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CCP has announced that they will be giving EVE players an early Christmas gift this year in the form of a performance enhancing patch.
Every year the players ask "CCP, what are you giving us for Christmas?"
This year we are giving you the gift of the Christmas Performance Patch which contains a massive boost to both large fleet and small gang engagements as well as much improved game play for every player in New Eden. Focusing on improvements to the Need for Speed initative, this very special patch streamlines performance to significantly increase frames per second (fps) and makes improvements to the patching process to allow for a smoother patching performance in general.
Players who participated in the testing on Singularity have noticed much improved playability and performance. In one case, during a fleet fight test, 600 additional drones and fighters were added to the grid. In the vast majority of cases the players were not aware they had been added until they were told.
The deployment date for Quantum Rise 1.0.3 will be 10th December 2008 and Tranquility will be offline between 11.00 to 15.40 GMT.
Read more here.
Read the patch notes here.
"You can now disable camera shaking which both disables camera shake when missiles hit and when you're in warp.
You can now disable ship explosions. Ship explosions had the ability to add heavy load in major fleet engagements and can now be completely turned off. "
YAY! for these!
All I want for Christmas is the ability to train on inactive accounts.
A skill queue would be far more appreciated by the playerbase. It is beyond understanding why CCP continues to ignore this very popular request, especially since they disabled ghost training.
The silly thing there are no negatives, it will only effect active paying accounts and eliminate many training headaches for players. They could even use the ghost training code with slight modifications, can't be any simpler.
i just have to keep smileing everytime i read some CCP announcment.
This one is especially funny one They announce common graphics settings as something new in world of games. Things that have games for years. Its true, Eve online doesn't have any graphics settings at all .. oh wait, some of you may say, you can set resolution ! or those other stuff below (aren't they useless ?) or few other settings like disable this, enable that. Thats the optimization !
Few more "new features" like this and player would have to set few dozens of settings before playing ... why they just don't add Low/Medium/High/whatever settings and then magic Advanced button ? .. But i guess they said themselfs.. "Oh wait .. someone already have that .. we have to be different ! No real graphic settings, but we will make something that will look good in announcment !"
Have fun with CCP, I got bored few months ago .)
They haven't ignored the request. It was actually something brought to them by the CSMs, and they said they are certainly looking into how they might be able to implement some form of it. Don't remember where I saw this.. it was either in a video interview, or something on the official forums.
This is just as buying a telly with pictures in it!!
Santa Claus doesn't exist..
that means that your "no lag" patch also don't exist ..
it's only imagination
What u are going to learn this time is this
1# "Kill Your Telly with pictures"
But then again..
What if it's already dead
This patch has been delayed. Possibly (just my opinion) something to do with a certain star-base issue???? Need to rewrite maybe????
Shakes his head in disbelief
I can't play anyway right now but I have soooo been looking forward to getting back. This is not what I wanted for Christmas from CCP.