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I have played WOW since release, and many other MMO's before that, and have found that after "however many 1,000's of quests" i have done, I simply cannot do another quest. If an NPC asks me to walk across the room and talk to Jim the Cook and receive an epic weapon and 20,000 experience points, I find I just cannot (will not) do it.
Emptied out my quest log today, even. Maybe every game has its playability limits.
In the future, I think I will look for games that have few or no quests. For me, the quest-grind is the worst grind of all.
Anyone else out there feel the same?
In WAR, when I get tired of questing, I can always click that sweet little scenario button, and I know that RvR will find me in moments.
"Capitalism is currently working as intended."
Sorry, I think quests are a staple of MMORPGs. Unless the genre completely revolutionizes itself somehow, thus earning a different name, and they do away with quests. Maybe something like "Play in a happy world where everything is happy and no one needs your help, so there are no more boring 'quest' things! Cupcake!"
Well, more likely, quests will slowly become obsolete and completely optional. That'll happen if levels and experience is done away with. Personally, I don't think that's ever happening. The only salvation for quests is non-ADD people who actually read the quest text, and get a feel for what they're being asked to do and why. That's where the lore of the game comes in, a factor that's very overlooked in my opinion. You're paying for the damn thing, why not get into it a bit more than spam clicking "Accept"?
As long as there are experience/levels, there needs to be other ways of leveling besides quests. Quests are there for you in WAR if you want them, but you don't need them. The ideal way of leveling is through PvE and PvP of course, but you can skip the PvE if you want. Though the quest text in WAR is see the effort they put into it when the typography sounds like the actual accents of the NPCs. A dwarf's quest text sounds like 'e's talkin like a Dwarf, not a namby pamby Elf or one o' them manlings. Just an example.
LOL absolutely, a friend tried to get me back into WoW last week reactivated my account played for 1 hour and realized why it was I can not stand the game
the quests are rediculous the game should have been called everquest....
everquest has maybe 1/100th the quests WoW does.
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Play Eve and create your own challenges (put a POS up and maintain it for 30 days without it being blown up for example).
I loved WOW for two years but got bored of the quests and the repetive play style. I've tried maybe 10 other MMOs that were similar (AoC, WAR, EQ2, GW, DDO etc) and just couldn't get into them, often getting bored within hours. I've been happily playing Eve now for almost a year and still have SO much more to achieve. Sure you can do missions if you want to but that's just one of many, many things you can do.
To top that off, the graphics are amazing and PVP is a lot of fun.
Agree with OP 100% .
But 10mio players love wows killtasks )
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I think it beats hands down just camping a certain spot of a certain dungeon for hours to grind monsters.
Beside, WoTLK quests are way above anything else in the industry (with the possible exception of Mines of Moria of which I have no personal experience). I enjoyed flying on my frost dragon blasting scarlets in the DK starting areas, especially as you have to physically avoid the arrows and bolts to not get damage, but oh well, if you cannot stand then good luck finding a MMO that does not have quests...
"If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime"
There is only so many ways to make a quest and most games use just a few ones (you know them, "postman", kill X beast", talk to X, pick up X and so on). And many of those are idiotic since the NPC can do them faster by themselves than getting the player do them.
Quest should be long chains that ends with an epic fight, not kill 20 bears. EQ2 got actually some really great quests like it's Heritage quests but it also got even worse farming quests than Wow.
This isn't just about Wow, almost all games have the same quests and they are usually unispired. And I don't care about how good the flavor text is when I have to go and talk to another guy or something else moronic. I want to be a hero (or Villain) and do epic stuff, not be an errand boy.
If I get to the point of being tired of doing quests I'll usually just take a break from the game. I have been pleasantly surprised with the consistent variety of quests in Northrend. Many of the quests are off the beaten track of messenger quests and go kill X and collect Y.
I prefer quests to just killing mobs for no reason other than for a bit of EXP or money, but if the quests were boring enough then I would just go to some dungeons or something before I started randomly killing mobs probably.
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yeah I have become utterly bored with the WoW style quests. So I gave FFXI a shot because it had a more old school approach. The few quests in the game do not even give you experience and are much more involved. I just got off just now and gained about 4 levels in acouple hours but I had some nice help and I'm still low level. All of this was done with out any questing what so ever. Just grouping up and PvEing the old fashioned way, and the action was nonstop all night
Eve is no different, i had two accounts on there for ages but again i got bored of the same old thing over and over again (although i will point out that this was a couple of years ago now). Eve has it's quests just like anything else and it's biggest let down is that it is one HUGE time sink. Weeks to train skills, hours to get anywhere, half a day to put together a decent mining operation with your corp, days to find a decent research or production facility, hours trying to find the right markets for your goods to make the endless stream of income required and of course the fact that you can only really build one meaningful character.
I don't want to put Eve down as in itself it is probably the closest thing out there to an open ended MMO at the moment, but it has it's faults just like all the others, just disguised in a different way.
I get bored with questing just like anyone will, but when this happens i just hook up with a few guild mates and do some boosting, drop into some BG's, go fishing, complete a few achievements, go wind up a few horde at crossroads, work on trade skills, play the Auctions or just log of and go do the washing up.
It must be Thursday, i never could get the hang of Thursdays.
I know exactly how you feel, I always had more fun in MMO's when I was in a group with five other people killing mobs. As opposed to nonstop solo questing.
The "Book" quests (epic storyline) in LOTRO are similar to the EQ2 heritage quests. Typically they are a series of quests in the overland which may or may not include downing some sub-boss or finding some rare items. The Books are divided into Chapters, so you can always advertise explicitly what you need a group for (e.g., LFG Book 12.3). The final chapter in each book is usually a massive boss fight in an instanced zone, lead by an NPC.
Some of the chapters are solo friendly, some are not. The resulting loot is typically excellent for the level.
(I did play some heritage quests on EQ2 a few years back, before I got caught by the WoW bug... )
How dare you present him with logic! Don't you understand? He fights epic fights, in epic games, with epic toons....eats epic food and takes epic dumps! He has more e..pic..icity...ness in his little finger than you have in your whole unepic body! - ChicagoCub
I played DDO for awhile and you most definatly need a ful group (although I heard they added solo content) this is how our games started out.. you needed a group to do them.. each had a specific task.. in fact free to play Guildwars has quests like this where you need a full party (can hire npc's if need be to fill the group ) But i hear ya on this.. the WoW expansion has added abit of anew twist on this though (harder dungeons and multi man tasks.. Although there are the typical get this many of so and so things... I say that at the beginning of games (Asherons Call, Everquest) the quests were abit more involved.. like one quest rolled into another task, which rolled into another one... like joe the town drunk says "hey fella , I heard the bartender at the Fatted Ox say I have found a treasure map" quests used to be more epic and involved and we used our heads and needed each other to activate things like switches and be in different parts of the world even to clang a bell to continue etc.... we werent so concerened about level , level, level... we had stories to unfold and gear to be gotten from and it was harder work that paid off.. anyone remember the Queens quest from AC?? omg dropped bells, getting splashed by acid to get marked to even enter the dungeon.. needing someone with lockpicking skills.. etc.. these are what drove us to game.. the excitement of actually fulfilling stories not just meeting someone you will never see again as a npc in game... anyway these are but a few thoughts about games... at the moment having some fun with friends in Wow... till that huge sandbox game comes out where its not about lvls but actually adventuring... cya out there Kwosh