.
so yeah for what ever reason this game is laggy.
you mean EQ2? i dont remember lag when i played a year or so ago.
Like most are going to say.. it depends on your systems. Alot have found no lag while others get lag with good systems. I havn't really lagged much, only time i find that i need to turn down the settings is when there is about 100+ people fighting for a keep on my screen. but when i turn the settings down a bit its very smooth with no lag.
EQ wasnt laggy for me... call your ISP tech support
it runs alot like wow for me---- little lag spikes sometimes, but i think its the connection on my side-- over all not very demanding
ull be fine, nto spec it if u must
I haven't played the original EQ in quite a while, but the issue with EQ2 was that the code was originally built around very old Nvidia Cards & wasn't updated to keep up with the times. This meant that far too much was work was dumped on the poor old CPU whilst the Graphics Card just relaxed & took things easy.
At least that was my experience until a few months ago. I upgraded my PC last year with a far more powerful video card & also maxed out the memory but only noticed moderate improvements & still couldn't play on much higher settings without choppy graphics in certain zones. It was still a great game to play, but I was mildly disappointed that I didn't get to use the new card to it's full potential.
I read a technical review which described how the core game engine could not utilise the advanced features on modern video cards & just ran everything on the CPU instead, but that Sony weren't planning on ugrading it as it would be too complicated & expensive.
I had similar lag issues with Warhammer, but recent patches have improved things a lot for me. I have read posts suggesting that the problems are similar, but since it has only just been released I hope it is just the usual post launch glitches rather than an issue with the core gaming engine being behind the times.
The lag in Warhammer seems more like 'Server Synchronisation' issues to me rather than graphics coding though, as quite often the spikes seem linked to messages popping up on the screen & also the amount of time it takes for the initial screen to finish loading when I log in is unreal.
I haven't tried to play in a 'Siege' yet where I suspect I might have lag issues again, but performance seems to get better with each patch & I love the game so far!
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