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I know server pops aren't public knowledge, but I've heard Brandywine to the most populated, Landroval to the the unofficial RP server, and Elendilmir to be both a nice pop and the unofficial oceanic server.
Trying to pick which one to start on, anyone play on any of these?
In the case of Landroval, are the RPers too harsh in LOTRO? I'm not LOTR loremaster (no pun intended), as I've only skimmed the books, but seen the movies a ton (I know, I'm ashamed) so I don't know the details of all the lore behind the races like some do. Will the RP police go crazy on me if I play my dwarf wrong? ><
As for Elendilmir, I'm a late night player usually 1am EST -> 4am EST are my peak hours usually, so a oceanic server always seemed like a good place for me. But I'm afraid it may be barren when it's not oceanic peak times?
Role playing occurs but will not interfere with your game play on Landroval if you choose to not participate.
Elendilmir peaks at North American prime time. Not really sure what's it's like early late at night since I don't play then.
I'm not against RP, but I've also never done it really. I just like the idea of playing on a server were there are people who really get *into* the game, so much so that they RP it - I'm just afraid they may be "elitist RPers" who scoff at you if you don't know 100% of the lore
And I just figured maybe Elendilmir would have more on late at night (US time) since I believe the oceanic peak time is really late night/early morning for us in the US. | Gaming / MMO Blog
I usually play past 1 am Central Time, and Landroval is pretty much dead in terms of players.
R.I.P. City of Heroes and my 17 characters there
Brandywine is a highly populated and is self-proclaimed, the most populated server, yet for good reason. Lots of action, never difficult to find groups for anything. We also have a lot of overseas players as well so while the population slows down a bit during the nightime hours it never dies completely. Always something to do on Brandywine, the server that never sleeps. Except when it crashes
Bezekira 54 R6 HunterCommensurate 60 R5 MiniBeloril R4 ChampAbazaba R3 BeermasterDasnitch Lowbie SneakAballister Lowbie Runekeeper-Proud Officer of Sinister-BWLOTRO
i played on landroval when i did, great population, lots of roleplayers, and tons of helpful people. Havent played in a while, but that would def be my server of choice when i go back