How To Become A Player Mod
How do you know how to become a player mod?
I don't care if you believe this or not, but I played RuneScape for 3 years before quitting. After 1 year of playing, I was given Forum Moderator status. 3 months after that, I was given a silver crown. If you don't believe me, then simply don't read. But I will tell you this. If you follow my guide, your chances of becoming a player mod will increase.
What RuneScape says makes you become 'Recognized'
You can view the narrow player mod guidelines for Runescape at
What it really takes to be a player mod
- Jagex mentions briefly that being active on the forums is part of it. It is true. Post on the forums as much as possible. Post in places that you are familiar with, and don't break forum rules. There are Jmods constantly patrolling the forums, so your name will be noticed.
- Reporting players is a must, but If you use the 'Bounty Hunter' tactic (Standing in Varrock reporting autotypers, etc.) then you may not be picked. After looking in the player mod forums, it seems that Jagex picks players who like to have fun in game. So when you report players, do it while playing the game. Don't just sit at the yews and report macroers.
- Jagex mentions that helping out other players helps. It does, but usually not when you do it in game. There is no real great wayto help players in game, Seeing as there is no 'Report a kind player' button. My advice is to help people using the official forums. A clean record is almost always necessary. Jagex chooses over 50 new mods a month and out of that only mods about 10. You can bet that the ones with no offences will be chosen. This is not mentioned in the knowledge base, but player mods can suggest other players to be modded. Therefore, if you are good friends with a player mod, you will have a better chance of being recognized. Correct grammar and spelling... Jagex doesn't want illiterate players representing their company in game.
<Mod edit>
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Great guide.! lucky for me that i know 3 player mods!!
anyways, i've not played in a while so. yeah...
Thanks for the guide, but if I was offered to be a mod in this game, I'd decline. It's not rewarding at all and modding here doesn't bring around positive change. The only thing I might get from it is to have a crown next to my name. Well my ego is fine as it is, thank you.
I can't imagine why anyone would want the hassles of being a mod, and I have known of mods that went to extreme to get themselves demodded because Jag would not remove the Modship after numerous requests.
What it does not state in that guide is that they have made 12 year old children moderators because the child lied on contract, or that they have made scammers and crooks moderators because of the way their system works.
The hassles greatly outweight the benefits of becomming a moderator, in that game you already have enough people hassling you I can't imagine why anyone would want more punishment!
This is so completely true. I've known several mods who were 12 years old even though the game is for people 13 years old or older. I also know a few mods who have made several requests to be demodded and after waiting have resorted to muting random players. Lol, its just funny you should mention this because the player mods I know have all done these things.
Wow... so my friend was right... (The only reason I know modding in RS is bad is because of what a good friend told me. I thought he just had an agenda or something. Wow.)
Very well-written guide!
But please, just keep in mind; if you follow this and eventually become a player moderator, that does NOT mean you can go back to being bad, rude, etc. Hopefully, all of this stuff comes naturally, and that won't be a problem.
I've been a member for a few days now (I totally just bought it to test the HD!), and totally forgot about how much of an impact the forums have on their choices.
yea thats great and all, but why would u want to be a mod? Your just being used as Jagex's puppets to disciplin other people. If you really want to disciplin people go be a cop, they get guns
Now thats the truth in this world.
Actually, you're wrong about one thing. The bounty hunter tactic does work, and to a fault. I was a macroer, I swore, I scammed, and was a generally bad player.
I'll note I have improved my behavior considerably before going on.
But one day I saw a bunch of level 3's sitting at the yews in Varrock. Well, obviously bots. Reported them all, about 180 of them or more (Yes, I spent 3 hours doing it, I was bored.) Guess what, next day I was offered mod status. They don't "pick" their mods, they just look at who reported the most for the day.
And if you don't believe me, search my name on this page:
Amen to that...... Well I can say that If runescape was still appealing to me, I would go and report folks right now for the sake of mod status.just kidding..
What I can say is, Jagex is pretty disorganized in their Mod Academics. They certainly are trying their worst at it. sigh......they paying customers suffer because of these mishaps.
i hate mods. at first i thought they were high and mighty and cool. that was until i met a mod that scammed me badly. just to notify i was a lvl 16 at the time. the mod went on a lvl 50 something acc and said give me all your items. he was saying thinks like im gonna ban u and everything. when i asked to get on his mod acc he got on it and said see i told you. i was so nooby that i actualy gaved him all of my money from wc.
I hate mods too....looks like we have a similarity.
If a guy comes up to me with that excuse on anygame then I just ignore them and go about my business. Take a picture of the conversation for safe keeping and send it in if he actually does ban me.
that is a good action plan against corrupted moderators....but the thing I am upset about is that Jagex keeps recruiting immature people..and jackass bullies to be mods..all based on the reports they have sent in. Well..that's life, I just wish good luck to those victims of mod bans.
I wonder what Jagex would do if a bunch of people who got banned for no reason got together and filed a lawsuit against them.
then Jagex would have to renew their methods...and hopefully they would learn from it.
It's funny you mention the whole lawsuit thing, because, under correct conditions, it could work...and it's odd how nobody has thought of this before.
I heard a few months ago about a lawsuit that occured between two children's parents because one child threatened to beat the kid up if he didn't give him his RuneScape account. I didn't follow up on the case very well, but the link to the verdict is here:
Both of these boys had free accounts on RuneScape. They paid absolutely nothing to the game, yet the court ruled that the virtual property was worth something. In our case, we'd have to have a group of paying members who were banned for no reason whatsoever and have evidence to prove that they did nothing. Since they were paying players, that also means everything they owned on that character is technically worth something, and if they are banned by a random and immature player moderator, that is known inconsideration on Jagex's part. Mostly because Jagex overlooks meaningless bans and mutes caused by the corruption they have caused.
So, if you are a paying member and was banned for no reason, you could technically sue for the amount of money you paid Jagex for membership in total for that account (because it'll take that much money to get all your stuff back, according to law) and possibly for more money, if you had rare items that you couldn't possibly get back (such as a party hat) and you could also sue for personal stress, because it did cause personal stress. Oh, and lawyer costs as well.
If any of this didn't make sense, let me know, and I'll try to explain it again.
why does everyone wants to be a player mod
i know ppl who is a pm
and they don't like it that much!
Excellent. That's what I was thinking. People need to just group up and sue Jagex and hopefully they can get some words into Jagex's heads to actually improve the game aswell. If Runescape changed some of the things back to the way they used to have it then I might comeback and maybe be a mod myself.
I'm sure mods scamming children who aren't smart enough to think for themselves would come up as some sort of abuse or whatever in court. And there you have it why Jagex puts themselves into these situations. When you go for a younger and younger player base and the older players are just gonna outsmart and scam them someway or another.
So now, it's just a matter of finding evidence of abuse by player moderators. What I suggest is using some form of video recording, such as Fraps, to record everything you do, and then cut out the parts that have nothing to do with the abuse part. One person doing this alone probably won't catch something, but 50-100 people will.
I don't play RuneScape anymore and am not willing at all to start playing again, plus I had no bad incidents with player moderators at all, so I can't really help besides giving advice.
Yeah thank goodness I got interested in Ebay and advertisment clicking instead of mod hunting or skill cape grinding. Ps. earned about 60 dollars this week clicking ads.
Get to know Player Moderators, Forum Moderators and Jagex Moderators. If you know all three groups you're at an advantage.
Post on the forums.
Report occasionally.
Stay out of trouble.
LMAO! Did they finally take your name off the list? hahahahaha too funny.
LMAO! Did they finally take your name off the list? hahahahaha too funny.
jagex don't choose mod by reporting anymore that they don't need player to report anything now that they havve sofeware detct bot etc,not more scaming ,pass scaming the runescape forum-contact jagex thread-r u commiuity focus,that jagex said they 1 experience player with power that player will listing you like clan leader,fansite staff,high lv etc.