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Cantinas... were meant to bring people together create link between people... Guess what it was doing PRE-CU exactly that...
People were coming in for a buff... Yeah it was taking a 5 minutes of their time to get it... but HEY guess what they were doing during those 5 minutes ? OMG TALKING WITH OTHER PLAYERS... Even strangers... Have you ever seen this in any other MMOs ?
My first story in SWG was with a WeaponCrafter (one of the best we've ever had on our server)... The guy came up to me and tipped me 300 000 credit and he looked at me and said :
"You don't fit in a cantina... go get yourself armor and weapon and we'll meet on the field one day... either side you decide"
And began my Journey to Tera Kasis Master...
Doctor buffs... OMG so many people... were com... wow let me correct... OMG so many people liked those hehe in the middle of Coronet Airport buff lines for buff... What was cool about it ? YES OMG once again people were interacting with each other ?!?!
Anybody know why the Buffs were better from one doc to an other ... OMG CAUSE THEY HAD TO FIND THE GOOD RESSOURCES...
Ressources... With SPECS... You had to work on that... Understand something... so you get better things then other... Could you buy or loot better than crafted gear ? No cause we had dedicated players that WANTED to make the best weapons and they were working hard to get the good ressources for that.
Economy... ENTIRERLY player driven... nothing more can be said
Play-style... Well whatever kind of game you were looking for you could find it...
Massive-PVP Events... HAve you ever seen a city defend their base ? Have you ever seen a bunch of rebel staying for 1 hour in a city just to scare an imperial city with a Vulnerable Base... Just chitchatting not even calling friends just laughing around seeing them arranging a big defense... ?
Have you ever seen 1 character being able to defend it self against 20 others ? That's what a Jedi should have stayed... I remember 1 night we hunted 1 jedi 15 of us with the TEF AMAZING night I'm telling yah
What happened after that ? You won't believe it... She chatted with us saying that it was amazing that hunt and anytime again she would do it...
Solo-Play... I was in a guild with Western players and I'm eastern so during weekend it happened from time to time that I was online and nobody was ... what was I doing ? HUNTING trying to find some of those huge creatures to hope and loot somebody in my guild could use...
Guilds... OMG Guilds ?? Did I talked about guilds ?!?! Isn't it a bunch of people I don't really know and group once a week to do a raid ??
No in SWG a Guild was a bunch of friends that you could ACTUALLY ask for help to do something and they were HAPPY to go and help you out... And those Guild wars... that was kick a$$... Yeah ganking but tell me it's not like in a real life ;-)
I could continu like that forever... I don't think we'll ever find a game that complex ... It's I-WIN Button Easy to play that kids like to play...
If you want you can add other things that I didn't say so we have a post with all we're missing
No offense, but everyone already knows what you're talking about, as it's been said 1000 times before. Nothing's going to change. Bringing this stuff back up just makes me want to cry, so please stop. Thanks.
Cantinas contained some of the best MMO experiences I've ever had as a side note btw.
I agree with u in every single point.
But it will never come back.
Hopefully someone will do it again. Soon.
And then NOT completely f*ck it up.
"There is as yet insufficient data for a meaningful answer."
Forced interdependancy won't happen again, ever in a mainstream mmo. SWG has proven beyond doubt that it's just not 'popular' and ultimately it's popularity that brings in the $$$. I wouldn't be surprised to see social aspects reappearing in mmo's, even with some form of interactivity but interdependancy is a thing of the past.
...The spread of secondary and latterly of tertiary education has created a large population of people, often with well developed literary and scholarly tastes, who have been educated far beyond their capacity to undertake analytical thought.
You know, I saw more social interaction in my online Quake 1 gaming days than my EQ, UO, AC and SWG days combined... So I'm not exactly sure it's so much to do with the design of MMOs, as it is to do with how the community's going mainstream. Online gaming was a niche back then, and you often see more socializing in niches, because it sort of has a character to it, whether you like it or not... Whereas when it's mainstream it just becomes anonymous, so there is no particular characteristic to it, it's just an approximation of the society now.
The main thing I loved about SWG (and I do not know if they still have this in as I havent played it for years) is that I could build my shop virtually anywhere go gather resources and place collectors anywhere. It was the most fun I had in an MMO to date.
(\ /) ?
( . .)
Yeah loved my Master crafter/politician that needed bodyguards going outside the city or an wort could kill him Had 5 ppl on payroll placing harvesters for me. And when i got bored i loged my TKM for some action.
Still looking for a game that can offer the hard to mastering crafting vs fun beat the crap of mobs in same game But everything nowdays is mainstream to appeal to so many ppl and everything must be so simple that an 10 year old can master it in a day so companies can earn some cash.
But still not much working it seems.
i never liked doctor buffs. I never liked the fact you needed to get buffs just to equip your gear. I didnt like the fact you had to get buffs to live long in pvp. I didnt like the fact that classes who hit the mind pool were OP.
the rest of the points in the OP i agree with.
Playing: EVE Online
Favorite MMOs: WoW, SWG Pre-cu, Lineage 2, UO, EQ, EVE online
Looking forward to: Archeage, Kingdom Under Fire 2
KUF2's Official Website - -
SWG's NON combat classes were unique too. It's the ONLY GAME I can still think of where you could thrive without going out and doing quests/missions to gain points/xp.
My first master proff was musician. VERY SOCIAL times. loved it. Then I tried carbines, ugh. boring.
went back to crafting DE, then TKM, then Fencer....I would keep lvl 3 surveying so I could go find materials for people and plop heavy harvesters down and score some
Proud Imperial Citizen too.
We should correct something on most of the online game categories
MMORPG the only one I've know IS in fact Star Wars Galaxies...
MMO ... Probably almost all the other... World of Warcraft... LOTRO
Why ?!? Simple... in SWG we were acting as the Rebel or Imperial we were... anybody can remember the HATE we were feeling for the other clans :P I remember LOVING to hate ANTRS (a guild on my server)... cause they were like us... Role Playing... what you can't do in WoW... You can't even talk to the enemies...
ANTRS and NwRep hated each other (just for an example)... and it was a real HATE... What was fun is once we were on the forums we were ALLY lol All the Forum Trolls are ally to a certain point ;-)
Bounty Hunters that were going after either Rebel or Imperial cause it was their JOB !!!
Smuggler lying and cheating others CAUSE it was their job hehehe
I've been a ranger for a long time !!!!! Selling my service to spot things around... You needed to know your environment to be able to do something with a class like that...
what was the most fun is you had to work to become a jedi ... When I started playing becoming a JEDI wasn't even an Option for me... my TKM / Ranger became my toon and stayed like that forever... then CU Hit so i decided to move on since my gaming was broken why not going for what everybody was going for... then NGE ... And my game was dead...
There is no RPG in WoW... Not what I do call RPG... choices...
If I decide to form a group to go raid a City my guild would follow me... Not like in WoW nobody will go cause their grinding Rep... Their Grinding XP or Money
And the game that the OP describes is still there, I never left it. You guys did.
You didn't need doc buffs to wear armour if it was crafted to alleviate encumbrance.
But that was the problem. Buffs negated encumbrance and allowed armoursmiths to focus only on effectiveness.
I was an AS from very early on, and one of the big misconceptions was that all comp was the same and everyone had to get doc buffs and all that. Umm... nope.
Comp armor might have LOOKED the same, but under the hood it was all different, you never knew what protections a person had by looking at them. Some was unlayered, offering reasonable protection and no need to get buffed to wear. Other stuff had different mixes of layers, back when the elemental damage was a primary damage type and not an after effect. And then was the max protection stuff, that people wanted for PvP and the like. Full Stun layers (which sucked to make well, btw) or acid (for defense from BH/pistoleers) or even full energy, good against Doc/Rifleman or TKA/Rifleman.
The CU threw all that down the toilet. It was a complete reversal: all armor looked different, but was the SAME under the hood. It totally did away with the flexibility of protection mixes and the need to protect against anything but energy or kinetic. It dumbed the system way down, as well, by removing 2 bars of experimentation. It turned AS, which required thought about protection vs encumberance vs condition crafting, which was very enjoyable for people that liked to craft well, to something close to DE or Architect, where you didn't have to think about anything, really.
As a side bonus (not), it was another of many flat out lies by Toiiet boy Blixtev, who said in multiple interviews that "existing armor and components" would "convert well" and that things good before the CU would be good after. Yeah, BS. I had 50 suits of armor and a couple hundred crates of components turn to crap instantly. Same thing happened with existing weapons too. The furor that came about as a direct result of this, caused the AS correspondant to quit or be fired and made 90% of the Armorsmiths quit.
But that is how SOE does business. One example of many.
And this is why many of us will not be paying SOE a dime again. Nothing to do with hate, or not getting over it or any of that. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.
There will be no twice.
I'd like to know wich game you're talking about ?!?! Last time I tried (cause yeah I tried times and times again)... Cantinas were almost empty... Never crowded as it was before...
You could even feel and ambiance when you were going inside it was not even close what it is today...
You should check out Darkfall.
Open world, housing, player driven economy, crafting, skillbased system etc etc
hahahah Yeah I know but it's some kind of a therapy... and we need to remember it from time to time hoping that somebody will do something like that ...
It could be worth a try...
I used to spend hours in the hospital curing "wounds" and talking to te crowds lined up to be next. I still cant understnad what cuased them to think the NGE was needed. Someone was clueless for sure, but as others have said its gone never to return. let it go..
Ahhh here is the posted I wanted to reply on...
We have to be careful on 1 thing here... It is untrue that it's not popular...
What happened is that many people that are playing MMOs were against the concept of playing in StarWars Universe just for the concept of it... And right in the middle of the "main" movies might have been a bad idea... 2 Choices might have been better... and actually opening way more possibilities
Either way before all the movies with where does the Jedi come from ... Sith .. and everything... opening the possibilities to be a sith... Cause it was actually "false" to be a Jedi or a Sith during that period they took... BH should have been way more active ;-)
Or After the movies... With more possibilities on Technologies and new items...
but still taking a Movie to create a world as some down effect... people that don't "like" or are against StarWars would have never played... same kind of thing that could happen with StarGate Worlds
But i'm still hoping that somebody will try to create a more "real" RPG mmo than only MMOs
SWG IS returning just not from SOE and no I will not link it as it is against the rules here. If you want to find out just google for it.