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I am just wondering whenever I logged inside the game, my will always starts to zero percent. I need to rest for a while before I can restore or teleto some place where I want. Isn't that will should be 100% because logging out is considered resting? Just wonderin...
Yes, that has been an issue of the game and I don't think the devs plan on changing that. Will has always been and will always be a limiting factor of the game. I think the always 'reboot' our will in the start of the game to keep us from being lazy? You know, suddenly using the travel agency, or tele license to teleport our way in the game. That's my guess at least...
Yes, annoying.....what really bugs me in sitting in Rome to wait for me will to get up to teleport level only to disconnect at 50% and reconnect back at 0% but it is what it is.
Very annoying it is. If only they will have you keep your will at log-out as your will at log-in. ^-^ Which gives me an idea, why not create a ticket about it. ^-^ As a suggestion . ^-^ hihi, let me try it out.
Yeah, I guess will should remains the same whenever someone log out. I mean if the player logs out at 79% will, if he logged in, then his will will still be 79%. About the 101%, I haven't experienced that, maybe its a glitch or something?
The worst is when you accidentally logged out in shadow dungeons and you have no will to teleport. This happened to me in the worst place possible - Shogun Castle shadow dungeon, where normal monsters do 4k per hit.
Atlantica Online
yeah, I hope they change it so you save your will, or gain it while logged out. I've gotten disconnected a couple of times and log back in with half my team dead and no will to teleport out
what ive do is that i spend all my will beefore i log out, i do different will related activites to maximize my will ^^
Its not that bothersome. There are so many things to do in this game that waiting a few minutes for will to build is the absolute last thing on my mind.
yes you should wait until your will is 100 percent before you can do a lot of activities sometimes just sit or chat while waiting.
After Lv. 53 your will goes up by 1% every 3 levels. Caps at 125%. Haven't played for a while so things may have changed, it's no glitch though.
Relating to the topic, will is a pain in the ass I say. Disconnecting half way through the refill sucks the most, especially if you're trying to do a shadow dungeon.