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Yoohoo! Calling all Reclamation fans: Who's going to be the first to respond to me? For a refresher, I'll even remind you of the rules!
Moderators cannot win on their own forums.
You must respond with your correct forum account name.
You must be in good standing with Lyra Studios.
First response wins!
And to spice things up.. there's going to be some new rules after this! Good luck!
gets out the butterfly net and catch's the fairy and puts her in a jar with a few holes in it for air!!! your time of flying around is no more!!! Your mine all mine!!!!
my pretty, my precious!!!!
Congratulations! Toss me an email when you get a chance at saffron@.
......Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu !!!
None the less Grats Josh.
**Dragon mumbles about conspiracies and walks away**
Josh gets on the stage and waves to all the cheering dreamers and begins to speak.
Wow i am so ... speachless.... first of all i woudl like to thank god for making this a possibility, then i would like to thank Patrick the man behind the scene without him .... man i would be nothing. Thirdly to my fans thank you so much you guys are great!!!!!!!
Josh leaves the stage with a jar and a fairy in it... he thinks hes going to name it Munchkin jr.
Hey!!!! let munchkin goo!!!!