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Just wondering what you all think, will the War 40k mmo hurt WAR at all?
not much info on it yet, but from what i have read seems alot more people like that timeline then the current one.
they will be vastly different games. 40k will most likely be like tabula rasa. and yes the timeline is more popular
genius inside insanity
by the time 40k mmo releases, WAR will be dead.
If I have to choose, I will go for the WAR40K.
figure between 3-5 years before 40k comes out gunz blazing. In that time WAR will have had it's chance to rise or fall all by itself.
Judging by mmo history it will fall but i'm hoping they pull it together.
We're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad.
Warhammer 40k?!
Now THAT I would play.
Is this actually being developed?
I have to admit i'm half looking forward to the 40k mmo and half dreading it. I'm a big fan of the IP and I'd rather they leave it alone rather than screw it up!
Of course if I had to choose a company to have a go at it, I would choose the same company that GWS did. So i'm somewhat optamistic.
We're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad.
We're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad.
Think THQ have the license for it (along with DOW series), they acquired it around a year ago i think, correct me if i'm wrong though.
Playing: Nothing
Retired: Runescape, DAoC, SWG, Planetside, Guild Wars, WoW, EVE, Battleground Europe, LOTRO, AoC, WAR.
Tried: Pretty much everything!
The 40k MMO was annouced eailer this year - it's THQ's puppy, but Relic (the DoW RTS guys) are NOT involed with the project.. Their aiming for a 2010 'beta', i dunno if that means closed or open yet..
To disspell a few myths early:
1) The 40k IP and the Fantasy IP have been co-exstisting for a while now, BOTH are as popular as each other but due to 40k being Sci-fi based and has had the most success with pc gaming, it is known more. The 40k MMO will NOT spell the death of WAR, Games Workshop are happy with both IPs being out their as MMOs, and many like myself will be happy to sub to both, thats assuming WAR is still active (if the quality and swiftness of the patch and content updates continue as it does then it's very likly it still will be running)
2) The 40k MMO will NOT be FPS/TR combat based, THQ have already stated that the game will be 'traditional MMO combat' ie stickly targeting, so those expecting a FPS, game sorry guys your just going to have to wait for Space Marine on the 360
Bring on the WARRRRGGHH!
Just done a little research on this and my heart skipped a beat when I misread the developer Vigil Games as Sigil Games.
It sounds like they might be going down the route of a strategic MMO like Atlantica Online or Heroes of M&M. If this is the case it is going to officially rock if they pull it off.
Imagine collecting your own army of troops and vehicles, customising and tweaking them all, and sending them into battle.
Must ... not ... get ... over ... excited.
EDIT: I misread the description - it's not strategic combat, you still control one character. Big shame.
Think THQ have the license for it (along with DOW series), they acquired it around a year ago i think, correct me if i'm wrong though.
you're not wrong. THQ aquired Vigil to develop the 40k mmo.
We're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad.
cant wait!!! i want to be an inquisitor and bring the wrath of the emporer onto a heretic planet if i had to choose between war or 40k i would pick 40k but i can see myself playing both
I have no idea how the game will be. I can only pray that they'll do it justice.
That being said...
If I can't play as a necron or a 'nid PLEASE oh PLEASE let me fight them!
We're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad.
40k has a lot more fans
IM waiting for it myself tho i might get pulled away by Star Wars...
the more of SW:TOR I see the more unhappy I get. It looks like they're leaning more towards the clonewars art.
I hope they manage to pull things together before launch. Then again if Georgie has his way then I'm expecting to .
We're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad.
In all honesty, if its realeased like Heroes, 1,2,3,4,5 I would love this game. I would love it was the same set-up. Play onloine if you want but can play single player campains. I loved that scenarios. I play 5 still. It is an excellent game
Enjoy : )
40k WOn't touch it. Ewww!
If they had used warhammer 40K as scenario etc.. is my belief the game would have got many more adepts.
Warhammer Age of Reconning !!!
Same. The gameplay lends itself so well to the 40k setting rather than simply having one character becoming just another cog in the machine. Heroes 5 is fantastic and massively underrated game that would be an awesome concept for an MMO like this.
This post just got me to go buy Heroes of Might and Magic 5, game was down, and was on my luch break (extended to try the new class)
I do hope it comes out, kinda wish it would be set like this game though, the heroes set rocks
(I already had it but lost the CD's) I don't torrent anything so avoided the cracks, it was only 30 bucks
Enjoy : )