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Originally posted by UNATCOII
About the crafting side...
1. Different mats give special properties in the end product? Or just the rares? Noticed you mentioned different quality mats=quality of the end product, but I'm not to clear how the rares fit in. Also, can more than one rare be used for something very special?
Every material you put into an item affects the stats of the item. Rare items can be substituted for any more common item, and sometimes will increase a desired stat greatly. But not always. Every mat, including rares, also has some weak stats. The basics of crafting expertise involve balancing the strengths of some mats against the weaknesses of others, to get well balanced stats. From there you discover that certain combinations exceed your expectations (or do rather worse, just as often).
I'd also point out that there are not just "common" and "rare". Materials come in quality levels from 1 to 270 and there are 5 grades: Basic, Fine, Choice, Excellent, and Supreme. Supreme mats - "Sups" - are among the most valued materials on Atys, and are a source of conflict (the good kind of conflict, mostly). They come from certain rare and dangerous digging spots or from boss-level mobs.
The q number (1-270) of the mats used and the earned character skill (abiltiy to craft an item of a given "q") determine only the "q" of the item - not its stats. I higher q item *may* have higher stats or may not. For example, I have a reasonably good q250 dagger, but I also have a q180 dagger that is much better - (higher damage and speed), despite the lower nominal "level".
The average grade of mats used in the item will determine its grade, but it can be deceiving since an item with all Sups is no higher grade than one with a mix that averages out to Sup.
Also - making an item out of only Sup materials will almost never give you the best possible stats. Combinations with other mats can be discovered which are rather better.
To add a little extra spice, you can use special tools which have a percentage chance of "boosting" the stats of the crafted item. Those tools cannot be purchased, they must be made by players, using materials which are obtained only from Guild owned outposts - which must be conquered in PvP battles.
So the very very best items in the game require significant investment in time, character skill, player knowledge, organizational prowess, and a bit of luck.
Guild Leader of Pegasus Foundation
in Ryzom
Recipes are discovered by accumulating a supply of many different types of materials, then experimenting.
When you are choosing materials in the crafting window, it displays "pre-craft" stats, which are a basic estimate of the relative stats if you crafted the item with those materials.
Upon executing the crafting action, you may get "degrades" or "boosts" which alter the stats from pre-craft.
Crafters use pre-craft stats to get as close as they can to the stats they want, then commit it and see how it works out.
I'm far from an expert crafter, so I won't go any more down that road lest I give wrong answers. True masters can tell much more than I can.
Regarding plans, the normal plans are acquired from a crafting trainer in towns. You earn points for increasing your crafting skill levels, and may exchange those points for new plans. The plans are unique to each race, and for visible items are different in appearance.
Special plans using outpost materials can be acquired from NPCs dedicated to training those skills.
There are also plans which may be acquired by conquering certain bandit bosses, but that's a whole new topic, and well outside the realm of a basic overview.
The only cost to crafting is that it wears out your tools, and uses up the materials.
Guild Leader of Pegasus Foundation
in Ryzom
Mat storage can be a challenge. Your storage is finite, and there are no universal banks. If you want stuff in a location, you have to carry it there.
You have a personal inventory with a limit on bulk, weight, and slots. Mats stack up to 999 per slot, but you'll run out of bulk allowance long before that comes into play. In general, I can fit about 400 mats, with a little wiggle room for gear and sundries.
You may purchase a mount and three draft animals. Each of these also has storage space. The "packers", the draft animals, can carry rather more than you. You can craft directly out of your animals' inventory without moving the mats to your own, provided you are within arm's reach of them (or if they are stabled, you can stand by the stable).
You may purchase an apartment, which stores rather more than your animals can carry.
Finally, a guild hall has the largest storage space available, but only the guild leader and guild High Officers can take mats out to craft with them. Others may only put things in.
People commonly "bank" mats on the vendors by placing them for sale at ridiculously high prices. You must retrieve these within a few days or they disappear. Or of course, some fool may buy them accidentally. *blush*
Some people also create an alt character and create a guild in order to use a guild hall inventory for personal mat storage.
Once an item is crafted, it remains the same until it wears out and breaks. The one exception to this is that you may add an enchantment to weapons, which can be used, changed, removed, and must be powered by crystals which are consumed in the use.
The crafter's name is recorded in the item's info permanently. Items made by a famous crafter have collector value sometimes in excess of the normal value of the item.
Guild Leader of Pegasus Foundation
in Ryzom
There are no true "specialties" in Ryzom. Every character, given enough time, can learn every skill.
There is a separate tree of skills for foraging/harvesting. It is a major part of the game, equivalent in emphasis to fighting, magic, or crafting.
I won't delve very deep here, because harvesting is just as involved as crafting, and this is already turning into an encyclopedia.
Suffice to say, you must learn how to find materials, and how to harvest them efficiently and safely.
Yes, safely. This is not a matter of clicking a node and waiting while your bag fills up with mats. Nodes may explode or emit poisonous gas while you are harvesting them, and you must use appropriate skills to avoid that.
Also, you use up your "focus" characteristic while harvesting, and must learn to harvest efficiently in order not to use up your focus.
Harvesting may also be done as a team, with one person extracting mats and one or more applying "careplan" actions to it to avoid bad consequences. Team digging is fun!
Finally, some of the best dug mats are located in dangerous places and you will need fighters to protect the diggers from either aggressive mobs or aggressive players (in PvP areas).
See above, but in short, yes, mats have both weight and bulk, and a sufficient quantity will affect your ability to move. I can only think of one circumstance in which you become incapacitated, though. When crafting ammunition for guns you may manage to get so much weight in your bag that you can't move. I don't think there are any mats in raw form that will slow you down that much before running out of bulk space.
You are going to love Ryzom! Hurry up and get in game so I can meet you!
Guild Leader of Pegasus Foundation
in Ryzom
This is very well done, Sasi.
Nickname registered on
One thing I disliked about crafting and harvesting in Ryzom was that the harvested items were sourced from generic glowing blobs that would appear randomly.
Compared to Horizons aka Istaria, where you actually harvested graphically accurate representations of sources such as flax and ore. These items would also only be found in geographically correct locations and if they were overharvested, would take a long time to reappear.
edit: typo meant to say flax
The randomly appearing blobs are limited to starter areas to facilitate beginning harvesters who cannot yet prospect for sources. In the remainder of the world you'll see no such thing. You have to use prospecting skills to locate materials hidden beneath the ground, then use magical skill to make them bubble to the surface, where you can then extract them. The materials are not random at all, but in some cases are seasonal.
I agree that it would be nice to have something other than green glowing blobs, but if you study the lore behind the mechanic, you'll find that there are explanations that are sufficient for immersion. It *is* a fantasy world, after all.
I liked Istaria, and enjoyed the harvesting and crafting there as well. Some things better, some things not so much. While the geographic distribution and appearance of materials was nice, I found the actual harvesting process to be quite dull. Point, click, collect. Good, as MMOs go, but not nearly as enjoyable or interesting a process as in Ryzom.
I also enjoyed the crafting process in Istaria. I'd love to see Ryzom's crafting incorporate more physical processes and intermediate steps like that, but I wouldn't trade Ryzom's depth in recipes for it.
Oh, and what exactly does a "flux" outcropping look like in the real world?
Anyway, while tastes certainly may vary regarding the appearances, I've yet to see any game with harvesting *process* to rival Ryzom. Bar none. (Though I'd love to learn of one!)
Guild Leader of Pegasus Foundation
in Ryzom
Downloaded the game, but God must be giving me a warning to cool down over SoE -- my monitor decided to die.
Won't be able to play until after next week. This laptop barely can open a browser.
.:| Kevyne@Shandris - Armory |:. - When WoW was #1 - .:| I AM A HOLY PALADIN - Guild Theme |:.
excellent beginners guide - thank-you
as a fairly new player (did play on the island previous to this incarnation) i have many issues with crafting
mainly - it seems you have to write your own encyclopedia to get anything out of it
i've crafted tons of stuff (and made oodles of dappers) but nothing really very good - made one great axe that had really good stats but have no idea how that came about - planned on keeping if for myself but then i accidentally sold it to the npc while dumping a bunch of other newly crafter stuff
i can dig level 120 stuff but crafting is 70 (at least for the highest level stuff i can make) - so, yes i have spent a lot of time digging in lots of areas and i stuff three packers full of mats before a crafting session ( i always find it fun to find something i've never dug before) - though digging can be frustrating with the games reponses when locating stuff to dig - specially the iffy seasonal/weather stuff that is not necessarily true
now i don't want a prewritten encyclopedia to use but i would like to see a few good recipes that i could dissect - specially a couple recipes that i could produce to show the difference in stats between, say, something made with all choice mats and one that has a combo of choice and lower level but the combo actually has better stats (does that make sense)
does that exist anywhere
There is no such thing as a public list of pre-made recipes, since the best recipes out there are held as "secrets of the trade" by the real master crafters. Part of the game is finding out how it works to figure out the recipes or getting someone to teach you the ropes.
I'm affraid that such a list would be a huge spoiler and that most people would use it, not to try and understand what makes a good recipe, but just to copy and paste it ingame without asking themselves any question.
Don't go thinking I'm an elitist master crafter that wants to keep all the recipies, I still consider myself an apprentice when it comes to figuring out jewel recipes. I'm just barely good enough to make a grind set. Yet I wouldn't want anyone to go post the best recipes on the forums and spoil the experimenting part for me. Part of the deal of being a master jewel crafter is making PvP sets with balanced resists and protections so that the "enemy" doesn't know which spell will work best against you. Imagine the mess if the recipes were made public.
Crazy Marshmallow Lady
Guild Leader of The Exodus Syndicate in Ryzom
"Experience Perfection :: Unharness Your Power"
As the game gets more popular I can see a list being put online.
Until then the Master crafters are safe.
Not to derail the thread or anything but how large is the ryzom community? It seems to be locked down by about a few hundred Vets. kinda worries me that this game just doesn't have the community size to live on.
While I have slight problems with Ryzom I still think its a awesome game and once I can actually pay a sub fee I'll be back.
PLaying: EvE, Ryzom
Waiting For: Earthrise, Perpetuum
yay, that means you'll be back the 1st of january
that put aside, i think we're a couple thousand strong in total, atm, that still play. I think if spiderweb got some news going and got people excited over stuff that number would rise pretty quikly, because of old subbers coming back when they see a future.
well, i certainly wouldn't want a master recipe (well, unless it was dropped in my lap so to speak) - and yes i like discovering stuff myself but not everyone should rediscover the wheel
i was asking about a fairly decent recipe to dissect but even better - would be two showing that using lower quality stuff can actually improve stats but oh well
i don' think there is a big problem with this in game but ran into my first elitist issue yesterday - some meeting in Pyr (wherever that is) hosted by a CSR that everyone was invited to but only if you could TP yourself there - not everyone was really invited then were they
I'm sorry you couldn't make it to the meeting. It had to be held somewhere, and no matter where you pick, some people won't be able to reach it, since new players can start in four different places. Pyr was not a bad choice, as it may have the largest population of new players. (although Fairhaven might make such a claim as well, hard to say)
If that sort of problem arises for you in the future, please let people know ahead of time and someone will organize a trek to get you where you want to go.
Someone suggested that CSRs should teleport people to the meeting, but that raises the issue that you just got an unfair benefit, as you could then get the teleport pacts for that location without having made the journey. Whether that's really a valid complaint is debatable, but given some past incidents, CSRs tend to err on the side of caution.
In any case, you can view a complete transcript of the meeting attached to the original announcement. If you have a question that wasn't addressed, I'm sure Boroshi will not mind getting a PM from you.
Guild Leader of Pegasus Foundation
in Ryzom
someone did mention to the CSR that he should teleport me and a couple others that wanted to go and my first thought was to rush over and grab a TP packet thingy - me bad
so yeah - probably not a good idea - and i really would prefer to walk or ride to see the countryside - but put temptation in front of me........
haven't seen any treks forming from anywhere for a long time - probably not since i was on the island when i couldn't join of course - probably on during the wrong time USA (EST)
can't find the transcript
not here or anywhere near the original announcement of the return of events - i might be missing something like a link i didn't notice
There it is, the thread was named "Meeting with the Events Team" in the Saga part of the forum.
And getting a trek is not so hard, if you ask nicely. Sasi and I trekked by ourselves a new player from Yrkanis to Pyr, then Oflovak's Oasis. We were on our way to Frahar Towers when the player crashed and didn't relog.
Crazy Marshmallow Lady
Guild Leader of The Exodus Syndicate in Ryzom
"Experience Perfection :: Unharness Your Power"
Here is a nicely formatted transcript, easier to read than the others I've seen.
Thanks for this go to Hekla from Aeden Artisans.
(And thanks again for the trek help, Sherkalyn, it was really fun!)
Guild Leader of Pegasus Foundation
in Ryzom
Here is a nicely formatted transcript, easier to read than the others I've seen.
Thanks for this go to Hekla from Aeden Artisans.
(And thanks again for the trek help, Sherkalyn, it was really fun!)
Thanks for linking that Sasi, Its good to see the Event team communicating with the playerbase.
PLaying: EvE, Ryzom
Waiting For: Earthrise, Perpetuum
I tried Ryzom out quite a while ago, and overall found it and enjoyable experience. One of the minor gripes I had in terms of crafting was being unable to save a recipe in game. I'd experiment but if I found a good mixing of materials to make something good, I was forced to manually write it down. Has there been any mechanics introduced in-game to save recipes?
Not yet, but some very good ideas have been pushed around in the offic. Forums and hopefully Spiderweb will make good use of them, once all goes back to "normal"
Do you dare to adapt?