"The Crimes of the Servers are No Servers ONline and BLIZZARD KNOWS this! We play to beta test to WOW play the game that we Tested... FOR THEM!! Why then to the Devs give us excuses for the Servers of Delays on their DElays. CRIMES! I'm a Elf and need levels because I couldn't Play THURsday. I couldn't play FIRDAY either because Ther servers DOWN and Today's Friday!" - Catavari
The only thing that is certain, is Death
The only thing that is impossible, is Eternal Life
figures some jerk asks give me a sec *logs on to count kills the fun way*
i got 1250. man, went up 400 and i havnt had this comp 4 2 long....a good sign this is.
"The Crimes of the Servers are No Servers ONline and BLIZZARD KNOWS this! We play to beta test to WOW play the game that we Tested... FOR THEM!! Why then to the Devs give us excuses for the Servers of Delays on their DElays. CRIMES! I'm a Elf and need levels because I couldn't Play THURsday. I couldn't play FIRDAY either because Ther servers DOWN and Today's Friday!" - Catavari
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A UK based PVP WoW guild - Interested? Check out Vae Victus
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lol woopsie
sry ill get it sooner or later heh
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dern it
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Get free MP3 players, including iPod, from these sites!
"Small minds talk about people, average minds talk about events, great minds talk about ideas."
Hurray, my first post. Finally got this working, so now I'm hoping it still works after I posted
World of Warcraft is not a crime. Inflicting your stupidity on humanity is!