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Until it is written in stone its just rumors but who knows, there could be hope after all.
I wish but don't believe it. The reason is because if they had to honor the life-time subscriptions, I couldn't see any profit in it.
Can it still be played as a single player game?
If anything...
And yes, you can still play single player.
"Freedom is just another name for nothing left to lose" - Janis Joplin
After reading over the official server shutdown thread, I found some posts of interest made by the only official Namco-Bandai representative, Tiggs. What is most interesting is how little she knows about the state of the IP, and as to whether or not Hanbitsoft has any intention of re-opening US/EU servers. Here's a summary of what she has said that I felt has relavence. This will save anyone who's curious from digging through the official forums. I removed the names of the original posters because I didn't feel they would be relevant and didn't want to infringe on anyone's privacy.
I have no idea what is going to happen with the IP since that is up to the IP holder to determine. NAMCO BANDAI is ending our support on Jan 31st.
Originally Posted by -edit-
Something else could happen between now and then, though, right? Namco is just the server provider (though you guys have done a great job!), EA still "owns" the game and the IP rights to develop it are still... well, a mess.
No, the IP was owned by a bank. After that I am unclear where it is at.
Originally Posted by -edit-
Now i have to ask and i dont know if this was previously stated.
January 31st 2009 Namco/bandi will stop "support" of the servers. Now does that actually mean that, that is the end date for the game OR is someone else picking it up at that point/that is the date in which ownership/control of HGL is turned over to another company.
The server and forums will shut down on that day. I have no idea what the owners of the IP will do with it and that is up to them to decide. I am guessing here but if they were going to keep the server up a plan for transition would have been announced not a server shut down date.
Originally Posted by -edit-
Can you tell us how they were resolved, or is it some sort of state secret?
I'm assuming Hanbitsoft has acquired the IP. Is that correct?
Edit: or maybe T3:
I think Hanbitsoft has acquired it, I am not 100% sure. I was not apart of those meetings so I really don't know.
Originally Posted by -edit-
so just a thought of mine in a worse case scenario. if the game does bite the dust, or for sum odd reason the new owner of the IP dosent feel like sharing with us Americans, say that the rumors of Hanbitsoft buying it out and planning to keep the future of the game local only in Korea. what are the odds of at least creating a patch for the single player mode of the game that adds all the subscriber content? at least if im stuck with only single play mode and never getting new content could i at least have ALL the current content for my single player? i feel like this is not imposable and too much to ask for to at least be able to enjoy ALL of the game in single player. please
There is no one to create this single player patch.
Originally Posted by -edit-
This is not true.
I know its not legal or whatever to talk about or somethign, however, this is not true.
It is already being done.
It is true. It is not being done by NAMCO BANDAI because we do not have the team to do this. It may be done by Hanbitsoft for Korea but I don't know since I don't work for them nor do I speak Korean.
Originally Posted by -edit-
not really...? a agreement is sum thing made by more then one party. so if a "an agreement made on how long servers run for and all that happy legal stuff" who was this "happy legal stuff" agreement made with, the new IP holder?
My best guess would be the new IP holder and NAMCO BANDAI
Originally Posted by -edit-
I feel sorry for the peeps just now buying the game to find out its pulling the plug on the servers in 3 months. i feel the game should be pulled of the shelf in stead of doing bad business by screwing people. on my box it shows Flagship,Bandai namco, EA. Now 2 of the companys are still in business so why dont they pull the copies off the shelf knowing this is shut down. they put there name on the box but dont stand behind the game.i myself enjoyed the game with a few issues and would of paid to download the 2.0 as an expansion so the other 2 could of made money but it seems like they made enough and still making money on a dead horse. kinda like selling something and telling the buyer after you got the money that it has 90 days or less before it dies. you would be in court in a flash. nice support by the other 2 companys that could keep it updated and going. not clear on why namco dont stand behind a product that they must of something to do with in the start or there name wouldnt of been on the box. by the way if anyone interested i have a bunch of stuff ill be giving away free for engineere,marksman,blademaster . nice hidikas and nice lees on sunday the 2nd in stonehenge. dont mean to upset you tiggs its not your fault and not pointing fingers at you personaly but im upset with namco and EA for not stepping up backing the game. im done and will move on and wait for diablo 3. thank you for the short but fun times i had here...
From what I gather information was sent out to all distributors of the game. It is up to them to now change pricing on the game or pull the game from the shelves.
Tiggs's job seems to be to report on the state of the US/EU servers operated by Namco-Bandai. Other than that, she is totally clueless as to the state of the IP or any possible continued development. So who knows, maybe we will see a revival of the game under a new developer. I won't hold my breath, but I will certainly wait and see.
Waiting for:
-Re-Launch of Hellgate:London US/EU Servers
-Diablo 3
-A PvE centric MMORPG with-
-Fast paced twitch-action combat that requires hand-eye coordination, where you can manually aim your attacks instead of having to acquire/lock target(s) first.
-FPS-style WASD and mouse control that determine your overall success when attacking or defending.
"Freedom is just another name for nothing left to lose" - Janis Joplin
Tiggs has the worst luck with job selections....she's always in a crappy spot. How she's managed to get through it all and not look like a total b)@&(h, I don't know.
Tiggs, get a good job with a reputable company that I want to play please