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Pegasus 520
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo processor P8400, 2.26GHz, 3MB cache, 1066Mhz
Nvidia Geforce 9650M GT 1Gb Graphics
Hi-res WSXGA+ 15.4" Screen
2GB DDR2 800Mhz
250GB 7200rpm SATA HDD
8x Dual Layer +/- DVD-RW
Windows Vista Home Premium
Can this computer run Age of conan with shadows and high settings? I have only 1300 Euro to spend for new laptop. If you have better choices I would be glad to hear them. I am from, finland but I can order laptop from europe.
Your collocation is well
For 1300 Euro its pretty descent. Although I would wonder if you can do a little bit better. In the states you can get a similiar powered notebook for less. However, there is a premium in getting parts in Europe.
It won't be able to run AoC on high with full shadows. 1st it is a notebook, and notebook graphics cards are underpowered compared to thier desktop counterparts. 2nd the 9600GT was never capable of doing that anyway. The best that notebook would be capable of is Medium settings with full shadows; or customized settings with a few high, a few medium, and limited shadows. I believe that brand of notebook can be customized to use a 9800M, 4GB of memory, and Windows Vista Premium 64-bit. If you use those customizations it will be capable of it, or get relatively close. I do recommend trying to get Vista Premium 64-bit and 4GB of memory. The 9800M is optional as it costs ALOT, and its performance increase would only be marginal.
That notebook will not be able to run AOC on High and with shadows... I have a similar notebook to yours, however i got it for around £700 (€880), I suggest that you keep looking for the right price and spec.
If you really want performance then you should go for Alienware. Alienware have excellent notebooks however im not sure if they will fit into your price range.