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Seriously what is all the hype about this game... i dont feel very excited all i can tell is that its going to have flying and everything else is going to be exactly the same as world of warcraft and warhammer with the gameplay mostly and its just going to have pretty graphics... wtf is all the hype about. I am excited about darkfall becuase its actually bringing something new to the MMORPG industry.. but i dont have my hopes set very high on that game either.. open beta was suppose to be out already and its not. People are even saying that Closed Beta is fake and that they are faking it in darkfall :P. Well anyways what is actually new in this game... seems just like another boring mmorpg where its the same crap over and over i would think they would add something interesting besides "flying" and some pvpve "_" . Anyways if there is something that makes this WORTHWHILE to actually be excited about this game please tell me :P.
You need to actually read what is out there about the game. This game is actually more like a combination of Final Fantasy XI and Everquest. The death penalty alone makes the game stand out don't even have to get to the flying.
well your mind seems set that you wont give Aion a chance so do us a favor and find a game that intrests you, and that you get excited about. If all else fails go do some reading up on Aion. and if you still dont like the ideas and concepts dont spend you money an a game that you wont like. Not every game is for everyone. Some of us are excited about what were hearing from OB in korea and awaiting the US release.
And ***gasp*** some do not like Aion for whatever reason, thats life.
Waiting for:EQ-Next, ArcheAge (not so much anymore)
Now Playing: N/A
Favorite MMO: FFXI
"darkfall becuase its actually bringing something new to the MMORPG industry."
Was all I needed to read. The fact that you actually bought into that decade of vapor is enough to let me know you're not going to listen to reason or put forth a compelling argument so it's not even worth the effort.
PS: they're not bringing anything "new". They're bringing old ideas back, which isn't nessisarily a bad thing, but that would be assuming the game wasn't a complete joke.
Bans a perma, but so are sigs in necro posts.
There was a post recently asking about what Aion innovates in. I recommend people not to look at features by themselves and instead look at the whole package, but if you're looking for the mega innovation that nobody has ever thought about doing, good luck.
This game is mostly likely not for you. If the graphics don't do anything for you and if you think flying isn't all that awesome, then move along because you won't find anything much different from any other MMO.
And that's how we like it. I don't know how many times we have to say this.
The whole package is indeed looking great, but nothing we could point out will convince you. Maybe wait until you can try it yourself. Or some beta opinions and videos...
EDIT: Maybe OP is just boggled and mildly pissed Aion is always at the top of the hype meter..
No iam not pissed that this game is the most hyped IAM pissed becuase this game bascially is the same shit as any other game with some pretty graphics and some pretty flying and the same shit mechanics as EQ THAT WHERE CREATED MORE THEN 7 YEARS AGO . So be excited about your guild wars with jumping if you want iam going to wait for a actual MMORPG that should be the most HYPED on this site and not some game that just takes the same crap from other games and adds 1 or 2 things to it.
I am not here to sell Aion to you
I don't know if it was a great philosopher that said this but i've always believed in "If it's not broke don't fix it" But with that aside you can make things better without completely throwing the mold away. MMOs have things about them that people love and want to be apart of the game. Yes new innovation is needed but you don't have to completely scrap out everything if it works and people enjoy it. Think of other genres like fps games i remember when the first Gears of War came out. People loved it because it brought a lot of new and exciting ways of playing fps game with the ducking dodging and what not. It's still and fps game though and if it didn't have the things people like about fps games in it as well it would have flopped.
With aion I think they are taking what has worked and are listening to masses and trying to fix that while adding some cool new things. Some of them have been done before (like flying think flyff) but i'm sure this is being improved on. Other things like pvp pve and story like are gonna be apart of most mmos too. Some games are strickly pve though. I just don't know what people are expecting from the develepers community people want all this new stuff but when games come out that are different people are going to complain because it doesn't have all the stuff they think should be in an MMO.
If MMOs don't agree with what you think are fun and you want them to change to exactly what you think is a good then by all means go out there and make a game with what you want in it.
Oh and darkfall that topic gets brought up a lot on these forums and it always makes me laugh. That game promises a lot and I'm going to chuckle to myself when it FINALLY comes out, and it might not, because people probably expect too much from it and it's most likely going to flop and flop bigtime.
I'm currently confused about this game, apart from flying and cool graphics, which in a way both are features of perfect world or some free game like that, what else does this bring, you say look at the whole package but you only list those two things, HUGE package, so big it might not fit on my computer!
I've been told by mates and stuff the game looks good, but I can't find much info on the game at all, i watched the fighting vids, they look cool but again is that all this has? For a p2p game i'd expect more than just graphics and flying, whats the big pvp thing? Again i can't find anything on it, maybe i'm looking at the wrong site or its under an odd name or something...
Please enlighten me on what is soooo great I should be so hyped about this game?
OK so why are you still here? To troll? to hate on Aion? Go back to your DF board and continue to get strung along by adventuine and hope for the game to get released after they break promise after promise to its fan base. Then once its released your placing your faith in a small company with no MMO experiance. Hoping that they didnt break promises on its features. DF is starting to look like another AoC Funcom was hiding stuff pre-lauch, working in the shadows, just like adventurine. and look what happened, 3/4th the stuff was broke in AoC. Atleast Aion has had nothing to hide in its past development. I personally like they way they are making it. It has different aspects and alot of old aspects that worked well. Some of us gamers like the old aspects. Where some dont. So move along Aion is not for you.
Waiting for:EQ-Next, ArcheAge (not so much anymore)
Now Playing: N/A
Favorite MMO: FFXI
Ah yes, another dorkfell cultist here to spread the Gospel according to Tasos! I have one innovation, in Aion, that many lately have seemed to miss, and that is....
wait for it...
wait for it....
wait for it.....
Tried- L2, Ryzom, WAR, DDO, PWI, Tab Rasa, Requiem, Champs, AA, JD, PWI, SUN, Dawntide
Played- SWG (pre-cu), AoC, VG, WoW, LoTRO,CoX, EQ2, DAOC, GW, PotBS, Aion, MO,APB, NASA, Fallen Earth, DCUO, Rift
Playing- EVE, Black Prophecy, TOR
Waiting for- Tera, Jumpgate Evo, WH40K, WWE, WOD, TSW
"Hey, if Activision liked it, then they should have put a ring on it," Double Fine President Tim Schafer said. "Oh great, now Beyonce is going to sue me too."
You need to be more consistent in trying to insult something.
No F'ing way. I'm sorry, I'm usually more then happy to help people but you and yours are proving to be nothing more then troll bait.
If you are sincere about being curious about the game you will open those little peepers and read all these threads right here and quit demanding we repeat ourselves over and over and over...
Thank you, please have more respect for you fellow gamer.
The world will be completely new and unique.
From what i've heard so far, alot of people think Aion is alot like WoW without cartoon style graphics. Or a mix of WoW/EQ and L2/GW. I love the gameplay style of Wow and EQ type games, and i love great graphics. So as long as the gameplay is alot of fun, Aion should bring me alot more fun hours of gaming.
New classes, skills and abilities i've never experienced before in a world i've never explored. That is basically all i need. I don't think of it as another serving of the same old stuff, more like the next step in MMO evolution. (if it ends up being good that is)
I agree with the thought, ''if it ain't broke, don't fix it''. As long as the game is polished, gameplay is solid and the world is well designed, i should have something new to play for a while, maybe even a long time. I don't like games that try to re-invent the wheel, and most of the time i see it as a company with a sub-par game trying to cash in on a gimmick rather than making the best game they could.
Its so hard to be excited and be watching both DF and Aion at the same time when both games are having lover quarrels. QQ more. Aion is proven awsome for those who know anything about what makes and improves upon a good MMO. Even if that means taking a couple cookie cutter aspects and implementing them on with other new things, or things modified in a unique world to be 10x better than anything before...
DF will be awsome for those who like HUGE worlds, with no safety, always living on the edge not knowing whether they will be ganked, or be made to walk the plank, or even take over another city of town, will love DF. Both have strong elements and both have some weak elements, but it balances out pretty well with both games, considering they both have good launches.
After all its the gamers choice, haters go QQ more, i dont think its appropriate to start a controversy in another forum and THEN start flaming just because they didnt bow down to your views.... (Vapor troll is vapor troll) . . . (Aion troll is aion troll) . . . (DF troll is DF troll) I hate all 3 of those kinds of people. But i love what both games are trying to bring. Nuf said.
From what i saw, some of the art direction reminded me of WoW, true, but that is not bad, WoW has an amazing art direction. And the other aspects of you know, gameplay, and characters and capes reminded me of GW. Also of course it reminds people of L2 which itself is similar to GW by nature of NC soft. But i think one that really stands out with all of those combined, is i get a "overall atmosphere" ingame that seems similar to that of FFXI's.
It is really neat, because if you are like me who has played everyone one of those MMO's for at least some time, You can easily pick up on these aspects. And they are no doubt intential. But the only thing i never was reminded of was EQ, i half to say the ONLY thing that remotely reminded me of the old EQ days was flying ship transportation, and to be in truth, that was even more similar to FFXI than anything else.
No F'ing way. I'm sorry, I'm usually more then happy to help people but you and yours are proving to be nothing more then troll bait.
If you are sincere about being curious about the game you will open those little peepers and read all these threads right here and quit demanding we repeat ourselves over and over and over...
Thank you, please have more respect for you fellow gamer.
Wtf are you on? I just ask a seemingly simple question and get attacked for it, nice! I hope the game doesn't have a lot of these type of followers as it will just be nasty. 'Troll bait' what does that mean? I asked an honest question and you assume I'm a troll, I don't amazingly have time to read what people think the game will have, I'd like to know what the game actually has so thats why I won't be openning 'those little peepers' to read all the threads. Also I definatly don't want you repeating urself over and over, I might lose my head or something, but I'd like to know where the information is, as I couldn't find jack on their website.
'Please have more respect for you fellow gamer' I wish you'd also do the same, I'm not the one attacking anyone with no respect, no justification, just flaming me for no reason what so ever. I don't follow any game religiously, mainly because people change what they think is in a game to what is going to be in the game, then realising its not in the game at all, i hope you get where I'm going with this. So I ask again, what does this game have apart from flying and graphics, you can't say it has polish as on koreans are playing it, and I doubt any game out there has ever had polish on launch.
Flying is a gimmick to attract players to Aion. It's neat if it is limited to one or two classes, but when everyone can fly, it gets old fast.
I don't find flying any different than owning a mount. Like in AoC, a mount is a means of transportation and has some increased tactical value in combat, except in Aion, you're not stuck on the 2D plain in a 3D space.
I think many would agree that flying itself is nothing special. More like, flying adds more to the fun factor of other things. No mounts would put less stress on the user client, therefor, less lag.
If flying was limited to 2 classes, then this game would depend on mounts for transportation. There would be massive complains from players who only play short ranged melee classes who would be stuck on the ground as sitting ducks.
"When you're born you're naked, when you die you're naked again, and in-between all we do is work, eat, and play MMOs." ~Forum Warrior #141
Edited my post in view of mod edit, there's just no need for my wall of defense really. Again there's lots of info on this forum alone just click on the thread titles and read... I just learned something new this very morning in fact.
Okay one more edit, to person who thinks I flamed you, I did not in my view I told you what I thought of the request, was the F'ing too much? I can remove that next time... I didn't call anyone a troll specifically, but it is what these requests seem like:
Troll Bait: a person who attracts trolls and responds to them unknowingly to their scheme; one who falls prey to the phenomenon of trolling in an irc room, forum, or internet voice chat room; a person, place, or website that trolls find a method of attack--especially naive, overly deceptible person.
I swear I'm always biting. ><;;
<Mod edit>
Cynthe is right in a way, too many peopel come and ask the same thing poeple have been asking for months, this is like the wow killer threads, people are tired of repeating the same stuff when a subforums is full of info.
Use the search feature or just look around.
I'm not a no life that sits in front of his computer all day long, I'm an intern that sits in front of his computer all day long.
Ok my friend this ppl is not making any sense and they look like they haven’t read anything them self, this are so of the features that Aion is bringing to the table.
-Aerial Combat: players in Aion can fly. Now think of online combat on a massive scale where attacks come in any direction.
-PvPvE: Players will be able to engage in intense raids and other encounters with computer opponents, not to mention the opposing player faction
-Character Customization: You can customize your character in a multitude of ways with a thorough character creation and crafting system, as well as detailed item customization options.
Those are some of the features of this nice game, it might not be much alone but put them together with a Crytec Engine and you get something amazing. Go look at some videos and read some stuff and then u decide.
PS-I myself am looking forward to Darkfall, RoM, TCoSB & blizzard’s new MMO. Hope this help you make up ur mind.
A weapon doesnt make a Warrior Legendary, Is the warrior who makes the weapon.
Great! Goodbye! Have fun playing Darkfall in 5-15 years.
I've said it before, Aion is NOT bringing ANYTHING super revolutionary to the table. Rather, Aion is taking the best aspects, tried and true from other games, making them better and then combining them.
I'll break it down for you(i know i've already done this so bear with me)
Flying:Everyone loves to have wings, so what does Aion do? It adds flying combat, and it's not limited to PW's slow ass fighing (yes I've played it 45 fire/water mage and 36 archer) but uses the unique, fast paced combo system that aion has
Combat- already mentioned it, but it takes the combat system found in so many mmos and adds in the combo system, while other games have it, most other games do not combine all the elements which Aion is trying to do
Graphics-Pretty self explanatory, Aion runs off the CryEngine1-its not top of the line, but its better than average.
Character customization-people like making characters and thinking they are unique, well Aion allows for a vast amount of customization, and probably the best one availiable for mmos period(I know PW had one too, but PW was limited by cruddy GFX and with player unfriendly sliders).
PvP- Nothing special, except that it takes the many different aspects of pvp and throws them together, faction vs faction, guild vs guild, duels even a third NPC faction which acts as a balancing force, throw in controllable fortresses and of course flying pvp in addition to open world pking, you have a combination of the best aspects of pvp in other mmos.
Storyline-Aion has a linear storyline that centers around you as the main character including ingame cutscenes(like final fantasy). While the story isn't all encompassing like KOTOR, it is still something relatively unique and new to the genre.
Leveling-A similar leveling speed to WoW, only difference is you don't have to put up with the crappy graphics-aion is definatly not your typical grindfest, my guess is maybe 100-120 hrs of straight leveling can get you to max level-this is VERY do-able, as right now, players have managed to get to lvl 30(max 50) in 60 hrs of leveling.
So again, aion doesnt really have anything new, but it does have all the greatest parts in the mmos you like put together in a neat little package called the Tower of Eternity
It's almost 2010, and I am just not wiling to tolerate clunky graphics while being told that "gameplay is more important than graphics". That excuse won't wash with me any more. I expect my games to have both good graphics and good gameplay.
-Quote Isoke(VN boards)
One feature that I wish Aion had was the ability to change classes w/o creating a new character. I cannot figure out for the life of me why more games dont add this in the game, It doesnt need to be a duel class sysytem like RoM or FFXI Just let me change classes on the same character. idc if I have to mob grind xp because I did all the quest already or not.
I could write an 1000 page novel on this subject, I wish I could get a solid answer from someone as to why the vast majority of games wont let you to change classes.
Waiting for:EQ-Next, ArcheAge (not so much anymore)
Now Playing: N/A
Favorite MMO: FFXI