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Did you used to play StarQuest Online a long time ago?

AlloughNAlloughN Member Posts: 168

Did you used to play StarQuest back in beta? or has it been like 3-4 months since you last played it?

Starquest has changed, A LOT, since then.


This video really is just for those who used to play StarQuest, as its a tribute to the games advancement.

Whats behind the video that you may or may not be able to see, the factions Klinshayan and Therat are now playable (they are in closed beta at the moment) So if your dreams lay in that area, they can finally come true.


So if you used to play StarQuest, watch this video, and come back for a tiny bit to check out all the changes. From a bunch of new ships, to a player run economy, to shipyards that are fully animated with pieces, beams, and construction driods flying all over the place, this isnt the game you used to play, this is a different SQO in a lot of aspects. A lot has changed, and its for the better.

 *This is player made, it starts with old screen shots, then compares them to new ones*

StarQuest Online Tribute "How far we've come" -youtube


For those of you that have never played or even heard of StarQuest Online, Its indie developed, its been under everybodies radar, and its finally ready to take the space MMORPG world by storm. Your going to be seeing a lot more of us everywhere


If you know nothing about StarQuest, its focus is not on cutting edge graphics, or crystal clear sound, its on roleplay, and bringing that feeling of sitting around a table playing pen and paper rpg's to the space MMO world. Its about having the freedom to live out your wildest dreams. Its not focused on the masses, its focused on the mature, imaginative roleplayers, who want a bigger pad of paper.

This is Starquest Online, this is your destiny.



  • zephar123zephar123 Member UncommonPosts: 70

    yeah, some good shots, there as a player of game funny part is there way more to game then whats seen there. I wish he showed some zoomed in out hsots of space combat as it gets pretty nutz.

  • danuisdanuis Member Posts: 7

    ya,ya,its really neat.You can actally become buisness leaders with those shipyards!

  • AlloughNAlloughN Member Posts: 168

    Yeah, the video didnt show it, and I didnt say anything about it, but the ship to ship combat, whether PVP or PVE is crazy nuts now days. Plaser bolts, antimatter torps, uranium slag (from mass drivers) flying everywhere, the ship shaking apart from the blows, the sound of blasts drowning out everything else.. And the new combat system has the helmsmen manuevering the ships around till they look like a bunch of bats gone crazy, twisting to get a shot off at a unshielded system, or cartwheeling out of control when the poor guy looses his sense of 3d maneuver, or the hull takes a solid hit. Heh, I'm glad I'm one of the engineers most of the time, so I dont have to worry about getting dizzy trying to fly, or track another ship with the guns, all I have to do is repair the systems that are about to blow up in my face... and they have sometimes, I've been exploded into a hundred pieces before, just like one of those pictures in the video shows :P I may have to rethink my career, maybe a commander, all they have to do is sit in their nice chair, where the bridge shielding protects them. Then again, wonder what would happen if I let the bridge shielding fail sometime,,, I could probably get a payraise out of it if I played it right. XD


    Ya, space combat is nuts now days, and the char v char is getting better to. :)

  • caemsgcaemsg Member Posts: 105

    that is true im currently playing the Therataa faction and haveing great fun
    the game is the most revolutionary of any i have played it is not a biscuit cutter MMO like a lot of others

    as you can see in the video you can be on both in a ship and on the ground but you are never a ship

    while not everyone will like the game it will run on almost any machine thats not 10 years old and has a graphics card of some description

    and almost anything you can think of you can do weather you like to pirate or you can make hoards of cash as a chemist or play military or what ever you can think of within reason also there is little in the way of grinding

  • weylin6weylin6 Member Posts: 18

    Yea there is ALOT more to do now, fleet is a bit more active as well I believe (At least my ship is)

    They got alot of neat new features, such as the player built ships, new combat system, I love the science labs too where you can make all sorts of different compounds.

    If you are a returning beta-tester, or just plain new, there is alot this game has to offer, though all these features will not be immediatly visible or accessable...

    first bit of advice I can give is make a Fleet Ensign and request transfer to a ship in the SQO forums.

    We are more than happy to show you the ropes and help you out in whatever way possible.

  • MgoodmanMgoodman Member Posts: 8

    And for me one of the biggest things about this game is the interaction between us and the developers!

    The reason it has such a loyal fanbase is because each members ideas have a high chance of making into the game and that is something you don't find on most games.


    This game has been evolving constantly and was built from the ground up to be able to do so.


    The game is designed to work with thousands of players and as we approach that number you will all be glad you are involved in what will be one of the most engaging MMORPG's ever made, with no need for scripted missions or grinding.


    Everything will be player created and run, real alliances will become powerful and fall, wars will be won and lost, enemies and friends will come and go but this will all happen because of how you "want" to play the game not because of how you are "made" to play the game.


    This game has everything in place to become... Epic!


    ...Right i'm off now to go fight a war against the klinshayans! 

  • TollinTollin Member Posts: 7

    I just recently started Playing and i have to say this is the type of game i have been looking for . Wonderfully detailed gameplay  great community . The ability to explore and discover new place or life forms,the ability to choose what you do  not thrown into a cookie cut class and told to go kill 500 rats. If you are looking for a game with freedom this is the one i suggest you try right now it is free for 30 days what can it hurt.

  • LydonLydon Member UncommonPosts: 2,938

    UInfortunately it wasn't for me when I tried it.

  • ZunathZunath Member Posts: 10

    I don't know how I feel about a company representative that can't use proper grammar.

  • KILLkipKILLkip Member Posts: 37

  • AlloughNAlloughN Member Posts: 168

    How about a normal player with bad grammar?

    Sawry taw berst yer bubble, but I'm not a company representative from CastleThorn Software.

    I normally try to use good grammar, but I didn't know anyone would be watching that close to a normal player.

  • CoirCoir Member Posts: 97

    Since we're hitting grammar, you're not a normal player. You're a 'correspondent' for a MMO fansite that has advertising and all kinds of other things attempting to make it look professional. Take some pride in your 'penmanship' and craft. Main drawback in my opinion is the editors let anything get published without checking for basic english mistakes.


    A small fansite with members writing is one thing. What MMORPG has grown to become is something else entirely.

    And while we're at it. That How far we've come told me nothing. I watched a few of the vids from gameplay and was more impressed. How far we've come I'd expect before and after shots of the exact same models/environments one after the other or side by side.


    As far as SQO goes I'll go take a look at it sometime in the first half of next year. I've seen enough to pique my interest and need something until FE releases.

  • AlloughNAlloughN Member Posts: 168

    This video was made from screenshots that have great importance to people that have played the game. A couple were put in just for laughs, but most of those are milestones in SQO's timeline.

    Your right, being on a website that has this many readers is special. I should take pride and care in my grammar. You will have to excuse my previous comment. I made it during finals week at college, which was oddly stressfull for me.

    Thank you for your patience putting up with my horrible grammar and childish reply.


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