I'd love to see the new development team add a global whatever-crap chat channel. That way I could turn it off and still have access to the Q&A channel to help answer questions, and learn a few things, too.
As it is, I can only stand to watch Uni for an hour or less, then I have to turn it off.
To the OP:
It seems you are rendering judgment on the entire Ryzom community based on Uni chat and rumor. Uni chat is hardly representative of the conversations that take place in other channels, incidents like the purported removal of a guild due to a naming dispute are rare or non-existent, and when you say that these things typify the Ryzom community you are, to be blunt, off your freakin' rocker [sic].
I'm sorry you object to the Q&A channel standards. I find the general chat in every other game I've tried to be almost, or in some cases entirely, unbearable. I hope a global chat channel in Ryzom would never degrade to the same, but in any case the rules for Uni chat are quite clear though not always enforced as they perhaps should be. I do agree that it is poorly named, and I've been guilty of misusing it myself on occasion.
For me, and for many others, the Ryzom community is a welcoming, comfortable home and a refuge from the lowbrow babblings of so much of our global society. As others have already mentioned, there are plenty of other chat channels in Ryzom where anything goes. In fact, if you were to team with me or listen in guild chat, you'd find that I have no objections to all sorts of conversation, and even make a weak attempt at a joke once in a while. I know, it's pathetic, but I do try.
Actually, I think the root of this problem is the lax enforcement of the rules in Uni that have allowed an impression of a "general chat" channel to develop. There was a time last year when it was necessary, as the population reached such a low level that you needed Uni to find someone to talk to. Those days are hopefully gone forever.
Now, as to the "Goons" incident, I'd have to have more details and some actual facts before rendering any judgment. You claim to have heard from somebody that something happened, Jack says otherwise. I'm familiar with Jack and trust him, but I've also heard of GM actions in the past that seemed less than ideal. Knowing GoJ (the first) I'd be very surprised if anyone there gave a rat's hindquarters about someone mocking them, much less someone accidentally using the same initials. However, if some individual complained, that hardly reflects the attitudes of the whole community. I remember seeing the Goons name and being amused, though I admit I figured it was a joke or perhaps a storage guild created by alts of GoJ members.
Regarding criticism of the game being squelched, I'm afraid you're equally off base there, too. Ryzom's fans and critics are as active and vocal as in any game, or other type of endeavor. You'll find a long list of nauseatingly lengthy conversations containing an endless litany of requested changes, updates, bug reports, suggestions, goofy infeasible ideas, great ideas, and strange incomprehensible statements. But you'll find them in the appropriate venue (the official forums) and not in the Q&A channel.
There are plenty of RPers in the game, so you didn't look very hard. Perhaps the RPers in Ryzom should act like jerks like the RPers in LOTRO, for example, so that you can recognize them. The RP community in Ryzom happily coexists with non-RPers, interacting with them on their own terms, and going out of their way to work the actions of non-RP players into their roleplay. That's probably why you didn't notice them. They didn't call you "Lord So-and-So" and prance about prattling in "Ye Olde Englische", but instead just acted like the Atysian Homins they are.
One last "personal attack", then I'll go back to being my usual meek self. If you are hanging out in church to have a bad time, why are you there? OK, I know that was twisting your meaning, but it's applicable. You apparently just dislike the people who play Ryzom, although I mistrust the reasons you've presented. My open ended question for you is this:
Why did you feel the need to tell the world how much you dislike us?
It's no stroke of genius to say that different gamers like different games, and all have their own reasons. Few, though, find it necessary to attempt to discourage others from trying a game simply because it doesn't suit their own tastes. Or did you have something constructive to suggest as an alternative to the current state of the community?
So you are blaming the community based on two decisions taken by moderators (or one moderator and whoever is in charge of guild names)? I don't see the logic here.
edit: two good decisions in my oppinion, by the way.
"Beat the noobs, they aren't worthy" is the most inaccurate statement I have ever read about Ryzom's community. Do you really think that we are unconscious of the fact that the game needs new players to survive ? You can't possibly blame the whole community for a few people that make asses out of themselves, be them newbs or veterans. Yet, you seem to deliberately ignore the fact that the few who might do it ARE frowned upon, since they are taken as examples to tarnish the community as a whole by people who have nothing better to do than sully something we have reasons to be proud of. Not taking into account the fact that newcommers are treated much worse almost everywhere else IS denying part of the truth.
The truth being that any experienced player that wants the game to succeed will go out of his way to provide help or recommend someone that can help to a newcommer in difficulty, if asked in a civilised manner.
--------- Sherkalyn Crazy Marshmallow Lady Guild Leader of The Exodus Syndicate in Ryzom "Experience Perfection :: Unharness Your Power" www.exodusgs.com
Not taking into account the fact that newcommers are treated much worse almost everywhere else IS denying part of the truth.
This is not even close to true from my experience. How many other MMOs are you playing?
A good example of a game where the community is turning the game around from disaster would be Horizons (Istaria: Chronicles of the Gifted). Ryzom is as far from that type of community as Ryzom is from WoW's community.
Originally posted by Svayvti Originally posted by Sherkalyn Not taking into account the fact that newcommers are treated much worse almost everywhere else IS denying part of the truth.
This is not even close to true from my experience. How many other MMOs are you playing? A good example of a game where the community is turning the game around from disaster would be Horizons (Istaria: Chronicles of the Gifted). Ryzom is as far from that type of community as Ryzom is from WoW's community.
Sherk has played a number of MMOs, and has some basis for her statements.
I've played Istaria (Horizons) as well, and it does indeed have a fine community, and reason to be proud of it. We're trying really hard to keep our Ryzom community up to a similar standard. I think the gripe is that the way you help a community get better is not by going out in public and screaming out how awful it is (especially when it mostly isn't) but by getting inside it and helping to shape it into something better.
Some people aren't interested in working to make things better, though. They just like complaining, and having people listen to them.
I've had bad experience with the community too, and is the reason I stopped playing the first time I tried it. I asked a question about harvesting, and apparently, I used a word the community at large didn't like. I referred to a "grind," and instead of answering my question, I got a lecture on the meaning of the word "grind," and was told to "F*** off and go back to WoW."
I'm ready to give it another shot, and was hoping things had changed, but it doesn't sound like they have. The game has been through some hardship, and it seems like the community has too many grizzled old veterans who defend their precious game with a creepy religious zeal. It's a tossup between the bitter elitists in Ryzom and the subliterate morons who inhabit the other MMO I play, and I'm having a hard time deciding which I can put up with more easily.
The community in Ryzom is great, as long as you do exactly as they want. Break any of their unwritten rules, and you're instantly the scum of the earth. I think the people who praise the community are more of the old veterans, who have longtime friends, or have otherwise found a way to fit in with the "hardcore cache of crazies."
I've had bad experience with the community too, and is the reason I stopped playing the first time I tried it. I asked a question about harvesting, and apparently, I used a word the community at large didn't like. I referred to a "grind," and instead of answering my question, I got a lecture on the meaning of the word "grind," and was told to "F*** off and go back to WoW." I'm ready to give it another shot, and was hoping things had changed, but it doesn't sound like they have. The game has been through some hardship, and it seems like the community has too many grizzled old veterans who defend their precious game with a creepy religious zeal. It's a tossup between the bitter elitists in Ryzom and the subliterate morons who inhabit the other MMO I play, and I'm having a hard time deciding which I can put up with more easily. The community in Ryzom is great, as long as you do exactly as they want. Break any of their unwritten rules, and you're instantly the scum of the earth. I think the people who praise the community are more of the old veterans, who have longtime friends, or have otherwise found a way to fit in with the "hardcore cache of crazies."
This is the sign of an elitist community and why a fresh server start is required.
There is a grind. However, teaming up and getting help makes it a bit more fun and less tedious. And when you get tired of grinding the same skill, you can change without needing to re-roll or re-spec. And Atys, does have a bunch of crazy nutjob fanatics that love the game and are scared to lose it...
And a "fresh server start" won't change anything to it. Silly troll on repeat mode...
--------- Sherkalyn Crazy Marshmallow Lady Guild Leader of The Exodus Syndicate in Ryzom "Experience Perfection :: Unharness Your Power" www.exodusgs.com
Originally posted by bonobotheory I've had bad experience with the community too, and is the reason I stopped playing the first time I tried it. I asked a question about harvesting, and apparently, I used a word the community at large didn't like. I referred to a "grind," and instead of answering my question, I got a lecture on the meaning of the word "grind," and was told to "F*** off and go back to WoW."
I'm very sorry some inconsiderate person spoke so rudely to you. As with any community there are bad apples.
I'll say this, though: Most of the attitude you describe does not come from real vets, but from noobs who want to sound like a vet. (And fail utterly)
The fact is, you have some great examples right here in this forum of "real vets" - the thoughtful and frequently helpful replies from experienced players are much like what you would get in game.
The flames from newb fanbois who soon leave the game anyway are equally indicative.
The trolls who post demanding that the game change to suit their own preferences... well, not much one can do about those. They seldom actually play the game, they just hang around forums complaining.
Though I hesitate to call myself a vet after not quite two years, I do think I'm a pretty normal player with a bit of experience in the game. I'll offer right here in public to team up with you and help you learn, craft some gear for you within reason and my ability, and do my best to help you get a good start on your time on Atys. If you like it and hang around, I'll consider it a blessing to have been a small help, and if you don't, you lost nothing but a bit of play time. In return I ask only that you be polite and respectful (of everyone, not of me) and give an honest effort to understand the game. And if you stick around, do the same for someone else in the future.
If you can't find me, there are dozens, maybe hundreds of others who will do the same.
I've had bad experience with the community too, and is the reason I stopped playing the first time I tried it. I asked a question about harvesting, and apparently, I used a word the community at large didn't like. I referred to a "grind," and instead of answering my question, I got a lecture on the meaning of the word "grind," and was told to "F*** off and go back to WoW."
I'm very sorry some inconsiderate person spoke so rudely to you. As with any community there are bad apples.
I'll say this, though: Most of the attitude you describe does not come from real vets, but from noobs who want to sound like a vet. (And fail utterly)
The fact is, you have some great examples right here in this forum of "real vets" - the thoughtful and frequently helpful replies from experienced players are much like what you would get in game.
The flames from newb fanbois who soon leave the game anyway are equally indicative.
The trolls who post demanding that the game change to suit their own preferences... well, not much one can do about those. They seldom actually play the game, they just hang around forums complaining.
Though I hesitate to call myself a vet after not quite two years, I do think I'm a pretty normal player with a bit of experience in the game. I'll offer right here in public to team up with you and help you learn, craft some gear for you within reason and my ability, and do my best to help you get a good start on your time on Atys. If you like it and hang around, I'll consider it a blessing to have been a small help, and if you don't, you lost nothing but a bit of play time. In return I ask only that you be polite and respectful (of everyone, not of me) and give an honest effort to understand the game. And if you stick around, do the same for someone else in the future.
If you can't find me, there are dozens, maybe hundreds of others who will do the same.
How's that for a crappy community?
Thanks for the offer - I might have to take you up on it.
I guess the community has all types. Every MMO community has its annoying people; Ryzom's are just a different kind of annoying.
Some of them are just crazy too. But that's not bat, right ?
--------- Sherkalyn Crazy Marshmallow Lady Guild Leader of The Exodus Syndicate in Ryzom "Experience Perfection :: Unharness Your Power" www.exodusgs.com
i dont see your point(s) tbh uni channel could indeed do with being renamed, however there is a big message box that pops up the first time you look at it that states quite clearly what it's for. If you dont like it dont use it. Have you conversation about motherboards or whatever in GC, or tell's, not that hard similarly goons of jena is a) not a good name for a guild, and b) certainly reasonable for guardians of jena to raise a ticket about it i think. Ryzom is not Eve, if you dont like the idea of a nice friendly community, and using chat channels for their purpose then maybe the problem is with you? The community is not crappy - your assumption that you can turn up and ignore it is the crappy part. sorry.
After being turned off of too many MMOs and it's intentional overuse of profanity (and personally don't use), is this game indeed polite? I don't mean with 10001 rules to dictate one's actions, but players who play and don't need to us the F word in every sentence?
In EQ2 folks are running around with 'ho in their their name, and thinking it's fun, let alone spending their time explaining the real meaning of their nicks through the language filters. Don't believe in paying for someone's else's fun at the expense of my own, especially the vulgar type.
I'm not a PC or roleplaying type, but believe there's a time an place for everything.
Read that Ryzom has a good crafting side, and the #1 reason I play MMOs is to craft (my home is a crafting paradise as it is!), and like to relax doing it for fun, as it is suppose to be fun.
Originally posted by UNATCOII After being turned off of too many MMOs and it's intentional overuse of profanity (and personally don't use), is this game indeed polite? I don't mean with 10001 rules to dictate one's actions, but players who play and don't need to us the F word in every sentence? In EQ2 folks are running around with 'ho in their their name, and thinking it's fun, let alone spending their time explaining the real meaning of their nicks through the language filters. Don't believe in paying for someone's else's fun at the expense of my own, especially the vulgar type. I'm not a PC or roleplaying type, but believe there's a time an place for everything. Read that Ryzom has a good crafting side, and the #1 reason I play MMOs is to craft (my home is a crafting paradise as it is!), and like to relax doing it for fun, as it is suppose to be fun.
I'm equally appalled at the language in common use in many MMOGs. Although I'm not particularly offended by any given word, when used in a suitable context and with some useful purpose, the total lack of genuine creativity and an unwillingness to use language appropriate to the venue is disheartening, to say the least.
I can't speak for how other guilds use their guild chat, nor for how people communicate in private tells, but I can assure you that in public chat channels the community in Ryzom leans strongly toward respectful, intelligent, and polite conversation. Silly, at times, but a smart kind of silly. Disrespect, intolerance, and offensive language are not welcomed by the community nor long tolerated by the moderators.
It does lead at times to charges of elitism, but such charges are frequently leveled at communities with strong values. . . . . . . . The crafting in Ryzom is very detailed and quite challenging.
(I'll try not to be too long-winded, but readers not interested in crafting might as well skip past the rest of this. ) . . . . Crafting is implemented as a tree of skills on an equal footing with fighting or magic use. It is not a "sideline" activity. Crafters will also almost universally pursue the foraging skill tree, which is the fourth major skill branch. Crafting requires a great quantity of raw materials, and while there are materials available for any crafting purpose from hunted animals, it is generally more efficient to dig for materials unless seeking a particular type of looted material. You get more mats, faster.
In order to craft an item, you must learn the skill involved, purchase and equip the appropriate crafting tool, and possess the crafting plan for the item.
As an example, I'll describe crafting an earring:
I equip my crafting tool for jewelry, purchased from a tool vendor in a town.
I then click the "Tryker Jewelry Crafting" skill in my actions bar. "Tryker" is one of the four races of Atys. I could also learn and use the jewelry crafting style of any of the other races, each of which allows the use of crafting plans unique to that race.
Now the crafting window opens. I select "Medium Quality Tryker Earring" from the list of plans. Plans come in basic, medium, and high quality. Each quality increase raises the number of materials required, and may alter the appearance or stats of an item, depending on the type of item.
The Medium Quality Tryker Earring plan now appears in the window, and I must select materials from my inventory to satisfy the plan requirements. The Medium Earring requires 4 jewel stone materials, and 4 jewel setting materials. There are a wide variety of materials which may be used for each of these, and every material I add changes the stats of the item after crafting.
In this case, I'll be simple. I will select 4 Choice Lakes Hash Amber of quality 120 for my jewel stone mats, and 4 Choice Lakes Saurona Seed for the setting. Because it is a Tryker plan, if I wish to use Choice, Excellent, or Supreme materials (as opposed to Basic or Fine grades) I must use materials from the Tryker lands, the Lakelands. (Or from the Prime Roots, but let's not clutter this up too much.)
The quality number of the lowest quality material I use in the plan will be the maximum quality of the crafted item, provided I have sufficient skill to craft that high.
Having selected the materials, I now simply press the button and my character goes through the motions and produces an item. This is the point where one might wish Ryzom to provide even more detail, as the actual crafting action is a simple button click and "presto", although there is a certain chance of failure or degraded result depending on your skill relative to the quality of the item you are attempting to craft.
Assuming all went well, I now have an earring, which I may use, or sell to an NPC vendor, or sell, trade, or give to a player. This earring will grant certain resistances to attacks, depending on the materials I selected. It may also provide an increase in my health, strength, or other characteristic, if I set up the crafting action to do that.
The great challenge is now to find the best combinations of materials to produce items with desirable characteristics. And of course, those recipes will frequently involve materials which are difficult or dangerous to acquire, or just plain rare. The recipes are not something given to you by the game, they are acquired by careful and patient and real experimentation and once discovered are generally jealously guarded by the discoverer. For example, someone on Aniro, the French server, recently discovered a recipe to produce jewelry with the highest possible stats in three major resistance categories, a feat previously thought impossible or at least unlikely. The rest of the jewelers on Atys are now terribly jealous.
So, that's a scratch on the surface of crafting in Ryzom. It sounds to me like you (UNATCOII) would really enjoy both the game and the community. And we'd be happy to have you, as well.
1. Different mats give special properties in the end product? Or just the rares? Noticed you mentioned different quality mats=quality of the end product, but I'm not to clear how the rares fit in. Also, can more than one rare be used for something very special?
2. Recipes/plans are discovered in the real world (by exploring?); or by creating new items (e.g., like Morrowind)?
3. Is there a fuel cost (I'm coming from EQ2 and it requires fuels to buy to craft anything)?
4. How are mats stored? Warehouse; bank; abyss (yes, a MUD I played had this as storage! lol); crates? And how many slots does these mat containers have; and how much can be stacked of a mat? I'm a serious harvester and hoarder of mats (reaching #14 on the server for my class, and left 900 rares in EQ2 alone ), and need to know his, as I go through space in MMOs quick!
5. Any way to refine items made? Or is it only one chance to make the item and that's it, even something added later to improve stats?
6. Are there mat collecting specialities? In the F2P game I played they had sub-specialities as miners/lumberjacks/planters.
7. Do mats have weight? So if I collected 200 mats, will it weight 20+lbs, or not?
Originally posted by UNATCOII About the crafting side... 1. Different mats give special properties in the end product? Or just the rares? Noticed you mentioned different quality mats=quality of the end product, but I'm not to clear how the rares fit in. Also, can more than one rare be used for something very special? 2. Recipes/plans are discovered in the real world (by exploring?); or by creating new items (e.g., like Morrowind)? 3. Is there a fuel cost (I'm coming from EQ2 and it requires fuels to buy to craft anything)? 4. How are mats stored? Warehouse; bank; abyss (yes, a MUD I played had this as storage! lol); crates? And how many slots does these mat containers have; and how much can be stacked of a mat? I'm a serious harvester and hoarder of mats (reaching #14 on the server for my class, and left 900 rares in EQ2 alone ), and need to know his, as I go through space in MMOs quick! 5. Any way to refine items made? Or is it only one chance to make the item and that's it, even something added later to improve stats? 6. Are there mat collecting specialities? In the F2P game I played they had sub-specialities as miners/lumberjacks/planters. 7. Do mats have weight? So if I collected 200 mats, will it weight 20+lbs, or not? I'm a crafting/harvesting bug, and it shows.
I'm going to start a new topic on this, as we have drifted well off the original topic - thankfully.
I'd love to see the new development team add a global whatever-crap chat channel. That way I could turn it off and still have access to the Q&A channel to help answer questions, and learn a few things, too.
As it is, I can only stand to watch Uni for an hour or less, then I have to turn it off.
To the OP:
It seems you are rendering judgment on the entire Ryzom community based on Uni chat and rumor. Uni chat is hardly representative of the conversations that take place in other channels, incidents like the purported removal of a guild due to a naming dispute are rare or non-existent, and when you say that these things typify the Ryzom community you are, to be blunt, off your freakin' rocker [sic].
I'm sorry you object to the Q&A channel standards. I find the general chat in every other game I've tried to be almost, or in some cases entirely, unbearable. I hope a global chat channel in Ryzom would never degrade to the same, but in any case the rules for Uni chat are quite clear though not always enforced as they perhaps should be. I do agree that it is poorly named, and I've been guilty of misusing it myself on occasion.
For me, and for many others, the Ryzom community is a welcoming, comfortable home and a refuge from the lowbrow babblings of so much of our global society. As others have already mentioned, there are plenty of other chat channels in Ryzom where anything goes. In fact, if you were to team with me or listen in guild chat, you'd find that I have no objections to all sorts of conversation, and even make a weak attempt at a joke once in a while. I know, it's pathetic, but I do try.
Actually, I think the root of this problem is the lax enforcement of the rules in Uni that have allowed an impression of a "general chat" channel to develop. There was a time last year when it was necessary, as the population reached such a low level that you needed Uni to find someone to talk to. Those days are hopefully gone forever.
Now, as to the "Goons" incident, I'd have to have more details and some actual facts before rendering any judgment. You claim to have heard from somebody that something happened, Jack says otherwise. I'm familiar with Jack and trust him, but I've also heard of GM actions in the past that seemed less than ideal. Knowing GoJ (the first) I'd be very surprised if anyone there gave a rat's hindquarters about someone mocking them, much less someone accidentally using the same initials. However, if some individual complained, that hardly reflects the attitudes of the whole community. I remember seeing the Goons name and being amused, though I admit I figured it was a joke or perhaps a storage guild created by alts of GoJ members.
Regarding criticism of the game being squelched, I'm afraid you're equally off base there, too. Ryzom's fans and critics are as active and vocal as in any game, or other type of endeavor. You'll find a long list of nauseatingly lengthy conversations containing an endless litany of requested changes, updates, bug reports, suggestions, goofy infeasible ideas, great ideas, and strange incomprehensible statements. But you'll find them in the appropriate venue (the official forums) and not in the Q&A channel.
There are plenty of RPers in the game, so you didn't look very hard. Perhaps the RPers in Ryzom should act like jerks like the RPers in LOTRO, for example, so that you can recognize them. The RP community in Ryzom happily coexists with non-RPers, interacting with them on their own terms, and going out of their way to work the actions of non-RP players into their roleplay. That's probably why you didn't notice them. They didn't call you "Lord So-and-So" and prance about prattling in "Ye Olde Englische", but instead just acted like the Atysian Homins they are.
One last "personal attack", then I'll go back to being my usual meek self. If you are hanging out in church to have a bad time, why are you there? OK, I know that was twisting your meaning, but it's applicable. You apparently just dislike the people who play Ryzom, although I mistrust the reasons you've presented. My open ended question for you is this:
Why did you feel the need to tell the world how much you dislike us?
It's no stroke of genius to say that different gamers like different games, and all have their own reasons. Few, though, find it necessary to attempt to discourage others from trying a game simply because it doesn't suit their own tastes. Or did you have something constructive to suggest as an alternative to the current state of the community?
Guild Leader of Pegasus Foundation
in Ryzom
So you are blaming the community based on two decisions taken by moderators (or one moderator and whoever is in charge of guild names)? I don't see the logic here.
edit: two good decisions in my oppinion, by the way.
Go ahead tell him how wrong he is...then check out my post ...Choke Hold on Ryzom......it isn't that far off the mark.
Beat the noobs, they aren't worthy.
"Beat the noobs, they aren't worthy" is the most inaccurate statement I have ever read about Ryzom's community. Do you really think that we are unconscious of the fact that the game needs new players to survive ? You can't possibly blame the whole community for a few people that make asses out of themselves, be them newbs or veterans. Yet, you seem to deliberately ignore the fact that the few who might do it ARE frowned upon, since they are taken as examples to tarnish the community as a whole by people who have nothing better to do than sully something we have reasons to be proud of. Not taking into account the fact that newcommers are treated much worse almost everywhere else IS denying part of the truth.
The truth being that any experienced player that wants the game to succeed will go out of his way to provide help or recommend someone that can help to a newcommer in difficulty, if asked in a civilised manner.
Crazy Marshmallow Lady
Guild Leader of The Exodus Syndicate in Ryzom
"Experience Perfection :: Unharness Your Power"
This is not even close to true from my experience. How many other MMOs are you playing?
A good example of a game where the community is turning the game around from disaster would be Horizons (Istaria: Chronicles of the Gifted). Ryzom is as far from that type of community as Ryzom is from WoW's community.
This is not even close to true from my experience. How many other MMOs are you playing?
A good example of a game where the community is turning the game around from disaster would be Horizons (Istaria: Chronicles of the Gifted). Ryzom is as far from that type of community as Ryzom is from WoW's community.
Sherk has played a number of MMOs, and has some basis for her statements.
I've played Istaria (Horizons) as well, and it does indeed have a fine community, and reason to be proud of it. We're trying really hard to keep our Ryzom community up to a similar standard. I think the gripe is that the way you help a community get better is not by going out in public and screaming out how awful it is (especially when it mostly isn't) but by getting inside it and helping to shape it into something better.
Some people aren't interested in working to make things better, though. They just like complaining, and having people listen to them.
Guild Leader of Pegasus Foundation
in Ryzom
I've had bad experience with the community too, and is the reason I stopped playing the first time I tried it. I asked a question about harvesting, and apparently, I used a word the community at large didn't like. I referred to a "grind," and instead of answering my question, I got a lecture on the meaning of the word "grind," and was told to "F*** off and go back to WoW."
I'm ready to give it another shot, and was hoping things had changed, but it doesn't sound like they have. The game has been through some hardship, and it seems like the community has too many grizzled old veterans who defend their precious game with a creepy religious zeal. It's a tossup between the bitter elitists in Ryzom and the subliterate morons who inhabit the other MMO I play, and I'm having a hard time deciding which I can put up with more easily.
The community in Ryzom is great, as long as you do exactly as they want. Break any of their unwritten rules, and you're instantly the scum of the earth. I think the people who praise the community are more of the old veterans, who have longtime friends, or have otherwise found a way to fit in with the "hardcore cache of crazies."
This is the sign of an elitist community and why a fresh server start is required.
There is a grind. However, teaming up and getting help makes it a bit more fun and less tedious. And when you get tired of grinding the same skill, you can change without needing to re-roll or re-spec. And Atys, does have a bunch of crazy nutjob fanatics that love the game and are scared to lose it...
And a "fresh server start" won't change anything to it. Silly troll on repeat mode...
Crazy Marshmallow Lady
Guild Leader of The Exodus Syndicate in Ryzom
"Experience Perfection :: Unharness Your Power"
I'm very sorry some inconsiderate person spoke so rudely to you. As with any community there are bad apples.
I'll say this, though: Most of the attitude you describe does not come from real vets, but from noobs who want to sound like a vet. (And fail utterly)
The fact is, you have some great examples right here in this forum of "real vets" - the thoughtful and frequently helpful replies from experienced players are much like what you would get in game.
The flames from newb fanbois who soon leave the game anyway are equally indicative.
The trolls who post demanding that the game change to suit their own preferences... well, not much one can do about those. They seldom actually play the game, they just hang around forums complaining.
Though I hesitate to call myself a vet after not quite two years, I do think I'm a pretty normal player with a bit of experience in the game. I'll offer right here in public to team up with you and help you learn, craft some gear for you within reason and my ability, and do my best to help you get a good start on your time on Atys. If you like it and hang around, I'll consider it a blessing to have been a small help, and if you don't, you lost nothing but a bit of play time. In return I ask only that you be polite and respectful (of everyone, not of me) and give an honest effort to understand the game. And if you stick around, do the same for someone else in the future.
If you can't find me, there are dozens, maybe hundreds of others who will do the same.
How's that for a crappy community?
Guild Leader of Pegasus Foundation
in Ryzom
I'm very sorry some inconsiderate person spoke so rudely to you. As with any community there are bad apples.
I'll say this, though: Most of the attitude you describe does not come from real vets, but from noobs who want to sound like a vet. (And fail utterly)
The fact is, you have some great examples right here in this forum of "real vets" - the thoughtful and frequently helpful replies from experienced players are much like what you would get in game.
The flames from newb fanbois who soon leave the game anyway are equally indicative.
The trolls who post demanding that the game change to suit their own preferences... well, not much one can do about those. They seldom actually play the game, they just hang around forums complaining.
Though I hesitate to call myself a vet after not quite two years, I do think I'm a pretty normal player with a bit of experience in the game. I'll offer right here in public to team up with you and help you learn, craft some gear for you within reason and my ability, and do my best to help you get a good start on your time on Atys. If you like it and hang around, I'll consider it a blessing to have been a small help, and if you don't, you lost nothing but a bit of play time. In return I ask only that you be polite and respectful (of everyone, not of me) and give an honest effort to understand the game. And if you stick around, do the same for someone else in the future.
If you can't find me, there are dozens, maybe hundreds of others who will do the same.
How's that for a crappy community?
Thanks for the offer - I might have to take you up on it.
I guess the community has all types. Every MMO community has its annoying people; Ryzom's are just a different kind of annoying.
Some of them are just crazy too. But that's not bat, right ?
Crazy Marshmallow Lady
Guild Leader of The Exodus Syndicate in Ryzom
"Experience Perfection :: Unharness Your Power"
Naw, crazy is okay. I fit right in with crazy.
After being turned off of too many MMOs and it's intentional overuse of profanity (and personally don't use), is this game indeed polite? I don't mean with 10001 rules to dictate one's actions, but players who play and don't need to us the F word in every sentence?
In EQ2 folks are running around with 'ho in their their name, and thinking it's fun, let alone spending their time explaining the real meaning of their nicks through the language filters. Don't believe in paying for someone's else's fun at the expense of my own, especially the vulgar type.
I'm not a PC or roleplaying type, but believe there's a time an place for everything.
Read that Ryzom has a good crafting side, and the #1 reason I play MMOs is to craft (my home is a crafting paradise as it is!), and like to relax doing it for fun, as it is suppose to be fun.
.:| Kevyne@Shandris - Armory |:. - When WoW was #1 - .:| I AM A HOLY PALADIN - Guild Theme |:.
I'm equally appalled at the language in common use in many MMOGs. Although I'm not particularly offended by any given word, when used in a suitable context and with some useful purpose, the total lack of genuine creativity and an unwillingness to use language appropriate to the venue is disheartening, to say the least.
I can't speak for how other guilds use their guild chat, nor for how people communicate in private tells, but I can assure you that in public chat channels the community in Ryzom leans strongly toward respectful, intelligent, and polite conversation. Silly, at times, but a smart kind of silly. Disrespect, intolerance, and offensive language are not welcomed by the community nor long tolerated by the moderators.
It does lead at times to charges of elitism, but such charges are frequently leveled at communities with strong values.
The crafting in Ryzom is very detailed and quite challenging.
(I'll try not to be too long-winded, but readers not interested in crafting might as well skip past the rest of this. )
Crafting is implemented as a tree of skills on an equal footing with fighting or magic use. It is not a "sideline" activity. Crafters will also almost universally pursue the foraging skill tree, which is the fourth major skill branch. Crafting requires a great quantity of raw materials, and while there are materials available for any crafting purpose from hunted animals, it is generally more efficient to dig for materials unless seeking a particular type of looted material. You get more mats, faster.
In order to craft an item, you must learn the skill involved, purchase and equip the appropriate crafting tool, and possess the crafting plan for the item.
As an example, I'll describe crafting an earring:
I equip my crafting tool for jewelry, purchased from a tool vendor in a town.
I then click the "Tryker Jewelry Crafting" skill in my actions bar. "Tryker" is one of the four races of Atys. I could also learn and use the jewelry crafting style of any of the other races, each of which allows the use of crafting plans unique to that race.
Now the crafting window opens. I select "Medium Quality Tryker Earring" from the list of plans. Plans come in basic, medium, and high quality. Each quality increase raises the number of materials required, and may alter the appearance or stats of an item, depending on the type of item.
The Medium Quality Tryker Earring plan now appears in the window, and I must select materials from my inventory to satisfy the plan requirements. The Medium Earring requires 4 jewel stone materials, and 4 jewel setting materials. There are a wide variety of materials which may be used for each of these, and every material I add changes the stats of the item after crafting.
In this case, I'll be simple. I will select 4 Choice Lakes Hash Amber of quality 120 for my jewel stone mats, and 4 Choice Lakes Saurona Seed for the setting. Because it is a Tryker plan, if I wish to use Choice, Excellent, or Supreme materials (as opposed to Basic or Fine grades) I must use materials from the Tryker lands, the Lakelands. (Or from the Prime Roots, but let's not clutter this up too much.)
The quality number of the lowest quality material I use in the plan will be the maximum quality of the crafted item, provided I have sufficient skill to craft that high.
Having selected the materials, I now simply press the button and my character goes through the motions and produces an item. This is the point where one might wish Ryzom to provide even more detail, as the actual crafting action is a simple button click and "presto", although there is a certain chance of failure or degraded result depending on your skill relative to the quality of the item you are attempting to craft.
Assuming all went well, I now have an earring, which I may use, or sell to an NPC vendor, or sell, trade, or give to a player. This earring will grant certain resistances to attacks, depending on the materials I selected. It may also provide an increase in my health, strength, or other characteristic, if I set up the crafting action to do that.
The great challenge is now to find the best combinations of materials to produce items with desirable characteristics. And of course, those recipes will frequently involve materials which are difficult or dangerous to acquire, or just plain rare. The recipes are not something given to you by the game, they are acquired by careful and patient and real experimentation and once discovered are generally jealously guarded by the discoverer. For example, someone on Aniro, the French server, recently discovered a recipe to produce jewelry with the highest possible stats in three major resistance categories, a feat previously thought impossible or at least unlikely. The rest of the jewelers on Atys are now terribly jealous.
So, that's a scratch on the surface of crafting in Ryzom. It sounds to me like you (UNATCOII) would really enjoy both the game and the community. And we'd be happy to have you, as well.
Guild Leader of Pegasus Foundation
in Ryzom
About the crafting side...
1. Different mats give special properties in the end product? Or just the rares? Noticed you mentioned different quality mats=quality of the end product, but I'm not to clear how the rares fit in. Also, can more than one rare be used for something very special?
2. Recipes/plans are discovered in the real world (by exploring?); or by creating new items (e.g., like Morrowind)?
3. Is there a fuel cost (I'm coming from EQ2 and it requires fuels to buy to craft anything)?
4. How are mats stored? Warehouse; bank; abyss (yes, a MUD I played had this as storage! lol); crates? And how many slots does these mat containers have; and how much can be stacked of a mat? I'm a serious harvester and hoarder of mats (reaching #14 on the server for my class, and left 900 rares in EQ2 alone ), and need to know his, as I go through space in MMOs quick!
5. Any way to refine items made? Or is it only one chance to make the item and that's it, even something added later to improve stats?
6. Are there mat collecting specialities? In the F2P game I played they had sub-specialities as miners/lumberjacks/planters.
7. Do mats have weight? So if I collected 200 mats, will it weight 20+lbs, or not?
I'm a crafting/harvesting bug, and it shows.
.:| Kevyne@Shandris - Armory |:. - When WoW was #1 - .:| I AM A HOLY PALADIN - Guild Theme |:.
I'm going to start a new topic on this, as we have drifted well off the original topic - thankfully.
Guild Leader of Pegasus Foundation
in Ryzom
This is a great game with a great comunity. Even if you witnessed what happend there its merely 0.5% of the comunity.
Priston Tale - Rose Online - Knight Online - The Saga of Ryzom - EVE Online and a dozen of others