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I have been viewing posts on these forums for a couple of years but, have not decided to register for many reasons.
I finally found one.
I'm looking forward to getting back to this old, buggy, low pop game. My two characters are on Chilastra and im deciding if I shall get back with the free xfer to come soon. I loved this game -- I sitll do. Is it worth getting back for some community fun? Money is not an issue, only issue I see is maybe getting bored quite fast...
Here is where I ask for your help.
What do you think I shall do? Is the community and higher pop on servers will increase the pvp and pve aspects of the game?
All for only $19.99? no way!
For real though, I hope you like card games because the only people left in the game a diehard card players.
Chilastra you say, have a good time with Obraik.
Starwars Galaxies, An Empier Diveded, That's what it says on my box anyway.
Lol i guess if you put it that way. Cards, poker is a card game.
I just hope darkfall delivers.
Uh huh, the only people playing are those interested in the TCG...
If I may quote Luke, Obi Wan, Anakin... pretty much every star wars character...
Tried: LotR, CoH, AoC, WAR, Jumpgate Classic
Played: SWG, Guild Wars, WoW
Playing: Eve Online, Counter-strike
Loved: Star Wars Galaxies
Waiting for: Earthrise, Guild Wars 2, anything sandbox.
Welcome back, o2jpl!
You'll find that since Lorin 'DeadMeat' Jameson took over as Producer back in February 2007, SWG has been through a significant Renaissance through a cycle of Chapter and Update publishes that blasted much needed fixes, new features and content into the game.
SWG is busy again and growing fast! This is a great time to get back into the galaxy, hook up with your old friends and make new ones as you adventure in the Star Wars Universe.
I just returned after a four year absence and have really been enjoying myself. I'm playing on Farstar where the population is still pretty good. It's not like it was of course - but how many MMos can boast that. There are certainly quite a lot of people around on Farstar.
It seems that there are a lot of angry ex-swg players whose only joy is to troll these forums and tell everyone that the game is dead, or buggy, or you'll run around for days without seeing anyone.
It's up to you whether you want to believe people who clearly have an agenda and want to see SWG expire...all I can tell you is that I had never even heard of the TCG when I returned and have met only one person who was even vaguely interested in it.
SWG still has one of the biggest worlds, the best score in any MMO, interesting and challenging gameplay, and at least on Farstar, a helpful and friendly community that is happy to instruct you.
I was completely lost after returning since I left before the major revamp of the game...and yet within hours people were offering help and advice and telling me how to spec my new character (which converted to a level 80 Jedi, which was pretty nice).
I was terrified to return because of the lies and falsehoods spread about this game by angry, bitter, disaffected people, but have really enjoyed myself. The game is not the same, it's changed a lot, and the lag fest that was Bestine and Coronet are no more (at least on farstar). Both had only 3 or 4 players there, but there were loads in places like Eisley (and even for some reason on Lok). Even on the far flung planets I found people doing missions. Ran into a whole bunch of people on Dathomir for instance. My son has come back too and he was playing at 1am last night and said he was amazed at the number of people around.
Up to you if you want to believe the trolls...otherwise come back and enjoy.
welcome back. Not only Obraik but I also play on chilastra. It's one of the top servers currently alongside Bria, Starsider, Bloodfin, Chimeara, etc.
TCG only interested those interested in cards. I'm a rather competitive player and I havent touched the cards - nothing in there to help me.
As someone else pointed out, the game is probably at its best after pre-cu. Professions are balanced, not 1v1 balanced, but group balanced. Professions support several viable expertise builds. Old animations are back in game along with new.
Sure it's not perfect but it never has been...
My tip for any returning vet is to make sure you change your targeting options to pre-NGE settings. Its easy to do and its just like it was pre-nge. Tab targets, calls specials from the # keys
The contents of this post do not necessarily reflect the views of and its management.
Welcome back, o2jpl!
You'll find that since Lorin 'DeadMeat' Jameson took over as Producer back in February 2007, SWG has been through a significant Renaissance through a cycle of Chapter and Update publishes that blasted much needed fixes, new features and content into the game.
SWG is busy again and growing fast! This is a great time to get back into the galaxy, hook up with your old friends and make new ones as you adventure in the Star Wars Universe.
Busy again? Growing fast? It's growing so fast they've had to implement free server transfers
This is what gets my goat...... tell the guy you like it, tell him why you like it but honestly, you don't give a very good account of yourself or the game you represent when you put forward such blatant fallacies.
...The spread of secondary and latterly of tertiary education has created a large population of people, often with well developed literary and scholarly tastes, who have been educated far beyond their capacity to undertake analytical thought.
Welcome back, o2jpl!
You'll find that since Lorin 'DeadMeat' Jameson took over as Producer back in February 2007, SWG has been through a significant Renaissance through a cycle of Chapter and Update publishes that blasted much needed fixes, new features and content into the game.
SWG is busy again and growing fast! This is a great time to get back into the galaxy, hook up with your old friends and make new ones as you adventure in the Star Wars Universe.
Busy again? Growing fast? It's growing so fast they've had to implement free server transfers
This is what gets my goat...... tell the guy you like it, tell him why you like it but honestly, you don't give a very good account of yourself or the game you represent when you put forward such blatant fallacies.
I think everyone knows that it all depends on the server. yeah, some are clearly dead... others are thriving (thriving is a relative term). When I first came back after my NGE rage-quit, I was livid that I had been suckered into returning to a dead server. Slowly but surely, it DID grow to where it is now (at least chilastra). Four to Five hundred players on the server at any given time is plenty for me.
The contents of this post do not necessarily reflect the views of and its management.
Welcome back, o2jpl!
You'll find that since Lorin 'DeadMeat' Jameson took over as Producer back in February 2007, SWG has been through a significant Renaissance through a cycle of Chapter and Update publishes that blasted much needed fixes, new features and content into the game.
SWG is busy again and growing fast! This is a great time to get back into the galaxy, hook up with your old friends and make new ones as you adventure in the Star Wars Universe.
Busy again? Growing fast? It's growing so fast they've had to implement free server transfers
This is what gets my goat...... tell the guy you like it, tell him why you like it but honestly, you don't give a very good account of yourself or the game you represent when you put forward such blatant fallacies.
I think everyone knows that it all depends on the server. yeah, some are clearly dead... others are thriving (thriving is a relative term). When I first came back after my NGE rage-quit, I was livid that I had been suckered into returning to a dead server. Slowly but surely, it DID grow to where it is now (at least chilastra). Four to Five hundred players on the server at any given time is plenty for me.
Thats not what he said though. If he had said his server is busy and growing, thats one thing. However, he makes the claim that "SWG is busy again and growing fast!". Everyone but the die hard fanboys will agree that just isn't the case.
Is a man not entitled to the herp of his derp?
Remember, I live in a world where juggalos and yugioh players are real things.
lololololol You have 2 posts on these forums and both are pushing SOE products. really, unbelievable. Really by posting here you guys are doing 2 things
1. preaching to the choir
2. preaching to people who aren't interested in playing the NGE.
good luck with that
God you must be bored if you went all the way back to 2004 to find I once liked two posts about two soe products over the space of four years makes me a company lapdog does it? Please, if you're going to insult me you can do better than that my friend.
The only person I'm interested in 'preaching to' is the original poster who asked if he should come back.
I honestly think the game still has some very strong merits. It isn't perfect, but on Farstar at least there's a good solid community and enough people to make it feel 'lived in'.
It's clear you have a very low opinion of soe and swg - that's fine, everyone is entitled to their opinion. But let's be clear about this I don't have any particular loyalty to soe and have no interest in TCG and I can honestly say I am enjoying the game all over again.
I hope the original poster will see that some of the opinions expressed by some people who replied are not universal truths and be scared away....
I must warn you four years time I may post another fairly positive post about an soe product. It could happen....but as far as I know I am not the victim of some high powered jedi mind trick to take over my critical faculties.
Also, I gotta ask myself why you feel it's your duty to drive away anyone who happens to like the game. How many negative posts have you made about soe and swg over the past 4 years? (I can't be bothered to check) Does that make your opinion any more valid than mine...?
Well I've been back for a couple of weeks and I am enjoying the game. I joined a guild, JUDGES which I found pretty critical to upping my enjoyment of the game not having the old player I knew playing. I was level 85 and levelled up to 90 and now just trying to make the collections.
I used the two week trial and I just subscribed for three months. I'll give it another go. I play casual and that's best I think. I'm on Chimaera.
The game definitely has more players in it then it did when I left but its still just a 'touch' too slow. Can take awhile to fill a group but guild helps make it easier.
But the new heroic quests they added are really fun! I quite enjoy them.
Now that my character is 90 I'm going back up into space to give it a casual play.
- Majere