I can't believe they didn't know who Barney Frank is. He had a big hand in creating the current economic problems we are facing by blocking motions against Freddie Mac in the Finance Committee, while recieving campaign contributions from them. Whats worse is he was the one writing the $700 Billion Bail Out.
He ran a 2 billion dollar campaign (including freebies from the media); and
Republican-domination bankrupted our country.
It is strange how people have called for the regulation of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, now in conservatorship, yet do not want to regulate the investment banks who were engaged in high risk investments that broke them and their insurers.
And the Democrats did not have enough of a majority in the Senate to pass anything; we still do not.
We still need more Democrats to really "fix" the mess the country is in; achieve a pro middle-class agenda; reform both health care and the tax code; withdraw from foreign territories; and rebuild America.
He ran a 2 billion dollar campaign (including freebies from the media); and Republican-domination bankrupted our country.
It is strange how people have called for the regulation of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, now in conservatorship, yet do not want to regulate the investment banks who were engaged in high risk investments that broke them and their insurers.
And the Democrats did not have enough of a majority in the Senate to pass anything; we still do not.
We still need more Democrats to really "fix" the mess the country is in; achieve a pro middle-class agenda; reform both health care and the tax code; withdraw from foreign territories; and rebuild America.
Socialism never rebuilt anything.
There were far more Democratic hands on this economic mess than Republican ones. It's not even close.
Fillibuster proof congress. The Republicans didn't have this. What happened in regards to Freddie Mac is that all the democrats on the Financial Services Committee were in the tank for Freddie Mac. They blocked multiple attempts in committee from reaching the congress floor that would have put regulation on Freddie Mac.
To say its hard to believe democrats didn't want regulation isn't exactly evidence. There are tapes of these committees throughout the net that has Barney Frank calling them heroines for providing these loans, and said that despite the regulator bringing up these issues Congress should not take action.
Socialism never rebuilt anything. There were far more Democratic hands on this economic mess than Republican ones. It's not even close.
Who wants socialism?
What is socialism? Do you mean a socialized fire department; police force; or what?
Both. I think there are Republican fingerprints all over a lot of mishaps during the period of Republican-domination. I say, to a much greater degree, Republicans are responsible:
Socialism never rebuilt anything. There were far more Democratic hands on this economic mess than Republican ones. It's not even close.
Who wants socialism?
What is socialism? Do you mean a socialized fire department; police force; or what?
Both. I think there are Republican fingerprints all over a lot of mishaps during the period of Republican-domination. I say, to a much greater degree, Republicans are responsible:
Tax policies
Economic policies
Foreign Misadventures
Mismanagement of Crises
Lost, Stolen, Wasted Money in Iraq and Elsewhere
Socialism is when the government controls the means of production, whether through ownership (pure socialism) or through regulation (fascism, syndicalism, or welfare statism).
No, I don't mean state agencies, we are discussing the Federal government here. Either way, the fire department and the police department don't rebuild things either (context, context context).
tax policies had nothing to do with the current crisis, neither do "economic policies," whatever that means. This was a procuct of decades of socialism, and the checkens are coming home to roost. Socialist republicans had a hand in it as well, but the lion's share of blame obviously goes to the party that actually ADVOCATES socialism.
Mismanagement of crisis? That's democrats again.
War? has nothing to do with the current crisis -- regardless, Obama will be no different. Get ready for Africa.
More ranting? dude, give it up, go outside and take a deep breath for once. Are you gonna be on about this for the next 4 years? Eventually people will just start ignoring all your threads. The party is over, it's to late to bitch now.
More ranting? dude, give it up, go outside and take a deep breath for once. Are you gonna be on about this for the next 4 years? Eventually people will just start ignoring all your threads. The party is over, it's to late to bitch now.
Actually, the party is just beginning. Correction: it hasn't even begun yet.
Socialism is when the government controls the means of production, whether through ownership (pure socialism) or through regulation (fascism, syndicalism, or welfare statism). No, I don't mean state agencies, we are discussing the Federal government here. Either way, the fire department and the police department don't rebuild things either (context, context context). tax policies had nothing to do with the current crisis, neither do "economic policies," whatever that means. This was a procuct of decades of socialism, and the checkens are coming home to roost. Socialist republicans had a hand in it as well, but the lion's share of blame obviously goes to the party that actually ADVOCATES socialism. Mismanagement of crisis? That's democrats again. War? has nothing to do with the current crisis -- regardless, Obama will be no different. Get ready for Africa.
You are mixing up socialism with communism to begin with. Socialist are pro-capitalism.
It's funny how you blame socialism for what happend in a HIGH capitalism society, when there were no crises in other Socalism countires, other than what effected them through the crises in the U.S
If people would stop trolling what the hell SOCIALISM really is, and refer it to the Democratic Party, It's not european socialism at ALL.
Blaming socialism for what has happend to the U.S is like reading a book when you're blind. Stupid and pointless.
And about the Video, there is the same kind of groupe on the Republican side. And you can't denie that.
Atleast Joe Biden know what countries are member of NAFTA.
I guess the money spent on the war, could have helpd the american citizens instead. Just like Ron Paul said.
Starwars Galaxies, An Empier Diveded, That's what it says on my box anyway.
4.4 million registered Republicans which did vote in the last election stayed home and didn't vote this election.
The reason the Republicans lost as far as I'm concerned are as follows
McCain run the worst campaign Ive seen in a long time,trying to rise money for him was a nightmare.And to top it off he flipped flopped his way threw the campaign which dried up his base support from the start.The tired out old white guy syndrome was getting old.
Its hard ass hell to beat anybody during a major down turn in the economy and 2 unpopular wars,plus a unpopular president.If McCain would have had all the money in the world it wouldn't have mattered abit.Its hard to tow the party line when your chosen party leader has pissed all over your party for years.Karma is a bitch
Anytime the pendulum swing to the right it always back to the left,but McCain running as a moderate was the death nail,not only did the moderates lose but most of them that was left in the party went with him.Which was a Huge favor I'm eternally grateful to Obama or Bush for,something the party leadership didn't have the balls to do.their really is a huge relief to let to let Dem's have complete control.Many believe this the only way for the message hit home,I went back and looked in my history books for the Great moderate leaders of the world or states and couldn't find one.thats my moderate jab.Its been a long time since I've been able just sit back and rest on principles and just relax.Their is no way to grow our-selfs out of this kind of debt the the 2 party's have shackled us with and line even grows longer.The all out rush to pore money into the market was nothing more than to save politicians portfolios.If the 3 big auto makes were forced into bankruptcy most of the Union contracts would have to be rewritten or voided.and they would get to stay in business.But giving then more money is like poring gas on a fire,to repeat the same process over and over and expect a different out come is the hight of absurdity.
I'm not sure the stats yet but their was a huge Christan and Evangelical vote for Obama over 23% ,I must say it has been blast to read the back and Fourths during this election on these boards.Cheers...
But Obama has my sympathies.
Trade in material assumptions for spiritual facts and make permanent progress.
Socialism is when the government controls the means of production, whether through ownership (pure socialism) or through regulation (fascism, syndicalism, or welfare statism). No, I don't mean state agencies, we are discussing the Federal government here. Either way, the fire department and the police department don't rebuild things either (context, context context). tax policies had nothing to do with the current crisis, neither do "economic policies," whatever that means. This was a procuct of decades of socialism, and the checkens are coming home to roost. Socialist republicans had a hand in it as well, but the lion's share of blame obviously goes to the party that actually ADVOCATES socialism. Mismanagement of crisis? That's democrats again. War? has nothing to do with the current crisis -- regardless, Obama will be no different. Get ready for Africa.
You are mixing up socialism with communism to begin with. Socialist are pro-capitalism.
It's funny how you blame socialism for what happend in a HIGH capitalism society, when there were no crises in other Socalism countires, other than what effected them through the crises in the U.S
If people would stop trolling what the hell SOCIALISM really is, and refer it to the Democratic Party, It's not european socialism at ALL.
Blaming socialism for what has happend to the U.S is like reading a book when you're blind. Stupid and pointless.
And about the Video, there is the same kind of groupe on the Republican side. And you can't denie that.
Atleast Joe Biden know what countries are member of NAFTA.
I guess the money spent on the war, could have helpd the american citizens instead. Just like Ron Paul said.
hmmm must've hit pretty close to the mark to get you all riled up
Seriously, though, there is a confusion about what socialism is; what communism is; and what fascism is. Frankly, fascism was defined as regulation. Heh.
Socialism and capitalism are economic systems, and fascism and communism are political systems.
Socialism: government owns property/production;
Capitalism: private individuals own property/production.
Fascism: corporations control government;
Communism: government controls corporations.
We need more liberty, and more free-and-open market capitalism, and I agree there. I do not, and could not, agree that fascism is regulation.
Big brother is not regulation. Big Brother ... hmph. Think NCIC (National Crime Information Center) and combining the data of all enforcement agencies to profile individuals.
Big brother is searching YOUR house without a warrant; examining your library records without judicial review, approval, or oversight; and installing surveillance cameras to monitor ordinary people.
Regulation is ensuring standards are met, through disclosure, to product health and safety. Regulation is investor protection. Consumer protection. It is not fascism. LOL.
Obama got elected (quite obviously) because the republican party gave themselves a bad name with the bush adminstration.
You pretty much pissed off the american people, they don't like the way the country was running then, so they decided to vote for a party they feel they can trust.
Majority has spoken, just a matter of whether or not they will be pleased with their decision for the next 4 years.
Since I won't support blog promotion in this fashion -- I will not be clicking on the link -- but am I wrong that the link is in reference to the John Ziegler 'Zogby' interviews with Obama supporters?
Yeah that Ziegler is a real gem, here is the transcript of his 'interview' with Nate Silver of fivethirtyeight.com
Excerpts fromthe 'Interview':
NS: Did you have financing for the project or was it paid for out of pocket?
JZ: It is not self-financed.
NS: Who paid for it?
JZ: You think I'm going to tell you that? When you've already shown yourself to be the enemy?
NS: Was it paid for by the RNC?
JZ: [Laughs]. In your world, the question that I would ask you is what question [in the survey] is there any ambiguity as to what the answer is?
NS: When do you think Obama was a Muslim?
JZ: I think he was likely -- registered as a Muslim between the ages of 6 and 10 while he was going to school in Indonesia. It would have been highly unusual for him not to be.
NS: But would you personally consider Obama a Muslim?
JZ: No, because he was a child. We're talking about two totally different things. There's what religion you're born into and there's what religion you become because of your own decisions
NS: Would you consider Obama a Christian?
JZ: You'd have to ask him. There was never any evidence that he was a Christian until he decided to join the church of a racist hate-monger for political purposes.
NS: Would you not believe Barack Obama if he told you he was a Christian?
JZ: Does he believe that Jesus Christ was the son of God who died and was raised from the dead later?
NS: Do you think he’s a believer in Jesus Christ?
JZ: I have no way of knowing that. I don't think there's any evidence that he is, either.
NS: Well, since you’re running a website calling people misinformed, I’d like to see if -- there are certain things you’ve said that I would consider misinformed.
JZ: Misinformed? You're a piece of work! You are never going to have the guts to post a representative transcript on your website! I thought you actually ran a legitimate website!
NS: Thank you, have a good day.
JZ: Go fuck yourself.
Interesting comments left about Mr. Ziegler:
"Wow - what's really funny is his [Ziegler's] belief that posting the full transcript of this interview is somehow going to make you [Nate Silver] look bad! No wonder he lost his talk show gig...never thought I'd see someone too unstable for AM radio."
"This guy has a very strange definition of an 'informed' voter. I would have asked him why he thought the questions he asked were at all relevant in casting an informed vote."
"I can't believe he had any doubts you'd post this interview.
Of course he didn't think he would. The far right generally thinks they sound like the smart ones in these conversations. O'Reilly, etc. do nothing but scream over people, and yet they think that they came out of the interview looking better. As if arguments were decided by who was angriest."
So a hothead gets hired to ask loaded questions to a small sample of supporters of one canidate, in one area, and weighted towards a certain demographic, and that is supposed to be representative? Yeah, ok.
Seriously, though, there is a confusion about what socialism is; what communism is; and what fascism is. Frankly, fascism was defined as regulation. Heh.
Socialism and capitalism are economic systems, and fascism and communism are political systems.
Socialism: government owns property/production; Capitalism: private individuals own property/production. Fascism: corporations control government; Communism: government controls corporations.
We need more liberty, and more free-and-open market capitalism, and I agree there. I do not, and could not, agree that fascism is regulation.
Big brother is not regulation. Big Brother ... hmph. Think NCIC (National Crime Information Center) and combining the data of all enforcement agencies to profile individuals. Big brother is searching YOUR house without a warrant; examining your library records without judicial review, approval, or oversight; and installing surveillance cameras to monitor ordinary people. Regulation is ensuring standards are met, through disclosure, to product health and safety. Regulation is investor protection. Consumer protection. It is not fascism. LOL.
Under Mussolini's Fascism (which is where fascism is defined) corporations did not control the government -- the difference between fascism and socialism is under socialism, government OWNS (means holds title) to the means of production.
An example of socialism in the US is the public education system.
With fascism, title is held in private hands, but the government controls the means of production through regulation. An example of fascism is just about every business.
Your communist definition is quite far-fetched. There are no corporations, technically speaking, under communism. Communism is socialism derived from marxist historical dialectical materialism. It is merely a brand of socialism.
Your definition of capitalism is sort of correct, but you leave out CONTROL. That control is either with the owner, or with the government, through regulation.
Regulation over production and trade is the very definition of fascism. Regulation MIGHT be ensuring standards are met, but it is still by definition fascism. It MIGHT be investor protection, but it is still fascism. We should endeavor to be descriptive and not so emotional about the terms we use. Fascism is fascism, we may as well admit what it is, even if YOU like it.
Basically you are saying that if you think something is GOOD, it can not be fascism. That's a silly way to define things.
Not sure why you bring up Big Brother as if I said anything about Big Brother -- I just use better definitions than the ones you use. Yours are weak, one-sided, and not very descriptive. They are also historically inaccurate.
Again I would HIGHLY recommend Ludwig von Mises' great treatise on Socialism (It is entitled, aptly enough, "Socialism."). It ought to be of great service in helping you define your terms in a more useful manner.
I'm looking forward to seeing a similar interview of McCain supporters. Anyone see anything like that?
I don't think I want to see anything like 'that' even if the 'interviewer' was 'on my side' -- 'that' being an ingenuous and intentional misrepresentation of 'facts' being posed as questions to a small subset of one community so as to elicit confused and uninformed responses that can be made to appear representative of an entire political party -- as Ziegler did here. Do you really want to see an 'interview' with these McCain people -- who are clearly suffering from an epidemic of hate?!?:
Epidemic #1 Definition: affecting or tending to affect a disproportionately large number of individuals within a population, community, or region at the same time
Originally posted by Fishermage Socialism never rebuilt anything. There were far more Democratic hands on this economic mess than Republican ones. It's not even close.
Because stating random things without any fact to back it up or examples is a good idea, right? I could as well say that you're a giant green blob of ectoplasm that floats around the world, and the possibility of either of these statements being true would be the same. Apart from that the people interviewed are of course the most informed ones since they actually know less about politics than I, as a person from Sweden do.
Two years ago you could have asked any republican in the country if we'd elect an African American, named Barack Hussein Obama, as our 44th president and you'd get the same answer over and over again - NO. That's the only question that really matters anyway. Is it possible that the nation was just sticking it to republicans for fucking up everything they touched over the last 8 years? Yea, it's quite possible. Good for the nation. It's time they raised their voice to the grand OLD party.
We've been on the media bias merry-go-round for a while now, so I guess there's only one thing left to say:
What are you gonna do about it? The ties between Fox News and the GOP are evident, the right wing bloggers are viewed as conspiracy nuts, and conservative talk radio is nothing more than that, talk. So, what are you gonna do about it? Seriously? Keep bitching? Okay.
The American spirit, the belief in opportunity and possibilty born from liberty, is the last and best hope for planet earth.
You look to Obama for Change.
You look to McCain for change.
And I look to YOU - the citizen.
In the USA, an undying spirit of innovation, liberty, invention from Benjamin Franklin to Thomas Edison is characteristic of a great nation. A nation being a collection of individuals. United States has no cultural history, per se, and when you become a citizen, you adopt the history of a great country whose legacy is pro-life, pro-liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. When you become a citizen of France, say, or any other country, though a citizen, you are not "French." When you become a citizen of the United States, you not only assume the history, but the duty and responsibility of citizenship.
The pursuit of happiness is the important because we are always progressing, working toward it, and "becoming." We started as a nation of slavery, and today we have a black president. In America, all things are possible.
Let us learn from our mistake, but let us never deny the wisdom of our Founders. Pro life, pro liberty, and the pursuit happiness works.
I can't believe they didn't know who Barney Frank is. He had a big hand in creating the current economic problems we are facing by blocking motions against Freddie Mac in the Finance Committee, while recieving campaign contributions from them. Whats worse is he was the one writing the $700 Billion Bail Out.
They're almost as dumb as these people...almost.
Obama was elected because
It is strange how people have called for the regulation of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, now in conservatorship, yet do not want to regulate the investment banks who were engaged in high risk investments that broke them and their insurers.
And the Democrats did not have enough of a majority in the Senate to pass anything; we still do not.
We still need more Democrats to really "fix" the mess the country is in; achieve a pro middle-class agenda; reform both health care and the tax code; withdraw from foreign territories; and rebuild America.
Socialism never rebuilt anything.
There were far more Democratic hands on this economic mess than Republican ones. It's not even close.
Fillibuster proof congress. The Republicans didn't have this. What happened in regards to Freddie Mac is that all the democrats on the Financial Services Committee were in the tank for Freddie Mac. They blocked multiple attempts in committee from reaching the congress floor that would have put regulation on Freddie Mac.
To say its hard to believe democrats didn't want regulation isn't exactly evidence. There are tapes of these committees throughout the net that has Barney Frank calling them heroines for providing these loans, and said that despite the regulator bringing up these issues Congress should not take action.
Socialism is when the government controls the means of production, whether through ownership (pure socialism) or through regulation (fascism, syndicalism, or welfare statism).
No, I don't mean state agencies, we are discussing the Federal government here. Either way, the fire department and the police department don't rebuild things either (context, context context).
tax policies had nothing to do with the current crisis, neither do "economic policies," whatever that means. This was a procuct of decades of socialism, and the checkens are coming home to roost. Socialist republicans had a hand in it as well, but the lion's share of blame obviously goes to the party that actually ADVOCATES socialism.
Mismanagement of crisis? That's democrats again.
War? has nothing to do with the current crisis -- regardless, Obama will be no different. Get ready for Africa.
More ranting? dude, give it up, go outside and take a deep breath for once. Are you gonna be on about this for the next 4 years? Eventually people will just start ignoring all your threads. The party is over, it's to late to bitch now.
Actually, the party is just beginning. Correction: it hasn't even begun yet.
The only one ranting, or bitching, here is YOU.
Awwwwww..You just seem angry about alot of things. Go ahead and keep running your mouth and get yourself on that no fly list for all I care.
You are mixing up socialism with communism to begin with. Socialist are pro-capitalism.
It's funny how you blame socialism for what happend in a HIGH capitalism society, when there were no crises in other Socalism countires, other than what effected them through the crises in the U.S
If people would stop trolling what the hell SOCIALISM really is, and refer it to the Democratic Party, It's not european socialism at ALL.
Blaming socialism for what has happend to the U.S is like reading a book when you're blind. Stupid and pointless.
And about the Video, there is the same kind of groupe on the Republican side. And you can't denie that.
Atleast Joe Biden know what countries are member of NAFTA.
I guess the money spent on the war, could have helpd the american citizens instead. Just like Ron Paul said.
Starwars Galaxies, An Empier Diveded, That's what it says on my box anyway.
4.4 million registered Republicans which did vote in the last election stayed home and didn't vote this election.
The reason the Republicans lost as far as I'm concerned are as follows
McCain run the worst campaign Ive seen in a long time,trying to rise money for him was a nightmare.And to top it off he flipped flopped his way threw the campaign which dried up his base support from the start.The tired out old white guy syndrome was getting old.
Its hard ass hell to beat anybody during a major down turn in the economy and 2 unpopular wars,plus a unpopular president.If McCain would have had all the money in the world it wouldn't have mattered abit.Its hard to tow the party line when your chosen party leader has pissed all over your party for years.Karma is a bitch
Anytime the pendulum swing to the right it always back to the left,but McCain running as a moderate was the death nail,not only did the moderates lose but most of them that was left in the party went with him.Which was a Huge favor I'm eternally grateful to Obama or Bush for,something the party leadership didn't have the balls to do.their really is a huge relief to let to let Dem's have complete control.Many believe this the only way for the message hit home,I went back and looked in my history books for the Great moderate leaders of the world or states and couldn't find one.thats my moderate jab.Its been a long time since I've been able just sit back and rest on principles and just relax.Their is no way to grow our-selfs out of this kind of debt the the 2 party's have shackled us with and line even grows longer.The all out rush to pore money into the market was nothing more than to save politicians portfolios.If the 3 big auto makes were forced into bankruptcy most of the Union contracts would have to be rewritten or voided.and they would get to stay in business.But giving then more money is like poring gas on a fire,to repeat the same process over and over and expect a different out come is the hight of absurdity.
I'm not sure the stats yet but their was a huge Christan and Evangelical vote for Obama over 23% ,I must say it has been blast to read the back and Fourths during this election on these boards.Cheers...
But Obama has my sympathies.
Trade in material assumptions for spiritual facts and make permanent progress.
Angry? I haven't been angry in years. Not sure where you get that idea from. Perhaps it's projection.
You are mixing up socialism with communism to begin with. Socialist are pro-capitalism.
It's funny how you blame socialism for what happend in a HIGH capitalism society, when there were no crises in other Socalism countires, other than what effected them through the crises in the U.S
If people would stop trolling what the hell SOCIALISM really is, and refer it to the Democratic Party, It's not european socialism at ALL.
Blaming socialism for what has happend to the U.S is like reading a book when you're blind. Stupid and pointless.
And about the Video, there is the same kind of groupe on the Republican side. And you can't denie that.
Atleast Joe Biden know what countries are member of NAFTA.
I guess the money spent on the war, could have helpd the american citizens instead. Just like Ron Paul said.
hmmm must've hit pretty close to the mark to get you all riled up
Seriously, though, there is a confusion about what socialism is; what communism is; and what fascism is. Frankly, fascism was defined as regulation. Heh.
Socialism and capitalism are economic systems, and fascism and communism are political systems.
We need more liberty, and more free-and-open market capitalism, and I agree there. I do not, and could not, agree that fascism is regulation.
Big brother is not regulation. Big Brother ... hmph. Think NCIC (National Crime Information Center) and combining the data of all enforcement agencies to profile individuals.
Big brother is searching YOUR house without a warrant; examining your library records without judicial review, approval, or oversight; and installing surveillance cameras to monitor ordinary people.
Regulation is ensuring standards are met, through disclosure, to product health and safety. Regulation is investor protection. Consumer protection. It is not fascism. LOL.
Obama got elected (quite obviously) because the republican party gave themselves a bad name with the bush adminstration.
You pretty much pissed off the american people, they don't like the way the country was running then, so they decided to vote for a party they feel they can trust.
Majority has spoken, just a matter of whether or not they will be pleased with their decision for the next 4 years.
Since I won't support blog promotion in this fashion -- I will not be clicking on the link -- but am I wrong that the link is in reference to the John Ziegler 'Zogby' interviews with Obama supporters?
Yeah that Ziegler is a real gem, here is the transcript of his 'interview' with Nate Silver of fivethirtyeight.com
Excerpts fromthe 'Interview':
NS: Did you have financing for the project or was it paid for out of pocket?
JZ: It is not self-financed.
NS: Who paid for it?
JZ: You think I'm going to tell you that? When you've already shown yourself to be the enemy?
NS: Was it paid for by the RNC?
JZ: [Laughs]. In your world, the question that I would ask you is what question [in the survey] is there any ambiguity as to what the answer is?
NS: When do you think Obama was a Muslim?
JZ: I think he was likely -- registered as a Muslim between the ages of 6 and 10 while he was going to school in Indonesia. It would have been highly unusual for him not to be.
NS: But would you personally consider Obama a Muslim?
JZ: No, because he was a child. We're talking about two totally different things. There's what religion you're born into and there's what religion you become because of your own decisions
NS: Would you consider Obama a Christian?
JZ: You'd have to ask him. There was never any evidence that he was a Christian until he decided to join the church of a racist hate-monger for political purposes.
NS: Would you not believe Barack Obama if he told you he was a Christian?
JZ: Does he believe that Jesus Christ was the son of God who died and was raised from the dead later?
NS: Do you think he’s a believer in Jesus Christ?
JZ: I have no way of knowing that. I don't think there's any evidence that he is, either.
NS: Well, since you’re running a website calling people misinformed, I’d like to see if -- there are certain things you’ve said that I would consider misinformed.
JZ: Misinformed? You're a piece of work! You are never going to have the guts to post a representative transcript on your website! I thought you actually ran a legitimate website!
NS: Thank you, have a good day.
JZ: Go fuck yourself.
Interesting comments left about Mr. Ziegler:
"Wow - what's really funny is his [Ziegler's] belief that posting the full transcript of this interview is somehow going to make you [Nate Silver] look bad! No wonder he lost his talk show gig...never thought I'd see someone too unstable for AM radio."
"This guy has a very strange definition of an 'informed' voter. I would have asked him why he thought the questions he asked were at all relevant in casting an informed vote."
"I can't believe he had any doubts you'd post this interview.
Of course he didn't think he would. The far right generally thinks they sound like the smart ones in these conversations. O'Reilly, etc. do nothing but scream over people, and yet they think that they came out of the interview looking better. As if arguments were decided by who was angriest."
So a hothead gets hired to ask loaded questions to a small sample of supporters of one canidate, in one area, and weighted towards a certain demographic, and that is supposed to be representative? Yeah, ok.
Under Mussolini's Fascism (which is where fascism is defined) corporations did not control the government -- the difference between fascism and socialism is under socialism, government OWNS (means holds title) to the means of production.
An example of socialism in the US is the public education system.
With fascism, title is held in private hands, but the government controls the means of production through regulation. An example of fascism is just about every business.
Your communist definition is quite far-fetched. There are no corporations, technically speaking, under communism. Communism is socialism derived from marxist historical dialectical materialism. It is merely a brand of socialism.
Your definition of capitalism is sort of correct, but you leave out CONTROL. That control is either with the owner, or with the government, through regulation.
Regulation over production and trade is the very definition of fascism. Regulation MIGHT be ensuring standards are met, but it is still by definition fascism. It MIGHT be investor protection, but it is still fascism. We should endeavor to be descriptive and not so emotional about the terms we use. Fascism is fascism, we may as well admit what it is, even if YOU like it.
Basically you are saying that if you think something is GOOD, it can not be fascism. That's a silly way to define things.
Not sure why you bring up Big Brother as if I said anything about Big Brother -- I just use better definitions than the ones you use. Yours are weak, one-sided, and not very descriptive. They are also historically inaccurate.
Again I would HIGHLY recommend Ludwig von Mises' great treatise on Socialism (It is entitled, aptly enough, "Socialism."). It ought to be of great service in helping you define your terms in a more useful manner.
I'm looking forward to seeing a similar interview of McCain supporters. Anyone see anything like that?
I don't think I want to see anything like 'that' even if the 'interviewer' was 'on my side' -- 'that' being an ingenuous and intentional misrepresentation of 'facts' being posed as questions to a small subset of one community so as to elicit confused and uninformed responses that can be made to appear representative of an entire political party -- as Ziegler did here. Do you really want to see an 'interview' with these McCain people -- who are clearly suffering from an epidemic of hate?!?:
People you might meet if you did the 'interviews' with McCain supporters in Pottsville, PA
People you might meet if you did the 'interviews' with McCain supporters in Henderson, NV
People you might meet if you did the 'interviews' with McCain supporters in Denver, CO
Epidemic #1 Definition: affecting or tending to affect a disproportionately large number of individuals within a population, community, or region at the same time
Because stating random things without any fact to back it up or examples is a good idea, right? I could as well say that you're a giant green blob of ectoplasm that floats around the world, and the possibility of either of these statements being true would be the same. Apart from that the people interviewed are of course the most informed ones since they actually know less about politics than I, as a person from Sweden do.
Two years ago you could have asked any republican in the country if we'd elect an African American, named Barack Hussein Obama, as our 44th president and you'd get the same answer over and over again - NO. That's the only question that really matters anyway. Is it possible that the nation was just sticking it to republicans for fucking up everything they touched over the last 8 years? Yea, it's quite possible. Good for the nation. It's time they raised their voice to the grand OLD party.
We've been on the media bias merry-go-round for a while now, so I guess there's only one thing left to say:
What are you gonna do about it? The ties between Fox News and the GOP are evident, the right wing bloggers are viewed as conspiracy nuts, and conservative talk radio is nothing more than that, talk. So, what are you gonna do about it? Seriously? Keep bitching? Okay.
Will the crying ever stop?
He isn't even in office yet. Shut the hell up.
The Official God FAQ
The only ones crying here are the Obama supporters. I'm having a grand old time, as always.
The American spirit, the belief in opportunity and possibilty born from liberty, is the last and best hope for planet earth.
You look to Obama for Change.
You look to McCain for change.
And I look to YOU - the citizen.
In the USA, an undying spirit of innovation, liberty, invention from Benjamin Franklin to Thomas Edison is characteristic of a great nation. A nation being a collection of individuals. United States has no cultural history, per se, and when you become a citizen, you adopt the history of a great country whose legacy is pro-life, pro-liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. When you become a citizen of France, say, or any other country, though a citizen, you are not "French." When you become a citizen of the United States, you not only assume the history, but the duty and responsibility of citizenship.
The pursuit of happiness is the important because we are always progressing, working toward it, and "becoming." We started as a nation of slavery, and today we have a black president. In America, all things are possible.
Let us learn from our mistake, but let us never deny the wisdom of our Founders. Pro life, pro liberty, and the pursuit happiness works.