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Hopefully the title of the thread got you here, and now you are mad as hell and ready to flame away. Well, I want to start off by saying that I have become an MMO cynic. Having played through multiple MMO's since leaving SWG I find that nothing satisfies me anymore. I get bored easily with games, get turned off by little problems, and overall can't seem to find a title that truely makes me WANT to play the game. Now when I hear of new MMO titles coming out I start tearing them apart before I even play them. It's like I'm trying to find a reason to not like the game before I even get going.
But here is the thing for me, and I imagine a good many other folks. We have become the generation of MMO players who over analyze, over think, and over criticize every aspect of the game. We are passionate gamers, we are a group who looks at a game and says, "I bet this game would be more fun if the developers did x, y, or z." This is a good thing, because it promotes creativity and imagination in a generation that is severely lacking in both. However, it is our downfall because we are never satisfied with just enjoying the games.
To anyone who feels like I do I want to encourage you with the same thing I am trying to encourage myself with. It's Star Wars, and that alone may just be good enough for me. I want the game to be so many things, but it is the one thing I really want already, a chance to romp again in the SW universe. Admittedly I hate the current state of SWG, but if I were honest I would still play that unholy POS game if there were enough people to enjoy it with......simply because it's Star Wars. lol
If you want to bolster creativity, try actually creating something instead of coming up with game features that you have no power, or chance, of implementing.
Say, writing a story, painting a masterpiece, or creating your own computer game.
As for your claim that you're part of a new "generation" of highly cynical gamers... that's laughable. "Cynical" isn't a word I'd use to describe any generation of gamers, not even grognard tabletop roleplayers.
My advice to you is to remove the chip and play a game for what it is, instead of looking at how it's not pre-CU SWG or whatever. If you can't do that, don't play MMORPGs. Find a different hobby.
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LMAO this is funny stuff.
lol funny post
His hobbie is gaming, why are you telling him to find a new one? he and many others like him feel the same about mmo's these days..they are all the same, not one differs much from the other. Personally i cant understand how anyone finds these theme park mmo's fun. There was a time when an mmo would last you a year or two, now it seems they can only capture people for 6 weeks at the most.
Your pre-cu SWG is dead, gone, and over with. It is history now and doesnt make any difference in the world. Personally I am tired of hearing people whine about it. Just get over it and move on. Forget it even existed, and you will be better off I think. Also, try to keep an open mind towards other MMORPGs out there. Otherwise, you may set yourself up to never be able to enjoy another one ever again. That is just my opinion about the matter.
It's easy to become a cynic with all the bad MMORPG releases lately.
What encourages me is that Bioware is behind this game, and that it runs on the Hero engine, saves a heck of a lot of time.,The developers just drops stuff into the engine where they want it, they can build a huge world in no time.
I didn't really get your purpose for making the thread?
You do know a bit of how the game will be if you played other Bioware games and if you didn't like KOTOR then I don't relly think you will like this game either.
And if all MMOS have hard to capture your interest, then maybe you should get another hobby, Pen and paper RPGs maybe?
Of course the latest mmo's have failed to capture his imagination because they are all crap mindless clones of each other.The only reason you put up with these games is because they are wouldnt play any of these games offline now would you.
I like how everyone is comparing this to SWG... And saying how they need to do this and they dont need to do this... Well lol to all of them becasue everyone whos stuck in the SWG world of mind I think is going to be very dissapointed, let down or both... KOTOR is what this mmo is based off not SWG.. Two diferent playing styles... Just read the reviews from what the developers have said. They dont even acknowledge really that SWG even exisisted... Which I think is a good thing.. I never played SWG. I didn't like anything about it. But the KOTOR games I played them and loved them... Am I going to play Old Republic... Nope... Why... becasue to many SWG people are probley gong to ruin it. Not all of them but enough of them... They have been so tainted that anything with the name of a star wars mmo there going to find somthing worng with it.
Dont expect anything. As soon as someone starts comparing it to something else your done.. you should just leave it alone and move on. That person has already found somthing to dislike and it will make the game non-enjoyable. I find myself doing it to wow all the time lol. I'll find somethig that irritates the hell out of me and ill quit playing for awhile.. Than ill go back and play it till it rubs me the wrong way lol. But I dont say that the devs messed the game up... Or that they didn't listen. They did what they wanted.. So I either take it for ewhat it is get over and move on.. If I come back than they musted have done somthing right if not. Than I move on...
Guess I got a little off subject. Pretty much stop compairing this to SWG... The only thing it has in common is that its star wars... Done move on.
Of course the latest mmo's have failed to capture his imagination because they are all crap mindless clones of each other.The only reason you put up with these games is because they are wouldnt play any of these games offline now would you.
I beg to differ. I played SWG since its inception in 2003 up until a few months ago. I enjoyed pre-CU, post-CU, and post-NGE, though they were very different experiences.
I have played a vast number of MMORPGs. I've tried everything from EverQuest I & II to Saga of Ryzom.
Currently, I play World of Warcraft. It's a great game. Why do I say that? Because I enjoy playing it. Since the purpose of a game is to entertain its players, it can be defined as a great game.
"Crap mindless clones" is a generalization that only someone who is single-minded in their definition of a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game can state.
Broaden your horizons, son. And if you prefer to stick in the past instead of enjoying the present, well, that is your choice.
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"You kids and that damn rock music! Back in my day we had real music!"
You self righteous EMMORPGers are hilarious.
Title aside this game is going to be far from the same old sh*t. For starters the game will be in a timeline that they can change and manipulate. That is a key problem in SWG, they had to stick with stuff that relates to Episode 5. Come on thats lame we seen the movies we dont need to live them during that time. Now everyone wants to say its Jedi that ruined SWG well yes they did seeing as this is a key word TIME when jedi were kinda in hiding and extinct almost. But with SWTOR (sweator hehe) you get the timeline of freedom of creativity a story where jedi are alive a story were alot of sith are around. Also people say no one should be a jedi. All a jedi is in terms of another type of game is a Warrior Mage thats all. They can be killed they arnt gods so people shouldnt be crying that you can be a jedi if you want. Yeah you will more then likely have a good 70% jedi but soon the novelty will wear off and they will role other classes so no need to worry. SWTOR will be the ultimate SW game and next to KOTOR 3 (if there is one) nothing will compare in the star wars universe created by bioware in SWTOR.
"You kids and that damn rock music! Back in my day we had real music!"
You self righteous EMMORPGers are hilarious.
Don't get me started on music.
Of course the latest mmo's have failed to capture his imagination because they are all crap mindless clones of each other.The only reason you put up with these games is because they are wouldnt play any of these games offline now would you.
I beg to differ. I played SWG since its inception in 2003 up until a few months ago. I enjoyed pre-CU, post-CU, and post-NGE, though they were very different experiences.
I have played a vast number of MMORPGs. I've tried everything from EverQuest I & II to Saga of Ryzom.
Currently, I play World of Warcraft. It's a great game. Why do I say that? Because I enjoy playing it. Since the purpose of a game is to entertain its players, it can be defined as a great game.
"Crap mindless clones" is a generalization that only someone who is single-minded in their definition of a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game can state.
Broaden your horizons, son. And if you prefer to stick in the past instead of enjoying the present, well, that is your choice.
your choice of game says everything i need to know about your gaming preference... its pointless arguing about it. I don't see how playing wow would be broadening my horizons, more like narrowing them to the mainstream.
I understand you some way... Prob. I would play "that POS" if there was larger player base... Same reason..
LoL, you created silly thread (name), and your post is like a blog...
Now my opinion - they wont scr*w up this... Hey - its BioWare ppl!
Bioware - brain
LA - money
EA - resources (ppl)
Great Game!
No, what you and many others ( me included sometimes) have become is forum players.
We don't play games anymore we talk/write about playing games:).
"You kids and that damn rock music! Back in my day we had real music!"
You self righteous EMMORPGers are hilarious.
Don't get me started on music.
No, what you and many others ( me included sometimes) have become is forum players.
We don't play games anymore we talk/write about playing games:).
Says something about the games that are available that so many are talking/writing about them rather than actually playing them.
CH, Jedi, Commando, Smuggler, BH, Scout, Doctor, Chef, BE...yeah, lots of SWG time invested.
Once a denizen of Ahazi
That couldn't have been put any better.
Bioware - One of the most technically skilled writers and storytellers of our time
Lucas Arts - Started the IP and for once would prolly like to see it succeed tossing large sums of money to see it happen.
EA - Second Largest game producer on the planet next to Activision Blizzard. Have more resources than god.
The game will be fine, let them work, let it be done. Play it then come back here and start the whinery.
OP I can see your point as you are a Star Wars fan.
I however am not really a fan, I've watched all the movies and quite enjoyed them but thats about it.
What I want are good games, I don't care about IP's as I'm not a fan of anything in particular I just enjoy good games.
I can see that it's pointless making any effort to further the cause of good game design here by whining a lot as Star Wars is almost a special case and the fans will lap it up and love it regardless.
I do wonder if it will appeal to a wide enough audience though.
Star Wars is getting quite old now and I'm not sure the kids quite appreciate it in the same way as the oldschoolers do, might be wrong about that though. If they make it too teen orientated are people going to play it?
This bit i can relate to, since i left SWG after giving the NGE 4-6 months benefit of a doubt i seriously can't find another game that holds enough appeal to keep me wanting to play like Pre-NGE SWG did.. I loved almost every part of that game and it was also my first ever MMORPG... call me spoilt, call me silly, even call me pathetic but no matter what ANYONE says, i'll always get a tear in my eye now those days are gone. developers seem to cater to the WoW and simplistic crowd, now fair enough, WoW has loads of subs, WoW brings in a lot of money, BUT SWG pre-NGE had the culture, had the interest and it certainly had the content.. Todays MMO players only want to spend their life Raiding or PvP'ing, that isn't and was never meant to be what MMO's were about.. you want Raiding?? hundreds of MMO's out there.. you want PvP??? hundreds of MMO's and FPS games out there.... you want complex crafting and pretty much content that appeals to EVERYONE??? nothing.. zero..
Every developer out there caters to the simple things for the children (mental maturity i mean by that btw as well as physical age). Even Age of Conan catered to them, original designs and features for AoC included complex crafting and other features that made you think before you did something. non of it was implimented. New games being brought out all cater to raiders and pvpers, NOTHING for the complex people..
Now SW:TOR may be another MMO designed for the simple but i for one will probably try it out and most likely enjoy it, the ONLY reason for this will be because i loved the first KOTOR game and always thought it would make a nice MMORPG.. even if it only brings back the RPG element to MMO..
I think its mostly a matter of attitude. When starting a new game, don't have expectations, don't compare to other games. Just take what is there and play it. New MMO's are having a lot of problems because they are very particular games which grow and get richer with time. But people are keep on looking at what is not there and are not able to properly like what IS there.
A new game will have less content than a 4-5-6 + year old game, otherwise it would cost so much to make that no one would do it. In the old days of MMO's we loved to grow with the game, today we want everything on day 1.
I would hate to be in the MMO market today because as we have seen with the latest releases, the market is very very tough. Age of Conan was much better at release than Ultima Online or Everquest 1 or 2 was. And War was actually quite the most polished release since WoW. But AOC subs have crashed badly and War seems to be following a simular route (a bit less extreme, but don't expect any new servers anytime soon).
Hopefully a new Star Wars project with EA and Lucas Arts dollars pushing it all the way, will get sufficient new players that are not jaded from other MMO's to break this cycle.
I'm happy that it will be the farthest thing from any version of SWG.
I'm cynical because mmo's released lately are crap. Sounds like a good reason to be cynical to me. When something really good is released I'll be singing their praises from the rafters.
"Simply Star Wars" just isn't enough.
I would prefer a game like the old SWG, regardless of the franchise. Star Wars, Star Trek, Firefly...
It wasn't as much about Star Wars as it was about the freedom of the player to shape the game (as opposed to the game shaping the player).