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Guide for titles (From atlantica forum)

felifefelife Member Posts: 96

Kiena Guide :

 Below are all the titles you can get (that I know of - I have no clue if there are hidden titles or some other way to get them).

The first four sets of titles are ones you can get from one of the women outside of Athens by doing quests - there are four of them. You can only do one quest from each woman at a time (for a total of four title quests going at once, one from each woman). When you finish a quest for them, you must go back and turn in the quest, at which point they will give you an item (it looks like an envelope). You have to right-click on and use the item and you will now be able to use that title.

The easiest way to get to these women if you're over level 20 but don't have the Athen's teleport information is to teleport to Rome using the button on the right of your screen that looks like an arch, then walk outside Rome and go to Athens. If you're under 20, you'll have to walk there. You can auto-walk to any of the four women by opening up the quest log and selecting them at the top of the log (Pandora, Kleio, Calliope, or Thalia) and then clicking on 'Auto-move to NPC'. Be careful - you may run into mobs so take care when auto-walking! They're located at approximately (you'll have to move around a little, especially for Pandora) X:2090 Y:1104.

The last set of titles are only available by getting more fame points through Free League. The top few ranks are limited by a certain number of people who can have that title.

To choose your title, go to "My Info -> Character" and choose your title from the drop down menu of titles. You can switch your titles at any time, and it does not cost anything to do so. You start each day with no title selected - this is due to the buffs, see below.

Most titles give some sort of buff for a certain period of time. To activate the buff, simply go to "My Info -> Character" and choose your title as above. Your buff will instantly start for the specified period of time. You can only use the buff once per day, resetting at 6 AM PST. You cannot choose a title without activating the buff. However, if you've already used the buff for that day, you can still choose the title - it just won't give you the buff. When a buff is up, you will get a notice across your screen indicating this fact. You will still have that title selected and displayed until you change it. If you log out or dc while buffed, you will lose the buff. Buffs do not apply during Free League or Challenges. Free League titles do not have any buffs.

There are some additional notes at the end.

Format is Title name - Quest requirements - Information about the buff given. A monster's name and then a number to reach means you have to kill that number of monsters.



Title name Quest requirements

Number to reach Buff

Sea King's Guardian Crab Warrior 1000

Atk +3%, Def +15% for 50 min


Cubbie Fire Bear 2000

Atk +?%, Def +?% for 50 min

Sticky Starved Snail 2000

Atk +?%, Def +?% for 50 min

Anteater Worker Ant 2000

Atk +3%, Def +15% for 50 min

Tamer Cerberus 3000

Atk +?%, Def +?% for 50 min

In Sheep's Clothing Crazy Sheep 3000

Atk +?%, Exp +?% for 50 min

Flowery Red Carnivorous Plant 5000

Def +?% for 50 min

Puppeteer Alloy Doll Magician 5000

Atk +?% for 50 min

Mechanic Unfinished Machine 5000

Atk +?% for 50 min

Insect Collector Queen Wasp 5000

Def +?% for 50 min

Archaeologist Cursed Mummy 350

Atk +?%, Def +?% for 50 min

Ghostbuster Kakemaru 350

Atk +?%, Def +?% for 50 min

Exiled Nobleman Iron Doll Magician 10000

Atk +?%, Def +?%, Exp +?% for 40 min

Young Princess Desert Fox 10000

Atk +10%, Def +20%, Exp +5% for 40 min

Hunter Cannibal Deer 10000

Atk +?%, Def +?%, Exp +?% for 40 min

Flower Snake Hanahebi 10000

Atk +?%, Def +?%, Exp +?% for 40 min

King of Darkness Prison Tyrant 25000

Atk +?%, Def +?%, Exp +?% for 60 min

Corrupt White Knight 9999

Atk +?%, Def +?% for 40 min

Deathproof Use Mandragora 444

Def +50%, Exp +5% for 20 min

Smelling Stale Use Green Mold 777

Def +10% for 60 min

Treasure Hunter Use Ornate Treasure Map 500

Exp +20% for 40 min

Bookworm Exchange books with Goncourt 25000


Santa Claus Give a gift to beginner 1000

Atk +5%, Def +5%, Exp +25% for 30 min

Demonologist Use any scroll 9999

Atk +?%, Def +?%, Exp +?% for 30 min

Linguistic Genius Persuade Resident 20982

Exp +20% for 40 min




Title name Quest requirements

Number to reach Buff

Fishing Maniac Try Fishing 30000


Philanthropist Give a gift to a beginner 50

Exp +10% for 40 min

Gourmet Use Steak 500

Def +10% for 60 min

Gambler Exchange any item box with Gambler De Mere 9999


Shinobi Shadow Ninja 5000

Atk +18%, Def +15%, Exp +10% for 40 min

Mutant White Crocodile 5000

Atk +?%, Def +?%, Exp +?% for 40 min

Total Newbie Evil Sky Spirit 50

Atk +5 %, Def +5%, Exp +5% for 60 min

Smelling Flowery Use Chardin's Perfume 5

Atk +7%, Def +5% for 60 min

Heroic Soldier Cursed Soldier 888

Atk +?%, Def +?%, Exp +?% for 40 min

Jeweler Raise Ring skill to level 71


Performer Raise Action skill to level 71


Chef Craft Fish Stew 10

Workload +10% for 40 min

Executive Chef Raise Food skill to level 91

Atk +?%, Workload +?%, Exp +?%

Cursed Swordsman Cursed Sword Muramasa 1

Atk +11% for 60 min

Astrologer Lucky Wood Piece 5

Atk +17%, Def +20%, Exp +10% for 30 min




Title name/ Quest requirements

Number to reach Buff

Kind Provide help and earn credit 50

Exp +?% for 30 min

Fartman Use Barley Bimbimbap 500


Forgotten Use Secret Vial for Memory Loss 1

Atk +17%, Def +25%, Exp +15% for 30 min

Motivated Share Monster Info 150

Atk +10%, Def + 5%, Exp +1% for 60 min

Blessed Use Father's Holy Water 1

Atk +17%, Def +25%, Exp +15% for 30 min

Curious Strange Rock Shard 1

Def +15%, Exp +10% for 40 min





Title name / Quest requirements /

Number to reach Buff

Holy Knight Revelation: Honor 500

Atk +15%, Def +20%, Exp +5% for 40 min

Assassin Revelation: Death 500

Atk +20%, Def +15%, Exp +5% for 40 min

Priest Revelation: Chastity 500

Atk +?%, Def +?%, Exp +?% for 40 min

Alchemist Revelation: Truth 500

Atk +15%, Def +15%, Exp +10% for 40 min

Bard Revelation: Luck 500

Atk +20%, Def +20% for 40 min

Potion Addict Use Healing Potion [Low] 1000

Def +10% for 60 min

Smelling Fishy Mackerel Pike 1000

Def +10% for 60 min

Hand of God Enhance any item to Grade 10

Workload +10% for 40 min

Monster Expert Share Monster Info 100

Atk +10% for 60 min

Berserker Win a Battle with Power Up 100

Atk + 15%, Exp +5% for 20 min

Greedy Mercenary's Steel Box 100


Strategist Victory with more than 2 Mercenaries in unavailable status 1000


Destroyer Dismantle Destroyer's Sword 500

Atk +10%, Workload +3% for 60 min

Energizer - Use Eel 500

Atk +20%, Def +15%, Exp +5% for 40 min




Free League

Title name  Fame Points to reach


Soldier         Fame 10-199

Scout           Fame 200-499

Guard           Fame 500-999

Royal Guard Fame 1,000-1,999

Safeguard    Fame 2,000-4,999

Warrior         Fame 5,000-9,999

Knight          Fame more than 10,000

Sergeant      Fame more than 20,000, Top 50

Lieutenant   Fame more than 20,000, Top 30

Captain         Fame more than 20,000, Top 15

Colonel         Fame more than 20,000, Top 5

General        Fame more than 20,000, Top 1



Notes :

The Revelation: Noun items are in the game, and count as quest items. They look like skill reset books, and are non-tradeable (of course, as they are quest items).

You need to have one of the quests and then go fight mobs inside the Constantinople palace. You will get an item for that quest occasionally (like other quest drop items). YOU MUST HAVE THE QUEST IN ORDER TO GET THE ITEM. However, it will limit the drops you get of *other* things - such as quest items. You can always cancel the title quest at any time if you're not getting enough quest items for your normal quest and the revelation items will be left in your inventory. Just remember to pick up the title quest again from Calliope.

When there's just an item with a number, it means you have to turn those items into the NPC and you will lose them. However, you can buy them from the market instead of getting them yourselves if you so desire.

Some of the items are under "Skills -> Crafting -> Quests".

When you have to do something that can fail (fishing for the Fishing Maniac title, gambling equipment boxes for the Gambler title), it only counts if you succeed. For the gambling of boxes, each box you get back (even if it's multiple boxes at once) counts as one success.

Some of these may require you to re-do quests by using Secret of Time licenses - available on the market or by crafting licenses.

The Strange Rock Shard is the final reward from the Curious Scientist quest at level 74.

Chardin's Perfume is from the Discovering Great Perfume quest at level 52. It's needed to make the Secret Vial of Memory Loss and the Father's Holy Water, as well as for completing the Smelling Flowery title quest. To get more than one perfume, cancel the quest as soon as you receive the perfume, then speak with Chardin again. He will give you another perfume bottle. Cancel it again (and again, and again) until you have as many perfume bottles as you want. Get one more in order to continue the quest.

Secret Vial of Night is from the Exorcist Recruiting quest at level 57. It's needed to make the Secret Vial of Memory Loss. Like the Chardin's perfume above, you can get two of them at once (one to complete the quest, one to make the Secret Vial of Memory Loss) by canceling the quest as soon as you get the Secret Vial of Knight and then speaking with Citratus again and accepting the quest again.

Knight's Holy Water is from the Lady Knight Recruiting quest at level 95. It's need to make the Father's Holy Water. Like the Chardin's perfume above, you can get two of them at once (one to complete the quest line, one to make the Knight's Holy Water) by canceling the quest as soon as you get the Knight's Holy Water and then speaking with Janet again and accepting the quest again.

The Fish Stew is under quest crafting. It's used for the Navigator's Dream quest at level 73 and for the Dinosaur Master quest at level 88.

The Hand of God quest is for enhancing an item to grade 10, not enchanting an item to grade 10. That means you need to speak to Vulcanus in Rome and use enhance stones, not enchant stones. (See a guide on enhancing and enchanting for more details about this). THIS MEANS DO NOT MAKE TWO +9 ITEMS AND THEN ENCHANT THEM TOGETHER OR YOU WILL REGRET IT!!

Atlantica Quest

If you're doing the Demonologist title quest, do it early, before you hit 31, if you can. Scrolls are much cheaper at that level. Also, getting a bonus scroll in PVP does not count towards your quest number needed.

Mercenary steel boxes for the Greedy quest are only given by the wandering mercenaries you have to spend a lot of money on to get them to join your party (monks and vikings, specifically) - more than the 20k most mercenaries require. Go up to them with at least 100% will and greet them. Then offer them money as a gift - the cheapest amount seems to be 10,000 four times for the viking (for a total of 40,000) and 16,750 four times to the monk (for a total of 67,000) while your party is full. Artillerymen do not give steel boxes.

Winning a battle with at least two mercenaries in the unavailable status for the Strategist title means going to the formation window and unchecking one of the boxes for two of your mercenaries so they are 'ghosted out' during the battle and you can't use them. It does not mean the mercenary has to be unconscious, and you do not have to have more than two unavailable.

Persuading residents for the Linguistic Genius title means convincing the wandering residents to go to your town. You get a certain number of people for each of the wandering residents you convince - usually between 50 and 200 people. You cannot do this quest unless your guild owns a town.

You can only have one free league title at a time, and as your fame changes, so does which title you can choose - either up or down.

Currently, with the servers occasionally going down at random times, there's a strange bug where if you haven't completed a quest yet, you lose the things you had counted towards the completion for a certain period of time - it's almost a roll-back, but only for quests. These quests are affected by it, so be warned. You do NOT lose items, however.

I believe that's all. Please let me know if there's anything unclear or confusing!

Atlantica beginner guide
If you look the guide please comment
Akabane - argos - 9x


  • dubistblaudubistblau Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 274

    thanks for posting this man. now i have an idea on what to get and what am i going to acquire. anyway, if there's any possibilty that you're in argos, would you mind helping me in my quests? :D thanks!!!

  • felifefelife Member Posts: 96

    im inactive now on argos... my name is akabane can try pm me, on weekend im on... will be active again in 10 days (End of test on school) can comment my other guide too?


    thx and np =]

    Atlantica beginner guide
    If you look the guide please comment
    Akabane - argos - 9x

  • repapipsrepapips Member Posts: 450

    ah.. hows the economy in argos??? Im in mycanae, economy in mycanae is pretty good... the price  is regulated yo will hardly see overpriced items in mycanae...


  • felifefelife Member Posts: 96

    here are realy nice. some times the crystals be overpriced xD but it down fast

    Atlantica beginner guide
    If you look the guide please comment
    Akabane - argos - 9x

  • impaktoimpakto Member Posts: 314

    i think the economy is just right.. a lot of goods are sold at a very cheap price, maybe the players of argos wanna sell their items in a rush... a lot of items are at a good price.. very nice.. haha

  • felifefelife Member Posts: 96
    Originally posted by impakto

    i think the economy is just right.. a lot of goods are sold at a very cheap price, maybe the players of argos wanna sell their items in a rush... a lot of items are at a good price.. very nice.. haha


    in argos have less money/high levels than the others servers becouse of it is cheap some items and realy expensive others.

    Atlantica beginner guide
    If you look the guide please comment
    Akabane - argos - 9x

  • impaktoimpakto Member Posts: 314

    yeah and argos people are nice haha..


    no one there is bullying me haha

  • johnestradajohnestrada Member Posts: 4

    im getting the "gambler" titile right now.. i have to exchange 9999 boxes to gamler de mere.. at first i thought it was 9999 boxes, but i realized when i tried to exchange  the boxes, it has to be 9999 successful box exchange! woah!!! this will be hard because the box i gamble always disappear

  • impaktoimpakto Member Posts: 314

    can i get the philantropist and santa claus title at the same time? or i should repeat giving gifts again if i'l get the santa claus title?? haha

  • fotladufcifotladufci Member Posts: 3

    i had a quest before that i have to kill a boss, the quests are from 2 different NPCs and 2 different quests and when i killed the boss, the 2 quest from my quest log was "done" at the same time.. so i think that title quest of yours can be done at the same time...

  • GravargGravarg Member UncommonPosts: 3,424

    I just need the Revalation titles and General, and I will have them all!.  I'm currently ranked 2nd

  • HogemannHogemann Member Posts: 21

    "Strategist - Victory with more than 2 Mercenaries in unavailable status x 1000"

    Someone can tell me what "unavailable status" is? I couldn't figure out what is it ...

    Do I need to remove 2 mercs from my formation?


    edit: Forget about my question ... I'd read the post fully and got it ;)


  • GravargGravarg Member UncommonPosts: 3,424

    You now get buffs from titles, here's a list of almost all of them listed by the type of buff they give.  Generally, the higher level monster, or harder to attain the title the bigger the bonus you will receive for the buff.


    Attack Power / Defense / Experience

    Exiled Nobleman - Iron Doll Magician x 10000

    Young Princess - Desert Fox x 10000

    Flower Snake - Hanahebi x 10000

    King of Darkness - Prison Tyrant x 25000

    Priest - Revelation: Chastity x 500

    Demonologist - Use any scroll x 9999

    Alchemist - Revelation: Truth x 500

    Energizer - Use Eel x 500

    Shinobi - Shadow Ninja x 5000

    Mutant - White Crocodile x 5000

    Total Newbie - Evil Sky Spirit x 50

    Heroic Soldier - Cursed Soldier x 888

    Astrologer - Lucky Wood Piece x 5

    Forgotten - Use Secret Vial for Memory Loss x 1

    Motivated - Share Monster Info x 150

    Blessed - Use Father's Holy Water x 1



    Attack Power / Defense

    Sea King's Guardian - Crab Warrior x 1000

    Cubbie - Fire Bear x 2000

    Sticky - Starved Snail x 2000

    Anteater - Worker Ant x 2000

    Tamer - Cerberus x 3000

    Archaeologist - Cursed Mummy x 350

    Ghostbuster - Kakemaru x 350

    Corrupt - White Knight x 9999

    Deathproof - Use Mandragora x 444

    Smelling Flowery - Use Chardin's Perfume x 5

    Bard - Revelation: Luck x 500


    Attack Power / Experience

    In Sheep's Clothing - Crazy Sheep x 3000

    Berserker - Win a Battle with Power Up x 100


    Defense / Experience

    Curious - Strange Rock Shard x 1


    Attack Power

    Puppeteer - Alloy Doll Magician x 5000

    Mechanic - Unfinished Machine x 5000

    Monster Expert - Share Monster Info x 100

    Cursed Swordsman - Cursed Sword Muramasa x 1



    Flowery - Red Carnivorous Plant x 5000

    Insect Collector - Queen Wasp x 5000

    Gourmet - Use Steak x 500

    Smelling Stale - Use Green Mold x 777

    Smelling Fishy - Mackerel Pike x 1000

    Potion Addict - Use Healing Potion [Low] x 1000



    Treasure Hunter - Use Ornate Treasure Map x 500

    Linguistic Genius - Persuade Resident x 20982

    Philanthropist - Give a gift to a beginner x 50

    Kind - Provider help and earn credit x 50



    Hand of God - Enhance any item to [10] Grade

    Chef - Craft Fish Stew x 10


    Attack Power / Workload

    Destroyer - Dismantle Destroyer's Sword x 500

    Executive Chef - Raise Food skill to level 91


    No Buff

    Bookworm - Exchange books with NPC Goncourt x 25000

    Greedy - Mercenary's Steel Box x 100

    Gambler - Exchange any item box with NPC De Mere x 9999

    Fishing Maniac - Try Fishing x 30000

    Jeweler - Raise Ring skill to level 71

    Performer - Raise Action skill to level 71

    Fartman - Use Barley Bimbimbap x 500

  • impaktoimpakto Member Posts: 314

    i dont get the buff part.. what is the buff effect of every title? where can you see it?


    and how can there is only a short span of time for that buff?

  • GravargGravarg Member UncommonPosts: 3,424
    Originally posted by impakto

    i dont get the buff part.. what is the buff effect of every title? where can you see it?
    and how can there is only a short span of time for that buff?


    If you open up your character menu (where you set your title) and after setting the title you go to the tab that says effect info, it will list all effects on your character.  Most of the buffs follow the guideline where it buffs a single attribute it will give 15%.  2 atributes it will give 10%, and 3 attributes will give only 5%.  there are exceptions, some of the harder to get titles will give you 10% to 3 attributes.

  • jomariylannajomariylanna Member Posts: 3

    hey I just got my "Hand Of God" title.. i have succesfuly enhanced a +10 spirit spear hahaha... what i did is i bought four +7 spears from the market then enchanted it up to +9.. after that i went to Vulcanus to enhance it and with pure luck, it was successful

  • romydiazromydiaz Member Posts: 3
    Originally posted by Gravarg

    Originally posted by impakto

    i dont get the buff part.. what is the buff effect of every title? where can you see it?
    and how can there is only a short span of time for that buff?


    If you open up your character menu (where you set your title) and after setting the title you go to the tab that says effect info, it will list all effects on your character.  Most of the buffs follow the guideline where it buffs a single attribute it will give 15%.  2 atributes it will give 10%, and 3 attributes will give only 5%.  there are exceptions, some of the harder to get titles will give you 10% to 3 attributes.


    are the effects of the buffs also effective on PvP or in Free League? or they are just usable on monsters?

  • ktesedalektesedale Member Posts: 2

    Hey guys!  I'm the original author of the guide, and there's an updated version on the main forum and the Atlantica Online Players site.  The AOP site is by far the easiest to read, and will likely be the first one updated with any new info/changes.  I explained a bit more about the buffs there, too.  :)

  • impaktoimpakto Member Posts: 314
    Originally posted by Gravarg

    I just need the Revalation titles and General, and I will have them all!.  I'm currently ranked 2nd


    hey grav is this for real? no. 2 where? what server?

    hahah rank 2 for? the whole of the game? haha

  • totoatienzatotoatienza Member Posts: 4

    are these buffs permanent? or it has a limited time effect? if its permanent, then it would be great!! and i hope that it can be used in the Free League!!

  • ktesedalektesedale Member Posts: 2

    They're temporary - anywhere from 20 min to 60 min.  And no, they are not used in challenges or Free League.  No clue if they're active in KJ/Nation war, though.

  • felifefelife Member Posts: 96
    Originally posted by totoatienza

    are these buffs permanent? or it has a limited time effect? if its permanent, then it would be great!! and i hope that it can be used in the Free League!!


    its only about one hour... some only 15 minutes... depends on buff ... well you can only use the buff of each title one time per day.

    Atlantica beginner guide
    If you look the guide please comment
    Akabane - argos - 9x

  • felifefelife Member Posts: 96

    Buffs bonus  updated

    Atlantica beginner guide
    If you look the guide please comment
    Akabane - argos - 9x

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