It looks like you're new here. If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons!'s Carolyn Koh writes this report from the recent Final Fantasy XI Fan Fest, a sold out event that allows players of the seven year old title to gather and share in their hobby.
The Final Fantasy XI Fan Festival held at the Renaissance Hollywood Hotel in Los Angeles on the 5th & 6th of December was sold out just six hours of the tickets going on sale. A total of 550 fans shelled out $40 each for the privilege of attending this fourth Fan Festival in the US and this is the fastest that tickets had sold out. Not bad for an MMO that will celebrate it's 7th year in operation in May of 2009.
The Fan Festival kicked off with a Development Presentation. Producer Hiromichi Tanaka introduced the packed Ballroom to three new scenarios in the works; The Crystalline Prophecy (ode of life restoring), A Moogle Kupo D'etat (evil in small doses) and A Shantotto Ascension (the legend torn, her empire born). These are strictly storyline expansions expanding on the history and myth of Vana'diel. Each volume is quite a bit smaller than other expansions to date and all are being developed concurrently with the current Wings of the Goddess Expansion updates. A new Dev team was actually brought on to work on these storyline scenarios. Each volume is scaled from the solo player of about level 30 all the way to alliances of level 75 parties. Each storyline will indeed require an alliance of level 75 players to complete the final battle.
Read Carolyn's Fan Fest Report
Jon Wood
Managing Editor
Well cool post But...not to be an ass or anything but Final Fantasy XI was released Oct 28th that would make it 5 years old correct? I could be wrong.....
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
Played - All mainstream MMORPGS/Many others.
Favorites- Dark Age of Camelot/mordred,Shadowbane , Old school Ultima Online
May 16 2002 in Japan.
At least they had girls there every see an EVE fanfest.
Very good read. One of these days, I'm going to have to save up my money for a trip. I've always wanted to go to the fanfest since 4 years ago, but I always seem to forget about it in time to save up the money. Perhaps next year I'll be there
The real question is...does that group of lovely ladies hire out for geeky bachelor parties?
I call dibs on the third and fourth ladies from the left. They have the makings of a delicious Zorvan club sandwich.
Why would asking that make you an ass?
Unless... you were asking in some negative context... as if "the game is old"?
See, this is the beauty of MMORPGs...
MMOs are designed to last, ideally, for years.
That FFXI is still going strong after 6+ years (including JP release), with an active, loyal community and no signs of slowing down from SE is a *good* thing. Not a bad thing.
It seems every time you turn around. SE is implementing some new content into the game, a new game system, new HNMs (raid bosses, basically), new quests, missions, etc. etc. And they do this all within the context of the 75 levels already in the game... They don't do the usual "oh... we'll add more content by increasing the level cap and give them all 10 more levels to grind" that other MMOs fall back on, sometimes as often as every expansion.
So... in response to your question... Yep... FFXI is 6+ years old, is going 500k players strong year after year, and shows no signs of slowing.
and the cash shop selling asphalt..." - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops
Why would asking that make you an ass?
Unless... you were asking in some negative context... as if "the game is old"?
See, this is the beauty of MMORPGs...
MMOs are designed to last, ideally, for years.
That FFXI is still going strong after 6+ years (including JP release), with an active, loyal community and no signs of slowing down from SE is a *good* thing. Not a bad thing.
It seems every time you turn around. SE is implementing some new content into the game, a new game system, new HNMs (raid bosses, basically), new quests, missions, etc. etc. And they do this all within the context of the 75 levels already in the game... They don't do the usual "oh... we'll add more content by increasing the level cap and give them all 10 more levels to grind" that other MMOs fall back on, sometimes as often as every expansion.
So... in response to your question... Yep... FFXI is 6+ years old, is going 500k players strong year after year, and shows no signs of slowing.
I never played the game, but still: an excellent answer.
Hello there, adventurer!
DAMN! Now that's what i call Gamer Girls!