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Hello all. I'm pretty bored with all the other mmos out there and was gonna give lotr online a shot after reading all the positive things about it in the forums (i'm downloading it right now from turbine).....................................and I was just looking for a server recommendation (preferrably a very populated one:) Thanks
Fear is the mind killer.
Landroval is a pretty populated server, and was originally the "unofficial" roleplay server. I don't know how the other servers are in comparison, but there always seem to be people around on Landroval.
Yea, there are loads of people on Landroval, they are everywhere. And yes, it is the unofficial RP server, but the community is the best I have ever encountered in any MMO, so I definately recomend that one. Don't be scared away from the RPers, if you want to give RPing a shot they won't mind if you get a few things wrong about the lore, and they never force you into RPing with them either.
But if you want to go for an even bigger population then Landroval's, I hear that the amount of people on Brandywine is nuts. Never played on it myself, but hey, it could never hurt to try.
Landroval is the best overall server in my opinion. Brandywine is the most populated. If your looking to join a kin, you may wanna check them out first before you pick a server. Like, if your into raiding alot, I dont suggest landroval, or pvp, ect.. All depends on what you do to have fun. If your into a little bit of everything, i would suggest Landroval. This is US. There are different servers for EU. Good luck and have fun.
Edit: my chars name on Landroval in Rhavin if ya need any help or anyone else out there does. I just play with my wife on that server so we're always willing to group up.
See you in the dream..
The Fires from heaven, now as cold as ice. A rapid ascension tolls a heavy price.
if you wanted to play on the most populated server i would have to say go with brandywine. i play on the server and it always seems like there is ppl on. but then again i just resubed and the xpac is coming out soon too so that might have more ppl playing and new ppl trying the game out
I play Windfola, I believe it is the least populated server, always enough people on, and with expansion, I dont think fellowing will be an issue on any server. I have heard there are queues in Brandy at times, not sure if that will be addressed with Moria.
Well, I play on Brandywine which is pretty populated. Keep in mind you are not going to see a madhouse of activity in the new player areas but you will move out of them quickly.
However, I feel that I have to point out that if you are bored with the current crop of mmo's then you might be very bored in LOTRO.
It's very story driven, there is a lot of reading and if you are the type of person who just clicks through the quest dialogue then you will find yourself pretty lost.
You don't say why you are bored but my guess is that LOTRO might actually not be for you. And if you are a powergamer or one who likes to burn through levels then I would say LOTRO is definitely not for you.
However, if you like an immersive storyline, the LOTRO lore and are easy going you might enjoy it.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
o well welcome to lotro my friend I hope u enjoy it
see u in the game
The three largest servers are Brandywine, Elendilmir and Landroval. However, since they have had a welcome back weekend for old players and +25% xp until MoM comes out, there have been queues to get into Brandywine. Once MoM launches, I have a feeling that the queues to get onto the larger servers are going to be nuts.
Also, this would be a perfect time to start a new character. Many established players will be doing 2 things for the next few months. 1) Taking their max level characters through Moria; and, 2) leveling up characters from the two new classes. Therefore, contrary to the opinion of some others, I believe that the "newb areas" will be thriving.
In any event, welcome, have fun and good hunting to you.
Hedonismbot: Your latest performance was as delectable as dipping my bottom over and over into a bath of the silkiest oils and creams.
Well, I suppose that is a good point. Especially once MoM hits.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
I play on Brandywine which is usually pretty full. With the expansion coming and the xp bonus there has been a short que to get on. No more then a couple minutes wait.
I'm throwing out a vote for Elindilmir.
Not quite as big as Brandywine by still pretty decent pop. The real charm here is it's a NA/Oceanic server so it seems to ALWAYS have a good population on at all times.
Community is awesome. Very friendly, very helpful, and if the PvMP aspects appeal to you we have a pretty cool Creep side.
Went back for the free time and was pretty shocked at how empty it was on Silverlode. Seriously, like seeing less than 10 people in Bree empty and maybe 1-2 people in an hour in the wild. Vanguard, of all games, had more people playing it than Lotro. Pretty surprising and disappointing.
Don't be too quick to jump to conclusions. Silverlode isnt one of the more populated servers and plus, what day/time did you log on? that makes a big difference.. from seeing 10 people online to possibly a 100 (just in Bree).
I have had no big issues with the population in LOTRO.
I play on Silverlode, and it's not really that empty at all. During prime time, running from West gate to South gate of Bree I'll easily pass 10-15 people, let alone inside the AH. Right now there are a lot of 50's that don't necessarily hang out in Bree. I was on my warg in the Moors a while back and I was surprised at how many Freeps and Creeps were on - perhaps getting their last licks in before the Creeps get their auto-bump to 60.
I know some people in my guild are making a last push with lvl 40-something characters to get them ready for Moria, and they are doing quests in Angmar or Forochel.
So, don't despair if the lowbie zones seem less populated. People are still out there.
I wondered if that was the case, but alas it doesn't help a low level (15) like myself.
When Moria launches the low level areas will have people again. Plenty are planning to roll new Wardens and Rune-Keepers. Since you aren't one of those new classes, you'll have an easy time getting in groups, I'd imagine. (I can picture LFF chat now - "4 Wardens seeking RK or... anyone else!")
Well, that was my point, a lot of people have moved to the higher lvl areas and don't necessarily need to go to Bree.
However, with the new expansion coming out, as the other gentleman remarked, you will see a lot of people rolling one of the new classes as well as people retruning.
Also, as I've noticed, LOTRO is conducive to alts so there are many people making them.
I would say that if you don't see a good jump, reroll servers. I find the population on Brandywine, which is arguably the most populated server, fine.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
here is a pic of Bree pop taken on Silverlode at noon on a Saturday, about 60 people just in Bree
I miss DAoC
If you like dwarves and who doesnt then come on down to nimrodel pretty well populated and home of the Sons of Durin kin one of the more kin family oriented type of guilds most members will help you on any quest you need done.Any races welcome .
whoot man i play on nimrodel also if ur an every race trype of person the kin the band played on is a great kin and for and lvl 50s looking for kin we do do raids and alot of the people are very helpful with quests and getting better gear and crafting things.nimrodel is amazing
Goldee LVL 45 CHAMP