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1. Is the itemization still the worst in the genre, or has it been fixed?
2. Is there still a lack of content 55+?
3. Are assassins still terrible?
4. Are most feats and a lot of abilities still broken or not functioning correctly?
5. I heard HoX were nerfed how are they now?
6. How are necromancers, in the beginning they were kinda iffy and i've always been interested in them.
Itemisation is still the worst in the genre though there is a bit more visual varity now, gear currently at the most useless point since the game launched, they have made it clear they intend to make gear more important though at somepoint.
Very little at all has changed post 55, a few extra quests but nothing else, there is a new lvl 55ish zone on test though that should improve things 55 to say 65, not sure how long away that is probably between 2-6 weeks.
balance changed dramatically with this weeks patch and I'm not qualified to coment on your other questions other than the fact that many bugs have been fixed with feats and abilitys, they are getting there pretty well on this.
Wait a couple of months before trying the game, server merges should happen around then and make the game alot more social and fun.
yea, wait for server merge. Patch 3.0 brought a lot of problems to the game and there is little point in resubscribing until they fix it.
Ok let me just reassure you that noggy, even though he is a very eager and kind AoC poster, is not playing the game anymore. So let me give you some hints where I know a few things
Well to help you out here. By a lot you must mean the issues about app/mentor murderpoints which is in the hotfix already planned to be patched in this week.
When Funcom uses words like "planned" and "this week", it doesn't look good.
Ok let me just reassure you that noggy, even though he is a very eager and kind AoC poster, is not playing the game anymore. So let me give you some hints where I know a few things
Thats why I didn't answer the questions on balance, the questions I did answer were answered correctly and with full knowledge of the state of the game.
You say itemisation is much better because they added more armor, I already commented that visually itemisation is better, however armor/weapons/equipment are more usless now than they have ever been, the massive (in fact that word doesn't sum up the deverstation they did) gem nerf, the massive nerf to defensive stats on gear etc mean that itemisation is at it's worse point and it's pretty fair to suggest it's the worst in it's genre.
We basically said the same thing about post 55 content but you tried to make the few extra quests added post 55 sound more impressive than it is, nearly all the dugeons that have been revamped are the lower and mid level dungeons, the upper end of the game which is the area that needed the most work has had very little done to it. The new zone will help with the upper mid levels but still leave the end game 70+ in the same state and it's likely it will be a month + untill we see the 55+ new zone.
"All feats are working as fare as I know. It has been like this in months."
Thats not true, they have fixed many things now but you can see just from looking at this weeks patch notes that they are still fixing things, saying it's been like it for months is very dishonest. One quick example is they just fixed ranger pitch pots one of the most obviously broken feats that had never worked. Loads of feats have been changed just this week.
I will answer you honestly and my answers diverge considerably from one post here.
#1: Itemization is still worst in the genre.
#2: No. Lack of content from 55-70 is considerably improved. 70-80 is not improved.
#3: No. They are good.
#4: No. They work the way they are intended to. That does not mean necessarily that they are balanced within the set of all other classes.
#5: Unsure to be honest.
#6: Casters are all significantly improved. Necros are very good IMHO.
No one managed to give you more info on HoX. They are not "nerfed",.
- HoX melee combo's and most of the combo animations were significantly shortened , but damage from them is slighlty lowered .
- Casting concentration is fixed , so now you have to maxed it out to prevent being interupted, instead of dedicating just 1 point into it. Some casters reported being interupted to much , but i never run into that problem myself.
It pretty much equals up, since you end up using more combo's in shorter time.However , if you miss with melee you damage will go down quite a bit.
But that applies to all melee classes.
Overall it's still fun to play.
Most of your questions seem to be answered correctly, so I'll just throw this out there. If (IF) you do try it out again give ranger a shot for a pretty unique pvp experience. One of the best classes I've played in an MMO for PVP. Sometimes I think that's the lone reason why I really like AOC (the classes).
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson