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fave equipment set?

nywlanasnywlanas Member Posts: 334

so there's this issue in the game about the lack of character customization and there's the equipment sets to solve that (i think?)

well anyway, which equipment set is your favorite? or which is most aesthetically appealing to you?

i'm still mid level so my favorite equipment set would be the asura because they have a glow and because they all look so sleek and shiny. :D



  • gsp_rushgsp_rush Member Posts: 113

    i like the angkor wat equipment. The armor looks like the armors in Saint Seiya. Though it is not as shiny and goldish like those with Saint Seiya, there are similarities especially with the head gear Ogre Chain helm. My character really looks the same with the said Anime because of that head gear.

  • nywlanasnywlanas Member Posts: 334

    what i'm really amzed about are the higher level equip sets. i was able to encounter a king of the nation today and he has this certain aura. what's more amazing is his equip set. i asked him about it and he told me it was a blood knight equipment set. boy oh boy did that look cool.

  • kokoro-chinkokoro-chin Member Posts: 181

    My favorite at the moment, since it is the equipment set I'm currently using, is the Sea King. Yeah, I know it's not that strong, blah, blah... But with enough enchantments it's really okay. And, it's BLUE! And I LOVE blue!

  • johnnyboy666johnnyboy666 Member Posts: 80

    So far my favorite is also the one I am currently using. That has to be coming from the insect equipment box, or the assasin's equipment? I like them because it has a stronger protection than the previous equipment, well that is how it goes right?

  • dt1984dt1984 Member Posts: 218

    For my level at 55, my fave set is the blood knight. it has a higher stat set  compared to the other level 50 sets plus it has this dragonish red finish. but i believe there is one that is more good looking than this. But i am currently increesing my armor craftiong as well as bow crafting to be able to craft this for my guild. Just imagine the yellow orange aura engulfing you as a king. ^-^

  • SlappanSlappan Member Posts: 289

    I like the level 80 armor looks most of all. The level 60 and 70 armor sets were pretty terrible, and I agree that the Blood Knight set looks pretty good. The plate armors are the best looking ones, while the long range armor sets are kinda iffy imo.

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