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Hey guy's just felt like seeing what people think on which WoW expansion was the best. I'm a retired 2 year WoW player and I would have to say that TBC was the best. I hated it for the fact it was mainly about aliens.. and didnt look like a WORLD OF WARCRAFT. WoW is ment to be all about war and old fantasy. Not Spaceships and Exodar like structures. I liked TBC because the feel of the first time you through the Darkportal to Hellfire was amazing but WoW should be about Huge raids and fantasy like they had in the original game with Molten Core ect.
Well im quite liking wrath, just dinged 72 on my death knight and im finding it an enjoyable class.
WoW pre-TBC for me
40 man raids
PvP server
no resilience
good times
I hate wow.. but I saw that they added player calendar. That is fucking cool.
just saw results, I must be the only guy who voted for TBC
tbh I thought both original wow and tbc were pretty good, both had nice challenges and were rewarding to play, wotlk is just a complete disappointment in comparison
I started with wow about 3 months (or 2, I can't remember, but i had to pay around 50 euros for the box so wow was just released.) after it came out in Europe. It was great, I had a great time playing the original wow, and I miss the pre tbc times, the raiding was great! I still can remember my first succesfull raid in UBRS, I joined a small guild and we where with about 10-15 lvl 60's, all casual players. We had a lot of fun clearing the small raid instances (UBRS, ZG) or making party's too the old lvl 60 dungeons, we died alot but we had lots of fun xD, I had my full D1 set completed ^^, And my pvp rank was senior seargent or something like that ( it's a shame they deleted the rank system ), I wasn't that great in wow but I enjoyed my time there.
After TBC was released wow was never the same. I played it, lvled to 70 did lots of pvp, joined another great guild met alot of great people, I also had alot of fun, But I never raided again. It just wasn't the same anny more.
And now WOTLK came out... and I don't know if i will buy it or not
waiting for ... nothing..
It definetly has to be WoW original when there were 40 men raids that lasted for days. No resilence and it was just more fun in general. Then came the expansions which for me ruined the game. Although i did like the arenas and the new BG's.
WoW = Was the best. PvP, Raids and PvE. BG's didnt start till later and again BG's killed open world PvP in this game.
TBC = Was fun till I got my Flying Mount, then it all went down from there. TBC killed the old world raiding, but was simply ok expansion. Everyone just fought in BG's, Open World still dead.
WotLK = Seems like TBC all over again, might as well just /80 so we all can just get to the BG's, Raiding Dungeons and Arena's once again.
TBC = WOTLK they are the same exact freaking expansion, and the number of people that don't realize that SICKENS me. At least EverQuest sort of hid it when they pulled this crap.
Original WoW was just as bad though
Darkfall Travelogues!
AS tedius and sometimes fustrating as it was, nothing comes close to the epic feel of a 40-man.
The first time I tanked Ragnaros and Onyxia are easily my fondest MMO memories, such epic events imo. I can understand the reasons for ditching 40-mans, i've seen all the bullshit and guild drama that happens, and the stress on a guild leader is huge.
but my vote is Original WoW.
Actually WotLK is a huge update, the quests, the phasing, the storylines, the new instances are all massively improved. Wintergrasp PVP is actually freaking cool. The graphics have improved, the game overall is much slicker. And the number of people that don't realise that SICKENS me.
Hell i've quit WoW 4 times over, but the new expansion is fun.
Wrath made everything easier. You have to remember it is a downward spiral to make it easier for the casual. Blizzard has never nor will never care about the hard core. If people complain it is too hard it will be nerfed. Just look at the heroic content automaticly unlocked at 80. Look at the fact that all ilvl200 epics are comparable whether from naxx, archavon, sartheron, or the number of heroic encounters.
Look how much they shortened the dungeons themselves so that you could run them in under an hour. They make the game easier and easier just for the casuals. That can easily be seen by how quickly guilds cleared all of the tier7 content let alon the 3 drake fight with sartheron.
have to correct you on something, Blizzard started to care only for hardcore.
their 40 man content was for the hardcore. when casual guilds started to down ragnaros, the hardcores were in aq40 already. And I know because i was one of them over aq40
their pvp system, the original the rank system or even the slightly lighter version (before x-servers), was one of the most hardcore things even seen in western mmorpg's.
People talk about EQ , UO or asian grinders , but the few that actually made the run themselfs to rank 14 KNOW that you can't get much more hardcore when you simply can't sleep to keep up with the honor decay in pvp servers. in any other game, even the ones with huge death xp penalties, that made leveling very "hard", you could always log out and regenerate for some days. For those that reached the top echelon on the ranking system, chilling for some days meant de-ranking and increasing the grind.
Again, was there, still have the tag of grand marshal
the last original wow 40 man instance was has hardcore as it could be without entering the realm of physical resistance (for that they had the rank 12 to 14). the sheer amount of reagents and consumables needed to beat the content forced raiders to "farm " for hours.
Eventually blizzard understood that the hardcores were not enough to sustain wow growth. Making content that is only seen by 10% of the players, and beated by less than 5% (those are the numbers for naxxramas and ranking 14 from blizzard themselfs) is not only not profitable but also creates frustration when 90% of your player base feels second rated while seeing videos about that content on yourtube, cause they know that no matter their "individual skill level as players" they will never get there simply because they work, or study, or have wife/kids/sports etc.
as for the OP , wow had 2 expansions,
TBC introduced flying mounts, 2 new races, arena system, socketed items, 25/10 man raids, heroic dungeons and a completly but not interesting story arc.
WOTLK brings 1 new class, the continuation of the original wow story, amd independant but yet connected story arcs,, cutscenes and phasing , that actually tone up immersion a bit and give a taste of story driven content,mobile objects that players can control and use in quests and pvp (Tanks, guns, flying machines) and probably some other things i do not recall right now.
as a player of the original wow, tbc and now wotlk, I have to say that wotlk brings some noveltries that actually change, read improve, the gameplay or feeling of it, some thing that tbc only achieved with arenas.
have to correct you on something, Blizzard started to care only for hardcore.
their 40 man content was for the hardcore. when casual guilds started to down ragnaros, the hardcores were in aq40 already. And I know because i was one of them over aq40
their pvp system, the original the rank system or even the slightly lighter version (before x-servers), was one of the most hardcore things even seen in western mmorpg's.
People talk about EQ , UO or asian grinders , but the few that actually made the run themselfs to rank 14 KNOW that you can't get much more hardcore when you simply can't sleep to keep up with the honor decay in pvp servers. in any other game, even the ones with huge death xp penalties, that made leveling very "hard", you could always log out and regenerate for some days. For those that reached the top echelon on the ranking system, chilling for some days meant de-ranking and increasing the grind.
Again, was there, still have the tag of grand marshal
the last original wow 40 man instance was has hardcore as it could be without entering the realm of physical resistance (for that they had the rank 12 to 14). the sheer amount of reagents and consumables needed to beat the content forced raiders to "farm " for hours.
Eventually blizzard understood that the hardcores were not enough to sustain wow growth. Making content that is only seen by 10% of the players, and beated by less than 5% (those are the numbers for naxxramas and ranking 14 from blizzard themselfs) is not only not profitable but also creates frustration when 90% of your player base feels second rated while seeing videos about that content on yourtube, cause they know that no matter their "individual skill level as players" they will never get there simply because they work, or study, or have wife/kids/sports etc.
as for the OP , wow had 2 expansions,
TBC introduced flying mounts, 2 new races, arena system, socketed items, 25/10 man raids, heroic dungeons and a completly but not interesting story arc.
WOTLK brings 1 new class, the continuation of the original wow story, amd independant but yet connected story arcs,, cutscenes and phasing , that actually tone up immersion a bit and give a taste of story driven content,mobile objects that players can control and use in quests and pvp (Tanks, guns, flying machines) and probably some other things i do not recall right now.
as a player of the original wow, tbc and now wotlk, I have to say that wotlk brings some noveltries that actually change, read improve, the gameplay or feeling of it, some thing that tbc only achieved with arenas.
What he said. Iam not a big fan of making games easier so that everyone and his uncle can down the bosses, but i do understand the reason behind that phylosophy. If even 30-40% of the player base was hardcore, iam sure blizz would stuff the game with cockblocks and near impossible encounters. Problem is barely 5-10% of WoWs population fit in this category.
In Vanilla WoW a mere fraction of people got to see the inside of Naxx which imo is an excellent dungeon. Whats the point of spending hours desiging an awesome instance that only a few out of millions will get to experience? Iam sure Blizz can create difficult scripted encounters and pre-TBC raids are proof of that.
Problem is that hardcore arnt paying more than the casuals to play the game. And blizz will cater to the casuals since thay pay the lions share of the monthly revenue. Its common sense and something anyone with half a brain would do.
I will agree that encounters are alot more easier in LK. The fact that my DK tanked a heroic few hours after he hit 80 was a bit of a surprise to me. Something i never would have thought being possible in TBC (mind you the heroic achievements are still very hard to get). But am i having any less fun playing LK than i did the earlier versions? No.
As for the OP - Imho WotLK is the better of the three.
same for me - Ive left the game many times but I'm finding WOTLK fun
(at least the questing from 68 - 80)
I still prefer the original game with no expansions best
I did not like the Scifi themes in BC
EQ2 fan sites
Vanilla WoW was great had great times doing 40 man, the wiping, the stress of not having 40 people online, but i wouldnt wanna play it again, the game was so unbalanced back then, itemization was crap, and classes were broken, if you had T3 or T2 you pretty much dominated everyone in pvp, by the time I had T3, people were starting to pay guilds for MC loot while they farmed for the bindings of the windseeker.
WoTLK is their best so far, might be a bit too easy for now hopefully they will add a bit of a challenge, I dont really expect Kaelthas pre-nerf but a bit of a challenge will be healthy and keep me and my guild entertained.
"- Open world PvP. It is there and it is rewarded. Not only Wintergrasp which seems half a BG , half open world, but also in other parts like Grizzly Hills etc...I have seen already black bear mounts (killing the other faction leaders in their capitols). Apparently no lifers ...."
... no lifers for going on 4 raids to the enemy capitol? People were doing those en masse when the achievement system came out.
Thank you for saying what so few "hardcore" people seem to realize! I wouldn't put myself in the "casual" category, but I also wouldn't consider myself super "hardcore" either. I spent a lot of time with the game, but I didn't have the time to sit in a dungeon for 5 hours, then plan to come back the next day for another 5, etc. As a result the hardest dungeons I've had a chance to do in the original WoW are Strat, Scholo, and LBRS. I would LOVE to fight Onyxia, and delve into the Molten Core (and someday I WILL go into UBRS so I can get my dang lvl 1 Dungeon armor).
Now, I understand how annoying it must be to the people that have dedicated such huge amounts of time to do these raids, and to then see people that (they seem to feel..) are lesser walking around with the same armor. Personally, what I think they should do is set up more degrees of toughness for the raid dungeons so that people like me can actually experience them in some way, while the hardcore people can hack away for 4 hours if they want. Now, I know they already do this, however what I would like to see is that the people that do the easier version get armor that fits that accomplishment, while those that grind away in Super Hardcore Mode get the really awesome armor. They've worked for it, so they deserve it and I can't complain. I may not have the chance to work for that armor, but at the very least I have a chance to experiene the dungeon itself.
You can't win - if you strike me down I shall respawn more powerful than you could possibly imagine!
right here, and the lore wasnt screwed up as bad
I voted WoW original even though I think the gameplay is the best now. So why did I vote WoW original? Because at the time I was more impressed with WoW than I am with WoTLK now. The gameplay is better now, but they've had 4 years to work on it. The game blew me away in 2004. I'm still having fun in 2008, but overall the impact is less than WoW 2004.
Wow original, although wotlk has some very nice touches its till lacks the magic the game had at launch.
I find that most of the time, the difference between those that have seen Onyxia and those who haven't has NOTHING to do with how hardcore a player you are.
I myself have not been to see Onyxia, but it's not because I don't play enough, back in the day I used to play for several hours a day every day. It's because I never did the quest chain that ALLOWED me to go see Onyxia. Actually I take that back. I DID actually do the quest chain with someone else once, unfortunately for me, I wasn't on the quest chain myself and didn't complete it. Later on when I actually thought about trying to complete it myself I looked at what all had to be done and said "Onyxia can kiss my ass". The quest chain for Onyxia blows. Unless you absolutely know how to do it, there were a hundred different ways to screw it up and if you did you had to do the whole freaking thing again. Not the whole quest chain, but the hardest part which required you to escort some NPC out of BRD which took a couple hours even if you know what you are doing.
And most of the other high end stuff is pretty much the same. I've been to MC and did everything except the last boss. Swore I would never go back. Talk about boring. Might as well shoot a nail gun into your forehead. Getting 40 people to work together is like trying to give a cat a bath.
I love Karazhan though. They got that one right. Take 10 people and down 10 bosses or whatever the hell it is in one night if you have 10 people that know what they are doing. Was an absolute blast.
So don't think that just because you are not a hard core player that you can't do this high end stuff. Don't let these people here that have done this stuff try to make you believe you have to be hardcore to do it, because you don't. What's tough is finding 25 people who you'd like to spend an entire evening with without wanting to strangle a few of them to do it with. What's tough is finding someone who actually knows how to do it thats not an a-hole that will let you go with them without having Epic gear in every slot. What's tough is putting forth the effort to spend a few hundred gold just to get your gear enchanted or gemmed or the pots you'll need to take with you and so on and so forth so that you're at least decently geared enough to be able to do it. It's definately a time commitment, but it's not the 5 hours one night that is the problem so much as it is the spending several weeks doing everything you'll need to do to just be ALLOWED to go for the 5 hours. That's the real pain in the ass and one that many pretty hard core players (like myself) are not willing to sacrifice, just to be able to see some 2 story dragon.
I still like the old game best,but TBC & Lich King have their good and bad. I really have enjoyed the Lich King Quests and over all ambiance it brings.What I do not like the most is how most of the gear I have come across so far has been heavy on Haste Rating and less on Crit chance.I would much rather see Big Crits and slower casting than to see fast casting with lower crits. I am still mixed on this change,I have alot left to do and barely hit 80 so we shall see.
I agree to this to a certain extent. There are changes,but yes pretty much the same thing.
Vanilla WoW was a great mmo, forty man raids, world pvp, great dungeons like pre-nerf scholo and DM. Hell even Old school AV was amazing.
Then came TBC and blue space demons, metrosexual elves , the death of 40 mans, Race defining classes cross over , terrible 10 level increase that made every bit of azeroth content worthless, soul less outland world design, Forgettable dungeons, Epics being handed out like welfare cheese, terrible Arena system to combat guildwars popular pvp, Flying mounts with almost no content to explore with the mount, Increased XP in azeroth to make it even more of a joke, Legendary Items as drops, WoW loot card items, Daily quests that kept everyone grinding the same shitty quests over and over like a job, Raid gear sharing the same skin as pvp gear ....... wow that was a mouth full.
Sorry i've been holding that in since Blizzard NGE'd my WoW.
If I had my way WoW would of never ventured into outland, never raised the cap to 70/80, the real hero classes (death knight would of been an option for pallys) for every class would have been released with northrend. instead of leveling in northrend we would have gainded XP for skill tree points that went into new hero class trees while staying level 60 so all the azeroth content was viable also.
the pvp ladder system stayed intact and I would of fleshed out the real arenas in azeroth like Diremaul and STV arena. I would of further progressed world pvp like they did in silithus and Epl.
I would have added faction quests to take opposite faction kings, really have nice world pvp in thise big cities that are basically worthless.
I would have created more zones like silithus that required groups to quest together to get stuff done (silithid hives). I had great times doing those while bullshitting on vent.
The game would be alive with events like the scourge and elemental invasions. I would of put elite mobs back in low level zones to knudge players into grouping.
Imo blizzard really messed stuff up.
NGEing my WoW ftl
PLaying: EvE, Ryzom
Waiting For: Earthrise, Perpetuum