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Order of Supplicium
Supplicii: Shattering the Chains of Sanity
As far as a warlock is concerned, mortals walk in a soothing haze that obscures the Abyss yawning at their feet. The infernalist refuses to remain blind, and he opens his eyes to Creation’s Great and Secret Truth. The insight drives him insane by human standards, but it frees him from petty considerations like “mortality” or “remorse.” Whenever he invokes the adversary within, a diabolist enters a Supplicium and plunges himself into the Void. In an ecstasy of torment, he reaffirms his Path and sheds another level of that trifle called “humanity.”
Roughly translated, Supplicium means “a sacrifice to the gods,” “punishment” and “torment.” It’s all these things and more. During this self-inflicted torture, an Infernalist voluntarily cuts away a portion of his consciousness and sacrifices it to Hell in exchange for insight and power. It’s a dangerous thing, this demented Seeking; some Infernalists snap completely and become gibbering Marauds. Others focus on their inner hells and learn disturbing secrets from the folds of madness; returning to a semblance of sanity, they unlock a Pandora’s Boxes full of powers from the Underworld within. If and when an Infernalist recovers from the Supplicium, he commands a greater understanding of the darker Mysteries and leaves another part of his old life behind.
The call of that Abyss has a way of shattering one’s mind. Confronted with the horrors behind Creation’s comforting illusion, human consciousness fades and deeper instincts take over. During Supplicium, an Infernalist becomes a screaming lunatic or withdraws into catatonia. Locked within her own nightmares, she suffers exquisite agonies for the sake of enlightenment. Even after she “returns” to sanity, a noticeable part of her old self remains behind the Void. The specter of Hell forever dances in her eyes.
A wise man among the ignorant is as a beautiful girl in the company of blind men.
Definitely worth a look if you are searching for quality people.
Well Supplicium is still here and we now have an Oceanic Regiment as well.
So we now have the Coercitio(OC), Cruciamus(NA), and Sacrificium(EU) regiments.
Even with regular pruning of inactives we have around eighty members between the three regiments with about a third of us in the Closed Beta. This number will jump a bit once Guild Beta begins.
One of our members, Barbadian, even created our first promo video.
WAR Is Coming
Supplicium Is Ready
Sir Robin the Not-quite-so-brave-as-Sir-Lancelot,
who had nearly fought the Dragon of Agnor,
who had nearly stood up to the vicious Chicken of Bristol,
and who had personally wet himself at the Battle of Badon Hill.
My apologies for not catching this thread sooner and thank you to Triggers for updating our thread here.
A few posters I created.
Sir Robin the Not-quite-so-brave-as-Sir-Lancelot,
who had nearly fought the Dragon of Agnor,
who had nearly stood up to the vicious Chicken of Bristol,
and who had personally wet himself at the Battle of Badon Hill.
Great group of guys and we are always looking for deticated players to join us.
Emissary of Istaria
outstanding pics
Yes i have some my self that i cannot share.
Emissary of Istaria
Thank you
Here are a few more.
Sir Robin the Not-quite-so-brave-as-Sir-Lancelot,
who had nearly fought the Dragon of Agnor,
who had nearly stood up to the vicious Chicken of Bristol,
and who had personally wet himself at the Battle of Badon Hill.
Love those posters SirRobin
Emissary of Istaria
Thank you.
I really should make some more but nothing has tickled my funny bone lately.
Sir Robin the Not-quite-so-brave-as-Sir-Lancelot,
who had nearly fought the Dragon of Agnor,
who had nearly stood up to the vicious Chicken of Bristol,
and who had personally wet himself at the Battle of Badon Hill.
Update: Supplicium has switched back to referral only for applications except for Oceanic players.
Sir Robin the Not-quite-so-brave-as-Sir-Lancelot,
who had nearly fought the Dragon of Agnor,
who had nearly stood up to the vicious Chicken of Bristol,
and who had personally wet himself at the Battle of Badon Hill.
Supplicium is up on the following servers.
North American:
Phoenix Throne
Sir Robin the Not-quite-so-brave-as-Sir-Lancelot,
who had nearly fought the Dragon of Agnor,
who had nearly stood up to the vicious Chicken of Bristol,
and who had personally wet himself at the Battle of Badon Hill.
Oi! Dis fing on? Tiz? Gud!
Hello. Is this thing on? It is? Good, nice to hear that.
Roight den, heah iz da fing. Dagorc iz now da biggest boss o Sup er Supik Supliki Kar
All right then, here is the thing. Dagorc is now the leader of Suppliciums Carnificina (NA) Regiment.
Shaddap ya gits!
Please be quiet, the question and answer part of this announcement will take place afterwards.
Da kaos boss got sum stuff appen n da out der dat he gotz ta bash.
Vitreol has some real-life stuff going on that he needs to handle.
Dis goin ta take time, so e did finkin stuff and made da greenest da big boss. Now heah dis ya gits!
This is going to take some time, so Vitreol thought about it and Dagorc was chosen to be the new guild leader. So, my fellow comrades, I figured I should say something.
Excuse me oh belligerent one.
Would it not be wise to mention some thing about Supplicium for our allies and guests?
What do you mean?
Well it has been some time since we have let others know about us. Our multinational and multiracial nature is intriguing. With our alliances we are a powerful and diverse force in the WAR.
What did you say? I was ignoring you.
Sigh, Look over there is that an Ironbreaker? Look at the shiny armor hes wearing.
Shinie Stuntie! Time fa sum bashin! WAAAGH!!!
I do see an armored dwarf. I must go. It will be a challenge that I enjoy as much as making my tasty gobbo cookies.
That should keep him busy for a while ahem. Greetings pawns to the machinations of the malevolent Malekith. Supplicium is a regiment where roleplaying is encouraged and respected but not required. We are an international organization with regiments in North America, Oceania, and Europe. We enjoy PvP immensely but PvE is not ignored. We have a mixture of members some who are new to MMORPG's and some who have been active for many years.
"We are seeking to expand our ranks and would welcome those who seek fellow warriors to accompany them through the glories of WAR."
Blood for the Blood God!
Sigh, Dear Chaos infused one. How many times must you be reminded that, even though your armor is dyed red, you are still a Chosen of Tzeentch? Not Khorne.
Change for the Change God?
Whatever spurs your mutations vanguard of Tzeentch. Now where was I?
Oi! Didz ya see dat stuntie flyin? De don call it Roight n da Jibblies fur nofing!
Hi, did you see how far that dwarf flew after I kicked him? They dont call it Right in the Jibblies for no reason.
Mighty warlord I have a session scheduled with a captured Archmage at three. Unless I double check the edges beforehand his skin may not come off as cleanly as I would like. Farewell new lord of Supplicium.
Have fun, TTFN, see you later alligator.
Change for the Change God!
Uh, do you happen to have some spare change? I left mine in my inevitable piggy bank.
Scratches head, Me nevah figah out da hummies.
I shall forever ponder the inner workings of the human psyche.
Sir Robin the Not-quite-so-brave-as-Sir-Lancelot,
who had nearly fought the Dragon of Agnor,
who had nearly stood up to the vicious Chicken of Bristol,
and who had personally wet himself at the Battle of Badon Hill.
Oi!... Dagorc sayz Oi! Dat meanz shaddap ya gits!
Hello, may I have your attention please.
Me gots sumfing ta show yuz Watch dis pullin da stuntie outta me hat! Nufing up me trousers Ta Daa!
I have something to show you. Watch me pull a dwarf out of my hat. Nothing up my sleeves Presto.
Ahem, "Warlord?"
Hehe! Dat waz a gud one. Roight skinnie?
Haha. That was a good one, wasnt it Elf?
Sigh, Yes, Im sure their Book of Grudges will have an entire chapter devoted to you, once they hear about what you did with that dwarfs skull. However, is there an announcement you should make, warlord of Supplicium?
There is? Hold on, let me think about it This might take a while.
Sigh, I do find myself wondering, in this Age of Reckoning, that Khaine should be the god of patience instead.
Change for the Change God!
Eyes rolling, Kill me now, please.
Do you need any? Ive got brass, teeth, and even some strange thing the demons called nickels Change! Change for the Change God! Get your change, right here!
Pinching bridge of nose, The finest torturers in the world, and they dont even have to try.
Oi! Watch dis!
Comrades, witness my next feat of wizardry.
Whoa, do the High Elfs have a Book of Grudges?
Sigh, If they dont yet, they will, after finding out what he just did to that elfs skull.
Eh? Roight Fagot da hat. Dagorc do beddah nex time.
What? Right, forgot the hat. Ill endeavor to improve my performance.
Looking to the heavens, An arrow, between the eyes, is the only way I will ever be able to forget that.
Oi! Da finkin werkd! Dagorc remembah watz me ta say. Dagorc happy!
Now I remember the announcement. I am pleased with my cognitive abilities.
Da big boss iz back! E bash watz need bashin an ez ready ta chop sum Ordah!
Vitreol has returned. The issues are resolved so he is now the guild leader of Supplicium Carnificina once more.
There is more news, oh green one of girth and magical... talent.
Are you sure? I didnt see anything in the minutes from last weeks meeting.
Yes Dagorc the Black Orc. Due to your, shall we say, interesting social skills; you have been chosen to be Suppliciums new ambassador. I believe only Tzeentch could have imagined such a change.
Oi! Gobbo! Dagorc need ta werk on dip dipolo
Come here goblin, I want to work on my diplomatic skills.
Chorus, Diplomacy!
Roight! Noah den, wherez me choppa?
Right, now to practice my negotiating techniques.
Sir Robin the Not-quite-so-brave-as-Sir-Lancelot,
who had nearly fought the Dragon of Agnor,
who had nearly stood up to the vicious Chicken of Bristol,
and who had personally wet himself at the Battle of Badon Hill.
Well we had a vote and Dagorc has a new surname!
Sir Robin the Not-quite-so-brave-as-Sir-Lancelot,
who had nearly fought the Dragon of Agnor,
who had nearly stood up to the vicious Chicken of Bristol,
and who had personally wet himself at the Battle of Badon Hill.
Deep in Dragonwake, within the besieged Covenant of Flame...
Bashing "WAAAGH!!! Dagorc'z da greenest 'n meanest!"
Stabbing "Change for the Change God!"
Hiding "Change fa da Change Git!"
Dodging "Ha! This is quite the battle Dagorc! I never realized what I was missing by not facing off against a warrior as mighty as this Keep Lord."
"Dat 'Urt! Roight propa bashin' skinnie, Dagorc still 'ave moah fun bashin' Ordah 'n da open dough!"
"And why you Dark Elves have not fired that captain yet is almost beyond Tzeentch! He is constantly running into that same damn island!"
"Yuz might wan' ta move skinnie! Dats not ah gud spot ta be 'n!"
"Very well green one! I think we have him now! Victor-" "Not 'n da fa-" CRASH
"By Khaine! What was that?"
Shaking head "Dagorc waz likin' dat gobbo tu. Me'z tell 'im dats jus' not ah gud spot ta be."
"Poor brave shaman, he shall be missed... Alrighty then, let's see what they were hiding in here this time."
"So golden chests falling from the ceiling is a common event around here?"
"Me finks itz ah boobie trap. Dough why dey puts da gud stuff 'n der an' hangz it ovah der 'eadz?" Shrug
"Wot yuz get dis time hummie?"
Frowning "Idiots Guide to Zone Control again. In Tzeentch's name, shouldn't these Keep Lord's already know this stuff?"
"Wot abouts yu skinnie?"
Quickly closes bag "It's not important. Dagorc, Ambassador of Supplicium Carnificina, I bring news from the Vaulkhar Vitreol. He is undertaking a long journey and has placed Supplicium under your command. He calls upon you to become the Warlord once more."
"Gud, time fa moah bashin den!... Dough me still wants ta know wot yuz got 'n da bag skinnie."
"Warlord, are not there more important things to concern yourself with?"
Grinning "Don' make me'z pull rank on yuz."
Sigh "Very well... Bedwetting: Beating It Through Self Hypnosis."
"Hahaha! Noah dats funnie roight der!"
"Blood for the Blood God!"
"Warlord, who is that? He does not appear to be a follower of Tzeentch."
"Nah, 'ez been followin' da boyz fa ah bit noah. 'E sayz 'ez a... wot waz it?"
"Travel Agent"
"Roight, dat was it."
"Plenty of blood for the Blood God at Bastion Stair! Yes my friends, for a bargain price, you can spend your days and nights engaged in splendid slaughter. Newly renovated, Bastion Stair offers the latest amenities for the discriminating homicidal maniac."
"I don't know Black Orc. He makes a convincing argument. I am getting a little tired of getting the same thing from these Keep Lords."
"It jus' don' sound propa. Goin' tu ah reezort ta bash stuff. Bashin' shud 'appen wherevah Dagorc feelz it shud."
"Well I am not due back in the guild hall for a few days. A change of pace might do you good."
"Alroight ladz, quit yer belly achin'! Dagorc will give dis reezort ah try. You can go make da planz wit dat git. Jus' remembah, 'e beddah book a window seat on da wyvern for Dagorc or der be blood fa da blood git befoah wez get der!"
Will Dagorc enjoy his vacation? Will the resort have enough towels for a Black Orc? Will the Blackguard be able to give up adult undergarments? Did the travel agent overbook the wyvern? Can the airline survive it if he did?
Tune in for answers to these questions, and more, in the next episode of: Daspork.
Sir Robin the Not-quite-so-brave-as-Sir-Lancelot,
who had nearly fought the Dragon of Agnor,
who had nearly stood up to the vicious Chicken of Bristol,
and who had personally wet himself at the Battle of Badon Hill.