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This game is hard.

InfectionCEInfectionCE Member Posts: 36

     Yep, I said it. I'm on the free trial playing for TR on Gemini (Yes I know its emerald and markov). I don't understand how low levels could possible have a chance to catch up with all the vets, I just drop like a rock no matter what my certs are in. The best thing I did so far was with anti-vehicular.


  • Gohan1366Gohan1366 Member Posts: 4

    I am a 2 year vet, its all about timing and controlling  you area.

    I would start out with Mossie and HA certs. Since your TR just take and get  in agile  armor and put Rek as #1, MCG as #2 big gun, #3 Plasma or Jammer. Then put 3 things of white ammo in back and put all rest medpacks.


    Now use mossie as a farming tool. When inside base or tower take and use "T" button to put into 3rd person view, watch for people and use radar. You will learn how to use 3rd person fast, when coming down throw a plasma and start walking down while pulling out MCG. After about  2 week you will learn what I am talking about. Also  if you press A key then D key over and over about .5 secs apart you will get a good amount of side to side moment going on and it makes it harder for others to hit you. Also put a little bit of the C key in with the ADADAing and you will become better.

    When walking one way try to aim other way. Like of your moving left have you enemy on your right side of screen it makes more bullets hit. Also keep doing the ADADAing thing even when doing this it takes time to learn but you will soon get the hang of it. Also welcome to the family.

    If you need any help from anyone, Add these names to your friends list. Death2All, Reeker. Tell him Gohan told sent you. He is a 3 or 4 year vet and one of the best players I have ever seen.

    Hope this helps, Gohan1366 out


  • InfectionCEInfectionCE Member Posts: 36

    Yeah most of that I already know because I do play plenty of FPS games on my PC so I know about strafing and what not. Its just half the time it seems like no matter what I do against anyone else I get mowed down.

  • teraflop122teraflop122 Member Posts: 20

    Always travel with a group. You don't even need to be in a squad, just go where people are go, fight along side them, and keep an eye out for orbital strikes.

    MAX armor is great for beginners, because it is just so very forgiving. Long story short, the threats to MAX armor tend to be more obvious and visible. Cloakers are much less troublesome as long as you keep moving and watch for mines. Stay near obstacles, and hide whenever you hear the missile lock-on indicator. Avoid big open spaces. Plenty of guys around will repair your armor if you ask.

    Gotta cut this post short-

  • Gohan1366Gohan1366 Member Posts: 4
    Originally posted by InfectionCE

    Yeah most of that I already know because I do play plenty of FPS games on my PC so I know about strafing and what not. Its just half the time it seems like no matter what I do against anyone else I get mowed down.


    Well in planetside we have a glitch where if you take and hit ADADAD you are not on most peoples screens.

    Also learn that team work is a key thing in pside. Also Sniping Cert and using bolt driver is something I would say master before ever even getting on VS if you even want too. If you learn to use bolt driver good you will become a master lasher user.


  • Gohan1366Gohan1366 Member Posts: 4

    That is one of my only tut I made only one posted on youtube


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