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You realize how GOOD WoW actually is. No it's not perfect, nothing will be to everyone when you have 11 million people playing. Just the overall quality, gameplay, and fun factor beat anything out there.
I guess alot of WoW players(myself included) always have the "grass is greener" someplace else thought process. Anyone else in the same boat? I'm coming back for lich king myself.
I've been asking myself the same question the past few days WoW may have flaws but it remains one of the best out there.
It's been 3 years since I left the game,I`m still asking myself If I 'll be able to start all over again and progress through WoW/BC/WOTLK.
In the land of Predators,the lion does not fear the jackals...
same thing here, i've tryed many other games, many even p2p, but no one can beat wow to date. Lore, graphics(it may be out of date, but scenes are still beautiful), best pve ever, decent pvp (hopefully will be better in wotlk).
i think you can come back to wow, experience requirements have been considerably lowered to reach level 70, and if you use the friend invite feature you will both get a boost to exp gained! or if you have a lv 60 char already you could make a death knight who start at lv 55
I've tried to leave on many occasions. The most I managed was six months before coming back. I've pretty much resigned myself to the fact that it's going to be my main MMO for a long time. Even when bigger and better things come out it will always have a special place in my heart simply because of all the amazing times I've had playing it.
World of Warcraft is a particularly good game but the problem for me is that it really doesn't excel an anything ie PVP combat, Crafting, Player driven world. I started playing MMO's waaaaay before WOW was ever released so i've seen the good, bad and ugly before hand. Come to think of it i've probably tried over 75% of the games listed on the left side of the page plus many older ones that aren't even listed. Just coming off WAR sadily disappointed at the moment. I was considering WOTLK but i don't see any reason as they just added another simplified PVP instance in it. PVP is the most important selling point to me as a player. It always has been.
With that being said. Almost every game other then WOW has a superior crafting system. In order for it to be superior it has to take some effort and the end result has to be needed meaning your product needs to sell like a business. One thing Warhammer did is shut down gold sellers entirely. Why can't blizzard do this i really have no idea. Gold sellers destroy player based economy's Everqiest 2 is actually a better game then WoW fo the sole fact that it does the player driven economy, crafting better then anything available right now. PVP servers are pretty harsh as well if thats your cup of tea.
I wish World of Warcraft had more to offer as a game to me but it doesn't regretfully.
I've been trying to find something I could play more than WoW and most haven't done it for me. Although I have been playing Atlantica Online more than WoW lately (don't get me wrong though it probably wouldn't be a replacement for me).
Not too long ago I went through a stage where I tried a lot of F2P MMO's and some P2P ones, but kept coming back to WoW.
At the moment I'm just terribly bored of WoW, and I only log on to help my boyfriend for a little bit if that...
Not to burst your bubble, but WoTLK is pretty much TBC but with another paint job and a couple new things. It's fun and polished, but there are some things I think they could do to make it a lot more interesting.
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as someone that shied away from wow after his trial week because i didnt like the graphics,
can anyone in depth analyse what exatly keeps him playing wow and what he missed in the other games ?
im totally puzzled when i hear people talk about that they were max level years ago yet they stick to the game (probably due to raiding)
so what should other games learn from wow (end)game ?
if your bored, visit my blog at: dealing with the look of mmos with the nvidia 3d vision glasses
Well I like the graphics well enough, customizable UI, interesting lore, fun classes, not too grindy, PvP is decent, good server communication, great sound track, and I enjoy the focus on PvE. Pretty hard to explain what the appeal is... I think most of it is that it is so polished in everything.
And I'm not a "he" but I tried to answer anyway
My Rig:
GPU: GeForce GTX 770, CPU: i7-4790K, Memory: 16 GB RAM
I have played pretty much every MMO since UO and yes WoW is a great MMO. The problem is that the others have gotten really close to its polish and content. Many have surpassed it for art and animation. And for me WoW is like a good old classic film from decades past... loved it at the time but when I watch it again its so cheesy.
So for me WoW in a timeless mindset is great, but I just can't play it any more without feeling "How the hell did I think this was sweet graphics/animation?" A lot of things that are good ideas have been poorly implemented graphically as well. The glittery mats really look cheesy as do the quest givers circa 2008.
Where other games have worked to bridge the gap with WoW, WoW seems to have settled in and is waiting for a good time to release WoS, just my .02. Now other MMOs have failed typically on the released too early long term disaster.
I played LotRO again this weekend with their old player look see and that's a game thats made some serious progress in adding content, balancing, art, ui... its quite different then when I last played in Book XI. EQ2 has also slowly but surely changed its core gameplay to something more universal.
It's hard to quantify, but I'll try:
- I actually like the art style (not graphics, the art style).
- It's the 'little things' that WoW does so well. The humorous quests, NPC's, hidden locations, easter eggs etc. You can tell a lot of thought has gone into the design, and every little thing is considered from a lore and world perspective.
- The feeling that the world is alive. Nothing beats flying over a sweeping landscape on the back of a Gryphon and seeing little ant-like players below embarking on their own adventure. It just feels epic.
- Moments that make you go 'oh my god!'. Be it downing your first raid boss or passing through the Dark Portal for the first time. Encounters that actually make the hairs on the back of your next stand on end.
- The sound design and epic scores are unmatched in any MMO (personal opinion).
I should add that I don't raid end-game, but I still love the game for the reasons above. With the advent of the latest patch I am now able to try out Kara and other raid instances for the first time, and it's incredible.
(Yes, I am a gibbering Fanboy, and proud of it. )
World of Warcraft is a particularly good game but the problem for me is that it really doesn't excel an anything ie PVP combat, Crafting, Player driven world. I started playing MMO's waaaaay before WOW was ever released so i've seen the good, bad and ugly before hand. Come to think of it i've probably tried over 75% of the games listed on the left side of the page plus many older ones that aren't even listed. Just coming off WAR sadily disappointed at the moment. I was considering WOTLK but i don't see any reason as they just added another simplified PVP instance in it. PVP is the most important selling point to me as a player. It always has been.
With that being said. Almost every game other then WOW has a superior crafting system. In order for it to be superior it has to take some effort and the end result has to be needed meaning your product needs to sell like a business. One thing Warhammer did is shut down gold sellers entirely. Why can't blizzard do this i really have no idea. Gold sellers destroy player based economy's Everqiest 2 is actually a better game then WoW fo the sole fact that it does the player driven economy, crafting better then anything available right now. PVP servers are pretty harsh as well if thats your cup of tea.
I wish World of Warcraft had more to offer as a game to me but it doesn't regretfully.
Funnily enough WAR is exactly the example of a game that has a worse crafting system than WoW. Also, the reason the gold selling is shutdown on WAR is it *has* little to no economy, which is *not* a plus in my book.
Ive always thought WoW was a great MMO, even when I hated it. Fact is, it will remain a strong game for a long time. My problem is that I just cannot play WoW endlessly. I crave a new world to explore and conquer ...even if that world is not as great As Azaroth. Expansions are nice, but to me it just doesnt feel as 'unknown' and 'challenging' as an entirely new game world.
MMORPG Characters immortalized!
LLyncu: Star Wars Galaxies (Chimaera)
Xiode: Age of Conan (Mannanan)
I played WOW from 2006-2008.....loved it, especially pre-BC. I remmeber my first wow moment was going through the Deadmines and blasing off the doors to the last chamber and a voice yelling to go check it out!
I hit a ceiling in the raid gear in BC and left. Treied a few other MMOs (EQ2, Vanguard, DDO and LOTRO) and have stuck with LOTRO...which is very similiar as WOW with better graphics and a more mature community. I'm not knocking WOWs took me a minth or so to get used to LOTRO graphics!
MMO Played-EQ, EQ2, WOW, DDO, GW, COH, Vanguard, WAR
MMOs Playing-LOTRO
Brief answer: the controls of you avatar are unmatched in any other MMORPG and the full 3D open world you adventure in.
The controls in the battles you fight (certainly in PvP) are so polished and "tight", it kills other games for me. So sad because everytime I want to like another game, I stumble over the lack of avatar controls. What's the use of more pixels if you don't "feel" your character.
Wow spoiled this for me. I can't game in a world that is as closed as a toy box and has very stiff clunk character movement. Certainly not in a PvP game. Even off line games like the Witcher lack in this respect.
I think Blizzard first looked at the "micro" gameplay of the characters and then added the rest. Other developpers design "grand scale" concepts, but forget the extreme polish Blizz uses in its games.
We had the exact same feeling in Diablo.
Edit: for the end game: the extreme polish in its raids and end game choices, like going to the "Opera" and killing Romeo and Juliette or the Big Bad Wolf or The Wizzard of Oz., depending on what theater piece they were playing in the Karazahn castle. ...
I remember always to bow before the Opera public as we stood on stage before the action began /:)) And I am doing 95% of my time Arena and BG's, so choices of playing styles sure help.
If I remember correctly, the trial only allows a max level of 20. If that's the case, you've missed about 98% of WoW. You will have missed most the abilities the character gains at higher level, probably didn't do any dungeons with a party, wouldn't have been able to participate in most of the battlegrounds, obviously no BC or flying mounts, etc. Even the raid content is fun the first few times. It's like you just read the 1st page of a novel and put the book down.
I like playing WoW; the world is well populated, the grind is easy, and the art is consistent. I don't like the maturity of the player base, the constant rebalancing of classes because of the Arenas, and the graphics just aren't that good. Consistent, just not that good. I keep coming back because of the Hunter class, but I play EQ2 more then I play WoW.
Originally posted by strategy
Brief answer: the controls of you avatar are unmatched in any other MMORPG and the full 3D open world you adventure in.
The controls in the battles you fight (certainly in PvP) are so polished and "tight", it kills other games for me. So sad because everytime I want to like another game, I stumble over the lack of avatar controls. What's the use of more pixels if you don't "feel" your character.
Wow spoiled this for me. I can't game in a world that is as closed as a toy box and has very stiff clunk character movement. Certainly not in a PvP game. Even off line games like the Witcher lack in this respect.
I think Blizzard first looked at the "micro" gameplay of the characters and then added the rest. Other developpers design "grand scale" concepts, but forget the extreme polish Blizz uses in its games.
We had the exact same feeling in Diablo.
This. this, thousand times this!
"I think Blizzard first looked at the "micro" gameplay "
think you nailed it 100%. Sometimes I really have the sense that blizzard builds wow under a micro concept strategy instead of a macro strategy
The end result is that wow has a strong and well articulated skeleton, where almost everything feels "connected" or "good". blends or overlaps perfectly. Wow doesn't have the best graphics, or the best souns, or the best spell effects, or combat animations, the most inovative or creative quests, the best class balance or crafting but, yet, all feels right, confortable, and, more important, works well, while in most other mmorpgs it is not the case.
Warhammer for example is a game that offers considerable content, strong pvp and yet, it lacks "wow factor" and starts to feel void after some time (once the noveltry factor vanish). Not even going to mention many other games, since in most of them, the player, after being in wow for some time, can almost point a full hand of wrong, incomplet, rushed or non operational aspects.
thats not saying that wow is the best or most perfect mmorpg ever. It just really delivers in the right amount considering the potential of technology when it comes to the mmo setting.
I stopped playing wow 3 years ago and at that time I had a blast but as time passed by I got bored and left.Since then I tried Vanguard,DDO,LOTRO,GW,EQ2,WAR,AoC,all these games were advertised to have XYZ but delivered ABC,their world were not as alive as WOW.
A few days ago I was at a friend's place I created a new char(Tauren Druid) on his WoW account and played till level 20.There were no players in Thunder bluff but the world felt alive with only npcs.I think Blizzard has the greatest may be best world builders in the industry.
In the land of Predators,the lion does not fear the jackals...
If I remember correctly, the trial only allows a max level of 20. If that's the case, you've missed about 98% of WoW. You will have missed most the abilities the character gains at higher level, probably didn't do any dungeons with a party, wouldn't have been able to participate in most of the battlegrounds, obviously no BC or flying mounts, etc. Even the raid content is fun the first few times. It's like you just read the 1st page of a novel and put the book down.
yes and i fully admit my shame in that
when i tried out wow after playing lineage2 for 4 years and ddo/aoc for a few month, what made me break from wow that early are 2 things:
1. the graphics:
i dont want to go into detail but it just didnt appeal to me. when i saw the dwarf in the snowy mountain in the rendered intro i tought: ok i can live with that but later ingame i couldnt
2. the controlls:
i must say i was totally conditioned by lineage2 gameplay of clicking to move and to attack when i entered wow so the controlls felt a bit alien. the thing i noticed most was that the actions were not in synch with my character and that i had a lot of "ability not readdy". contrary to previous posters that made me feel not as one with my char but just the opposit.
i admitt that especially the controlls will probably feel much different once you have a ton of skills and played the game a lot more then i did. it just suprized me that many people mentioned it as a positive aspect when i just had the opposit feeling coming from the "click>react" of lineage or the "free swing" of ddo or the "combo system" of aoc.
again im not here to critizize wow. the fact that 11mil people play it speaks for its own.
what id like to find out is why people keep playing it especially once they reached the endgame, wich for a hardcore gamer seems to be done pretty fast compared to lineage 2 for example.
if your bored, visit my blog at: dealing with the look of mmos with the nvidia 3d vision glasses
It's not that ppl think that the grass is greener on the other side, that's not the reason why people leave. They leave because the want variety, but what they don't want is a weaker alternative, and that's why they come back.
It's not that ppl think that the grass is greener on the other side, that's not the reason why people leave. They leave because the want variety, but what they don't want is a weaker alternative, and that's why they come back.
Hmmm, I left Wow two years ago. About 6 months-ish after BC. Was lv70, played as far as Gruuls lair and was sick of the rep grind. But I liked the pvp, the gear, crafting, pve and humour of the game - just hated grind and had likely overplayed the game over the 3 yrs of playing. I vowed to NEVER return lol.
Tried lots of different games, including the BIG ones that were potentially going to redefine mmos or at least redefine pvp, and was left disappointed.
Well, I just returned to wow. I used to play on Euro servers as I am from Britian but this time I decided US servers for a change and chose Alliance (was always a Horde) for another change.
Have to say, I am glad to be back. It's part nostalgia trip (starting the game from scratch) and partly wotlk. I live in Japan, have some American mates who play and so now there is enough change to keep it fresh. Looking forward to see if American playas are different from Euro ones.
I am a lot more cautious now regarding new mmo releases, so this time I will stay with wow until a credible alternative is released and developed. Now, that could take years!
As Davros would say: "like an errant child you return to your master" he he.