After playing the warden, I find myself seeing the warden class as being designed with solo play in mind. The class has self heals, 25% run-speed buff ( at a cost of 80% power though) does good ranged damage (javelin) and melee damage (spear) and at later levels can port himself all over creation. In a group, the warden can add good dps ranged or melee. Myself, with the boss shields and in-combat morale regen toggle (continuous "hitpoint" generation buff), I am able to off-tank much better than with my captain. Wait minute, I . . . I . . .sound like a warden fanboi. NOOO
RK starts a bit weak, but if you have the patience to get one up to level 8 or so (spacing on when mine took off, was around then), they solo pretty well too.
I don't want to write this, and you don't want to read it. But now it's too late for both of us.
I didnt play Runekeeper or warden yet, but ive seen people playing with them and i have been in a party with a warden and they look a very good class, warden looks like a hunter but even better to solo and runekeeper , well a dps and healer is quite cool to solo and ive seen some runekeepers playing and in level 10 up they look unstoppable, reallly.
(the fact that i didnt play with them is because i dont have th expansion yet, trying to make my parents buy it LOL)
I feel that tha warden is a excellent soloist. Overall it has a robust heal and evasion system. Not to mention it is ranged and melee. As a whole I preferr the Burglar for soloing higher level enemies as far as overall power. As far as the fun factor goes I LOVE the wardens style more.
Since I'm a permadeather the need to be able to survive is imperative. I give the warden a 4 out of 5. Realistically I have played every class to 40 without dying save for the Minstrel hehe. Thats my fault since I just dont have the skill for that class I guess
I've gotten my runekeeper to level 30 so far, without any problems at all.
I have my Warden to 20 and havent grouped once.
PLAYED:FFXI, LotRO, AoC, WAR, DDO, Megaten, Wurm, Rohan, Mabinogi, RoM
Don't know about the Rune-Keeper but the Warden is definitely very solo friendly, probably the best solo class in the game.
After playing the warden, I find myself seeing the warden class as being designed with solo play in mind. The class has self heals, 25% run-speed buff ( at a cost of 80% power though) does good ranged damage (javelin) and melee damage (spear) and at later levels can port himself all over creation. In a group, the warden can add good dps ranged or melee. Myself, with the boss shields and in-combat morale regen toggle (continuous "hitpoint" generation buff), I am able to off-tank much better than with my captain. Wait minute, I . . . I . . .sound like a warden fanboi. NOOO
Warden is solo machine, absoluetly insane.
RK starts a bit weak, but if you have the patience to get one up to level 8 or so (spacing on when mine took off, was around then), they solo pretty well too.
I don't want to write this, and you don't want to read it. But now it's too late for both of us.
I didnt play Runekeeper or warden yet, but ive seen people playing with them and i have been in a party with a warden and they look a very good class, warden looks like a hunter but even better to solo and runekeeper , well a dps and healer is quite cool to solo and ive seen some runekeepers playing and in level 10 up they look unstoppable, reallly.
(the fact that i didnt play with them is because i dont have th expansion yet, trying to make my parents buy it LOL)
I feel that tha warden is a excellent soloist. Overall it has a robust heal and evasion system. Not to mention it is ranged and melee. As a whole I preferr the Burglar for soloing higher level enemies as far as overall power. As far as the fun factor goes I LOVE the wardens style more.
Since I'm a permadeather the need to be able to survive is imperative. I give the warden a 4 out of 5. Realistically I have played every class to 40 without dying save for the Minstrel hehe. Thats my fault since I just dont have the skill for that class I guess