Look at all of those 10s. That's sad. You think it's the most amazing game ever? It's got some neat features (I have played it quite a bit), a few nice ideas, but it has plenty of the same old stuff mixed in. For a 2008 (2009 in North America) I am setting my bar higher. It's like a 7.5 -- good but not earth shattering. Why do people act like someone is attacking their soul or their firstborn when people are objective and say some of the aspects aren't AMAZING?
Those who spam 10s and talk about how astonishing this game is should be viewed as spouting the same unobjective criticism as those who give it a 1.
Have a winner and don't go on a game over! Does your avatar make you powerful in real life? Check out the Mystical Enders gaming community. www.mysticalenders.com
I have to say, the state in which mmorpg gamers are in right now is extremely sad. The main fault I hear about in TCoS is that quest's are to confusing and to hard. What the hell haha. They give you a direction and you have a map that should give you all the tools you need to make your questing experience a breeze in TCoS.
It just saddens me that World of Warcraft is tied with warhammer for being one of the easiest games on the market right now. The funny thing is people still use mods like quest helper omfg haha. I swear is the mmo market for the mentally challenged that they make it so damn easy in the first place but they still need more help on F**KING DIRECTIONS!!!!!!!
An that is what makes it so much of a threat to other mmorgs. No one is saying its the new king. .....
Its not a threat, has the same quest system as wow with a little twist, has the same combat system as wow with a little twist, I doubt anyone should feel threatned by this one.
And I agree with you, its not a wow killer, whenever a wow killer comes, I think it needs a little more then a little twist
An that is what makes it so much of a threat to other mmorgs. No one is saying its the new king. .....
Its not a threat, has the same quest system as wow with a little twist, has the same combat system as wow with a little twist, I doubt anyone should feel threatned by this one.
And I agree with you, its not a wow killer, whenever a wow killer comes, I think it needs a little more then a little twist
Considering that WoW itself was just a clone of its predecessors with a couple 'little twists', I wouldn't be so sure that little twists can't make a big difference.
But yeah, TCoS will probably be a healthy game but never, ever, not even close to a WoW killer.
Its not a threat, has the same quest system as wow with a little twist, has the same combat system as wow with a little twist, I doubt anyone should feel threatned by this one. And I agree with you, its not a wow killer, whenever a wow killer comes, I think it needs a little more then a little twist
I think it's safe to say that the combat system is far more than a "little twist" on WoW's combat.
______________ "We'll be saying a big hello to all intelligent lifeforms everywhere... and to everyone else out there, the secret is to bang the rocks together, guys!"
Its not a threat, has the same quest system as wow with a little twist, has the same combat system as wow with a little twist, I doubt anyone should feel threatned by this one. And I agree with you, its not a wow killer, whenever a wow killer comes, I think it needs a little more then a little twist
I think it's safe to say that the combat system is far more than a "little twist" on WoW's combat.
i agree
i wonder if it takes a virtual reality cave that tracks your body movement and translates it to your avatar to be considdered an innovative combat system.
aocs, tcos and ddos "action combat system" is different from wows/wars click and wait combat just as atlantica onlines turn based combat is
if your bored, visit my blog at: http://craylon.wordpress.com/ dealing with the look of mmos with the nvidia 3d vision glasses
Originally posted by MantraDK Originally posted by TRMC An that is what makes it so much of a threat to other mmorgs. No one is saying its the new king. .....
Its not a threat, has the same quest system as wow with a little twist, has the same combat system as wow with a little twist, I doubt anyone should feel threatned by this one. And I agree with you, its not a wow killer, whenever a wow killer comes, I think it needs a little more then a little twist
People would take you seriously if you weren't a lier. Combat system "same as wow with a twist" indeed.
People would take you seriously if you weren't a lier. Combat system "same as wow with a twist" indeed.
Calling ppl liars are the single most non serious thing about this thread. Fair enough that some disagree with me, I can live with that, but its just retarded comming with comments like that.
What I will give ppl is that I'm a little harsh about the combat system, it is different then wow, but almost just as boring, and by no means revolutionary, different though, they deserve credit for that.
I really like the combat system. To me it is nothing like WoW. Unless you are a fps veteran it will take much much more than 2 hours of time to get good at combat. Personally I like to select with my mousewheel as well as aim with the mouse and dodge/attack with the keyboard. This has taken some time to learn and I love getting better as the backstabs can hurt as well as you can keep away from being hit. No dice rolls for iht or miss. Timing and distance is everything on melees. Mages are a bit different and I like a challenge.
Quests are not spoon fed to me but after playing and actually searching I figured them out pretty easy. I am glad I was not spoon fed to the NPC/quest goal. Also, the starting area is not really that big so IMO one does not have to look far to figure it out. In Hawksmouth if you pull up the map and scroll over the map it tells you the in town places of interest and you are an arrow on screen. To me it was very easy to find stuff in town. I liked this about the game, I like to explore. I am not so interested in hitting cap in 2 weeks.
The UI needs some polish and so does the game but not very much. Most games only get better only time will tell. I am sure there is much more in store as the devs are very committed to that end.
Plenty of people not happy with the quests content. Not a problem here. I have quested in many an mmo and I am not sure any that I played were more or less different. WoW, VG, AC, LoTRO, GW, HZ. You run an errand, kill a guy for someone else, gather resources, go to a new zone and talk to so and so, etc... How different or immersive can you make that once you have done that in other mmo's? You have the option of not questing too. PeP is great :-)
I seem to see more hate/negative on these boards that hype too. So I do not think it is overhyped but I could be wrong. You will definately need some time to get the hang of combat. Once you get good the game shines. I like feeling powerful ala my AC days
No I don't really think it is over hyping the game. When you play it and get into the game you see that it is truely a remarkable game. So many different ways to play a single class. You are not limited to specs.
People would take you seriously if you weren't a lier. Combat system "same as wow with a twist" indeed.
Calling ppl liars are the single most non serious thing about this thread. Fair enough that some disagree with me, I can live with that, but its just retarded comming with comments like that.
What I will give ppl is that I'm a little harsh about the combat system, it is different then wow, but almost just as boring, and by no means revolutionary, different though, they deserve credit for that.
Yes different, but also refreshing break from other mmo game combat systems.
Well it feels different at least for the first 20 levels, after that ... it feels unfinished and more of the same. When you get used to combat system it does not feel that refreshing anymore and whole skill deck idea seems more and more like usual MMO UI addon with aditional cooldown.
It looks like game starts good, but fails to deliver the follow up game play wise. Combat does not evolve, but rather feels more of the same, story does not evolve to some epic line (so you could say yeah, that was a good story), most of features like High Houses are purely cosmetic and so on.
Now remember kids. If you havnt played the game chances are you voted anyway.
Look at all of those 10s. That's sad. You think it's the most amazing game ever? It's got some neat features (I have played it quite a bit), a few nice ideas, but it has plenty of the same old stuff mixed in. For a 2008 (2009 in North America) I am setting my bar higher. It's like a 7.5 -- good but not earth shattering. Why do people act like someone is attacking their soul or their firstborn when people are objective and say some of the aspects aren't AMAZING?
Those who spam 10s and talk about how astonishing this game is should be viewed as spouting the same unobjective criticism as those who give it a 1.
Have a winner and don't go on a game over! Does your avatar make you powerful in real life? Check out the Mystical Enders gaming community. www.mysticalenders.com
I have to say, the state in which mmorpg gamers are in right now is extremely sad. The main fault I hear about in TCoS is that quest's are to confusing and to hard. What the hell haha. They give you a direction and you have a map that should give you all the tools you need to make your questing experience a breeze in TCoS.
It just saddens me that World of Warcraft is tied with warhammer for being one of the easiest games on the market right now. The funny thing is people still use mods like quest helper omfg haha. I swear is the mmo market for the mentally challenged that they make it so damn easy in the first place but they still need more help on F**KING DIRECTIONS!!!!!!!
Its not a threat, has the same quest system as wow with a little twist, has the same combat system as wow with a little twist, I doubt anyone should feel threatned by this one.
And I agree with you, its not a wow killer, whenever a wow killer comes, I think it needs a little more then a little twist
Its not a threat, has the same quest system as wow with a little twist, has the same combat system as wow with a little twist, I doubt anyone should feel threatned by this one.
And I agree with you, its not a wow killer, whenever a wow killer comes, I think it needs a little more then a little twist
Considering that WoW itself was just a clone of its predecessors with a couple 'little twists', I wouldn't be so sure that little twists can't make a big difference.
But yeah, TCoS will probably be a healthy game but never, ever, not even close to a WoW killer.
I think it's safe to say that the combat system is far more than a "little twist" on WoW's combat.
"We'll be saying a big hello to all intelligent lifeforms everywhere... and to everyone else out there, the secret is to bang the rocks together, guys!"
I think it's safe to say that the combat system is far more than a "little twist" on WoW's combat.
i agree
i wonder if it takes a virtual reality cave that tracks your body movement and translates it to your avatar to be considdered an innovative combat system.
aocs, tcos and ddos "action combat system" is different from wows/wars click and wait combat just as atlantica onlines turn based combat is
if your bored, visit my blog at:
http://craylon.wordpress.com/ dealing with the look of mmos with the nvidia 3d vision glasses
Its not a threat, has the same quest system as wow with a little twist, has the same combat system as wow with a little twist, I doubt anyone should feel threatned by this one.
And I agree with you, its not a wow killer, whenever a wow killer comes, I think it needs a little more then a little twist
People would take you seriously if you weren't a lier. Combat system "same as wow with a twist" indeed.
Calling ppl liars are the single most non serious thing about this thread. Fair enough that some disagree with me, I can live with that, but its just retarded comming with comments like that.
What I will give ppl is that I'm a little harsh about the combat system, it is different then wow, but almost just as boring, and by no means revolutionary, different though, they deserve credit for that.
I love when people make polls where there is no option just to view the poll. Then I have to taint the final results with my intuitive guessing lol.
A non-wow-clone!
5 because of that, 3 for the quality and 1 for the beauty.
I will keep the 10 to Darkfall Online.
I really like the combat system. To me it is nothing like WoW. Unless you are a fps veteran it will take much much more than 2 hours of time to get good at combat. Personally I like to select with my mousewheel as well as aim with the mouse and dodge/attack with the keyboard. This has taken some time to learn and I love getting better as the backstabs can hurt as well as you can keep away from being hit. No dice rolls for iht or miss. Timing and distance is everything on melees. Mages are a bit different and I like a challenge.
Quests are not spoon fed to me but after playing and actually searching I figured them out pretty easy. I am glad I was not spoon fed to the NPC/quest goal. Also, the starting area is not really that big so IMO one does not have to look far to figure it out. In Hawksmouth if you pull up the map and scroll over the map it tells you the in town places of interest and you are an arrow on screen. To me it was very easy to find stuff in town. I liked this about the game, I like to explore. I am not so interested in hitting cap in 2 weeks.
The UI needs some polish and so does the game but not very much. Most games only get better only time will tell. I am sure there is much more in store as the devs are very committed to that end.
Plenty of people not happy with the quests content. Not a problem here. I have quested in many an mmo and I am not sure any that I played were more or less different. WoW, VG, AC, LoTRO, GW, HZ. You run an errand, kill a guy for someone else, gather resources, go to a new zone and talk to so and so, etc... How different or immersive can you make that once you have done that in other mmo's? You have the option of not questing too. PeP is great :-)
I seem to see more hate/negative on these boards that hype too. So I do not think it is overhyped but I could be wrong. You will definately need some time to get the hang of combat. Once you get good the game shines. I like feeling powerful ala my AC days
No I don't really think it is over hyping the game. When you play it and get into the game you see that it is truely a remarkable game. So many different ways to play a single class. You are not limited to specs.
Calling ppl liars are the single most non serious thing about this thread. Fair enough that some disagree with me, I can live with that, but its just retarded comming with comments like that.
What I will give ppl is that I'm a little harsh about the combat system, it is different then wow, but almost just as boring, and by no means revolutionary, different though, they deserve credit for that.
Yes different, but also refreshing break from other mmo game combat systems.
well this game seems to be different then the standard mmo. And that's a breath of fresh air i would say.
waiting for ... nothing..
Well it feels different at least for the first 20 levels, after that ... it feels unfinished and more of the same. When you get used to combat system it does not feel that refreshing anymore and whole skill deck idea seems more and more like usual MMO UI addon with aditional cooldown.
It looks like game starts good, but fails to deliver the follow up game play wise. Combat does not evolve, but rather feels more of the same, story does not evolve to some epic line (so you could say yeah, that was a good story), most of features like High Houses are purely cosmetic and so on.