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I have heard that some people are burnt out on WoW and do not play it very much anymore if at all. I was wondering if someone would be willing to part with their account .
If there is someone out there who is willing to do this for me email me at
dude people are selling WoW accounts for hundrends of dollars on eBay. If someone shares an account account with you.. you have his login and could steal his account.
Can you trust someone over the internet? .. seriously?
Sorry to tell you there is NO chance you find someone to share his account.
I know this but I missed the stress test and I don't have the money to buy an account.
It is/was worth a shot.
EDIT: Also, I'm getting tired of waiting for the OB to come out "soon"
Yup just one more big patch and then OB-sign ups...
once you sign up BOOM!! you're set!!
am I right? one more patch?
Let's hope you are.
All I know is "soon" and "in the days ahead"
That being said 20 days ago...
Ah well... What's a few more days.