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Finally a full pledged MMORPG...

dt1984dt1984 Member Posts: 218

Here is the link to from the atlantica website as an announcement.

The Hype Rating for this game in this website was now also changed as i have noticed a while ago. ^-^

In any case, there was a patch that was released this morning and this time, maybe we can expect a larger scale support. The servers are at a busy state though which causes a few lag spikes here and there unless you have a very high connection. I would like to create this thread though on things that maybe can be added to the game or maybe things that we need improvement on.

I'll start.

On my part, i would like a chance to be able to transfer from one server to another and have an additional server. ^-^ that might be helpful to help reduce the lag problem.

Another note is the time limit. I don't know if you guys have experienced this but even during lag, the time limit works in real time causing lesser chance to make a move during your turn hence leaving 2-3 mercs utilized in combat.

There, hope you guys will be able to add a few more and maybe either someone will have this linked to the main site or maybe a dev might read this and try to resolve our concerns.

All in all though, i'm happy that it is now on its official release as to be able to revierw this game critically and  expect more support probably from GMs and devs. ^-^

Have a nice day.


  • NakedFuryNakedFury Member UncommonPosts: 411

    Is the stamina stuff still in the game? I quit in OB 2 because they inplemented that horrendous system.


  • SourajitSourajit Member UncommonPosts: 472

    After playing this game here is my suggestion list for this game…..

    1. The timer needs to be on the server side so as when it lags the game slows but the character may not miss turns.

    2. The guild attendance points, needs to be removed so as to stop guild point farming by just making online toons.

    3. Crafting should be profitable and hence craft items should have a greater chance to be at being at a +1 and above category. Special crafted items or existing items with added stats through crafting and crafters name on it is surely going to make a huge impact for this game.

    4. Some use of mentor points or mentor points converted into battle points or fishing points will make use of those points.

    5. Rather than the friend list getting a limited number of people it should be made to accommodate more and the xp boosts should come from guild list or from mentor list.
    Nation players may also experience xp boosts and hence the more playing nations will have greater xp boosts. This will inturn ensure nations with higher level guilds taking in guilds with lower level members just to have the xp boost from lower level players in lower level guilds as we all know levelling at lower levels is faster.

    6. Battle system should incorporate style of gaming into consideration and hence reduction in number of turns used to kill a group should reap greater rewards in terms of xp. Thus we will have auto battle bots obliterated from leveling and a full group killed at one turn or a random specific number of turns displayed on the top should give additional xp making each battle more interesting and characters quicker in killing so as the game do not become slow at higher levels.

    7. When using market system window the amount of quantity specifies should add up all the quantities from the list and buy at once rather than clicking special blocks and making the purchase and thus the sellers at lower prices always get sold of their items.

    8. When a market is cleared out of a certain particular item it should go as news in some column so as people who have that item can then sell it at their choice of price. This in turn will make it quite impossible for people to buy all the stuff and clear the column of that item which is not sold for fixed price and post the items at higher price. Market hot products selling at more than usual price may have some indication in the characters inventory like a glow or something so that the player knows at hand from inventory which products are selling at higher price than the general price and also in bulk quantities.

    9. Town development should not allow the guild leader to dismantle any town buildings after there is a bid by another guild on that town.

    10.Use of will to buy maps and stuff from porters if reduced will ensure reduction in loss of time or may be reduced use of will in using teachings will help to make the game faster.

    11. If any person wants to pk then the person pked should immediately gain full health and mana so as a person cannot be pked in open fields while hunting and cannot be pked without a good struggle.

    12. Guild list may contain 40 odd people but guild list should also contain a 40 odd list to keep the not online characters so as the guild leader may be able to keep track of the guild members going dead for the game. Additionally the main guild list of full online characters should experience xp boosts from towns and the not so online ones should be barred and the list transfer between often online and seldom online should be dependent on levels gained from a single day playing. Thus members playing more and leveling more should be in the main list and at the top.

    13. The guild list should have some voting form so as guild members liked will be voted positive by others secretly and not much popular or members who are not participants of chat or malicious in their chat communication receives less positive votes and hence less rewards. This will ensure better community development inside guilds and people will restrain from talking crap communication in guild chat. The same system can be taken into nation chat and pms so as the community really needs to be sweet and helpful to each other.

    14. Party option should have the option of mercenary recruitment quest steps listed so as people looking for mercenary recruitment quests can click that option and gain party for that particular quest step easily. (It will be awesome if the shadow dungeons quest parts are listed and hence party formation for them can also be done randomly rather than through guild or nation) Anyone with that particular step should get some invite message like the mentoring message which he / she can accept or reject according to his / her whims.

    15. Guild officers should have some special abilities similar to kings judgment or something new and useful so as there is always an urge for people to be an officer in a guild.

    16. Guild crafting xp should be made into some craft xp points so as this craft xp can be later used by the members who contributed for that workload to choose their upgrade craft skills and not going for the same branch of craft xp. For example if suppose medicine is crafted then the people who contributed for the workload can use the crafting xp made into points to upgrade other skills like gun , armor etc. This will ensure proper contribution of guild crafting mats and that guild crafting is regularly done. This in turn will use the auto-craft crafting more in AFK online hours ensuring a vibrant online community and popularity of the game.

    17.Evasion bonus should also increase in case of armors when enchanted and the chances of enchantment fail should also increase thus creating a balance between enchanted items and the upper level items and the enchant failure creating a balance with the lower level items which are less costly.

    18. Material / armor and weapon box openings with random choices between two random items from the box will have better inventory management and in turn keep box opening bots at bay and also ensure lack of loss of box items to serious players in game.

    19. Free league needs to be fixed. Same level fighting should give greater rewards and when a higher level looses it should generate more shards for the lower level winner and should take away some shards or battle points which one is available from higher level characters inventory also. Enchantment should work in free league or else people with enchanted stuff in free league do not get any advantage through crafting or enchantment.

    Instead of random scrolls players should be able to choose which random scrolls they going to get in before the battle begins and thus if they can hit and keep the scroll then their selected scroll will be triggered and it will help the strategy and style of battling for that particular player.

    20. Last of all multiplayer options can also include only the main characters into action forming a party of 9 and hence we will have healers into action and tanks into actions and mages into action and will give the added blend of the general Mmo market also incorporated into this game but only at higher levels.

    Sourajit Nandi

    " Don't listen to anyone who tells you that you can't play this or that. That's nonsense. Make up your mind,and you'll never whine or repent about gaming hours anymore, then have a go at every Game. Open up the Internet, join in all the Mmorpgs you can. Go make the Guild. But never, never let them persuade you that things are too difficult or impossible. "

    Once An Addict Always An Addict .

  • taaftaaf Member Posts: 7

    Stamina is still in but they changed it so much that its stuipid easy to get it. I never even notice it anymore.


    Still a bad system but hardly noticable now.

    Overall the game has just gotten better since OB

  • taaftaaf Member Posts: 7
    Originally posted by Flex1

    Is the stamina stuff still in the game? I quit in OB 2 because they inplemented that horrendous system.

    Stamina is still in but they changed it so much that its stuipid easy to get it. I never even notice it anymore.


    Still a bad system but hardly noticable now.

    Overall the game has just gotten better since OB


  • NakedFuryNakedFury Member UncommonPosts: 411

    Then I just might return.


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