You are correct, most of us really are not jerks, and those that found us to be usually started it, or just couldnt hang with it.
Ah, the same lies. It is rare I call someone a liar but it is so obvious that it fits.
OMGs actions made it clear their intent. They were the last of the expat French to come to Antigua. They did so with a video which told the entire "you're %#^#%ed". OMG put more French ports in the red than the other three nations combined. They did so for the expressed intent of punishing the other French for perceived slights. They routinely crippled French trade around the Florida cape by taking ports of no strategic value. They were rarely seen outside of strong French waters. Any time the other French could get a circle up with OMG's constant spamming of French waters with circles they never showed up for battle. The whole time anyone got upset with their antics (who wouldn't) they beat their chests, were rude, abrasive, insulting and in the end... somehow... the victims?
I think it is telling that when I left there was not a single non-Morgan French soc that hadn't had most of their members express a desire to cancel because of OMG and OMG alone.
People can lie. OMG regularly lies and, clearly, still does. Action's don't.
Yep, that's the OMG I've heard about. Back on Blackbeard, I met a guy who had come from the Morgan French, and when I asked him why his society had come to Blackbeard (which was not doing so well after the transfers, especially on the French side) instead of going to Antigua, he all but told me that they had waited to see where OMG would go to make sure they went elsewhere. Your account fits perfectly with what I've heard of Antigua French tiring of them and leaving the game.
Also, rude is rude. I don't care if it's a forum persona they put on to see how red other people's faces can get; if anything, that makes them pricks even more. But let's not worry, they'll move on to the next game pretending that their leetness actually matters. I'd never heard of those guys before PotBS, and it's unlikely I'll hear about them again in another game.
LOL I remember when we put 3 french ports in red on purpose. Now that was some good pvp that day! I think that was also the day the truce among the french collapsed. We did it with 6 people eco bombing. Havana 6 we called ourselves. Took about 2 hours.
You failed to mention them signing a deal with the devil over publishing, the famous quote "I spoke to Smedley and SOE have it down cold!". Many warned against SOE, I was still going to purchase until SOE f***ed up on a titanic scale. I couldn't purchase a pre-order because SOE hadn't shipped them, those that could get them (a few stores in the USA) ended up either not having the disc or the gamecode because someone at SOE forgot to put them in there! I wanted this to work. I wanted to play it, however now it seems it'll be purchased by Smedley to add to the list of dismal faliures associated with the SOE brand name. If PotBS were a sailing ship she'd be the Marie Celeste, on a direct course to the SOE dry docks alongside Vanguard!
I beta test'd until they signed with SOE and I left right then knowing it was doomed.
Ah, the same lies. It is rare I call someone a liar but it is so obvious that it fits.
OMGs actions made it clear their intent. They were the last of the expat French to come to Antigua. They did so with a video which told the entire "you're %#^#%ed". OMG put more French ports in the red than the other three nations combined. They did so for the expressed intent of punishing the other French for perceived slights. They routinely crippled French trade around the Florida cape by taking ports of no strategic value. They were rarely seen outside of strong French waters. Any time the other French could get a circle up with OMG's constant spamming of French waters with circles they never showed up for battle. The whole time anyone got upset with their antics (who wouldn't) they beat their chests, were rude, abrasive, insulting and in the end... somehow... the victims?
I think it is telling that when I left there was not a single non-Morgan French soc that hadn't had most of their members express a desire to cancel because of OMG and OMG alone.
People can lie. OMG regularly lies and, clearly, still does. Action's don't.
Yep, that's the OMG I've heard about. Back on Blackbeard, I met a guy who had come from the Morgan French, and when I asked him why his society had come to Blackbeard (which was not doing so well after the transfers, especially on the French side) instead of going to Antigua, he all but told me that they had waited to see where OMG would go to make sure they went elsewhere. Your account fits perfectly with what I've heard of Antigua French tiring of them and leaving the game.
Also, rude is rude. I don't care if it's a forum persona they put on to see how red other people's faces can get; if anything, that makes them pricks even more. But let's not worry, they'll move on to the next game pretending that their leetness actually matters. I'd never heard of those guys before PotBS, and it's unlikely I'll hear about them again in another game.
LOL I remember when we put 3 french ports in red on purpose. Now that was some good pvp that day! I think that was also the day the truce among the french collapsed. We did it with 6 people eco bombing. Havana 6 we called ourselves. Took about 2 hours.
I beta test'd until they signed with SOE and I left right then knowing it was doomed.