So what if some people run through the content, do you have to read local chat? Many great players just decided to run through to check out everything, some jsut rush kauz its a chalenge. Anyway if you like whining so much, and are such a "back in the days" bit**, i guess nto many people will be missing you during these 2-3 weeks
No, not whining, just making an observation about that type of gamer and how unpleasant their presence is in any MMO. We didnt use to have that when MMOs and computers in general were a little more exclusive. Now everyone's an "expert".
It's pretty funny tbh and easily avoided by waiting the requisite week or so for them to move back to AoC or WAR.
There is nothing wrong with enjoying a sense of accomplishment, Im all for that. There IS something wrong with announcing everything you do in OOC.
Some who have posted here understand the difference.
So you elitist cliquish snobs back in the day didnt brag openly about your many accomplishments in game and you wish all the new kiddies who do would just leave, thats about all Ive been able to extract from your points here.
Im glad to say I belong to neither group you just described. Both sound pretty lame.
Its the same thing as Chuck Norris jokes. NOONE CARES IF CHUCK NORRIS CAUSED MT ST HELEN TO ERUPT DUE TO A ROUNDHOUSE!!!! The above is an example of the massive stupidity blasted across most games in a general chat situation.
It has even been taken a step further now in WoW is "Anal" [Skill] Examples: Anal "Intimidation" <- Hunter Beast Mastery Talent Anal "Scorch" <- Mage Fire skill They will sit there for 6 hours straight using Anal and just about any skill known to wow after it.... Seriously how friggin stupid do you have to be to think this is funny or a good idea.
So yes OP many of us DO know what your saying... and you are right.
Now 6 hours of that will most likely get on my nerves but Id just filter it out. But Id have to say Anal "Scorch" was quite funny when i first read it. . It doesn't take someone stupid to think that its funny,I guess some of us are blessed to think that most everything is funny. I love to laugh that's why I think that most things are funny.
I understand what your saying, but for the most part, these chat channels all had a purpose at one point in time.
General/OOC Chats were used by new players as a means to get questions answered by veteren players.
LFG chats are used to look for groups
and Defense chats were used to pinpoint pvp battle locations.
I don't remember reading the game manuals.
General Chat - This will be used to tell dumb ass jokes for 24 hours day in and out. Please post all chuck norris and anal jokes here.
I promise If it were in the manual this is a game I would have steered clear from.
Aside from that, we shouldn't have to disable chats due to stupid ass players. They should just stop being stupid, use an IQ higher than their shoe size and not post chuck norris jokes over general chat. Period.
The more time passes in MMO's the mature are getting slowly stomped out by the mentally retarded.
So what if some people run through the content, do you have to read local chat? Many great players just decided to run through to check out everything, some jsut rush kauz its a chalenge. Anyway if you like whining so much, and are such a "back in the days" bit**, i guess nto many people will be missing you during these 2-3 weeks
No, not whining, just making an observation about that type of gamer and how unpleasant their presence is in any MMO. We didnt use to have that when MMOs and computers in general were a little more exclusive. Now everyone's an "expert".
It's pretty funny tbh and easily avoided by waiting the requisite week or so for them to move back to AoC or WAR.
There is nothing wrong with enjoying a sense of accomplishment, Im all for that. There IS something wrong with announcing everything you do in OOC.
Some who have posted here understand the difference.
So you elitist cliquish snobs back in the day didnt brag openly about your many accomplishments in game and you wish all the new kiddies who do would just leave, thats about all Ive been able to extract from your points here.
Im glad to say I belong to neither group you just described. Both sound pretty lame.
Nothing like that, the communities were better. I've never felt the need to brag about achievments in game. Its a game. As I've said, people that do have some issues IRL I would imagine. I like a friendly, open and cohesive community. Not a bunch of self obsessed people who only care about themselves and what THEY can have and what THEY did.
So what if some people run through the content, do you have to read local chat? Many great players just decided to run through to check out everything, some jsut rush kauz its a chalenge. Anyway if you like whining so much, and are such a "back in the days" bit**, i guess nto many people will be missing you during these 2-3 weeks
No, not whining, just making an observation about that type of gamer and how unpleasant their presence is in any MMO. We didnt use to have that when MMOs and computers in general were a little more exclusive. Now everyone's an "expert".
It's pretty funny tbh and easily avoided by waiting the requisite week or so for them to move back to AoC or WAR.
There is nothing wrong with enjoying a sense of accomplishment, Im all for that. There IS something wrong with announcing everything you do in OOC.
Some who have posted here understand the difference.
So you elitist cliquish snobs back in the day didnt brag openly about your many accomplishments in game and you wish all the new kiddies who do would just leave, thats about all Ive been able to extract from your points here.
Im glad to say I belong to neither group you just described. Both sound pretty lame.
Nothing like that, the communities were better. I've never felt the need to brag about achievments in game. Its a game. As I've said, people that do have some issues IRL I would imagine. I like a friendly, open and cohesive community. Not a bunch of self obsessed people who only care about themselves and what THEY can have and what THEY did.
Sorry you took what I said out of context.
Well I intentionally took it a little out of context to make a point, but what were talking about here is the gradual degredation of society of large, or maybe just your perspective since you're getting older. Im 29 and I started playing SWG when I was around 24 I think. I LOVED the community on that game, it was awesome. Now its rare that I meet someone in an MMO that I dont feel the intesne need to bitch slap within 5 minutes of meeting them. So yes I do understand your frustrations Im just playing devils advocate a bit. I seem to think its either the overall population that is changing or maybe just my expectations are different, or maybe IM different. Whatever the case, I tend to think things are pretty much the same as they've always been, but you just cant go home again.
And while Im thinking of it the real blame for this problem should be placed on the developers. They design these games as glorified single player experiences now to cater to just about anyone. There is no real sense of community because every player is expendable and serves no real unique role in the community. In SWG we had players who could really stand out and shine and make you think "wow if this person wasnt around this server would suck." That could be for any multiple reasons. And you wouldnt go acting like a jackass to everyone because you depended on other people to be succesful. Not so in todays games. There needs to be more game design factors that eliminate this type of behaviour. Because its not against the TOS and the players have nothing to lose.
Its the same thing as Chuck Norris jokes. NOONE CARES IF CHUCK NORRIS CAUSED MT ST HELEN TO ERUPT DUE TO A ROUNDHOUSE!!!! The above is an example of the massive stupidity blasted across most games in a general chat situation.
It has even been taken a step further now in WoW is "Anal" [Skill] Examples: Anal "Intimidation" <- Hunter Beast Mastery Talent Anal "Scorch" <- Mage Fire skill They will sit there for 6 hours straight using Anal and just about any skill known to wow after it.... Seriously how friggin stupid do you have to be to think this is funny or a good idea.
So yes OP many of us DO know what your saying... and you are right.
Now 6 hours of that will most likely get on my nerves but Id just filter it out. But Id have to say Anal "Scorch" was quite funny when i first read it. . It doesn't take someone stupid to think that its funny,I guess some of us are blessed to think that most everything is funny. I love to laugh that's why I think that most things are funny.
I understand what your saying, but for the most part, these chat channels all had a purpose at one point in time.
General/OOC Chats were used by new players as a means to get questions answered by veteren players.
LFG chats are used to look for groups
and Defense chats were used to pinpoint pvp battle locations.
I don't remember reading the game manuals.
General Chat - This will be used to tell dumb ass jokes for 24 hours day in and out. Please post all chuck norris and anal jokes here.
I promise If it were in the manual this is a game I would have steered clear from.
Aside from that, we shouldn't have to disable chats due to stupid ass players. They should just stop being stupid, use an IQ higher than their shoe size and not post chuck norris jokes over general chat. Period.
The more time passes in MMO's the mature are getting slowly stomped out by the mentally retarded.
Yeah the channels used to have a purpose in games but some chat in games still work as intended. . I play FFXI and There is nobody doing any of that stuff in the game. We usually just keep our jokes in the linkshell chat or group chat.
General chat to me= post anything you'd like right here cuz its General........ OCC chat= You can post anything here that is out of character. Now if they were posting jokes on the help then I would think it was wrong. Because its only for questions only not jokes.
But I think its quite selfish to stop people from using there freedom of expression and speech just because you personally don't think its funny. That would be taking away peoples rights, which nobody should do in game or in RL. They arn't forcing you to listen to them you have the option of filtering it out. Just like in real life if someone is staying somthing that is annoying or whatnot you have the option to just get up and leave.
LOTRO is still one of the best communities out there. Yesterday I was playing WOW on an RP server and some character that runs by asks me, "You gay, bi or straight?"
Like wtf does that have to do with me running to a quest. Wierd. Maybe he was asking my character and not me though. So maybe I missed a good rp moment, I don't know.
LOTRO is still one of the best communities out there. Yesterday I was playing WOW on an RP server and some character that runs by asks me, "You gay, bi or straight?"
Like wtf does that have to do with me running to a quest. Wierd. Maybe he was asking my character and not me though. So maybe I missed a good rp moment, I don't know.
Oh I agree with you. I love the regular population. Just not such a big fan of the people who only show up to show off. That was my initial point.
80% or 90% of the time I stay in a kinship chat tab where all I see is kinship, tells, and system anouncements. I have a couple of other chat tabs set up, one has fellowship chat only, another for nothing but combat info. The LoTRO chat interface is a wonderful tool and very flexible and makes the game almost idiot free.
Think one neat idea would be "vacinity talk" where you can turn on an option to have your headset on , and onlly talk to people in game that are close enough to talk to you, like in real life. Think that would just be crazy fun, like riding your horse and you pass someone and actual can say "Hello !" and have the sound slowy envolope just like RL.
I"m not quite sure that would work they way you would want it to work.
Part of how we hear has to do with our brain being able to discern where certain sounds are coming from within a 3d environment. Our ears are able to focus on certain speakers even though we are in a crowded room.
With the "everyone in the same small area Idea, we would have a problem filtering out some of the other speakers unless the the area was very very small and we weren't next to another group of speakers.
Also, given the quality of these online chat systems, whether it be built into the game or vent or TS, I can't say that the experience would be all that pleasant.
The only way I can see it work is if your characters had to be in a very small diameter for the voice chat to interface with the next player. You would also have to be far enough away from other players so that you didn't pick up their chat.
And then once that was done you would just have the same quality of voice chat you normally would get.
Just thought I would add this little video here. You mention sound in a 3D environment, this is a nice soundclip but it requires headphones to work correctly.
I would tell the OP to shut up, use the filters and quit crying...except I agree with him. First time I had to turn OOC chat off in a while.
I turned mine off the day the original game went retail and never turned it back on. The OOC chat channel could be removed and I would never know it. That is one of the reasons I advise people to pick their kinship with care and in ours we have screened kin invites only. You must do a few small and large groups with us before you will ever get a invite to join.
I thin kwhat you experienced was jsut hte woke up at 7 drank more than 5 cups of coffee didi nothing of my dayd than be amazed by MOM effect. Kauz right now everything is back to normal, except that you meet people everywhere and when you ask a question in in local chat you get like 1à answers.
Many people have been playing this game since day one and for them release of mom is more exciting than christmas and coffee hype + very excited people= mess in chat.
I'm not a no life that sits in front of his computer all day long, I'm an intern that sits in front of his computer all day long.
"MMOs would be great if it wasn't for all the people"
Yet the reason we play MMOs are for all the people. Personal responsibility rules here. If someone is annoying you, change what you're doing, and don't expect others to change for you. That is the real problem with society today. Everyone is asked to change to please everyone else.
Take for example Christmas. It has been celebrated for countless years in the US. A small minority of people find Christmas to be offensive (idiots) so everyone has to change to please them.
Many other examples, but the same applies to MMOs. Stop whining to have everyone change to meet your criteria for a good gaming experience and use the tools already available at your disposal to remedy the issue. IE: /ignore, turn off chat, don't read the chat, take a break from the game, etc....
Yes, just wanted to comment on your description of the way online gaming has gone. In the old days (and I started playing the first game that started it all) things were different. People were different. It was an escape. Things are gone forever that way. It's never (nor can it) go back. Sad but true. I currently play Eve and basically have given up on Camelot, EQ type games.
Went from gaming 12 hours a day to very casual 1 - 2 hours a day
I like how this thread became a reflection of what the OP was talking about. And i also like how the OP is the poster child for what he is talking about.
I have concluded that the OP walked into the game, and started pissing on the drapes, and is now angry.
Everyone else is just excited about the new stuff.
---------- "Anyone posting on this forum is not an average user, and there for any opinions about the game are going to be overly critical compared to an average users opinions." - Me
"Hello person posting on a site specifically for MMO's in a thread on a sub forum specifically for a particular game talking about meta features and making comparisons to other titles in the genre, and their meta features.
Think one neat idea would be "vacinity talk" where you can turn on an option to have your headset on , and onlly talk to people in game that are close enough to talk to you, like in real life. Think that would just be crazy fun, like riding your horse and you pass someone and actual can say "Hello !" and have the sound slowy envolope just like RL.
Fantastic idea
You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep. ~Navajo Proverb
I like how this thread became a reflection of what the OP was talking about. And i also like how the OP is the poster child for what he is talking about.
I have concluded that the OP walked into the game, and started pissing on the drapes, and is now angry.
Everyone else is just excited about the new stuff.
Eh? Have you ever played an online game with me? I dont think you have. I am far from a "poster child" for that kind of behaviour I'm afraid.
Im not angry at all and I LOVE the expansion. I just dont need to hear about people's levelling, how great they are etc etc. Im glad you enjoy that type of thing and wish you well.
"I'll also wait for things to cool off until I play seriously , for me the imersion is ruined when there are 10+ waiting to go in the same door lol.
I'll be taking my time , and taking it all in
See you on the road.... maybe"
Same here, leisurely leveling up a burglar since I've never played one, so it's just like trying out one of the new classes and since most are gonna go Warden/Rune-Kepper I'll be checking out what the Burglar is all about, and taking my sweet time about it, doing some Shire quests here, doing some Bree-lands quests there, and generally having a good time, time enough for my currently retired lvl 50 minstrel to do book 15 and Moria etc etc somewhere down the road, wherever it may take me
Same here, leisurely leveling up a burglar since I've never played one, so it's just like trying out one of the new classes and since most are gonna go Warden/Rune-Kepper I'll be checking out what the Burglar is all about, and taking my sweet time about it, doing some Shire quests here, doing some Bree-lands quests there, and generally having a good time, time enough for my lvl 50 minstrel to do book 15 and Moria etc etc somewhere down the road
Exactly, there is no rush. Its one of the things I enjoy about LotRo. At the moment, all the new content is camped etc as the "z0mg11!!11, must get to 60" crowd race through it as fast as possible so they can tell everyone they got there first.
That attitude is such a waste of time in LotRo because there is so much attention to detail that by racing through, you miss lots of content. I've always taken my time and enjoyed the story. I've just started levelling my Warden and I will return to my main characters in a week or 2 when the commotion has died down.
And ruin most games for others with their selfish "Im the best" attitude. The problem is that their way of thinking does not promote teamplay or any kind of group cohesion. It is simply "Get to 60, brag, brag, brag and then leave the game" When I said something about it on OOC, some of them openly admitted they hadnt played for months and had only come back to get to 60 before anyone else! I guess Im just not wired to understand how that is "fun". I think it stems from being totally inadequate IRL and TBH, its the only explanation I can come up with. S
Really? They "ruin" games? I have yet to play a single title wherein I couldn't simply ignore the people around me. Let's not be so dramatic about this. No one is ruining anything, and you will live to play another day regardless who else is playing.
And ruin most games for others with their selfish "Im the best" attitude. The problem is that their way of thinking does not promote teamplay or any kind of group cohesion. It is simply "Get to 60, brag, brag, brag and then leave the game" When I said something about it on OOC, some of them openly admitted they hadnt played for months and had only come back to get to 60 before anyone else! I guess Im just not wired to understand how that is "fun". I think it stems from being totally inadequate IRL and TBH, its the only explanation I can come up with. S
Really? They "ruin" games? I have yet to play a single title wherein I couldn't simply ignore the people around me. Let's not be so dramatic about this. No one is ruining anything, and you will live to play another day regardless who else is playing.
Its got nothing to do with drama, it is quite simply annoying. I am playing right now and I have disabled everything except Kin and Fellowship in terms of chat, so no more spam from the "z0mg11!1!!" crowd
No, not whining, just making an observation about that type of gamer and how unpleasant their presence is in any MMO. We didnt use to have that when MMOs and computers in general were a little more exclusive. Now everyone's an "expert".
It's pretty funny tbh and easily avoided by waiting the requisite week or so for them to move back to AoC or WAR.
There is nothing wrong with enjoying a sense of accomplishment, Im all for that. There IS something wrong with announcing everything you do in OOC.
Some who have posted here understand the difference.
So you elitist cliquish snobs back in the day didnt brag openly about your many accomplishments in game and you wish all the new kiddies who do would just leave, thats about all Ive been able to extract from your points here.
Im glad to say I belong to neither group you just described. Both sound pretty lame.
Now 6 hours of that will most likely get on my nerves but Id just filter it out. But Id have to say Anal "Scorch" was quite funny when i first read it. . It doesn't take someone stupid to think that its funny,I guess some of us are blessed to think that most everything is funny. I love to laugh that's why I think that most things are funny.
I understand what your saying, but for the most part, these chat channels all had a purpose at one point in time.
General/OOC Chats were used by new players as a means to get questions answered by veteren players.
LFG chats are used to look for groups
and Defense chats were used to pinpoint pvp battle locations.
I don't remember reading the game manuals.
General Chat - This will be used to tell dumb ass jokes for 24 hours day in and out. Please post all chuck norris and anal jokes here.
I promise If it were in the manual this is a game I would have steered clear from.
Aside from that, we shouldn't have to disable chats due to stupid ass players. They should just stop being stupid, use an IQ higher than their shoe size and not post chuck norris jokes over general chat. Period.
The more time passes in MMO's the mature are getting slowly stomped out by the mentally retarded.
No, not whining, just making an observation about that type of gamer and how unpleasant their presence is in any MMO. We didnt use to have that when MMOs and computers in general were a little more exclusive. Now everyone's an "expert".
It's pretty funny tbh and easily avoided by waiting the requisite week or so for them to move back to AoC or WAR.
There is nothing wrong with enjoying a sense of accomplishment, Im all for that. There IS something wrong with announcing everything you do in OOC.
Some who have posted here understand the difference.
So you elitist cliquish snobs back in the day didnt brag openly about your many accomplishments in game and you wish all the new kiddies who do would just leave, thats about all Ive been able to extract from your points here.
Im glad to say I belong to neither group you just described. Both sound pretty lame.
Nothing like that, the communities were better. I've never felt the need to brag about achievments in game. Its a game. As I've said, people that do have some issues IRL I would imagine. I like a friendly, open and cohesive community. Not a bunch of self obsessed people who only care about themselves and what THEY can have and what THEY did.
Sorry you took what I said out of context.
No, not whining, just making an observation about that type of gamer and how unpleasant their presence is in any MMO. We didnt use to have that when MMOs and computers in general were a little more exclusive. Now everyone's an "expert".
It's pretty funny tbh and easily avoided by waiting the requisite week or so for them to move back to AoC or WAR.
There is nothing wrong with enjoying a sense of accomplishment, Im all for that. There IS something wrong with announcing everything you do in OOC.
Some who have posted here understand the difference.
So you elitist cliquish snobs back in the day didnt brag openly about your many accomplishments in game and you wish all the new kiddies who do would just leave, thats about all Ive been able to extract from your points here.
Im glad to say I belong to neither group you just described. Both sound pretty lame.
Nothing like that, the communities were better. I've never felt the need to brag about achievments in game. Its a game. As I've said, people that do have some issues IRL I would imagine. I like a friendly, open and cohesive community. Not a bunch of self obsessed people who only care about themselves and what THEY can have and what THEY did.
Sorry you took what I said out of context.
Well I intentionally took it a little out of context to make a point, but what were talking about here is the gradual degredation of society of large, or maybe just your perspective since you're getting older. Im 29 and I started playing SWG when I was around 24 I think. I LOVED the community on that game, it was awesome. Now its rare that I meet someone in an MMO that I dont feel the intesne need to bitch slap within 5 minutes of meeting them. So yes I do understand your frustrations Im just playing devils advocate a bit. I seem to think its either the overall population that is changing or maybe just my expectations are different, or maybe IM different. Whatever the case, I tend to think things are pretty much the same as they've always been, but you just cant go home again.
And while Im thinking of it the real blame for this problem should be placed on the developers. They design these games as glorified single player experiences now to cater to just about anyone. There is no real sense of community because every player is expendable and serves no real unique role in the community. In SWG we had players who could really stand out and shine and make you think "wow if this person wasnt around this server would suck." That could be for any multiple reasons. And you wouldnt go acting like a jackass to everyone because you depended on other people to be succesful. Not so in todays games. There needs to be more game design factors that eliminate this type of behaviour. Because its not against the TOS and the players have nothing to lose.
Now 6 hours of that will most likely get on my nerves but Id just filter it out. But Id have to say Anal "Scorch" was quite funny when i first read it. . It doesn't take someone stupid to think that its funny,I guess some of us are blessed to think that most everything is funny. I love to laugh that's why I think that most things are funny.
I understand what your saying, but for the most part, these chat channels all had a purpose at one point in time.
General/OOC Chats were used by new players as a means to get questions answered by veteren players.
LFG chats are used to look for groups
and Defense chats were used to pinpoint pvp battle locations.
I don't remember reading the game manuals.
General Chat - This will be used to tell dumb ass jokes for 24 hours day in and out. Please post all chuck norris and anal jokes here.
I promise If it were in the manual this is a game I would have steered clear from.
Aside from that, we shouldn't have to disable chats due to stupid ass players. They should just stop being stupid, use an IQ higher than their shoe size and not post chuck norris jokes over general chat. Period.
The more time passes in MMO's the mature are getting slowly stomped out by the mentally retarded.
Yeah the channels used to have a purpose in games but some chat in games still work as intended. . I play FFXI and There is nobody doing any of that stuff in the game. We usually just keep our jokes in the linkshell chat or group chat.
General chat to me= post anything you'd like right here cuz its General........ OCC chat= You can post anything here that is out of character. Now if they were posting jokes on the help then I would think it was wrong. Because its only for questions only not jokes.
But I think its quite selfish to stop people from using there freedom of expression and speech just because you personally don't think its funny. That would be taking away peoples rights, which nobody should do in game or in RL. They arn't forcing you to listen to them you have the option of filtering it out. Just like in real life if someone is staying somthing that is annoying or whatnot you have the option to just get up and leave.
LOTRO is still one of the best communities out there. Yesterday I was playing WOW on an RP server and some character that runs by asks me, "You gay, bi or straight?"
Like wtf does that have to do with me running to a quest. Wierd. Maybe he was asking my character and not me though. So maybe I missed a good rp moment, I don't know.
Oh I agree with you. I love the regular population. Just not such a big fan of the people who only show up to show off. That was my initial point.
80% or 90% of the time I stay in a kinship chat tab where all I see is kinship, tells, and system anouncements. I have a couple of other chat tabs set up, one has fellowship chat only, another for nothing but combat info. The LoTRO chat interface is a wonderful tool and very flexible and makes the game almost idiot free.
I miss DAoC
double post- apologies
I miss DAoC
I"m not quite sure that would work they way you would want it to work.
Part of how we hear has to do with our brain being able to discern where certain sounds are coming from within a 3d environment. Our ears are able to focus on certain speakers even though we are in a crowded room.
With the "everyone in the same small area Idea, we would have a problem filtering out some of the other speakers unless the the area was very very small and we weren't next to another group of speakers.
Also, given the quality of these online chat systems, whether it be built into the game or vent or TS, I can't say that the experience would be all that pleasant.
The only way I can see it work is if your characters had to be in a very small diameter for the voice chat to interface with the next player. You would also have to be far enough away from other players so that you didn't pick up their chat.
And then once that was done you would just have the same quality of voice chat you normally would get.
Just thought I would add this little video here. You mention sound in a 3D environment, this is a nice soundclip but it requires headphones to work correctly.
That was simply amazing, when he did the scissors , my senors went tingly and it almost felt like he was actually cutting my hair , with sound !
lol, well things have certainly changed since I've been in school.
I wonder how much processing power a game would need in order to incorporate that type of thing.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
I would tell the OP to shut up, use the filters and quit crying...except I agree with him. First time I had to turn OOC chat off in a while.
See you in the dream..
The Fires from heaven, now as cold as ice. A rapid ascension tolls a heavy price.
I turned mine off the day the original game went retail and never turned it back on. The OOC chat channel could be removed and I would never know it. That is one of the reasons I advise people to pick their kinship with care and in ours we have screened kin invites only. You must do a few small and large groups with us before you will ever get a invite to join.
I miss DAoC
I thin kwhat you experienced was jsut hte woke up at 7 drank more than 5 cups of coffee didi nothing of my dayd than be amazed by MOM effect. Kauz right now everything is back to normal, except that you meet people everywhere and when you ask a question in in local chat you get like 1à answers.
Many people have been playing this game since day one and for them release of mom is more exciting than christmas and coffee hype + very excited people= mess in chat.
I'm not a no life that sits in front of his computer all day long, I'm an intern that sits in front of his computer all day long.
I'm going to quote myself,
"MMOs would be great if it wasn't for all the people"
Yet the reason we play MMOs are for all the people. Personal responsibility rules here. If someone is annoying you, change what you're doing, and don't expect others to change for you. That is the real problem with society today. Everyone is asked to change to please everyone else.
Take for example Christmas. It has been celebrated for countless years in the US. A small minority of people find Christmas to be offensive (idiots) so everyone has to change to please them.
Many other examples, but the same applies to MMOs. Stop whining to have everyone change to meet your criteria for a good gaming experience and use the tools already available at your disposal to remedy the issue. IE: /ignore, turn off chat, don't read the chat, take a break from the game, etc....
Yes, just wanted to comment on your description of the way online gaming has gone. In the old days (and I started playing the first game that started it all) things were different. People were different. It was an escape. Things are gone forever that way. It's never (nor can it) go back. Sad but true. I currently play Eve and basically have given up on Camelot, EQ type games.
Went from gaming 12 hours a day to very casual 1 - 2 hours a day
King of the world
Vilya was pretty quiet last night...but it always is. That's why I picked a low pop server.
I like how this thread became a reflection of what the OP was talking about. And i also like how the OP is the poster child for what he is talking about.
I have concluded that the OP walked into the game, and started pissing on the drapes, and is now angry.
Everyone else is just excited about the new stuff.
"Anyone posting on this forum is not an average user, and there for any opinions about the game are going to be overly critical compared to an average users opinions." - Me
"No, your wrong.." - Random user #123
"Hello person posting on a site specifically for MMO's in a thread on a sub forum specifically for a particular game talking about meta features and making comparisons to other titles in the genre, and their meta features.
How are you?" -Me
Fantastic idea
You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep. ~Navajo Proverb
I'll also wait for things to cool off until I play seriously , for me the imersion is ruined when there are 10+ waiting to go in the same door lol.
I'll be taking my time , and taking it all in
See you on the road.... maybe
Eh? Have you ever played an online game with me? I dont think you have. I am far from a "poster child" for that kind of behaviour I'm afraid.
Im not angry at all and I LOVE the expansion. I just dont need to hear about people's levelling, how great they are etc etc. Im glad you enjoy that type of thing and wish you well.
"I'll also wait for things to cool off until I play seriously , for me the imersion is ruined when there are 10+ waiting to go in the same door lol.
I'll be taking my time , and taking it all in
See you on the road.... maybe"
Same here, leisurely leveling up a burglar since I've never played one, so it's just like trying out one of the new classes and since most are gonna go Warden/Rune-Kepper I'll be checking out what the Burglar is all about, and taking my sweet time about it, doing some Shire quests here, doing some Bree-lands quests there, and generally having a good time, time enough for my currently retired lvl 50 minstrel to do book 15 and Moria etc etc somewhere down the road, wherever it may take me
Exactly, there is no rush. Its one of the things I enjoy about LotRo. At the moment, all the new content is camped etc as the "z0mg11!!11, must get to 60" crowd race through it as fast as possible so they can tell everyone they got there first.
That attitude is such a waste of time in LotRo because there is so much attention to detail that by racing through, you miss lots of content. I've always taken my time and enjoyed the story. I've just started levelling my Warden and I will return to my main characters in a week or 2 when the commotion has died down.
Really? They "ruin" games? I have yet to play a single title wherein I couldn't simply ignore the people around me. Let's not be so dramatic about this. No one is ruining anything, and you will live to play another day regardless who else is playing.
Really? They "ruin" games? I have yet to play a single title wherein I couldn't simply ignore the people around me. Let's not be so dramatic about this. No one is ruining anything, and you will live to play another day regardless who else is playing.
Its got nothing to do with drama, it is quite simply annoying. I am playing right now and I have disabled everything except Kin and Fellowship in terms of chat, so no more spam from the "z0mg11!1!!" crowd
It must be depressing for game devs to work so hard on the details, every story, every piece of the world, and ppl just rush rush rush. =.=
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert